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YOU DON'T OWN ME && return + injury. - Printable Version

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YOU DON'T OWN ME && return + injury. - OWEN. - 09-01-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_nra53dhqrf1uutgwwo2_500.gif]
25 m/o male german shepherd typhoon tags
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #75A29D;"]
Owen knew the consequences of leaving the camp without someone near him. His girls were all gone, it seemed. He probably should have looked a bit better, but his appearance didn't matter to the intruders that passed through Typhoon territory.

Owen was on his way back from his long search, the german shepherd passing through, heading over the border slowly. Then, he felt something stab into his side. "What the actual fuck.." Owen growled under his breath, glancing around momentarily only to find nobody. Well, fuck.

Sitting down, Owen tried to yank the serraded knife out of his shoulder, whimpering softly. A loud grunt passed his lips, and he let out a bark to announce his return. "I have a fucking knife in my shoulder. Someone fuckin yank it out." Owen growled loudly, his ears twitching.

Re: YOU DON'T OWN ME && return + injury. - Luciferr - 09-01-2018

"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...
It coiled itself around your tender heart."
a familiar black silhouette emerged from the shadows, great spines rising from what once looked like a strange collection of deep shadows in the treeline - Lucifre recognised this one, the former ascendant turned typhoonian that had disappeared alngside his raptors sometime ago.

idly he wondered if he'd be amused to learn the black dragon had since adopted three hatchling raptors himself - all feral but cute in their way, convinced he was their mother it did seem.

the Privateer inclined his head with a rumble, reaching for the knife but pausing "are you sure of that? I can fetch rosemary" just dislodging a knife was never really a good idea in case bloodloss ensued if it nicked anything very important.

"Welcome back by the way"


Re: YOU DON'T OWN ME && return + injury. - ROSEMARY - 09-01-2018

[div style="width: px; font-family: GEORGIA; color: #422426; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"][align=center]ARE YOU GOOD WITH CHAOS ?!
The healer walked over, her paws silent but her leather satchel bouncing and clanking. Her four eyes focused on the buried knife, blatantly curious how he acquired the wound, but not enough to ask outright. "Try not to move, I'll remove it, " she spoke, her smaller pair of eyes drifting from Owen to the scarred dragon. Admittedly, she started relying on his fire more than she wanted to admit. Much more. But the benefits of flames came in many different sections of healing, and she wasn't one to pass up an advantage to heal her patients. "I'm going to need it heated up. I think the best shot of preventing blood loss is to stick it back in once the knife is hot enough to carterize the veins. How long will it take to heat it?" she asked the privateer, her voice oddly distant and sounding cold. Her mind was still planning the execution of the plan - such as debating with herself whether she ought to stitch the wound opening or try and let it heal on its own.

Re: YOU DON'T OWN ME && return + injury. - Luca - 09-02-2018

Luca was petty. It was clear in the many things he did, from his snide remarks to his vengeful little jabs. It was clear in the way he would purposely give stale sweets to people he disliked under the guise of kindness, in the way that he spread rumours, but most of all it was clear in the smirk he wore as he came upon the injured form of someone he bore a grudge against. The pain of a serrated knife was nothing when compared to that of being eaten alive, and Luca made it clear that he held no sympathy in his body as he trotted closer to get a better look. "Aw, poor baby," he cooed, eyeing the bloody wound. "Guess I'm not the only one out to getcha." Was it shady to admit that he was lusting for the blood of a clanmate? Probably, but surely anyone present at the raid on the Ascendants would understand.

He moved to hover beside Rosemary, her plan causing his eyes to flash slightly. Cauterising wounds was probably one of the most painful things ever; exactly the sort of plan he'd expect from a closet sadist. "It won't take long at all if we both heat it," Luca said, revealing that he did intend to help despite his attitude. Steam puffed from between his lips as he talked, a side effect of the fire inside him as he started to build up the heat. "Luci and I make a great team." He shot his adopted brother a toothy grin, pink flames licking up from the bottom of his paws.

Re: YOU DON'T OWN ME && return + injury. - OWEN. - 09-02-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_nra53dhqrf1uutgwwo2_500.gif]
25 m/o male german shepherd typhoon tags
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #75A29D;"]
That tone of voice. Owen knew that voice all too well.

"Back from the dead? How pleasant." Owen joked sarcastically, amber eyes moving over to Lucif with caution. He had noticed how Luc was protective of Luca, and he wasn't dumb enough to pick a fight with a giant monster that big. Not without his girls around.

"Do whatever you need to do. Just don't let that damn hellhound touch me." He mumbled, cracking his neck with a smooth roll of his neck. Owen remembered the raid perfectly. He had every right to kill Luca back then for trespassing. Every single right.

But now, the past is the past. Owen had to move on from that, Luca was his groupmate now.

Re: YOU DON'T OWN ME && return + injury. - no more - 09-03-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Small dark paws beat a slow pace into the earth, the single eye slowly moving along the frame of the canine, remembering when he had first joined. It mattered not his protested on it for Owen seemed willing to place one of his own family members into harm, drawn close to the jaws of the creatures he spoke of keeping tame yet seemed wild, dangerous in ways he might never fully control. It mattered not the bond they forged, a creature with intellect that proved low and found their drive was instinct might never truly be under control, a false domestication merely a guise.

“Where ya lil pets at,” a slight tone of curiosity touched the monotone as Silus moved to stand by Rosemary, keeping some distance so he wouldn't be in her way but staying close enough he could watch what she did. Rather lucky was Owen that it had not been him who had arrived first for he would have done as he instructed and merely taken the blade out, feign surprise and allow him to bleed out if such was possible, for now he could only hope to have another chance at such.

Re: YOU DON'T OWN ME && return + injury. - Grey - 09-03-2018

He's sure he's seen Owen at least a couple of times, likely around the time he first joined The Typhoon. Bakugou scrunches his nose. Just how many weeks has it been anyway? It seems like time has a way of being fluid, tricky to properly grasp with both paws. Seeing the german shepherd doesn't quite make the male feel any comfortable, seeing the way the knife would stuck against his shoulder reminded him of Kirishima's rather brutal injuries. It only reminded him to look after his friend better. That being said, Bakugou was slightly amused by the exchange of dialogue occurring between the canine and the hellhound, gaze flickering in curiosity. He isn't sure whose side he intends to be on. Naturally, he'd go against Luca because he thought it was funny - there is almost nothing more entertaining than to try and upset The Typhoon's pretty boy. But Bakugou isn't going to side with a stranger, a member of The Typhoon he has never really gotten to know. "'Damn' and 'hellhound' sounds pretty redundant when put together."

Re: YOU DON'T OWN ME && return + injury. - Character Graveyard. - 09-03-2018

The smell of blood filled the air, causing Kirishima to scrunch up his nose in slight disguise. He's never been a big fan of smelling it, nor did he like the sight of it. Especially if the smell was coming from somebody he knew or if they were hurt. He didn't know Owen, nor had he ever seen the German Shepard around before, so he decided not to speak.

Silently, he would settle down beside Bakugou, though he kept his ruby gaze on Rosemary, Luca and Owen, a hint of slight concern clear in his glance.
tags :: updated 8/23:

Re: YOU DON'T OWN ME && return + injury. - OWEN. - 09-03-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_nra53dhqrf1uutgwwo2_500.gif]
25 m/o male german shepherd typhoon tags
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #75A29D;"]
"Gone, they went their different ways. I'm not one to keep them caged. They can go where they want." Owen grunted in response to the question he was asked, growing impatient from the amount of time it took to even get the knife out of his shoulder. Fuck this, if he knew it would take this long, he would have yanked it out himself.

Then, he heard a cocky retort from a child, and Owen's amber gaze moved over to the source of it. Fuck no, he wasn't going to deal with a bunch of kids. He nodded towards the canine next to him, but turned his gaze back to the felidae with a look of utter annoyance. "Kids and water sounds like a good combination, y'know. Ever went swimming, bud?" He joked sarcastically, his tail thumping against the ground. If it was a pissing contest people wanted, Owen could spit some serious fire from his tongue. Not literally, though.

Re: YOU DON'T OWN ME && return + injury. - Luciferr - 09-03-2018

"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...
It coiled itself around your tender heart."
/late apologies, we had peeps around the weekend.

Lucifer inclined his head as Rosemary approached and spoke agreeing with her assesment "Not long - and yes, even quicker with your help" was the rumbled affirmative when a familiar hellhound made his way over to the larger - reaching out to begin the heating process which would hopefully take not so long.

//real short i gtg to bed oof
