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LATELY I'VE BEEN TRYING && confessing(?) - Printable Version

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LATELY I'VE BEEN TRYING && confessing(?) - ONISION. - 08-20-2018

[div style="width: 310px; font-family: verdana; color: #B07224; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]BROKEN, RUINED, DEAD.
//nothing's better than an oni who's a stuttering tsundere mess, also human au but still canon.

Onision wasn't sure how to do this. I mean, he had read in a few shoujo manga that you just had to outright ask someone out, if you liked them. He was still unsure about his feelings completely, but he did need to get the point across. Yeah, mark what belonged to him. That was how things were supposed to be done.

So, Onision had made it his mission to go and see Alexander. His house, maybe? No, it had to be cool. He had to be cool. He would probably embarrass himself but he didn't seem to care right now. He just wanted to get this off of his back, he had shit to do, right?

Maybe it was the nervousness, or his stuttering kneecaps, but Oni came to an abrupt stop at Alexander's doorstep, pondering if this really was a good idea. Shit, fuck, damn. After what seemed like forever, and a bunch of fidgetting, the dirty-blonde haired boy knocked on the other male's door, withdrawing his hand almost immediately.

Here was the plan. Onision was going to pick Alex up from his house, take him to a nice picnic, watch the sky, and confess. He always knew just how fuckin' oblivious Alex was to his minor shows of affection, but damn it he just wanted Alex to himself.

"Yo, Alex. It's Oni." Oni spoke, biting his lip softly to quell the shaking he felt in his knees. Fuck, oh my god. He was like a squealing school girl.

Re: LATELY I'VE BEEN TRYING && confessing(?) - tori - 08-21-2018

Confessions and relationships were not something Alexander thought about, for the most part he was already completely oblivious. He did not understand those kind of emotions, and stacked on top of his preset aloofness was choice events that only solidified his avoidance from the whole thing.

Granted, he'd come to terms for finding himself more than endeared by the spunky apprentice of Bastille, intrigued by him at the declaration that if he won his battle against the sun, he would demand servitude for a week. Of course, there was no way Oni would be able to win at that, but it was still funny nonetheless. And the sun was a massive pain in the ass.

He was sitting on the floor, cross legged, when the knock on the door caught his attention. He snapped out of his trance, in the middle of attempted meditation. He stood up, opening the door with a small smile. He pushed some strands of long black hair behind his ear, one of the rare times he had it down. He would have tied it up before leaving the house, but this was a bit of an unexpected visit. "Hello Oni. This is unexpected, do you need something?"


Re: LATELY I'VE BEEN TRYING && confessing(?) - ONISION. - 08-21-2018

[div style="width: 310px; font-family: verdana; color: #B07224; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]BROKEN, RUINED, DEAD.
Holy shit. Who knew someone could look so cute with their hair down. Oni most certainly didn't. The apprentice combed his fingers through his own hair, ruffling the mess that was his mane of dirty blonde locks. He should have straightened it before he came here. They're all wavy now. Shit.

Onision cleared his throat, a slight tint of a blush on his face. Of course, Oni wouldn't let anyone call him out on his crush on Alex. He didn't make it too obvious except for the wandering eyes and whimpers when Alexander used his nickname 'Little Icarus'. God, he loved that nickname, especially when it rolled off the tongue of the black haired boy.

Lifting his head up, Onision looked a bit peeved, but knew Alexander would probably tell that he wasn't mad at all. Alex had a way of tolerating his assholery, after all. "Wanna go on a picnic? Watch the clouds?" Oni asked stubbornly, silver-blue eyes focusing on the other. Please say yes. God. He sounded gay as hell and he didn't even care. He liked Alex, he wanted more than friendship with the boy, but he was still young and discovering things.

Re: LATELY I'VE BEEN TRYING && confessing(?) - tori - 08-22-2018

Oh, a picnic? Alex raised his eyebrows, surprised by the request. He wouldn't say no, the idea of a picnic and staring at the clouds sounded relaxing to say the least, something he could use now more than ever. It would be nice to shrug off his stress, at least for a little while. That's when he had a realization, he hadn't gotten around to doing anything fun. Ever.

He watched them comb through their hair for a moment, gently admiring the dirty blonde waves. They looked so soft, so fluffy. He would have liked to bounce them on his hands, his own hair was simply too flat to do such a thing. But theirs was cute, even if that was not something he'd think they'd like to hear, based off their personality.

"This is...unexpected." He would have never taken Oni for the picnicking type, but here they were, asking about one. And was their face a little pink? "I'd love to. Just don't try and fight the clouds." A subtle smirk crossed his face, taking on a lighthearted tone as evidence he was only teasing.

Re: LATELY I'VE BEEN TRYING && confessing(?) - ONISION. - 08-22-2018

[div style="width: 310px; font-family: verdana; color: #B07224; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]BROKEN, RUINED, DEAD.
"Can't promise you I won't fight the clouds, but I'll try not to." Oni grinned in response, turning around to begin their trek to the picnic blanket, the food basket ontop with a few bottles of soda in the cooler he had brought. Onision silently hoped nobody was watching, to be honest. He knew if Moon came across this he'd find a way to piss off the apprentice. Pale skin brushed against Alex's own, making Oni blush a bit deeper without thinking much of it. He felt like he was going to die from this. While Alex seemed pretty calm about the whole thing, internally, Oni was a mess. He wanted to punch whatever God made this so hard for him to do.

His breath steadied as he settled down onto the blanket, laying on his side and checking his phone for the time. It looked good to him, great. Oni lifted up a bottle of coke, chugging it down before he finally opened his mouth to speak. "Do you like anyone, Alex? Y'know.. Like, like someone?" Oni asked calmly, internally freaking out about how stupid that sounded. God, he was so bad about this.

Re: LATELY I'VE BEEN TRYING && confessing(?) - BASTILLEPAW - 08-22-2018

[Image: 2NB1bDh]
[Image: 2LFVCD6]
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[Image: 2LLq52q]
Bast made it his business not to get in other people's business. Sure, he was highly perceptive and often picked out details they weren't exactly looking to share — being able to read their auras and sense their emotions was helpful, there, aside from body language itself — but he wasn't exactly nosy. He didn't go out of his way to gossip (unless drunk) and kept his theories about their love lives to himself (well, okay, sometimes he shared speculations with Margy). So he might suspect his Fireball was into someone. But that doesn't mean he was ready to walk into it, quite literally.

He was coming back from a patrol when he found them, and he hooked a thumb in one pocket as he slowed to a stop and arched a brow at them idly in greeting. He only caught the tail end of Oni's question, realized abruptly that he absolutely did not want to be here, and drawled, [b]"Oh, look at the time." He checked his wrist, where he did not have a watch, "Gotta go." With that he spun around on his heel and decided headed away from them and... that.
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST

Re: LATELY I'VE BEEN TRYING && confessing(?) - MirrorEdge - 08-23-2018

Thea had been on the same patrol, and had spotted Oni and Alexander as well, raising a pale hand in a wave, and an invite to join the patrol, when Bast spoke. Confusion entered her gaze, and she protested, "Wait, why? Shouldn't we say hi-" It took a few moments for Oni's words to actually sink in, and what they meant, and with a squeak, she followed.
Template by Quill

Re: LATELY I'VE BEEN TRYING && confessing(?) - tori - 08-23-2018

Oh. This was happening. Alex's eyes widened in surprise when Oni turned and headed straight for the picnic area he'd set up, apparently everything was already set up, at least enough to jump straight into it. He chewed on the inside of his cheek, a habit brought on by nervousness, and walked beside them with the occasional glance.

He watched them sit first, idly standing before gradually settling himself down onto the blanket in an awkwardly stiff manner. Even when he situated himself on the picnic blanket, his spine was stiffly upright. It wasn't that he was uncomfortable with their presence or anything, he was just uncomfortable in general with being in public, and actually having to deal with emotion. And he was just naturally so, so awkward.

"I-" He flinched and cut himself off when Bastille and Thea caught his attention, the sudden departure as soon as they had arrived causing him to feel a sense of anxiety greater than what he was already dealing with, grabbing handfuls of his own long hair and burying his face into them, covering it up completely. "I do not fully understand affection." He mumbled after a long moment of silence, letting go of most of his hair, leaving behind a bit of messiness. His olive cheeks were reddened slightly, a small intent visible in his cheek where he was aggressively biting at it. He didn't know if it was embarrassment, romantic feelings, or just the idea of involuntarily spreading his own awkwardness to the others who happened to walk past. "Not that it matters, I am too isolated for anyone to like. Too awkward. Too....quiet." He could go on forever, surely.

He held one of the drink bottles, crossing his legs to seem more casual. Poor Alex, oblivious as always.


Re: LATELY I'VE BEEN TRYING && confessing(?) - ONISION. - 08-23-2018

[div style="width: 310px; font-family: verdana; color: #B07224; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]BROKEN, RUINED, DEAD.
Onision scowled towards Thea and Bast as they walked past, eyes narrowing before he turned to Alex once more and listened to him speak. He knew this. He knew he had a hard time dealing with emotions, but he still wanted to confess, to try. He wouldn't give up that easily. "It's okay to be anxious, Alex." Oni spoke softly, a gentle spark to his normally rough voice. It was rare for Oni to show people affections, or gentleness. Normally, he wasn't so kind. Well, he was with Alexander.

Slowly, Oni reached out to brush stray strands of hair from Alex's face, a rare smile on his face as blue eyes stared up at the other boy. He loved Alex's eyes, his hair, everything. A hand slowly brushed against the reddening cheek in an attempt to soothe it. "Nobody will hurt us, Alex. I'll protect this place." Onision soothed, before sitting back on his rump once more. God, he loved him.

"Love is an unusual thing, y'know. One moment you're meeting a kid who can tolerate every aspect of you, and the next, you have such strong feelings for that person that you can't handle it anymore." Oni spoke calmly, a light tinting blush to his cheeks as he watched for any type of response from the other boy, before closing his eyes to continue. "And then boom, I'm in love with you. It took a while to notice, but your presence is like.. Calming, for me. I admire you, too." He muttered, lifting his soda up to his lips before taking a sip of it.

"Hopelessly, completely, utterly in love with you."

Re: LATELY I'VE BEEN TRYING && confessing(?) - Luciferr - 08-23-2018

Eternal had been passing by when she noticed Sea bass and thea - the angry lil pipsquek, hm, angry tribble - mosey on away quicktime and grew curious.

of course the huge dinosaur hadn't expected to walk upon what was essentially some weird awkward first date - ugh fuckin ell - she arrived right at the mushy love namby pamby, just take her out now - so the huge spinosaurus moseyed on past but not before hollerin loud and proud "JUST KISS HIM ALREADY" and then scarpering like the huge asshole she could be.
