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MURDER MURDER & BLACK CONVERTIBLES | ascendants - Printable Version

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Bastille was not exactly in the best mood per se. Roy had only been dead for a few days, and the lingering mystery of his murder was starting to wear on his temper a bit — not being able to look at someone and demand vengeance was frustrating, and the first few inquiries sent to other neighboring groups had not turned up much. While there had been no other attacks, he couldn't shake the feeling that the threat of one was lingering just beyond detection; he couldn't tell if his own protective nature was getting the best of him or if his empathy was simply picking up on an idle threat in the auras around him. Whatever the case, he was sick of it, and thus headed straight from the meeting that week to start asking questions in person.

He wasn't all too happy about bringing Thea with him, let alone Riza, but he had very little choice, here. Thea was the only one who might be able to identify the murderer, so he could only hope the spitfire kept her damn mouth shut otherwise; Sunhaven was an ally, after all, and he didn't need her pissing them off. Riza... Well. He knew that if he left her, she would simply go out on her own to find Roy's murderer, and that was a disaster just waiting to happen. So, there he was, waiting silently on the Sunhaven border after a sideways glance to make sure they'd kept up.

[ [member=138]THEA[/member] [member=942]Lt. Hawkeye[/member] ]
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST

Re: MURDER MURDER & BLACK CONVERTIBLES | ascendants - MirrorEdge - 09-04-2018

Thea had trailed close behind Bast, the young leopard looking a bit awestruck at Sunhaven's territory, and, to be honest, it made her feel at home. Happy. She was quite tempted to shoot across the border, and get a view of the floating seatown for herself. Maybe challenge a few people if Bast didn't catch her in time.

Basically, Bast had every right to be worried Thea would piss Sunhaven off. At least, more than necessary.

For now, Thea settled down, eyes scanning the area in front of her for somebody to arrive, face holding a neutral expression instead of her usual grin. After all, she wasn't supposed to be smiling about murder. She didn't quite understand why, but understood enough that it would seem odd if she was grinning when she pointed out who was the 'killer'.

It was a bit funny, since she had been the one to commit the crime, after all.

"Do you think they'll be angry that we're asking, Bast?" Genuine curiousity laced the young Fireball's tone, as pale blue optics glanced down to the leader.
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Re: MURDER MURDER & BLACK CONVERTIBLES | ascendants - rhosmari - 09-04-2018

He was trying to get out more, make sure that he could at least see what his group mates were doing from time to time. But having the energy to actively move and socialize was harder than it seemed. Every inch of his body hurt from what that Pitt member had done to him. Thick laceration like wounds that were open to the world all over his skin but none of them were even or clean. They were more like splits in his skin and they were nearly everywhere from where his skin had dried out after spending days and days in the desert heat without an ounce of water to help him. Being buried in the sand and left out there to starve and die of dehydration had been the mutants hell and when he had been thrown in the frozen lake after the fact it was like his body couldn't take it anymore. His heart had stopped and he had been tossed back home like mere trash to be cleaned up after. Even now he was bitter of what had happened as he slowly walked, blood flaking at the seams of the cracks along his body, flesh visible and leaking clear fluid. His eyes were barely watching where he was going, that was until he smelled the scent of the ascendants. Wasn't that the group that Mama and Ja'sunna were ambassadors of?

He breathed out a pained sigh as he turned his head to look in that direction, body slowly following as he began the trek in that direction. Once he was there he glanced at the creatures, not truly seeing them at all. He knew they were there but he felt muddle and dulled as he walked forward, finned tail shifting along the ground. This was the first visit he could recall from the other group and thus he dipped his head in greeting before settling his body against the ground, pain flaring through his expression for just a mere moment. "How can I help ya?" No introduction, no friendly vibes from the Goldenblood. He just didn't have the energy for it.

Re: MURDER MURDER & BLACK CONVERTIBLES | ascendants - axiom - 09-04-2018

© lexasperated
The tigress saw very little interaction between Sunhaven and the Ascendants - admittedly, her merchants didn't hold up their part of the talks, but she tended to ignore that fact. With the decision to ally with them made by Jericho, against her slight opposition, she tended to see things through negative lenses whenever their peacefuck allies were involved. Of course, her negative attitude towards the Ascendants grew the moment she heard the kid talk. Her bone-pierced ears twitched as she came towards them, her large paws gracefully advancing upon them without a sound.

"Angry about what?" the leader spoke, her tone carefully neutral despite the guarded gleam to her vermilion eyes. The trouble with the Pitt - Stella's disappearance and Monroe's injuries - pressed into her mind. She doubted the starwatching group would act on violent tendencies like that, but was it too much to ask that deals made before her leadership would stop going sour? She hated feeling like she got handed the mop to clean up Jericho's sloppy seconds.

Re: MURDER MURDER & BLACK CONVERTIBLES | ascendants - buckingham barnes - 09-05-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
Murder was a topic that Buckingham was far more familiar with than he'd like to admit. Buckingham had his fair share of murders, especially during his time as an Asset to Ximen and then a regular assassin after he abandoned his handler. While he was an asset, he followed all orders with no hesitation. Never once did he question a mission, or put his own input into it. Back then, he was nothing but a living weapon, and the people he was ordered to kill or test loyalty were merely targets. After he broke away from Ximen, and began to discover himself more and more, he continued to kill people- but this time around, it was for himself. He didn't think he'd ever be able to shake the person he was shaped to be, until a few months back when the regret and guilt of his murders became too hard to bare.

It was then Bucky decided he can't kill anymore- without a reason at least. If he's defending himself from danger or an enemy, then sure he kill. But if it's a complete innocent, a child, or doesn't have a reason behind it, then he won't do it. He left his violent based home, hoping to start a new life.

So far, it's been going pretty well. It took him a few months of traveling for him to find Sunhaven. In his travels, Bucky only came across one person who ended up in his claws- his former handler Ximen. Without a doubt, that was probably the only murder Bucky committed that was justified. After all the torture and suffering his handler put him through, he was finally at peace. He no longer had to fear that one day Ximen would make him his asset again, or use someone else in the same way.

He's finally at peace, yeah.

Buckingham was patrolling the territory when the Ascendants scent invaded his nostrils. Bucky knew they were allies with the Ascendants, but the former assassin never interacted with them before. He assumed they were here on ambassador business, it will be nice to finally meet them. With a flick of his tail, the fluffy maine coon made his way to where the Ascendants wait.

As Bucky padded in, his pricked ears managed to catch the few words that came out of Thea's mouth. "Do you think they'll be angry that we're asking, Bast?" Angry about what? The male frowned ever so slightly- well, he doesn't think this is an ambassador visit anymore. They certainly don't look pleased, he can't recall anything they've done that would have upset them. They wouldn't want to risk their alliance, after all. The Dawnguard was going to ask what they had to be angry about, but Quantum beat him to it. He didn’t bother to repeat the question, having no idea of the connection he has with the ‘murder’. He glanced over at his clanmates who arrived before him, Monroe and Quantum, wondering if they knew what they wanted.

Re: MURDER MURDER & BLACK CONVERTIBLES | ascendants - Owlie - 09-05-2018


What odd names these folks had- then again, Nygma wasn’t a common last name. E. Nygma just made it a little funny. The Bastille was a French prison and prisoner was, well, a prisoner. Did they pick these names on their own or did a collective of mothers just had weird taste?

He hopped ahead, standing on his back legs. Very human like, still unfamiliar with this body and it’s functions. He was... kind of grossed out by it, actually. Gross in the icky, dirty way. Not blood and guts. He’d been desensitized to gore.

"Riddle me this, how does a prisoner free himself before his sentence is finished?” He hoped this... Bast person got it. Edward was inclined to thought that logic puzzles. He just needed someone that knew his answers.
A snowflake was not the same as an individual.

Re: MURDER MURDER & BLACK CONVERTIBLES | ascendants - miss ririchiyo - 09-05-2018

coma baby
"Ascendants? How rare to see them outside of their observatory." Persephone snickered from behind Bucky, dipping her head to the larger brown feline before the small akita-german shepherd shuffled forward, coiling herself close to Monroe's presence. She'd rather be near the shark mutant than anyone else here, he made her feel a bit more safe. "Someones in trouble?" She asked Monroe in a mere whisper, tilting her head awkwardly as she stared at Thea.
tags :: updated 8/26:

Re: MURDER MURDER & BLACK CONVERTIBLES | ascendants - MirrorEdge - 09-05-2018

"Funny. I was just thinking about how you guys were a lot less cheerful than I thought you'd be!" Somebody really should've taped Thea's mouth shut, or at least informed her that honesty was not always the best virtue when it came to trying to not piss off allies. "But you're all grumpy."

Quantum's question was something that Bast was probably better suited for, yet she had been about to answer herself, when the arrival of a certain tom with a metal leg was noticed, and Thea, involuntarily, actually, that part was not to make herself seem more believable, as she stuck behind the leader. "Him." She finally spoke, the cheer from her previous sentences gone, a hard gaze in her eyes as she glared at Bucky. "That's who I saw."

She said no more, but the Ascendents would probably understand plenty what she meant. That that was the person she 'saw' when Roy was killed.

Memories of her own had been flitting in the back of her mind, of people she had known covered in their own blood, the blame immediately shifting to the tom before her, right now, and it was so frustrating how these memories with no place in her mind, or life, for that matter, were there. The emotions that came with it were... almost like a television on mute. You could see the pictures just fine, but couldn't hear anything.

Sure, this Thea didn't know much, but it was probably those memories that she couldn't figure out that were one of the main reasons she was even doing this.

All she knew was that somebody like him didn't deserve to be happy.
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Re: MURDER MURDER & BLACK CONVERTIBLES | ascendants - buckingham barnes - 09-05-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
When Thea's gaze landed on him, and as he watched the color drain from her face, a feeling in his gut didn't sit well. Bucky recognized that demeanor the snow leopard was expressing- it's almost like fear. The way she hid behind the Ascendants leader, the hard glare she sent in his direction- he seen it all before. During his time as the Asset, he was ordered to test the loyalty of his clanmates from his handler. With each person he approached, he vividly remembers the terrified expressions on their faces, their voices pleading with him. Back then, he was merely a weapon- he could not be pleaded with. He did what he was told, with no hesitation. But Thea here, no matter how far he dug into his skull, he couldn't find her anywhere. He's not sure why she's afraid of him, it doesn't make sense- people here don't know about the asset!

And then, all of his thoughts paused when her voice spoke up again. This time, the cheerful tone she had was nowhere to be found. "Him. That's who I saw." Her haunting words met his ears, Bucky beginning to feel his heart beat in his chest. Him? That's who she saw? Without a doubt, she sounded accusatory, and the way she hid behind her leader made it even more believable. Bucky had no idea what she was talking about, considering Bucky hasn't left Sunhaven's territory.

"Wait just a minute," The tom spoke up with a confused tone, trying to put his thoughts together from his panicking, wild mind, "What the hell are you talking about? What do I have to do with it?"

Re: MURDER MURDER & BLACK CONVERTIBLES | ascendants - rhosmari - 09-05-2018

His gaze narrowed, a slow reaction to what was being said right now and he glanced over to look at Persephone whom had asked him if someone was in trouble. "I don't think so...though I'm not too fond of not know what the hell they are talkin about." His words were harsh and even more so when he looked toward the creature that was throwing forth the accusations. His ear twitched, wounded body shifting just slightly as he attempted to catch his bearings about what was even going on. Bucky seemed to know what they were talking about before they even got a chance to say something about why they were here. His claws shifted across the ground as he composed himself and he looked at Thea, gaze calm though the pain of his wound riddled body still evident in it. "What did ya see him do? If ya saw him do anything at all." As far as the Warden knew the male hadn't been outside of Sunhaven's territory since he had joined and his tail remained limp against the ground but his body was tense all the same. Something was going on here and he wanted to understand whatever that was especially if it dealt with one of his own group mates.