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even at the best of times i'm out of my mind // intro - Printable Version

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even at the best of times i'm out of my mind // intro - teef - 08-08-2018

[Image: giphy.webp]

jikai 'toji' horrel -- male - witchling - 21 - homosexual polyromantic - attack in #FFD700 & tag [member=1929]jikai ![/member] - speech/thought in #151B54

a man easily in the beginnings of his twenties and the later end of his teens stood just outside of the entrance to San Creado, his dirt covered hand resting on the scratched and marred pole of the town's sign. his eyes swept over the torn and tattered road, breath resting on his lips as he rolled his shoulders, neck popping and cracking as he looked down at himself after a slow languorous stretch. sighing once he brushed the dust from his suit, the white jacket marred by a day's travel with his knee high brown boots faring not much better.

taking in one last critical look of the city that lay before him he began his trek inward, his feet making soft prints in the dust littering the road, his body at ease even if his nerves and ears searched for every little noise or presence that might indicate danger. a wound over the man's right eye bleed profusely, mingling with the thick dark ichor seeping from a jagged slice on his left cheek. the dust and wind stung the open wounds, his body accustomed to the unrelenting pain of facial wounds. ruffling long black hair he gave a mighty huff, coughing at the dirt and dust he had breathed in.

there was one question he had as he observed his surroundings, noticing the relevant silence of the city, 'where is everyone? I mean, this does look like a hell-hole, but where are the occupants? ... is this a trap?' he questioned the nighttime air mentally.

even at dusk or in the dead of night he would expect to see some occupants. maybe this had been a bad idea after all ... not that he didn't trust his ex-husband, but he hadnt been out to observe the world in a long time and when his husband had last been here, he had seen a thriving night life. no matter, thoughts of the past would not help the man who had been forced through time by his own magick.

he had come to san creado in thought of starting life with his magick weak, a place to grow and fix his mistakes, a place to recover, and a place to begin. he had nothing in this time, and he could already feel the pounding headache that generally came with the force of travel. hearing the rush of noise in his ears and seeing the bright flurry of colors he crossed his arms before his face to protect himself from the hard ground racing to catch his body as he fell unconscious. he knew no more, darkness swallowing his very being in it's comfortable grip.

Re: even at the best of times i'm out of my mind // intro - alexander - 08-09-2018

[div style="width: 45%; margin: auto; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify"]Oh, Jikai was arriving in town at just the right time. With the moon hanging in the sky overhead, the creatures of the night crept out of their hiding places and looked for fun. Alex was one such creature, casually walking down the streets of the awakening town, a hand wrapped around a blood soda. They encountered a lot of things on their nightly walks around San Creado, but a man passed out on the sidewalk was not one of them. They raise a brow at the sight, the tangy scent of Jikai's blood filling their nose. Well, it seemed this stranger had been in a bit of a pickle before arriving here.

Humming, Alexander comes to crouch next to the witchling, setting their blood soda down beside his head. They reach out and poke the side of his face, dragging their finger through the thin stream of blood trickling down the side of his face. They bring it to their mouth, sticking their tongue out for a quick taste. "Hm. Tasty." They snicker, flicking the rest of the blood off their fingers before they get to work waking Jikai up. They straighten up, choosing to shake the man's shoulder with their foot. "Hey, get up. The werewolves don't like people passing out in their territory." This is a complete lie. Alex doesn't know that much about werewolf territories and what they liked in it, they just knew there seemed to be a lot of weird skirmishes about it. They liked to sit on the sidelines and watch sometimes - it was like watching a bunch of puppies wrestle.

With no indication that Jikai is waking up, they crouch down again, shaking his shoulder harder this time. "Okay, for real wake up this time. I'm bored. I will leave you here to wake up to someone worse, like Marko or Rialto."

Re: even at the best of times i'm out of my mind // intro - teef - 08-09-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

a slow groan rumbled off the dark skinned male, his chest shuddering with the effort of breathing, golden eyes open merely a crack as he gave the best response he could to both the foot and hand touching him, [color=#151B54]" ... mmmmnnn ... 'k offfff... augh, stoppppppppp ...!!" he complained, breath sucking in sharply as he tried to tuck in much tighter to himself.

giving a slow exhale he pushed himself onto his back, hand shading his eyes as if the sun was out, "who in the begotten hells are ye? an angel of death?" he snarled abruptly, lip raising to flash a sharp incisor before his lips closed over his teeth, the small twenty-one year old hauling himself into a sitting position.

he near immediately regretted the decision to move upright, hands scuffling through the dirt as the world spun, the cement under his fingers serving to remind him he was in a city somewhere. "where ... are we ...?" he growled in alex's direction, the witchling suffering the pounding headache associated with travel.

Re: even at the best of times i'm out of my mind // intro - Rialto - 08-10-2018

"Now there's a compliment," someone worse leered, having heard angel of death, elbow thudding onto Alex's shoulder as he squatted down right beside them. From wherever he'd come from - the answer to which was from the doors of Bloodfree, where he'd failed to charm Cat's second-most trusted kitchen junior manager into allowing the exchange of takeout and glowing phone straps. Again, failed. Which meant no takeout and a mildly disgruntled vampire, but no skin off his back. Looming over collapsed people and ribbing Alex was the next best thing. "Almost hit the mark, mister."

Rialto was just about to do the same thing Alex had to the downtrodden individual except instead of using his finger he'd probably go for something truly nasty, like his tongue, but two things: Rialto had the bare minimum of decency required to spare him from traumatisation now that the guy was conscious, and the awoken stranger had a bit of bite to them. He casually lifted a hand to hover a centimetre behind the other's back in case he needed it, taking the opportunity to thoroughly and unabashedly evaluate the person while they were still too disoriented to notice. Blue eyes narrowed slightly as they ran over the little spike of tooth, but his expression smoothed over. Well. Vampires weren't the only ones with sharp teeth, and the heartbeat - albeit sluggish enough to pass for undead, almost - remained strong enough to assure Rialto that this person wasn't in severe need of a blood transfusion. Quite mortal.

Not that an addition to the party would've done anyone harm.

At least, the stranger wouldn't need to drink blood to prevent starvation, but the wound was a tad concerning. In an absent movement Rialto slipped one of his phone screen wipers out of his pocket and lifted it to the scarred face for the stranger to clean their own wound, breaking into a vaguely mischievous smile. "Welcome to San Crodo," he said blithely. "San Creed. San Crepe. Something like that. You must be new in town."

San Creado buzzed only when it came to a certain part of the night; sometime just after sundown, a few rascals always competing to get the first thumps on the dented fusebox to light up the town - just momentarily - in glowing green and gold. The time when everyone started to unfurl from their hiding places, and then the noise would die down; they were crouching here somewhere around this time, San Creado's residents spread out elsewhere. For the moment, the three were flanked by silence. "Need some help, sir?" Rialto asked lightly. Two lanky vampires could try grabbing him from under the armpits and dragging him elsewhere to patch him up. Or there was the fireman's carry. The stranger was probably better off without them trying to transport him like a sack of potatoes, actually.

Re: even at the best of times i'm out of my mind // intro - teef - 08-10-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

the young man made something of a startled noise, eyes darting up to the man crouched over him, noticing how close he came and held his breath. [color=#151B54]'where the hell did he come from?' he found himself thinking as he looked at rialto, eyes traveling back to alex as he huffed lowly, feeling more than a little agitated and anxious surrounded by people and faces he didn't know.

now, he wasn't about to deny that both individuals were attractive, but he couldn't afford to let their looks sway him. "uh ... hello. hmmnngh ..." his words were cut off by a coughing fit, his ribs aching in his chest. "gnnnhh. alright alright. I need help. and I need you to tell me who both of you are, and why this place is so quiet." he responded softly, licking his lips.

he could sense the night-life beginning to awaken and it stirred some animal instinct deep inside his blood and bones. cautiously he took the cloth from rialto and used it to wipe away the larger amounts of blood on his face, panting softly just from the exertion. he was injured somewhere inside, and he didn't like showing that he was injured, especially in front of strangers.

from what his ex had said, these folks in this city were supposed to be helpful, albeit a little strange and into ... different not normally accepted things by the society that he had lived in. no matter, he had seen his husband do many things that were not approved of, such as manslaughter and well, eating people alive. it didn't bother him that much, but something about these two men set off alarm bells in his head, maybe it was the metallic stink of blood clinging to both and hanging around them.

his head began to pound as he looked back and forth between them, weighing his possibilities, weighing even the chance of surviving this encounter as he ran through different species that had an affinity for blood. 'oh crap, oh holy crap. they can be either nagas in human skin, chupacabras or god help me, vampires.' he worried silently, bright golden eyes quickly losing the fog of unconsciousness, growing to be more alert as his heart pounded in his breast.

why was he afraid of vampires? was it something in his past? had he been attacked by a vampire? no, because his husband had been all for drinking blood from him when he didn't find prey for him. he couldn't be scared of vampires for having his blood drank. that wasn't it. what was it? he could sense that he was becoming distressed and didn't have a way to calm himself down, reaching out desperately for his snake. his breathing began to slow as the ball python he called xiaoxiao slid out to coil loosely around his neck in comfort, her head resting on his collarbone with her tongue flickering at the vampires curiously.

(I apologize I am so brain dead and tired right now)

Re: even at the best of times i'm out of my mind // intro - alexander - 08-10-2018

[div style="width: 45%; margin: auto; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify"]"An angel of death! Don't flatter me." Alexander giggles, flashing a pair of fangs in their amusement. When Rialto appears at their side, they reach up to tug at the end of his ponytail, amusement still clear on their face. "A compliment indeed. Do you flirt with all strangers like this, mister?" They turn back to Jikai, a teasing lilt in their voice. This was all fun and games, of course. Alexander and Rialto together was never anything else. They snort at their friend's butchery of their town's name, shooting him an unimpressed raised eyebrow. "You're in San Creado. Looks like this guy is still waking up."

They wait for Rialto to pull Jikai to his feet before they straighten up themself, hands going to their hips. Well, this guy was a bit bossy, wasn't he? Didn't he know he was questioning two creatures that could easily snap him in half? Alex hums under their breath, deciding whether or not they really wanted to help this guy. It was amusing to see the stranger struggle through all of this, but Marko had ordered that they be more civil to newcomers, so - "I'm Alexander. It's quiet around here because all of the humans have gone to sleep. It should get more lively in about thirty minutes or so. The vampires are still waking up." They explain. A smirk lifts up their lips when they hear Jikai's heartbeat pick up, burgundy eyes flickering in interest. Oh, no. Was this little human scared? This situation was suddenly a lot more fun.

Their attention moves to the snake curled around the man's shoulders, instinctively taking a step back. Animals never seemed to react well to them, and they didn't want a reptile attacking them because it decided they had weird vibes, or whatever animals sensed about other creatures.

Re: even at the best of times i'm out of my mind // intro - teef - 08-10-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

jikai licked his lips, burying the urge to snap at alex, his eyes carrying a savage glint. he didn't like this guy, whatever his species was. snorting he growled, [color=#151B54]"No, I usually dont flirt with every stranger on the street, normally only the charming attractive ones. he scoffed haughtily.

his gaze darkened as this alex fellow mentioned that the vampires were still waking up, "Oh? I'm supposed to be scared of vampires I'm guessing. Next you're going to tell me the earth is round and you're a vampire, am I right?" he bit out slightly.

when xiaoxiao slid into his shoulders he relaxed, eyeing alexander smugly, "What, scared of a little snake??" he sneered, moving absently away from rialto and alex once on his feet, his posture screaming his wariness against them, the way one foot laid before the other and the way his knees were bent just the slightest read that he was going to fight, not run. he used to be a troublemaker in his younger days, picking hopeless fights, fights he wouldn't win and knew it.

sorry at work//

Re: even at the best of times i'm out of my mind // intro - Rialto - 08-10-2018

Rialto withdrew once he passed the cloth, rolling his eyes so hard they could've fallen out and returning Alex's pull with his elbow lowering to jab their side. San Krypton. Whatever. He would've gotten it. "Rialto. A pleasure," he replied, standing up himself. The following compliment at Alex made him scowl. "Don't butter them up. What's so good about them, anyway?" This was the point where Rialto SUBTLY (that was a lie) started tugging at his own ponytail, maybe tilting his head a bit to try accentuating his jawline, adjusting the fall of his clothes. The effect was ruined because of his glaring into the distance, trying to look cool. And charming. And attractive. You know, subtly.

The stranger's breathing fluctuated during the exchange, quickening but suppressing itself back to normal; considering the trickle of blood that still hadn't entirely quenched, from what Rialto could see, and their other injuries, the stranger's systems going off about potential danger they posed would certainly be unsurprising. His eyes widened at the stranger's suggestion, hand flying to his mouth. "The earth? Round?" he repeated. "What are you talking about?" Rialto shook his head wisely. "Of course it is. Thought we established that."

A second of triumph. He didn't go to school - the only reason he could add two small numbers was because he had fingers, but even he knew the world was round. Such an intellectual.

His gaze automatically affixed on the snake that slid into sight, spreading over the man's upper body. Alexander balked, and not without good reason; there was something of a track record they had with the whole animal kingdom. Something of an animal instinct, it must have been - animals were smart. They knew when something needed to be bitten. They should've expected that at least one of the strangers that they came by would eventually have a snake; all kinds of peculiar characters were attracted to ghost towns. Rialto didn't retreat, face becoming carefully impassive, but he did blatantly keep his arms delicately unfolded. Just to talk. "I know bigger snakes," he said, dismissive. Like the one behind him. (Another lie. He was the bigger snake.) "We won't hurt you. Keen to follow us, snake charmer?"

Re: even at the best of times i'm out of my mind // intro - teef - 08-10-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

Jikai watched them with a sense of worn patience, his eyebrows lowering into a pursed frown, noticing how rialto avoided the question about being vampires. he grit his teeth, trying to keep himself calm, knowing that xiaoxiao was waiting to respond to his emotions. settling one hand over her head he breathed in and out, blocking the two vampires from the python's site as she gave a complaining hiss, going quiet as jikai forcibly relaxed his body.

he took in rialto's sudden posturing and bristling remark, his eyes taking on a surprised humor, [color=#151b54]"Wait, what?? You're jealous of the fact that he got a ... compliment?
his voice creaked as one who hasn't laughed in a long time, where tears were more common then laughter. the corners of his mouth always seemed pointed down even when he smiled.

jikai took one last deep breath, schooling himself into a serious manner, "Okay. Lead the way, Mr. Snake. I'll go along with you for a bit, but if something happens, you won't know what hit you." it seemed that the young man had run into some with a personality like both of theirs. he knew hidden meanings even if he chose to ignore them. he also knew that both of them were a predator, predators able to easily manhandle and/or injure him depending on how hard he pushed their nerves. maybe it was reckless, but he was part reckless, seeking refuge from his past and future, just letting the currents of time take him wherever he was meant to be.

dying, I cannot write today lmao -- he was trying to make a snide comment at alex not compliment him whoops//

Re: even at the best of times i'm out of my mind // intro - alexander - 08-10-2018

[div style="width: 45%; margin: auto; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify"]"I am rather charming and attractive, aren't I?" They shoot back, choosing to ignore Jikai's jab at their appearance, though a frown darkens their previously open expression. They glance to the side at Rialto, chuckling at his not-so subtle jealousy over the offhanded compliment. "Please, Rialto. He said what was so good about me already! I'm an angel, I'm charming, I'm attractive. The list goes on." Alexander teases, watching with amusement as their friend starts to mess with their own appearance. It didn't seem like either of them were going to get real compliments out of this guy - he didn't seem to like them very much.

They're surprised by Jikai's skepticism, burgundy eyes narrowing as they return their attention to the stranger once again. "Yes, we've already established that the Earth is round, and I'm a vampire. So is Rialto. Do you want us to prove it?" They growl, starting to become annoyed at the man's attitude. Alex hasn't even done anything yet; the guy should at least wait until they get a bite out of him before he starts to be rude. They bare their teeth at his teasing, shoulders hunching in defense. "I'm not scared of some reptile." They snap, aware that it's a weak comeback.

We won't hurt you. Don't sound so sure, Rialto. Alex had half a mind to just drop it and go spend their night somewhere else, but - they couldn't deny that this situation was interesting. They haven't met a human that could actually manage to piss them off in a while. There wasn't much else to do at the moment, either, so they might as well stick around. They stay silent at the other vampire's side, arms crossed around their chest. They snort at Jikai's thinly veiled threat, eyes flickering up to his face to see if he was serious or not. Did this guy really not understand who exactly he was surrounded by? "I'd be more cautious of who you threaten around here."