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MAKE 'EM BLEED / o, raid - Printable Version

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MAKE 'EM BLEED / o, raid - beck. - 04-06-2018

    He knew that people who branded themselves as pirates sunk lower than a shipwreck, but whoever thought it was fair to kidnap a blind guy was deeper than the Mariana Trench. True, life wasn't fair and Beck himself severely lacked morals, but come on. There was no fun in snatching handicapped people from their homes, unless you were some type of... freakish serial killer who got off on that. Ew, he was going to stop that train of thought right there. He needed to focus for once in his miserable existence. His scarred snout crinkled in unreadable worry as he jumped down from someone's back and onto the Typhoon's beach, having caught a ride over the land bridge instead of being burnt by salt-filled waves. From there, the entire raid members, adorned with masks both protecting and hiding their features, he smuggled with him slipped into the shadows, disappearing almost entirely. Mud and sea salt erased their scents, and Beck was sure to position their hiding locations downwind so no lousy pirate could sniff them out. And the commander was left vulnerable on the moonlit beach, luminous glare a beacon in the night. It made sense to strike during twilight hours, and although it was predictable, it was a tactic with mostly successful results. Mostly.

    Dryly swallowing any fear churning in his being, Beck stalked towards the over-dramatic entrance gate. A single glance was cast back towards the jungle foliage shrouding his backup, and after scowling at the menial decorations strewn about the gate for a hesitant eternity, his attention turned to the set-up of bells. What was that even for? Whatever. A clammy paw stretched up towards the main bell's handle and following after what exactly a poltergeist meant, Beck obnoxiously began to ring the bell. No mercy or beauty sleep for the pirate bastards. In addition to the horrid ringing, his own earsplitting voice joined the clamor, shrieking out as if it were the end of the world: "Hey, Pinch-bitch! Pi-i-i-nch! [i]Pinch!" Eventually his intelligent yelling descended into pure screaming at the top of his damaged lungs, relentlessly ringing the bell. He didn't notice the snakes striking at him, nor did he care; if anything, it only heightened the volume as one managed to chomp down on him and he smacked it away. Venom was useless against a crazed ghost with the goal to awaken all of Typhoon and drag them to their border. The specific goal was a diversion and later an ambush, if the plan wasn't clear enough. But the crewmates knew nothing of it. His voice was a mere croak at this point, but the boy continued to squeal and yelp and howl and giggle like a diseased animal, creating a considerably eerie sound wailing over the island when combining with the erratic bell tones. "Pinch! Is! A! Bitch! And! I! Need! To! Talk! With! 'Em! Pinch-bitch!" A haunting and frankly embarrassing anthem assumedly luring people to the bait any moment now.

Re: MAKE 'EM BLEED / o, "visitor" - roman - 04-07-2018

so this is what other realms look like? she can smell the ocean in the distance, comically large ears quivering at the far-off sound of waves crashing against the shore. dark teal eyes gaze up at the jungle foliage, mouth agape in wonder. what a wonderful time to notice that while fish not only possesses pupil-less eyes and strange scales, but her teeth are impossibly sharp like thousands of needles protruding from her gums. the perfect tools to shred apart flesh. if one looks closely, they still might be able to spot the remains of last night's dinner. returning her attention to the matter at hand, the wolf-sized beast trots after beck. she recognizes him. he must be a leader of some sort--the leader of this fighting group, perhaps? fish is oblivious to how clan life works, but she does know that beck is like her: not alive, but not dead either. she wants to say something to him, but she's nervous. she has never encountered another spirit like her. plus there's something about him that feels off--unhinged. physically, she could probably take him on easily, but mentally she is just a young girl which means that she is far too shy to even approach him.

fish activates her camouflage sometime during the trek, easily blending her muscular figure into the surrounding foliage. not invisible, but nearly impossible to discern from the shadows and the trees. she wonders when the fun part is going to start. she picks up a stick in her powerful jaws, smacking it on some trees for fun before she finds herself falling behind and snaps it in half before sprinting ahead to catch up. clearly, fish is getting bored. but it doesn't last long, because soon they arrive at some sort of strange gate. fish peers up at the strange decorations curiously, only to become distracted by beck's spontaneous screaming. she isn't sure what's going on, so she starts screaming too, though it sounds more like a terrifying roar coming from her. beck is her example for how to behave, so she just starts copying whatever he says. "pinch-bitch! pinch-bitch!" chimes the strange creature in a singsong voice before releasing another bone-chilling roar. at this point, she is playfully squishing and biting the snakes, and generally just having the time of her life. "come out pinch-bitch!" what fun!

Re: MAKE 'EM BLEED / o, "visitor" - ARGUS - 04-07-2018

Really, spirits were pesky creatures. argus had spent years watching them, mostly out of duty but half parts morbid curiosity. While most didn't turn into the specified class of "hollow" that she was trained to hunt, a good portion did. The few that somehow broke out of the process where simply spirits. Some trapped in a deal with a demon and some wondering listlessly; However, the end result was all the same. Spirits will twist contort as time passes. They will forget what it was like to live and only remember being dead. Slowly their memories fade, their morals do too. The easiest way in knowing how old a spirit was was how ruthless, how bloody it was and that: was down to a simple science.

The scent that twisted the air was common, not quite-rouge, but distinct. It held something far more subtle, the breath of the sea, the forest greens. Intoxicating that wasn't detectable to a normal mortal, but to a soul eater it was the scent of power. She was trained to hunt creatures like this. Hunt and devour, or hunt and send to the afterlife. It was a shinigami's duty to make them pass on, without judgment. So the spirit can be either destroyed or given another chance to know what living feels like. It was the hollow in her that craved, that sent her teeth a dull ache and made the yawning hunger in her leap to the front of her mind.

It was easy to forgo by the knowledge that they were trying to draw them out for a reason. Easy to forget that they weren't calling to her out loud but calling out all the same. Like a rabbit screaming in pain, the wolf did not come to help but to kill. To hunt in both senses, she licked her own maw, wings pressed along her back as she watched the group alongside the beach. She only had eyes for two- the first two. It was easy to forget that she had control when the beast, the hollow inside her screamed in victory at such a fine meal laid out in front of her. It's been so long since she had indulged- she was so hungry.

" You should not be here." Argus spoke aloud as she approached, but she gave the distinct feeling that she was only talking to [member=323]fish[/member] and [member=67]beck.[/member] Her once dull red eyes were now rimed with a black instead of white. Splotches of silver shining within the red coloration not making her beastly, but monsterous all the same. "I will give you five seconds to leave before I make an example out of all of you." She licked along the outside of her maw and grinned, on edge and ready to fight- to hunt all the same.
if you find this u are awesome

Re: MAKE 'EM BLEED / o, "visitor" - COSMIIX - 04-08-2018

She had followed Beck and she was trying her best to remain calm despite the circumstances, she was angry that the Typhoon had taken Vladimir. He had never done anything to anyone and he wasn't able to defend himself, she had never shown him to fight as well as the fight that she was well aware that he didn't know how to fight. It made her nervous but, she told herself over and over again that he was fine that he would be rescued brought back home. She would yell at him and hug him call him an idiot for the first few hours. Everything would be back to normal, she was certain of it. She was certain of it. It would happen there was nothing standing in front of her except the sick fuckers that had decided to take her friend, it made her angrier just thinking about it. Her cloaked figure staying nearby with her mask covering most of her face as her eyes surveyed the area only to listen to her clanmates starting to call the leader of the joint a 'bitch' she wouldn't join in these childish matters, no, she was here for one person and she would make sure that all of those here in the Typhoon would suffer her wrath. She narrowed her pupils behind her mask staring at Argus with a growl "We'll take the risk. You sick fuckers took someone that's special to me and I'm not leaving until we get him back,"" She peeled her lips back revealing pearly whites.


Re: MAKE 'EM BLEED / o, "visitor" - Guru - 04-08-2018

Wonderful. Guru's eyes narrowed a bit as she wandered up, figuring that this mess was about that useless child named London and that dude named... uh... what was his name again? The burnt chicken nugget? Oh yes... Jacob! That's his name. Whatever. Not her problem. Pincher would have to deal with that bullshit, along with Amunet's whole mess about her loved one or whatever that was. Nevertheless, she was pleased to see Beck(even if it brought her significant trouble). After their previous encounter at the border, it was such a thrill to see such an oppositional leader, unlike Pincher who was open to new and wonderful opportunities.

For a moment, she remained silent. "Let him scream," she enthused towards the two that had already addressed the concern. "I like it." Even if it was annoying to the others, it provided her the satisfaction she needed to boost her everlasting ego.


Re: MAKE 'EM BLEED / o, "visitor" - Morgan - 04-08-2018

At first, Morgan remained near the back of the Tanglewood party. It figured the unfamiliar presences had to be the pirates - the ones who its allies despised. Both its allies and the strangers seemed to be making some annoying, nonsensical noises at each other. The samoyed understood none of the odd sounds, so it decided to do something productive in the meantime.

The dog prepared itself by drawing water from the shore through the sand and dirt. Once it was clean enough, the water flowed up onto the samoyed's back, freezing into a set of armor to match its mask. An extra stream of water wrapped around its tail and froze as well, providing a reserve for later.

Morgan stepped forward, only a few steps behind Amunet. It did not make a sound; instead, it stared at the pirates from beneath its icy mask.

Re: MAKE 'EM BLEED / o, "visitor" - PINCHER - 04-08-2018

the devil's backbone
Pincher was a troublemaker. His crew were troublemakers. They were called "warbound" for a reason, if Pinch was going to lead an evil group, then he would commit to the title of being seen as such. So, when he had first met Beck and heard the taunting voice of the ghost, Pincher was fueled with the desire to create chaos between the two groups. He knew the risks that could become of his sly manipulative tactics but hell, pirates were a form of criminals so it wasn't as if he was stepping out of line. He remembered his first meeting with his crewmates, explaining that they curve away from Snowbound and the Ascendants, to direct their attention solely on Tanglewood. "Make them feel special" was his aspect of the whole shit show, might as well let the slime lovers get a little fun action. They were swamp folk, they needed all the exercise they could get. So, when his recently promoted Striker had gone out to snatch one of their members, the gangster appeared quite eager to see the outcome of this. If they were going to be seen as "low" for snatching up someone that was blind, Pincher would have been disgusted by the stupid ideal that blind people were harmless. Unlike most, the Typhoon took whoever they sought fit enough to fight and if they really were believing that just because someone was blind meant they were soft, Pincher really needed to teach them to break away from such a stupid ass stereotype. He knew anyone was capable of being dangerous and was going to treat a handicapped creature like a normal fucking creature. With cruelty and well...a lot of hitting. He remembered catching sight of the unconscious wildcat, amused that it had been that easy to sneak in and snatch one up, perhaps he could go out and have some fun himself in capturing a little Tanglewood leech.

The laidback figure of the Captain had been enjoying his time inside the Capricorn Tavern, laughing with other members about some dumbass sea jokes that he was able to think of at the top of his head. Heavy chuckles erupted out of his jaws as he finished his last pun of the night before deciding to leave, knowing that he should probably take one final patrol out...or he was just using it as an excuse to go out and enjoy a nightly trek. Though he knew that there could be possibility of sirens out in the night, singing their tempting hypnotic voices to lure in his crewmates and perhaps himself. He had heard tales about it and was positive that the sea creatures still swam in the waters around Paradis Island but for now, he would keep his nerves and remain calm. He stalked around, an unlit cigarette bouncing gently against the edges of his lips as the doberman hummed softly an old sailor tune as he walked over the smooth sand hills, his powerful legs still getting used to the energy that one had to have to walk in sand. He didn't really mind it since it was a decent workout and it literally made his Typhoon crew stay on their toes. Every choice he made had a reason, an explanation. So when he heard the explosive ringing of bells and a croaky familiar voice follow it, Pincher's snake-like blue eyes narrowed and a coy smirk curled the corners of his lips as he halted near the splashing foamy outline of the ocean waves. He glanced down before deciding to slip into the waves, a small sigh of relaxation of his lungs as he felt the cold waves soak his entire figure. He waded in it for a bit before stepping out, his obsidian pelt now completely drenched and outlining the hardened muscles beneath his fur as he pushed onward to his demanding visitors.

As he reached the others, his half-lidded cool arctic blue eyes fluttered to the Tanglewood members and his own crew. He raised a fictional eyebrow, mentally contacting Bonnie to sound the alarm for other members to know that they had company. His velvety pointed ears pricked as he could faintly hear the screeching of her at Barracuda Bay but he decided to focus instead onto the silly little show that the poltergeist and some scaly crocodile chick that was repeating things like she was some sort of puppet. He let out a small snort, gnawing softly on his wet cigarette with boredom before glancing towards Argus and Guru. They were good fighters and trusted they would defend the island without much trouble. The soaked doberman did not move and simply leaned back onto his haunches, his scarred facial features showing a placid expression. "Wow, very creative. Never heard that shit before. Anyways, kiddo, the hell you want?" He stated with a sly smirk on his caramel brown muzzle before turning his attention towards Amunet, noticing the bejeweled wildcat stating her refusal of leaving without...without...fuck what was his name? Pincher's fictional brows furrowed as he thought for a second on who the fuck she was talking before letting out a small "ah!" before adding "You mean Vlad?! Oh sorry, Two-face but we don't really think you would want him back. I can hardly recognize the fucker anymore, his face got hit so many times, I mistook his eye for his nose!" An eruptive fit of laughter escaped his toothy jaws, his broad shoulders softly shaking as the male tipped his head to the side, noticing that someone else had decided to join, some weird ass dude with a fetish for masks it seemed.

Yet, the scent of Tanglewood was still strong even in with the ocean's salty breeze still trying to scrape away the mucky smell. He wrinkled his dark ink black nose as he went to a standing position, his figure stilled relaxed but there was there seemed to have a sudden change in his aura. "Holy Agwe, you leeches still stink of gator shit, here let me help ya out." Pincher added as he gave his pelt a heavy shake, the large droplets of salt water removing themselves from his coat and suddenly sharpening to become small piercing icicles that shot towards the Tanglewood group like a swarm of arrows. Glancing briefly towards Argus and Guru, he flashed a quick grin of wild eagerness as he barked "Girls' night out! Go wild!" With that, he turned around, stepping forward to attack anyone that still wanted to "raid" his crew. Not much of a raid but oh well, he liked making the best out of boring situations.

Re: MAKE 'EM BLEED / o, raid - Amaranth - 04-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]Her feet stung in the sand as she skidded to a halt somewhere behind Pincher - she was staring at the collective mass of Tanglewood members, and remembering her encounter with the NPC earlier, her eyes started to glow.

Feeling the fur around her heat up, she flicked her head towards Pincher - and as she did, her demoness powers started to take hold, the halo over her head distorting into the darkened crown. "Permission to attack, Captain." she asked, her voice flat and hollow - so unlike her - as flames started to lap at her feet.


Re: MAKE 'EM BLEED / o, raid - COSMIIX - 04-08-2018

She had been trying to be "nice" but at the sight of Guru, it made the fire in her heart to ignite with the flames of absolute hatred. Her anger only grew worse when the leader of the joint finally made his way over calling her Two-face and talking about how Vlad's injuries made him indistinguishable causing her to feel a sudden lurch with her, her eyes narrowed slowly as a suave smile made it's way onto her beautiful facial features "Really now? I mistook your face for your ass, they're just so similar." A giggle slowly left her slightly parted jaws, the jaguaress began to slowly grow in size starting to lose clumps of her fur as they were started to be replaced by scales. Her tail seemed to extend into a more sturdy, slender blend only to be topped off by a stinger that shone under the light. Her paws stretching out in a form of talons and her muzzle would grow more longer as well as narrow, spikes sprouted from the top of her head to the end of the tail. It almost seemed like she wasn't going to stop growing but eventually she did towering over the Typhoon pirates with her eyes glistening and her face emotionless, there was a bonechilling silence for a moment only before she realized the icicles moving in the direction of her clanmates, she parted her jaws letting out a blast of fire aiming to melt the icicles and attempt to singe some of the pirates there. Her body muscles rippled underneath her scales watching all of them through cold eyes and her talons clicked against the ground causing the earth around them to tremble lightly, the fifteen foot dragoness glowered at all of them. "I wont demand again."

Messing with a dragon probably wasn't the smartest decision but, they were much to stupid to understand that as she tilted her cranium to the side with a low snarl. The dragoness hovered above her clanmates protectively only to swing her tail a few times only to let it swing once more and aimed to throw the pirates off balance with a smack of her tail, if it threw one of them off balance would she aim to sting someone. Anyone. She didn't care, she would only be satisfied if she actually got someone with her venomous tail. She wouldn't use her fire until it was absolutely necessary to do so.

Re: MAKE 'EM BLEED / o, raid - Morgan - 04-08-2018

Morgan remained silent as it braced itself to stop the barrage of ice. However, the attack was cut off by its teammate in seconds. It jumped to the side to make way for its ally, who had grown at an alarming rate. Though it seemed that Amunet had made a drastic change, the dog paid it no mind. The presence it sensed was still the same jaguar it had known, and it trusted its instincts on that.

Using Amunet's growth and fire as a distraction, the samoyed drew more water from the sea into the sand. It localized it into a line in front of the pirates, hardly noticeable in the ground due to the cover of night.