Beasts of Beyond
plot with cheRRY - Printable Version

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plot with cheRRY - cobblepot - 04-05-2018

YES hello i've technically had this gal here for like,,, a lil over a week but i made liteRALLY one post with her bc im lazy af but !! i thought i should prob get a couple plots goin for her before i really start posting sooo she's

open to
-friends (difficult to make a real emotional connection, but she'll hang out with anyone she deems "not boring" lmao)
-someone for her 2 fite (physically or verbally)
-someone to drink/smoke with??
-crushes on her
- AUs  !!!

possibly open to
-mutual crushes/romantic relationships - she's greyromantic and a HUGE bitch & a hoe so she prob wouldnt be loyal and dEFINITELY isn't very desirable personality-wise
-short-term relationships where she's actually just using y/c for her entertainment

closed to
-death or maiming

Re: plot with cheRRY - tricky - 04-05-2018

i can see cherry and beck getting on each others nerves tbh and butting heads over nothing soooooo fight fight fight fight, but both types of fighting

Re: plot with cheRRY - cobblepot - 04-06-2018

um??? yos ?

she might be bitchy @ him bc even tho she doesn’t remember it shes super used to having  co n tr ol  over things so she might be pissy that he’s in charge of her sgdjdkkddk

is there anything,,, really petty they can get mad abt

Re: plot with cheRRY - tricky - 04-06-2018

ye that's what i was thinking as well

as far as pettiness besides the leadership thing, hmmmmmmmmmmm
i mean cher's kinda a primadonna right? and beck's a gross lil rat boy so there could be some judgement that sparks it? idk

Re: plot with cheRRY - cobblepot - 04-09-2018

oof i thought i replied to this but heLL yeah man for sure

we could have a thread to introduce it if u want ?? who would make

Re: plot with cheRRY - vellichor - 04-09-2018

i need cherry trying to confused and flirt with amun in my life

Re: plot with cheRRY - cobblepot - 04-09-2018

YES bitch do u want it to be in public or would u prefer a private thread to start it off ?? bc obvi it wouldn’t just be once lmaO

Re: plot with cheRRY - vellichor - 04-09-2018

I’m good with a private thread starting it!! That way they can have a conversation and stuff first lol

Re: plot with cheRRY - cobblepot - 04-10-2018

sounds gucci

who makes ?? i can but u might need 2 pester me bc u know i’m lazy and forgetful as hell

Re: plot with cheRRY - vellichor - 04-10-2018

i can make it!! i'll tag you/cherry's account when i'm done