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PRINCE CHARMING ¤¤ open && joining - Printable Version

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PRINCE CHARMING ¤¤ open && joining - DIMITRI HELLFIRE - 08-18-2018

To his own knowledge Tanglewood was a enemy to The Typhoon and so it seemed like the perfect fit for him to come here now when his interest from Typhoon itself was driving him away. Kazumi just felt restless there and his attention constantly got seeked elsewhere so had decided he could as well taken him on this exciting mission to spy on a enemy until he could decide weither this clan was more amusing or not. His loyalty was really nothing to hope for. Overtime he might even leave this place as well to seek out for an other one. In this new world there was so much to explore especially when it come to the clans. That had always been like a side hobby for him to travel through clans and causing chaos and trouble along the way as well.

In his new body (which not had taken special long to get fond over) the direhound would stop by the border, for now deciding to be polite enough to do so. His lips was curled up into a smug smirk as the vampire took a look around with his mismatched orbs, observing, studing. When it come to his scent it was impossible to tell where he come from consider this body had belonged to a outsider, a rouge how had got control and used to execute him. Kazumi had possessed the body of his own killer and right afterwards had left. So really no trance to hide where he come from was present on this body. It was a safe move for him to make, impossible to see through in this new body of his.

" Helloooo?. The first one how comes over and ask me name and business will get a kiss from me!." he spoke clearly with a humming tone, smirk growing as he now was curious over how that sort of statemate would influence this place. It was always interesting to see how people reacted to words, never failing to amuse him. If anything he believed he was approching a typical joining ritual in a more of a amusing way. In his opinion at least.

Re: PRINCE CHARMING ¤¤ open && joining - aya - 08-18-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]Aya dropped from a tree like a brick, landing hard on her paws in front of Kazumi. "Hi, I'm Aya, and I'll claw your face off if you try and kiss me. What's your business here?" She asked, genuine friendliness tinting her tone despite the clear threat. With the talking done, she allowed her eyes to wander, admiring the direhound form - she briefly wondered if the hound wasn't joining if she could use his... Limbs, or organs. The thought was vanished soon, the tortoiseshell deciding not to get her hopes up, as it seemed to her that the hound was likely joining.

Re: PRINCE CHARMING ¤¤ open && joining - madster - 08-18-2018

malphas heard commotion, and he made his way over. his crimson eyes were narrowed as he studied the other. he huffed, unamused. he wouldn't kiss this gross, stinky guy, anyways. he had a few choice words for the creep, but he wouldn't say anything. he was trying to be nice now, so no calling out people because that was mean.

the dark cat shifted his weight, glaring at kazumi. he didn't like him from the get-go. "malphas." he greeted curtly, claws unsheathed.

Re: PRINCE CHARMING ¤¤ open && joining - DELILAH. - 08-18-2018


trans femme ♥ tanglewood ♥ 15 m/o
[div style="background-color:#F0B1DB;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]While the other two Tanglers had arrived with a grumpy attitude and introductions, Delilah came over with a slight spring in her limping steps. Her mangled back foreleg dragged awkwardly behind her, but she paid no mind to it. The announcing of her presence was made by the cherry blossoms that evacuated themselves from her pelt, fluttering through the wind like feathers from a bird.

With a kind, but tired smile, Delilah sat beside Malphas, dipping her head to Kazumi. "My name's Delilah, I'll take a hug!" She volunteered, magenta eyes squinted slightly. Besides, she was the light inside of all of these emo bitches. Oops, she couldn't say that. That's what she heard some NPC's say.

Re: PRINCE CHARMING ¤¤ open && joining - ophelia. - 08-19-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 65%; line-height:120%; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana;"]Well, she certainly wasn't the first one here, so she had no reason to worry about being kissed. Stepping forward and onto the scene, Ophelia would nod her head politely in greeting to her fellow tanglers before looking toward the newcomer. "Greetings." she would state simply, deciding not to parrot Aya's question.

Her eyes would flick toward Delilah, then, who she didn't know well, but... Despite that, she did feel concern for her. "Maybe we shouldn't... hug strangers. I would have figured someone taught you that as a child." she said, tone as blank as it almost always was, but she didn't seem like she was meaning offense. She merely gave off an air of concern.

Re: PRINCE CHARMING ¤¤ open && joining - HAMMOND - 08-19-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]He wasn't supposed to be near the others. The male was treating himself like a rabid dog, a feral that shouldn't ever be close to society... Axle found himself going against his desires several times. First was listening to the meeting, something he never should've done, and now it was following the others around to make sure that whoever was lingering close to their territory was not a threat to him or his chances of redeeming himself to this group. As the Heeler grew closer, a shadow among his other clanmates given how distanced he was from them and given how he was as quiet as a mouse, his honey coloured eyes narrowed partially in disgust. Words that made sense to ears that were used to silence made Axle wish he could rid himself of the situation - who could offer such things up so freely? He believed the lies given to him by other dogs he had once trained with - wild animals had lost their minds. Tanglewood had not shown such insanity but it seemed that those intrigued in the clan had qualities which he would never covet.

Staying standing, navy specked ears would stand like little soldiers as he watched for any suspicious movement. A black nose wrinkled, Axle tempting himself to curl his lips up in warning to the hound to not try anything stupid, but a wall of Tanglers stopped him from going full out with his aggression. Instead, the beast stood completely still with a raised tail and gently swaying limbs. Eyes rolled when someone offered to hug the lunatic, as if that was ever a valid option when they smirked like a Cheshire Cat, yet he still did not speak. It wasn't worth it, the others had enough charisma to deal with this individual and make sure he knew his place and the Heeler had seen madmen before. They took to threats like kids took to candy, and starting a fight right here wasn't going to do him any good.

Re: PRINCE CHARMING ¤¤ open && joining - DIMITRI HELLFIRE - 08-20-2018

It didn't took long until he got surrended by people how reacted all the same. Half of them did not even spoke but cast him this 'kiss me and i will bite you' look while the rest seemed to have enough courage to speak out about their clear dislike over his suggestion. It seemed like he had ended up in a clan how lacked any sort of humor. A tensed group wasn't this one?. It was a perfect fit for him then since he for sure would turn thier world upside down by his complete opposite to personality from this people. " Well i was obiviously joking." he adressed this Aya person with a humours chuckle, amused she was the only one how actually took this alot more light hearted but he wouldn't have been suprised if she actually had been serious over her threat. Today that was not exactly something he wanted to check out. " But thanks for the warning sweetheart, if i ever feel a desperate need to kiss someone i know now ya are not the right person to lunge myself at after all i happend to be quite attached to my face." He entertained himself by contunie to speak unaware of her admiration to his body but if he knew he would have totally agreed with her. Such narcissistic man he was.

" My name's Kazumi by the way dear and with ya charm have just convinced me to join. Please do take good care of me." he words were slipping out like running water, so smoothly with that honey sweet tongue of his. His mismatched orbs then turned to glance over at the rest of the crowd, taking in the names how had been given out to him, Malphas,Delilah and hmh well, he supposed that was the only two name aside from Aya he actually knew at the moment. One of them did agreed to hug him which made his smirk widen but inside felt completely different over that proposal. " Oh there is no need for that. Ya should save them for ya friends."If you have any He hummed, letting his own thoughts stay with him.

Re: PRINCE CHARMING ¤¤ open && joining - ophelia. - 08-20-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 65%; line-height:120%; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana;"]Ophelia was fairly difficult to make uncomfortable, but even she had to admit that this man was a little bit off-putting. Still, she pushed that down. It was best to just remain friendly, even if she had a bad feeling about this. It wasn't like he'd even done anything, and she wasn't one to judge a book by its cover. Or a hound by his speech, she supposed. "It's nice to meet you, Kazumi. My name is Ophelia. Welcome to Tanglewood." she said.

Re: PRINCE CHARMING ¤¤ open && joining - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 08-20-2018

Re: PRINCE CHARMING ¤¤ open && joining - madster - 08-20-2018

ugh. malphas' stomach did front-flips inside of him. this guy gave him the major heebie-jeebies, and malphas himself was a fucking cannibal. he kept his black claws unsheathed, but they dug into the soft earth- he couldn't attack him. it was unwarranted. he couldn't even say anything mean. he was a changed person, no more bitterness. just... caution, now.

he moved to protect delilah. being her doctor, of course, he worried over her. "i'll take care of your-" he spat, turning to kazumi, baring his teeth, before relaxing. "sorry. i'm super sleep derived, you'll have to excuse me." that was a flimsy excuse for his rudeness, but whatever. "i'm malphas. the medic." unlike others, there was no invitation to come see him if he needed medical help. abathur could deal with this dude.