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CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray panthera hybrid with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
There were many new faces that Pincher had seen yet had not been able to getting around into knowing. Maybe it was his fault that he wasn't getting out more but the dark ash gray male was busy. Alongside planning the raid on the Pitt and searching up possible solutions for the ghost activity that had suddenly picked up, Pincher was trapped in his submarine for quite a while. He didn't really like it but knew it was time for him to gather everyone and hopefully get to know them better than he did now. Unlike his father, Pincher enjoyed getting to know who someone was and what they were like. He supposed it was because it held him get to figure out what everyone would like if they held similarities. The broad-shouldered figure tugged softly on the large logs that he was setting in place on the beach of Barracuda Bay, letting out a grunt as he let go of the rope to watch one log fall onto the pile. Once he set enough of them, he sucked in a small breath and focused on using his fire elemental powers. He hardly used it and it took a while but scorching blue flames began to blossom from the air in front of him and he managed to control it well enough to shoot it into the pile of logs to watch a fire grow out of it.

With a sigh of relief that he hadn't accidentally set himself on fire, the Captain headed towards the tavern as the wildcat had heard that there were some bags of marshmallows to make smores as well as chocolate and graham crackers. Once he had grabbed enough, the sleek cinder gray immortal headed back to see that the fire had grown a decent size and he was glad to see that some members had already set down towels and blankets for everyone to lay down on. "Everyone gather around for a meet and greet...with s'mores!" Pincher settled down and found a skewer and impaled a marshmallows, pushing it into the fire while he decided to begin. "Alright just say your name, some stuff about you like for example, name's Pincher, my favorite color is gold. I can do origami and I was born here on Paradis Island. I also speak about ten languages although my main ones are English and Romanian and French." Once his marshmallow had become hot enough, he pulled it out and bit into it, surprised on how good it tasted. He had only had s'mores once as a child and he realized how delicious it tasted as the male turned to wait for others to introduce themselves.

( hey everyone, welcome to the typhoon !! my name is cheeters but feel free to call me cheets or jay! i am 19yrs old, a gemini and i am hondurena! some stuff about me is that i want to become an ER nurse / major in nursing. i enjoy drawing, working out, hiking, and trying out new things asdfs. i've been playing pincher since the beginning of BoB. i would state some hobbies and such but afja i'm too distracted watching parks and rec while posting (a fav show of mine yEET). i've been roleplaying/writing since 2014? and my favorite color is mint green and my personality type is INFJ / "The Advocate". if you want to plot or chat, feel free to pm me or dm me on discord > #cheeters#4766 )

Re: MISTER SANDMAN — MASS MEET & GREET - rhosmari - 10-09-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]FILL ME UP WITH NOVOCAINE AND NOW I'M JUST NUMB — 。+゚.[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]Pink purple eyes blinked once, then again as the image of something suddenly bursting with brilliant light came across his blurry vision. He had no idea what it was as he hadn't been close enough to tell but he figured it was something important. Anything with a light that big had to be important. It was showy and flashy so why not go and investigate. The pale creature hadn't been in the Typhoon for too long and already he was enjoying what he could see of it. The sights, smells, and even sounds were appealing to him and he could always hear the backdrop of the waves as they pushed and pulled against the sands, seagulls that screamed and attempted to eat anything within their sights. It was brilliant but more so he guessed he was enjoying the constant babble of the community. Being along for so long he had a hard time adjusting to it but after a while he realized how badly he craved being around others. It hit him hard and just being able to wake up and hear voices near by was like a hungry shock to his system. Taking a deep breath in and releasing it in a sudden burst of hissing air through his teeth the canine started to slowly make his way over. Rather he bumped into some rocks or not he didn't really react to. He'd learned long ago he would make mistakes and he just ignored it, brushing it off as just a one time thing. Though he knew he might just make the same mistake again. It was inevitable but he'd soon learn the terrain.

Focusing more on where he was going the canine's eyes squinted as a voice began to rise up over the sands. Heat began to flex across his wiry built frame and the doberman paused for just a moment. Fire? His muzzle twitched and he had an urge to back up all of a sudden but he remained where he was as he listened to Pincher speak up about himself. Oh, this was one of sessions. Slowly his ears pulled back against his skull and he couldn't recall if he had been to one before. Memories were lost to the dog save for vague formations of family and connections that he just took and rolled with. It was the only reason he was here now and so he rolled his gaze as he moved forward, head held down low as he noticed a long smudge against the sand. What? Lifting a paw he lightly dabbed at it to feel fabric under his pink pawpad and he chuckled to himself. Just a blanket. With that figure out he just slumped his pearlescent form on the blanket, crossing long forelegs over one another as he gazed toward the burning logs. He had made sure to keep himself some distances away. And when Pincher stopped speaking the male picked up after him. "I'm Latterday and I just moved here. I like to knit but I crochet sometimes too and usually I do it to keep my mind busy. I have a terrible sweet tooth so if anyone bakes here I'd love to try some of your creations. My favorite color is peach though it's been a long time since I've gotten to see it." He wouldn't express the fact that he was a vampire as he didn't think it was needed but he could smell the sweet scent of marshmallow on the breeze...mmmmm.

-- hello, hi, my name is persia but i go by pers or val. i'm old as dirt and i'm a capricorn. my favorite season is fall and winter because for some reason i love the cold. i'm a hermit but you can catch me in the discord from time to time as i'm working on talking there more. i'm always open for talking and for plotting so don't be afraid to hmu. i promise i don't bite. i've been rping since like....i think 2010 and it's been a long road to here. i'm really excited to be in the typhoon and to plot with everyone and it's lovely to meet all of you. now i'm off to play warframe with my bff. --

Re: MISTER SANDMAN — MASS MEET & GREET - no more - 10-10-2018

[align=center][div style="width:450px; font-size:7.9pt;line-height:1.2;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:.5px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Crackling, haze of sound broken by periodic pops, slow but steady the destruction of fuel, eaten by flames bearing a colour not its own. Pretty all the same, wreaths of blue flickering and dancing, paling until its heart bore the pale tone of white, within almost images. Dark eye moved across it, following each tendril of flame as it arose for little more than the beat of a few moments, dying once more with a shower of sparks. They held no experience with such things, found little necessary where it came to interacting with flame, unpredictable and dangerous no matter the charms of it. Yet might one not speak the same of the waves, backdrop of sound, the murmur of it as it rose upon the sand only to be drawn back, mournful sound as they it sought something cast upon the beach beyond where it might touch.

Familiar voice, given a volume higher than any sound about it, simplistic structure to each word. Attention focused upon the one to speak, name caught within web of entangled thoughts, for a brief moment confusion upon dark features before they cleared, slight frown taking hold. Slight was the recollection of their connection, one through blood though they had never permitted the word to pass their lips, to the child this man before them was less father and more Captain, given respect and admiration. The next was unfamiliar, voice raising to fill the space before silence settled, similar words if modified, made to fit him.

And what of them, what little fact still held place within their mind. Close as they might dare Sil settled by Pincher, still some good distance leaving them separate, gaze flicking from fire to the wildcat, wondering for a time what he thought. “I am... Sil,” lacking, wrong in ways they struggled to explain as though cut off from the rest, a segment of something more. Brief twist of a grimace, head ducking before voice rose once more, softer now. “I like gold and... knives.” Stuttering words, starting and stopping as they pondered over the minimal they were left with, base facts that would mean nothing to any other.

( hey i'm grimm but feel free to call me cy, 20 and from the land down under. my favourite colour is maroon and i adore spring, along with that i knit and sketch in my spare time with plans on writing up a few different stories i would love to one day get published, but besides that i adore cooking and trying out new things. i've been rping since 2010 or so though i started writing a little earlier then that. if you ever want to talk feel free to hit me up here or on discord, Grimm#0186 )

Re: MISTER SANDMAN — MASS MEET & GREET - Grey - 10-10-2018

Meet and greets have never really been Bakugou's thing. Learning the names of others proved more difficult than memorising cue cards or brainstorming different techniques to go about in battle. It was simply too hard to match a face to a name when he cared so little about it. It was far too easy to let words dwindle and morph about within his mind. Their noises go through one ear and leave the other, more disjointed and intertwined than before. And yet the Reaver had always seemed to cope. Other than the fact that he will openly reveal he has no idea who the other he is talking to was, often at times he didn't even need to say the other's name because there was only one person he was talking to. Other times it would be another pirate's convenient slip of the subject's name. Regardless, Bakugou found it easier to attach certain feelings, opinions and emotions to another's face rather than their name. It makes more sense to him and it worked far better than squabbling over specific noises, trying to stretch his brain to remember when he needed it most.

There were, of course, always the exceptions. They were the ones who stood out from the usual lowlights, basked within more limelight than was needed that caught Bakugou's attention as either threats to his position, worth putting the extra effort to, or annoying enough for their name to just stick against him. They were the ones in which he remembered their names. And yet here he was, hearing the call from Captain Pincher to gather. He pays no particular mind to the s'mores, not necessarily a fan of sweet things, when he sits down and uncurls his firey tail behind him. Sooner than later, he begun to see other faces appear - rippling within the blurred mass of creatures approaching the same concentrated area, like spinning energy at the start of a whole new universe. It felt distorting to look at them all, the uniqueness which spread across all their faces and Bakugou, almost forgetting, reminded himself that he had been in a coma for twelve days. Far too many things can happen within the span of a week. The entirety of The Typhoon could change in the span of a fortnight.

His ears drop, folding against his cranium in distaste when he realises this gathering's purpose. A meet and greet, a dreaded and awful meet and greet. Though it seems useful that he attends one, he knows he's not going to remember it all. Then there is the struggle of trying to figure out what to say at his turn, flicking his attention to each speaker and trying to note what they were saying. Name, favourite colour, and something else. "Bakugou Katsuki," the Reaver begins, agitation spread across his cream face. The ragdoll has always introduced him in the traditional Japanese manner - surname first, then his first name. The only one who ever really called him 'Katsuki' was Kirishima, but it was partly because Bakugou had begun calling his friend 'Eijirou'. It was a...friendly gesture, wasn't much. "But I'd rather just be called Bakugou and I don't have a favourite colour." Favourite colours, numbers, dates and times weren't exactly important to the fire-breathing male. "I do like spicy food though. Not a fan of sweets."

[ ooc ] howdy, my name's grey (or tsundegrey on discord) but i also accept cecil. i'm 17 and graduating in literally eight days and i'm excited to be completely done with high school in about a month from now. i've been roleplaying since 2011 and i've been roleplaying bakugou since july 27 so not that long. i have the tendency to be completely absorbed in other activities whilst writing up my posts (and therefore take forever or never post) and i'm also the type of person to open every thread in a million tabs and slave through posting that way. i've been keeping check of my mbti since i first discovered it in 2013 and i am the intj. one thing i want to do in life is that i want to do biotechnology with a focus on gene therapy.

Re: MISTER SANDMAN — MASS MEET & GREET - ikaia - 10-10-2018

IKAIA | current track ♪ | current shape: oncilla | engaging. . . | [Image: zgR219p.png]
The warm crackle of fire and the taste of smoke and chocolate in the air drew the lean feline over.  Brightly, his chocolate orbs gleamed, dancing in the flames.  A friendly boy by nature, Ikaia did not mind the social activity.  Unfortunately, a high likelihood of the child forgetting most names existed.  Faces easy.  Names not so much.  Even as the youth prepared a few s'mores and thought up what to say, names began fizzling out of his brain.  Captain Pincher... Latte? Latter? Latter... Sil, at least that's short.  Baku... Oh gee.

"I'm Ikaia," the boy offers, bouncing, cheerful tones.  Paws absently kneading the blanket beneath him.  "I don't mind Kai for short and... My favorite color is sea-green." Very specific.  Hadn't even known the color before pale eyes had met his own. Very pretty.  What was something he could do?  His brows creased sharply, trying to fixate on something.  Still learning.  Discovering. "I know how to sail.  I like it a lot, really.  Aand... I speak Hawaiian as well as English." Hopefully enough.  Wasn't like he'd had an eventful life before he sailed to the Typhoon.  He wanted to eat more s'mores.

[ hey y'all, I'm pluto or plu or whatever if you feel like shortening an already short name c; I'm 19 and a college freshman.  I'm a little new to the roleplaying world, but I've been writing since forever.  My favorite color is navy and my favorite season is winter because Texas is hot every other time of year. I'm excited to get into the game and get to know all y'all while I'm here ;p ]
( you are the dawn of a new day that's waking, a masterpiece still in the making )



the flickering, luminescent flames jump and leap high in all their glory. crackling embers. unstoppable. a beautifully destructive force of nature. it's glow against the starkness of the dark is haunting. sharp and crisp, it breaks up thr outline of sable, inky blackness. she can feel it's warmth. she can feel it's quiet power. power. just like her.

exodus is absolutely enchanted, her gaze held captive to it and it alone, rather than the forms drawn and clustered tightly around it

it is only her and the fire in that moment. a battle of wills. she can onlt hear her heart pumping a tandem loudly, steadily within the confines of her ivory ribcage. it is only when the wafting smell of food drags her back from her dizzying trance. yes, food. it is what she has come here for-- it is one of the primary thing that the uncultured gal will ever be driven by, her whole life. the same frenzied, wild energy and need that thrums in her wild blood. as real as the lethality that settles heavy in her growing frame.

uncivilized, uncowed by the presence of the far more intellectual creatures, exodus struts into the clearing as if she were born to be there. no fear marks her young, untamed gaze of honey and amber.

muscles in her neck flexing, the huntress darts forward with exemplary speed, her head and jaws sharp, swift and cutting as they dip to snatch a smore with ease. she is dismissive but never unmindful of the creatures around her. she has been raised around their kind-- has grown used enough to them to never display discomfort, but she will never regard them with care in her impish eyes.

the marshmallow and crackers crumbles in her mouth, and the chocolate melts just as easily. determining it is not filling enough, the youth snags more, greed addling her primitive brain. she tells herself she needs more, despite the bitter tang of chocolate in her throat and its unsatisfactory taste.

/ Yo I'm spacey. My birthday is June 21st. I've been rping since 2012?? Maybe even before that, if you count all my shenanigans on animal jam :p I am an aspiring zoologist. I'm also a Cancer. My fav movies are the Aristocrats. I love watching Daredevil and the Flash. I have 3 siblings, and that's about it ^^


[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]
Marshmallows? He'd pass. Feliks didn't understand them, how could something made up of animal fat look so fluffy and white? It was human black magic, and with that rare superstition the gryphon would approach, avoiding the grumbling of an empty stomach. Damn, he should've gotten something from today's hunt before being so close to an open fire. Skepticism rising in a cautious gaze as he stared down the vicious s'mores, Feliks barely paid attention to the stories of others before crafting his own for the campfire. Hmm... where to start? "Name's Feliks," his gruff call came... yeah, that was good. "My favourite colour is pink,". Always has been, he liked the vibrant, wicked hipster type of pink that looked hot with anything. "I'm fluent in Polish and English, kinda lost a lot of my original traditions living in these sort of places... even the accent's died down so most don't notice,". It was because of that that the male rarely mentioned his origins.

"Outside of languages and colours and all of that fancy shit, I don't really have many hobbies. Old leg injury stops me from doing sportsy stuff, so you'll most likely see me walking about or fighting. I like uh...". Damn, it was so easy to talk about how awesome he was, but why did it feel so shallow now? He truly had no hobbies, no passions, he was just a whisper in the wind. How tragic. "I like speaking my mind, I have a thing for collecting inanimate objects and I also now am associated with a crow called Loki. I kinda really like birds, got no choice since I am one, both in body and in heart. CAW CAW!".

/ hey, i'm pyro, also known as vexxy c:
i'm an 18 year old student currently working towards a career in mechanical engineering, and i'm a bit of a roleplaying vet since i've been doing it for 8 years haha. i'm from the uk and spend most of my days playing video games and avoiding study but i also have a part time job so i'm a bit of a busy bee which is why is may seem to have usa-centric times roleplaying (either in the morning or like right now, past midnight heh). i have a terrible sleep schedule and i'm super introverted but i'm super chilled out so if anyone wants to chat i'm always here. outside of education, i love learning about the world and psychology and have an interest in foreign affairs && history, so i'm a bit of a nerd :3
/ also rushed because a migraine just kicked in oof

Re: MISTER SANDMAN — MASS MEET & GREET - darci - 10-11-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 12pt; text-align: justify;"]For the most part, Victor knew most of the faces around here. He was quick to learn names, but creating any friends, well, he was trying. The husky knew his group mates only as acquaintances and not much more. It made him a bit sad seeing as that was the same for quite a few around here. Maybe he needed to try harder? Either way, time would only tell. Back home in Alaskan, relationships were everything. He had a strong, loving connection with his parents and his brother and sister. Being a mama's boy, Victor had a happy, normal childhood. He had the type older, broody brother and the happy and clumsy younger sister. While they all came from the same litter, they always fought over who was the oldest. They all settled on his brother being the oldest, Victor second, and his sister third.

Arriving at the scene, his attention was instantly snatched by the sight of food. While he knew to stay away from the chocolate, Victor saw now harm in eating the crackers and marshmallows. Quickly, he whipped up a couple for himself and ate them within a matter of moments. They sure did taste good. It was a shame he could not add chocolate, but he did not feel like getting sick at this particular moment. "Nice to meet everyone! I'm Victor and I'm from the wonderful state of Alaska. I use to be a sled dog until I got injured. As for languages, Russian is my native language, though I'm not as fluent since it's been a few years." As for hobbies and such, the dog really did not have any. Maybe he needed to hop on that.

(hello! i'm darcia, or you can go by my rl name hayley. i have been rping since 2011. as of now, i am a freshmen in college and plan on going to medical school to become either a surgeon or a psychiatrist (haven't made up my mind yet). i live on a ranch in oklahoma where we raise cattle and horses and i barrel race and rope whenever i have to opportunity. despite not having any time thanks for college, i love playing video games and watching movies. my favorite movies are anything marvel and disney and my favorite video games are dragon age, fallout, red dead, and the witcher. my favorite color is a mix between blue and green and my favorite season is fall.)

Re: MISTER SANDMAN — MASS MEET & GREET - purgatory - 10-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width:60%;font-family:arial;font-size:11px;text-align:justify;line-height:150%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:-0.5px;"]Cronas didn't particularly care for talking about themselves as they weren't very interesting. They weren't going to act like they were intersting either. Could they act? They never thought about it. Seemed pointless but they suppose they could explore this should they find the time... In other words, if they don't forget. Talking about themselves was never something that crossed their mind but as the sweet smell of roasted marshmallows twirled around their nostrils, they suddenly had a change of heart. Before they knew it, they had seated themselves beside Victor, watching curiously as he heated up a marshmallow and popped it into his mouth after he introduced himself. If they were understanding this correctly, if they spoke about themselves, they'd be allowed to eat? They had no qualms about that but to be rewarded for such a small task... Surely Pincher was being too kind.

After memorizing everyone's names, the child spoke. "Cronas is Cronas." They first introduced themselves with a dip of their head, pale eyes focused on the bag of marshmallows. Alright, halfway done. What else should they say? Again, they weren't very interesting nor have they done anything worth noting. "Cronas likes the colour blue and food. Cronas also likes learning about everything" They finished, reaching for a marshmallow. They would also add those three things so far are the only things they feel any genuine positive feelings for, but that would only delay them from eating. Something they cannot have. "Cronas will eat now." They added, mostly to themselves as they took a bite of the treat.

{{ hello! i'm raiden and first and foremost, i'm not good at these things. but uhh, i'll give it a go ig?? so uh, i've been roleplaying for a hot minute now, dating back to late 2011, early 2012. i always loved to draw and make characters and my child brain was completely blown away by the fact that i could play them?? and interact with other characters others make?? yes please. anyways, i adore science and anything and everything to do with science. my dream job is to become an aerospace engineer (*wink wonks @ nasa*) but if that doesn't work, my back up career is to be a forensic toxicologist. tbh though, i'm head-over-heels for any job that is science based. i'm currently learning french and in the future, japanese and possibly korean. i also play three characters: cronas, who is an emotionless sociopath with an almost frightening desire to learn and eat anything that could be considered food, renegadeanthem in tanglewood who is an ex-murder going through an identity and existential crisis as he tries to figure out if who he is and who he was differs from who he wants to be, and little maekoda in the rosebloods who's the embodiment of pestilence despite not knowing he is one of the four horsemen as he energetically and optimistically runs rampant through life, unaware of the fact his sick body harbours all known illnesses. i'm not good at anything remotely social so hopefully this will suffice (^^ゞ i'm also a pisces and infp so that's a thing ig also purple, black and gold are rad colours


Owen hadn't heard of a mass introduction before, but he was pretty sure that he had his chance to get to know his fellow pirates here. So, the massive indominus rex moved slowly, careful not to step on anyone, before he introduced himself with a smile on his face.

"Hiya! The name's Owen Grady. I'm originally from the Ascendants, but I came here because those star fucks were annoying. Uh, I've got another form, but I'm stuck in this one, so deal. I have five daughters. You'll really only see two of them around; Masie and Delta, whom are both feral raptors. I'm a raptor tamer, or something. Whatever." He chuckled, his sharp talons digging at the ground beneath him as he settled down.

[ah hello! i'm ririchiyo, call me riri! i'm 19 years old, and i go by they/them pronouns but i dont mind she/her pronouns. i'm obsessed with anime, particularly haikyuu and bnha, and i love to play all nine of my characters that i currently have. i'm p much almost completely deaf, i'm getting hearing aids soon, and i know both english and sign language, making me bilingual. i'm 4"9, and a freshman college student majoring in education. when i graduate i want to be a k-6 teacher for the deaf/hard of hearing. i'm a lesbian, genderfluid, and polyromantic. i've been roleplaying since 2008 on the old catsite, and i'm open to literally making friends with anyone.]