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LIKE A RIVER && growth development. - Printable Version

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LIKE A RIVER && growth development. - OWEN. - 10-14-2018

Owen had woken up to sore muscles, a tight space, and way too much cold air on his body. When he had woken up, he noticed how his body seemed a bit longer, and the nest no longer fit to his smaller size.

Slowly, Owen stood up, the head of trees in his sight as he ruffled through everything. Why was he so big? Jesus christ.

//rushed but he's 10 ft tall now and about.. 3,000 lbs. probably more, havent decided on how heavy yet but hes huge.


Re: LIKE A RIVER && growth development. - Masie - 10-14-2018

Masie had one designated sleeping place, one that some may consider weird since she was so small and infants typically should sleep in their nest. Instead of within greenery? The two month old raptor always waited out anyone she had to in order to she could fall asleep on top of Owens neck, so that was the spot she could be found every morning. Considering that she had done this every day for two months, the infant was used to the sight she woke up to when Owen stood up to start his day. However, today was something different, her head over the side of his neck seemed to perceive the ground as much further away. "BACK! BACK! BACK!" she didn't want to be this high! Masie wanted to be back at the normal height, where she knew it was safe to run along his back and jump off his lowered tail. Chirping out that word, Masie would scramble all over Owens back, head lashing around.

Re: LIKE A RIVER && growth development. - Grey - 10-14-2018

Being a ragdoll was something he thought he'd never get used to. He supposed his size didn't reflect his combat ability but from time to time, his smallness still bothered him. Although there was a good number of members who roamed within a feline body, Bakugou noticed there was a good number of pirates who were dragons, big cats, canines or some other kind of mythical or extinct creature like a gryphon or a raptor. He was small and part of him felt a little jealous. Even Kirishima was a dragon - much, much bigger than the Reaver. If he wasn't careful, he could be stepped on. But Bakugou doesn't let himself hang up over these things. He knows that will size comes sacrificed speed and agility. It offers more strength but the ragdoll's fighting techniques focused on vantage points and finding ways to adapt. Larger foes were easier to adapt against than smaller and more nimbler creatures. The larger you were, the bigger your target on your back. But he supposes, when it comes to Owen, he had smaller raptors by his size. Well, not exactly small but size was a big disadvantage to anyone who wanted to face Owen alone...for Owen was seemingly never alone.

It's not difficult either to see Owen protruding like the trees, head literally in the clouds. He's never really wanted to be insanely tall. Bakugou has always been content with being the average height because it was an in-between when it came to the advantages of being small or tall. It let him be more flexible. Regardless, he thought Owen's exceeding height to be rather amusing. A big body for a big head. He knew Owen to be a bit of narcissist. He doesn't trust the raptor trainer. The Reaver raises a figurative brow. Teleporting to a nearby branch to get higher up. He would rather not shout. "Aren't you high and mighty?" he snarks, flicking an ear at the male, "Careful. Ya might roll over and crush all your raptors... though that sounds like somethin' that'd give me a good laugh." His eyes then flicker towards the baby raptor who was screeching and clambering along Owen's body. The male snorts at the child's panic, caring little about the vermin - it was her fault for existing. "Looks like she might fall. I always wondered what a dead raptor would look like."

Re: LIKE A RIVER && growth development. - darci - 10-15-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 12pt; text-align: justify;"]Lacking any powers, he could be easily labeled as helpless or defenseless. While that could have been so in another's eyes, Victor could get pretty down and dirty if he absolutely needed to. With that being the case, he had never possessed the ability nor desire to change into anything other than who he was. It felt almost wrong to change bodies, let alone the thought of doing so. His body was, well, him. It was who he was and what held the DNA that made him related to his beloved family. In the long run, Victor would never dream of turning into someone else. Sure, against a dinosaur or a dragon would he lose the fight, but he would loose it with dignity. It sounded cheesy, sure, but that was how he saw it. Being such a large size only meant that Owen had to be more cautious about his surroundings in order not to step on anyone or destroy everything. That was a precaution Victor felt would become rather draining and tiresome after awhile.

Where a small crowd had former, it was a fact that Victor would not be too far behind. He always gravitated towards groups for he was a social butterfly. Blue eyes cast a look at the baby raptor as he stood beside Bakugou. He jested in his head that he would throw the ragdoll at the raptor to distract it while he ran if things went south. While he thought that, he was not so heartless and horrible to do such a thing.  "How are you going to fit through a doorway? Though I'm sure if you did one limb at a time you could do it."

Re: LIKE A RIVER && growth development. - OWEN. - 10-15-2018

It was a fact that Masie had almost always curled up against his neck when he slept, close against her father as she waited for the moment when he woke up. Owen himself didn't like his large size either, it made him slower, but the thing about being indominus rex was that he could go from bipedal to walking on four legs at any moment. His tail was a deadly weapon, and the spines along his back were a deadly defense mechanism for when someone went for his back and shoulders. A barrel roll usually took care of those who did that.

When he heard the familiar, cocky voice of Bakugou, Owen shifted his large head to look at the ragdoll through his only amber eye, lowering himself to the ground for Masie to jump off of him safely. With a snort of amusement, Owen rolled his eye. "Listen, man. I don't like being this big, but I'm pretty sure the moment someone fucks with my kids, and I walk out, they'll probably shit themselves." Owen rumbled, settling back down to lay comfortably on the ground.

At Victor's question about doorways, Owen shrugged his shoulders. That was a good question. "Normally I just watch from the window. Hopefully I get my original form back soon. I hope I'll only have to use this form in battle." Owen replied, his tail thumping against the ground idly, rattling the floor in the process.


Re: LIKE A RIVER && growth development. - Masie - 10-15-2018

Masie could hear that noise, even if she didn't really understand the words within the noise was something she disliked as Baku spoke. Currently, she was too occupied with getting down to really do anything about her dislike for his noise, but that would eventually change. Owen lowered himself, adjusting his larger body so she could scamper off, running a few circles on the ground around him to right herself. Clearly running on top of a living creature? Was different from the ground which she could be rougher with and often needed to be rougher with considering her small size.

Once the raptor had her feet back underneath of her? The small raptor rammed herself into the tree Baku had teleported up into, though this action was easily mistakable for her general clumsiness as an infant. However, what would not be able to be mistook was the action she took whenever he next spoke. Even if she didn't know what he had said exactly, but she didn't like his noise since the comment about seeing a dead raptor. Masie would leap at the tree, sinking her claws into it, bringing her hind legs up but not realizing she'd have to move her arms too, tumbling back to the ground. Angrily she righted herself, ran back underneath Owen and hissed out at the male in the trees. Clearly, she would never be capable of climbing tree's like cats or such, but it was clear that she could in some way grip them to get higher than someone who simply jumped at them. Of course, considering how heavy she would get as an adult, eventually she'd likely lose that ability. "Noise, Back!" ever since being corrected by Delta few days before? Masie had used Back for anything she wanted something to move in the direction of backwards or if she wanted it returned to where it had been before.

Re: LIKE A RIVER && growth development. - Luciferr - 10-15-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
"Ah so i'm now not the only giant amidst the Typhoon" a drawling voice called out stepping from the dark forests with a raised brow, moving to draw up next the group before inclining his head "Snap" he deadpanned, seeing their even height difference "Though maybe my horns cheat the ratio a little" they did ad at least a foot given their arrangement which couldn't be helped but otherwise they were an even height.

"at least I'm not the only taxi anymore" he joked - though, still the only air taxi much to his /maybe slightly exaggerated but he'll never admit it/ chagrin and his eyes flickered to victor with a snort "well I manage fine enough with living beyond doors" though he lived in a cave and did possess a much less used form that was smaller but still 5 feet - he did briefly direct an irate glance to bakugou's comments considering the officer had his own raptor children to worry after currently running about.

"I see you've also gained another" he motioned to Maisie as they'd yet to be introduced - another raptor and idly he wondered if his own would get along better with this one than Owen's older ones.


Re: LIKE A RIVER && growth development. - OWEN. - 10-15-2018

With a grin of amusement, Owen watched as Masie tried to scrabble up the tree Bakugou had sat in, his tail waving around in circles before he sat back up, the spines on his back quivering in the wind as he lifted Masie up a little bit, careful of her fear of heights.

Then, he heard a voice. A sweet, wonderful voice that filled his auditory glans with a sense of glee that had him turning way too quickly for his own preference. "Luci!" The indominus rex greeted the dragon with a click of happiness, his usual cocky mood taking a full shift now that the other male was here. With a quick glance down at Masie, Owen let a soft babble leave his throat. "Name Luci." Owen introduced the dragon to the child, his quills shivering, dangerous and sharp, but he would make sure she didn't get hurt if she climbed onto him.

"Her name is Masie. She imprinted on me when she hatched as an egg.." Owen rumbled, sitting up to show off his child proudly. She was beautiful, basked in browns that only resembled the beautiful sands of the desert. "Luci friend." He chided the young girl, trying to draw her attention away from the ragdoll hidden in the tree.


Re: LIKE A RIVER && growth development. - Masie - 10-15-2018

Why couldn't she get up that tree! Masie wanted to make sure he couldn't make awful noises anymore, by jumping on his throat, it was how she shut up mice, it should work. Only, Baku was out of her range, and she couldn't get anymore than about three feet or so up the tree no matter how much she jumped and scrambled. Briefly, she started crying in distress at the tree, wanting it to go away so she could make sure that the other animal never made bad noises again, but the tree was going no where. After about a full minute of a full blown baby raptor temper tantrum over the exist of the tree? She relenented, with reluctance and a hiss in the direction of Baku up in the tree, stamping her feet against the ground briefly. Even with Owens help, she wasn't going to be able to stamp out his noise today.

The swift turn caused Masie to flatten herself against Owens muzzle, remaining down for several seconds afterwards, blinking as she tried to figure out why he turned so swiftly. For some strange reason, father seemed to be very happy. "Luci" she chittered out the name he had spoken, tilting her head to the side as she stood up tall, evulating curiously. He kept speaking, but she was expressing her own curiosity and opinions, his orders were absolute, but she was allowed to think for herself which would eventually make her very clever.

Eventually making her decision and opinion? Masie stumbled a step forward to lean her body forward and leap from Owen to Luci, tumbling subtly as she landed on the dragon.

Re: LIKE A RIVER && growth development. - Grey - 10-16-2018

He rolls his eyes, unsure if Owen was being serious or attempting to threaten him not to hurt his children because Bakugou was clearly not shitting himself. But, then again, anyone would know that the ragdoll probably wouldn't attempt to injure the prehistoric reptiles himself. He would rather not have anything to do with them and he gets the feeling that, although feral, they counted like any other member of The Typhoon. Hurting them would therefore not be an option for the Reaver. This doesn't stay in his mind for long though because he begins to feel a growing shadow approaching, ears suddenly prick on high alert when the familiar rumble of Luciferus appears. As always, the old creature speaks with an unattainable nonchalance. Despite the calmness, he feels eyes watching him - eyes that radiate a negative aura. Well, he can't help it that he hates the raptors. One of them had, after all, attacked him and he wasn't going to let that go. Bakugou was the type to hold grudges and with his closing mastery on his abilities, he is more than willing to injure and fight them again. This time, he knows he will win - perhaps even kill them in the name of self defense.

Regardless, after hearing the two speak about having reptilian children, the male decides to take his leave. There's no other reason for him to be here speaking to giants, deciding to take his leave by teleporting off his branch and walking home.