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[ notice: important clanwide plot triggered at the end of the meeting so place skip down to see the recap if needed ]

Bastille was... tired, might be a good word for. He was usually tired, but today he was particularly tired. Everything felt dull and stagnant, his souls jostling him around until everything felt like a fever dream, and in truth the Observatory had felt eerily still in the past few days. Maybe he was imagining it, but it felt like the energy was draining out of him, and he could feel the telling signs of one of his signature tension headaches. Add onto that the little issue of his missing members, Pincher being an asshole, and the potentially idiotic thing he'd done that morning? He was in for a fun day.

[b]"Meeting time," he called lowly on his way up from the basement, having just come from seeing to it that Pincher's two little girls were "comfortable", so to speak. "Look, I'll just say it: I don't even know who all joined this week versus last week. Sorry, boo, dropped the ball on that one." Typical. He was honestly impressed he'd even managed to keep track this far without fucking it up. "So, welcome, everyone. If I miss you in buddy group assignments, yell at me and I'll add you into one. Good? Great. Moving on, then...

"So, buddy groups. I'm assigning them today. They're random, and not changing, so hopefully you all can figure out how to play nice with one another. Group leaders will be expected to check in on their tasks and get those rolling this week. All information regarding those can be found here. You all will be in either category A, B, or C, so take note of your category because it will matter for buddy task assignments later.

"Category A groups, then. I will be the leader for my group, with Carolina, Thea, and Pimostra. Suiteheat will lead Hearteyes, René, and Texas. Margaery is with Shininglight and Lazarus.

"Category B groups will be Hazel and Imperia leading Harland and Inu; Roy and Vi leading Onision, Beverly, and Cass; Washington and Cooper leading Alex, Cece, and Adelaide.

"Category C groups... Moon and Church will lead Bridgette, Riza, and Stark. Anzazel and Lessa have Anakin and Playerone. Roman has South, Diya, and Aaliyah."
A pause. "Everyone got their groups? If not, ask me later."

Bastille had likely missed someone or another, but then again, what did they expect? He'd told them time and time again that he wasn't fit for fucking leadership, so they could deal with the consequences of letting someone incompetent lead. He yawned, slowly, before drawling, "Right... Anz has stepped down, and Gabriel left." A pause. "Margy is missing, and as far as we know, Typhoon has Cass, Roman, and Moon. We'll come back to that later. In the meantime, I'm putting Lessa and Vi on warning, dropping Hazel and Wash to Guardian, and demoting Church. I have no idea if Margy is coming back, so for the time being, we'll assume she's stepped down. Carolina... look, let's not kill any more captures, alright? Step up to Guardian. Thea, Corporal. Shoutout to Hearteyes. Our ranks are thinning out a bit, and I know everyone's feeling fuckin' drained, but I'd like to see more involvement out of everyone."

Bastille wasn't exactly sure what more to ask of them other than to show signs of a pulse, not sure if he was the only one who felt like everyone was simply going through the motions or not. Whatever. "Other news... We've allied with one of the newer groups, some traders called Sunhaven. They've got shops and shit or something if you are looking to trade. August ceremonies and weekly tasks will be up tomorrow. If anyone who hasn't hosted tasks before -- regular members included -- and wants to, let me know now."

He looked annoyed as he shifted to their other most recent business, and continued, "Anyway, as I said before, the Typhoon are fucking bastards. They've already raided us and taken some of our members. I know some of you want to strike back, and I'm not going to let them just rot with those jackasses." A pause. He exhaled, once. "Two of Pincher's daughters came stomping onto our territory this morning. Look, before anyone yells at me, I know it's fucked up, but they're locked in the basement. We're not going to hurt them, but I want to use them to trade."

Bast grimaced, clearly not entirely pleased with this situation, but it was too late now. The air felt heavy and tense, and he wasn't certain if it was his imagination or not, but he felt a subtle shift. Something was pinging on his radar, raising the air on the back of his neck, and while he paused, it wasn't enough to stop him. It was nothing. His souls were simply imbalanced.

"And if Pincher doesn't accept the trade, or if they come after us again, we're going to counter raid them." He waited. He knew that the notion of striking back wasn't exactly in line with their "pacifism", but Bastille had never believed that upholding the peace meant getting their throats stomped on and doing nothing. They could at least retaliate, and he was giving Pincher a fucking option here, but still. He anticipated some protest.

What he didn't anticipate was the sudden burst of energy that he sensed. Overhead, some of the lightbulbs blew, sparks flying as the lights went off half-way. Bastille jerked, head snapping up as something thrummed and throbbed in the air, and he could something screeching in the distance: like metal on metal, something sliding into place. Emergence lights flickered and flashed, a soft siren blaring from the basement, and Bastille was just about to jump down when the sound of locks licking into place echoed through the Great Circle. The main lighting went out, plunging the Observatory into darkness.

"Fuck,' Bastille exhaled, for a moment completely stunned.

[ the observatory is going into LOCKDOWN. no one will be able to get in and out of the observatory. this will be addressed in another post in the meeting, so stick around (not that anyone can go any where lol). a few members will be trapped outside (the captured ones, margy, shining) to field newcomers and whatnot, so dm if you're interested in being trapped out, but for the most part everyone will be stuck inside and forced to bond together! more info to come! ]
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST

Re: I DON'T GIVE A FUCK | MANDATORY MEETING 9.5 - imperia - 08-06-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px;"]On a normal day, Imperia is among the best listeners. She sits politely within the crowd, quietly watching whilst allowing those in charge to speak. But she woke up this morning with a horrible headache. Not due to lack of sleep or stress, but it almost felt like someone was shoving fragmented images of events she has yet to see into her skull. Most of it did not make sense, but she recognized the observatory and Bastille. There was also something about the Typhoon? Knowing that today is meeting day, the slender she-wolf is the first to arrive. The girl hesitates, finding it hard to summon the courage to speak out of turn. She needs to interrupt him. Peri is not sure why, but she knows that she has to stop Bastille from completing his announcements. "Bastille I need to—" begins the creature, but she is cut off as the leader initiates his long-winded announcements. Sure, the buddy groups are all wonderful and interesting but Imperia is so sure that something bad is going to happen. He has to listen!

Once Bast begins to move onto topics regarding the Typhoon, Peri realizes that time is running out. "Bastille you have to listen to me! You need to stop! Something bad is going to happen you have to believe me. Please—" But it's too late. The lights flicker and dance. An explosion of sparks. A siren blares in the distance. And then...absolute darkness. The fur along her spine stands on edge, and the timid she-wolf finds herself huddling close to the nearest wall. "So this is what those dreams meant..." Peri says under her breath, voice quaking with trepidation.



[div style="background-color:#806A71;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]The meeting was going fine. Bastille was using his usual potty mouth, not that Oni cared in particular. But, then things shifted. It went dark, and Onision flipped a wig. "What's happening? What's going on? Mama?" Squeaked out the child, searching around for Suiteheart. For Alexander. For someone.



[div style="width: 45%; margin: auto; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify"]Hearteyes had arrived to the meeting earlier than she had last time, weaving through the small crowd until she was close to the front, eager to watch the Astral Seraph hash out his announcements. She perked up when Bastilleprisoner brought up the subject of buddy groups, smiling when her name was brought up. Cool! Now she had a group to tag along with - hopefully they got along well. Suiteheart, René, and Texas. She could remember that! She twists in her spot to survey the crowd, hoping to catch sight of the members she was now in a group with. They would have to meet up somewhere, to get to know each other. Team bonding was important.

Her attention starts to wonder as the meeting goes on, but she brightens when she hears her name again. Wow! A shout out to her - that was awesome. Bastilleprisoner had mentioned her in the last meeting, too, when she had joined. He was good at keeping track of his clanmates, it seemed. The molly can't help but beam, hazy pink eyes scrunching.

It's immediately wiped away at the sound of Imperia's voice, the panic in her tone gripping Hearteyes like a vice. Something is wrong. A lot of things have been going wrong lately. The Observer almost screams when the lights burst above their heads, ducking her head and scrambling for cover. What was going on? Darkness suddenly surrounds the group like a quilt, and it makes her fur stand on end. The phantom song of a siren in the distance only strengthens her fear, breath catching in her lungs. What's - What's going on? This is scary, I don't like it. What's going on?" She barely notices her rambling, words repeating after themselves in her rush to get them out.

Re: I DON'T GIVE A FUCK | MANDATORY MEETING 9.5 - lessa - 08-06-2018

✯ — honestly, it's just me, brainlessly, so silly, always hoping for good to be
The petite marten slowly made her way to join the crowd, lingering towards the back, where she could disappear.  Her metal paws shuffling, the Halo stared absently ahead as she listened, but not quite paying full attention.  Had her connection to the Force been a little stronger, she may have felt a problem on the horizon.  As it was, Lessa had only the strange shiver down her spine in warning before Imperia's desperate warning came into fruition.

Her torn ears pressed sharply against her skull, her visible eye narrowing in surprise and thought.  She'd seen the flicker of... Someone before the lights went out… The marten felt her breath catch, a subconscious response if anything.  It'd been some time since she'd been surrounded by nothing but darkness.  Even then; there'd been lights around and plenty of familiar faces.  Not to mention Shine's glowing eyes.  Close to him, at least, she'd felt a little more relaxed. Like she was perfectly safe.  Like the walls weren't closing in on her.

She has to remind herself to breathe.  Even then, it does not come easy.  Breathe.  But her lungs don't quite work like they should.  Instead the Halo dropped to the floor, curling her tail tightly around herself, as it could protect her from the suffocating dark.  Why?  Not my fault... Didn't do anything wrong... I didn't do anything wrong. Please stop.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: lowercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px cornflowerblue; font-size: 12px;"]— lessa ren solo

Re: I DON'T GIVE A FUCK | MANDATORY MEETING 9.5 - MirrorEdge - 08-06-2018

A lot had happened, and it was a bit difficult for the Fireball to keep up, as Bastille was quick to hop from one subject to another. She managed to barely catch the promotion and buddy groups, to which she offered Bastille a bright smile, but it quickly faded, once the topic of the Typhoon came up, and after the announcement of captures, both the Typhoon's and theirs, and the potential raid.

Sparks flying, Thea was quick to duck to avoid the bits of glass from the shattered lightbulbs, the young Arabian leopard's blue eyes struggling to adjust to the now dark Observatory, dim red lights suddenly seeming so much brighter.

"What the?" No cheerfulness in Thea's tone, and she took a few steps back, more confused than scared for now.

Re: I DON'T GIVE A FUCK | MANDATORY MEETING 9.5 - melody - 08-06-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]Mels was only little, and was barely listening to the meeting until the lights went off. She jumped, ears flattening, and realised she was unable to see. The little kitten didn't know what to do, but the tears came anyway. She whimpered, looking around as her eyes began to adjust. Nobody she trusted was here.

Re: I DON'T GIVE A FUCK | MANDATORY MEETING 9.5 - Cosmic - 08-06-2018

So there was really nothing new being said in this meeting, except Carolina finally getting the promotion she deserved. That was really good to see. I was really happy about that. Cool. Some good news. I wasn't there for the whole... murder thing though... and I didn't want to know if that was true or not.

Just as I was about to speak, things had more or less gone to hell. The observatory had gone into lockdown for some strange reason, and I was curious as to why. What was this about?

I was a little irritated by everyone freaking out over this, but regardless I sat there in silence. I wasn't sure if I should say something or not.

Re: I DON'T GIVE A FUCK | MANDATORY MEETING 9.5 - Suiteheart - 08-06-2018

She felt cold. Closed off. Irrational. Impulsive. The absence of the bond she shared with Margaery lifted self-control from her mind. Erlend was whispering to find some control, but Suiteheart didn't give a shit. Margaery had gone home to Niklaus. She had broken a promise. And she went home with the man who had caused the both of them so much pain and suffering. Suite was angry and sad, confused and frustrated.

She had arrived a tad bit late to the meeting - Bastille had already began talking about new members. She flicked an ear and bit her lip to avoid making a snide comment about his mess ups. He'd called himself out; she didn't need to add insult to injury. The white feline sat quietly near the back of the group and hoped the announcements would be over soon so she could leave.

She allowed a small breath to escape her parted lips as Bastille spoke about the buddy system. She was in a group with Hearteyes, René, and Texas. That seemed easy enough, she thought. She liked them all from their brief encounters. A spark of her old self seemed to ignite as she realized she was excited for all the possibilities with her little group. The ivory femme nodded, allowing her eyes to scan the room for her group members.

Another breath. She was holding it together quite well, despite the mention of Margaery earlier. She listened to Bastille's next words, and all the air seemed to get sucked out of her lungs. "Margy is missing." Baby blue eyes clouded over, and she felt herself rising to her paws. She didn't want to be in the meeting hall anymore. She couldn't be there anymore. Suiteheart escaped the Observatory before Sunhaven could be mentioned.

Now outside, she could faintly hear Bast's words, but she wasn't listening. She could get filled in later. She was more focused on the blood pumping in her ears and the way her claws were unsheathing themselves to sink into the ground. Tapping into the bond, the woman searched for Margaery, but there was nothing. It was useless.

The Ecliptic Admiral was walking away from the Observatory when the sirens began to sound. The horrendous noise of metal scraping against metal filled the air. Whirling around, she watched as the door to the Observatory (its only entrance) began to close. "Fuck," she spat, scrambling from her current position to sprint for the door. It didn't matter how quick she was because the door slammed shut before she could slip inside.

"No, no, no! Dammit!" the white feline hissed, standing on hind legs and pushing on the door. Nothing. It wasn't going to budge. She could hear the mass hysteria inside. She could hear her son calling for her, and her heart seized in her chest. "What the fuck?"

She shifted into a polar bear, hoping and praying the size and strength of this form would be enough. The pale bear grappled with the door for a few moments, but there was no movement. There was nothing. The door was completely sealed.


Was she the only one on the outside? Transforming back into a feline, she sank against the door. She knew she needed to do something, but what? "Can anyone hear me?" she yelled, but she wasn't sure her voice would break through the barrier or the panic inside.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: I DON'T GIVE A FUCK | MANDATORY MEETING 9.5 - Seina - 08-06-2018

This had been Inu's first meeting and already he felt anxious when walking up this stairs to head up to the observatory to join the rest in that one big room. There where some things he not liked, not could stand, and it was heights,darkness and to get locked inside. All of this three things the observatory had. But he had convinced himself it would be fine since the room was lighten up by lambs, and there was no windows so couldn't possible see how far up he was. For sure no one would close that door during the meeting he hoped. If anything could stand close to the door just to be sure.

So when Inu had reached the stairs to enter the meeting room had swollowed down his anxious feeling and did what he had planned to stay close to the door opening just to be sure. Taking a seat would listen in to what the leader had to say, actually remembering him from when he had joined. Some things he was familliar with to understand while some others he was not. What suprised him most was the buddy system and he seemed to have been assigned in with one of them. Inu was not sure what to feel about that since he not really knew any of them how he had been teamed up with. Wasn't it enough for him to seat here in this room surrended by people?. How social where they expecting him to be... Inu would much rather be left alone to be for himself. The pain of losing anyone he cared about was to much for him to deal with right now since he still admittedly was grieving.

It was then that one thing that not was allowed to happend become his worst nightmare. The lights started to flicker on and off, a awful siren starting to go in the background until everything fall into complete darkness. But that was not the worst part. Seating so close to the door could hear when the door got shut closed. Inu fore up to his paws with widen eyes as everything that meet his vision was darkness, darkness, darkness. Not long after panic fore up inside of his chest, making his breathing increasing. No, no,no. I need to get out!!. I need to get out!! before he comes!.

His flight instinct kicked in as the panic overwhelmed him. Inu seemed to be the first one to fully panic as he let out a scream before he turned around to rush straight towards the closed door and started to desperately scratch his claws at it. " Open the door!. Let me out!! let me out!! Please let me out!!." he cried in panic and terror, not stoping, just contunie on and on to rasp his claws at the door until his paws started to bleed.

Inu just wanted to get out.