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out of feathers, out of bones + plants class! - Printable Version

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out of feathers, out of bones + plants class! - rushy - 08-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: verdana;"]There were exactly two things Lydia could say, with confidence, that she was good at: miscellaneous arts & crafts and herbs. She was by no means a healer, but she knew a little more than first aid, which was better than nothing. And recently, she'd been charged with holding a class on the poisonous and nonpoisonous plants of the territory and had chosen exactly six to teach during this small session. Nothing abstract, just some of the most common plants Lydia was able to find around their eerie little forest.

The red tabby was sat in a broad corridor of the mansion, six small plant pieces by her feet. The first was a cluster of white flowers, similar to queen anne's lace in appearance, but with a more yellowish hue and with larger flowers. Next to it was a stem with a cluster that looked extremely similar to its neighbor, but instead of an eggshell colour, the flowers were a vibrant yellow to orange colour. The next plant made the gradient of colours look slightly like a sunset. It was a snipping with soft purple flowers blossoming all along the stem, the center of a few growing out a small, deep purple berry. Similar to the first two, the subsequent plant looked almost exactly like the previous. It had a cluster of purple flowers on the end of the stem, but lacked any berry-type growths and looked more similar to a bell-shape. The first of the last two actually reflected the previous two, looking like a combination of both. It incorporated the soft colour and the fully-flowered stem of the first, and the bell-shaped blossoms and lack of berries of the second. The final plant was a single white flower with a large yellow center, well outsizing the petals that surrounded it.

As Lydia looked over her carefully cultivated and thought-out collection of plants, she smiled to herself with satisfaction and called out "Plants class, everyone! Its important to know what'll kill you and what won't."

Re: out of feathers, out of bones + plants class! - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 08-24-2018

Jiyu could say many things confidently, heck most everything she said sounded like nothing or confidence depending on how one viewed her static voice. Plants, she wanted to have nothing to do with, the typical grass was one thing, trees could be alright too, but the second it seemed as if there was some medicinal quality to the plant, she was out! Doing her typical rounds patrolling the mansion for any sign of something that could have gone wrong, the calico came across Lydia and her collection. Was the new girl calling for some sort of healer interested sort of thing? She maybe didn't need to cut through there to finish her patrol, she could just leave that little area for later, it shouldn't last long. With that in mind, Jiyu moved to keep going, avoid getting caught up in the gushing over plants. Didn't they know how dangerous those things were, plants were worse than assassins, they didn't come with an excessive advertisement of what they could do!

Re: out of feathers, out of bones + plants class! - rhosmari - 08-24-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]She could say without a doubt that it was important to know which plants could kill and which couldn't. Although maybe her reasons for knowing such a thing was not really the most innocent of things. But she hadn't really been focused on learning the plants of the area. Perhaps they had a unique type of plant that only grew around here which could be used for something rather lethal. Or maybe something that helped speed up the healing process just a bit faster. Regardless when Lydia called out the woman turned her gaze in that direction, eyes shifting over the multitude of plants that were in front of her. A soft yawn parted a blue muzzle as she stretched across the ground before she pushed herself onto her paws. Shaking her form she moved over to the area, eyes shifting over to see that Jiyu had already arrived to this plant class. Learning was universal as some said and she dipped her head in greeting before turning her eyes onto the one that had called the class to attention. Curling here tail around her body she rolled her shoulders and let her eyes roam over the plants again before speaking up. "What exactly will be your teaching method? Simple questions or a bit more of a paws on approach?"

Re: out of feathers, out of bones + plants class! - sephiroth - 08-24-2018

[Image: tumblr_p18fkxSdpR1ugq03no1_r1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]While he had intermediate knowledge of plants and poisons, Sephiroth was hungry for knowledge and figured it would useful to learn.  Not to mention he could perhaps look for hints on the kind of plants he could cultivate to make his room smell better.  A natural perfume perhaps.  The silvery wildcat would prowl up to the scene, sitting down and looking at Lydia as he waited for the presentation to begin.  He would shift the muscles in his powerful shoulders, his brightly colored eyes holding a tired half lidded look. 

He wasn’t exactly an expressive creature, not to mention he had stayed awake long into the night to keep guard as a personal task he had given himself to make sure that his home was safe, but it obviously took a toll on him when he participated in daylight activities.  Not to mention the stench of the mansion clinging to the roof his mouth and infecting his nose as he tried to get good rest.  Which would be a good reason to try and see what kind of plants he could use to possibly help him get a good night’s sleep.

Re: out of feathers, out of bones + plants class! - HORIZON CIPHER. - 08-25-2018

fuck the doomed
you're on your own !
"What do you mean, 'it's important to know what'll kill you and what won't'?" Horizon echoed as he came over, blinking in confusion as he sat next to the much larger form of Sephiroth. Obviously he was going to listen to this class, even if he didn't really understand what Lydia said. Since when could plants kill you? That's basically what he was wondering, even if he didn't quite explain that properly.
bio | member of the rosebloods | tags

Re: out of feathers, out of bones + plants class! - rushy - 08-26-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: verdana;"]Lydia was grateful that she had gathered a bit of a crowd- even if they weren't the least bit interested, she was still flattered by the sentiment. Plus, she did think it was relatively important for people to know the basics on herbs and poisons. The red tabby smiled brightly at Jiyu and Blueridge as they were the first two to appear. "I was thinking hands-on, but only for some..." Lydia responded to Blueridge as she prodded at the stem of the yellow-flowered plant "About half of these are poisons, so it may not be safe to do all of them hands on."

As Sephiroth and Horizon appeared following the first pair, she gave them the same bright smile. Although Lydia was a bit taken aback by the Tazmanian devil's question about deadly plants. "Some of these are herbs, which can be used as a sort of healing property... And the other half are poisons, which will kill you real quick," she responded with a bit of mischievous smile on her face. Lydia was never the type to enjoy filth, but as a sadist, poisons were the perfect way to painfully kill someone with less of a mess.

The tabby paused a moment, looking between her audience members and the plants laid in front of her before wrapping her fluffy tail over her front paws and nodding to herself. "Alright, let's start," Lydia announced quickly. She took up the second plant, a green stem with a cluster of bright orange and yellow flowers on the end. "Before I say anything, does anyone know what this is? Its a basic herb pretty much any healer uses, that's your hint."

Re: out of feathers, out of bones + plants class! - rhosmari - 08-26-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]Oh, they were starting already and she allowed herself to relax and focus on the lesson at hand. This was something that was important informational wise and something she could use later on if she had to. That being said she was rather agreeable about doing some paws on stuff with the plants as some learned a different way then others. Her eyes shifted over the plants once more before she listened to what Lydia had to start off with. A familiar plant that she already had knowledge of. After all even though she was born and bred as a soldier she had to know the basics of medicines so that she could keep herself alive if she was injured behind enemy lines. Her gaze flicked up to look at the teacher of the session before he lifted a blue paw and waved it so that she may answer the question herself. "I would say that that is marigold. A common and very useful herb that helps with stopping infection and can also be used to speed up the healing process."

Re: out of feathers, out of bones + plants class! - sephiroth - 08-26-2018

[Image: tumblr_p18fkxSdpR1ugq03no1_r1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Sephiroth’s eyes would flicker to Horizon for a hot second as he seated himself next to him, before he looked back to Lydia.  He blinked slowly as she acknowledged his presence, his best attempt at a friendly response without saying a word.  The lion’s gaze shifted to the plant that the feline had presented to the group, his luminous eyes narrowed in a thoughtful look as he processed the look of it.

”Marigold?”  The lion’s response mirrored Blueridge's and his voice did actually hold a bit of inquiry, rare for him.  He usually sounded very sure of himself, it was the tiniest bit strange to hear him speak an actual question, to take a guess at something.

Re: out of feathers, out of bones + plants class! - rushy - 08-27-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: verdana;"]Oh, so they did know the basics. Well, that was a relief to Lydia. If they were ever away from any sort of medical stash, it was always good to know first aid... Especially for open wounds in particular.

Lydia's eyes sparkled with satisfaction as she nodded fervently in affirmation to both of their answers. "Yep! This is marigold... As Blueridge said it's commonly used on wounds to stop infection and speed up the healing process. Stings like a bitch and the poultice tastes like shit but it's a necessary evil," the Roseblood shrugged haphazardly, despite her tone of disdain for the negatives of marigold.

After a short pause, Lydia picked up what had been the first plant in her little gathering. It looked just like the marigold, but it was a stark white to eggshell colour. "So then who knows what this is...?" She questioned, holding it up for them to see as a mischievous look played on her maw.

Re: out of feathers, out of bones + plants class! - emil - 08-27-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]prestige was glad he had assigned the task to lydia, having felt that she would know well of herbs. he padded over in silence and took a seat toward the back of the group, watching and listening with interest; he knew herbs... sort of well, growing some in his personal garden in the cemetery down the hill, but he was never knowledgeable enough to ever be on a healer's level. as the snow leopard watched he considered the feline closely, tail curling around his paws. he offered no guess to her question, opting to observe rather than be an active participant. he would still be learning much either way.