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CHARACTER AESTHETICS - grassina - 08-05-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 70%; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]hi so i'm lowkey bored, and i figured this would be a fun little thing to do (and s/o to Percy for coming up with this idea a few weeks ago)!! basically, just throw your character here, and i'll write up a few things that remind me of them!

margaery ―
dusty, pink roses in the early sunlight. love letters sealed with a kiss. beautiful destruction. blood-red wine in crystalline glasses. dimples from small smiles. hidden weapons. the feeling of first waking up, when everything is still peaceful and the sun is just beginning to grace the earth. sculpture gardens. new beginnings. princesses from days of old. soft laughter and even softer eyes. castle gardens. unconditional love. the sound of high heels against a marble floor. taking what you deserve and not questioning it. well-kept antiques. being equal parts delicate and deadly. old souls. soft epilogues.

moonmade ―
growing up and trying to find yourself. sneaking out. dark circles under your eyes and bright minds that blind you. garage bands. the dimples on the moon's surface. best friends. stars that look like bullet holes in the sky. sideways smiles. lazy saturday afternoons. tinted windows. laughing so hard you cry. inner strength. lavender. still being young enough to listen to your dreams. kissing and telling. inside jokes with those closest to you. self-doubt. making change happen instead of waiting for it. tiny plants on windowsills. soft green colors. bear hugs. holding hands on the walk home. beat up sneakers that fit perfectly.

roy ―
seeing your breath on a cold night. smoke rings. fighting for those you love. the beauty of a forest fire. the smell of struck matches. volcanoes. smiling in spite of yourself. never letting your inner fire burn out. cold nights with warm friends. leadership. the fine line between control and its antonym. bruised knuckles. sharp tongues and kind hearts. shadows and sunshine. old photographs. bravery. keeping promises without failure. fireplaces. summer nights with fireflies. antique lanterns. old fashioned ways. fighting until there is nothing left. falling for coworkers and realizing the sun has a reason to shine now. flint. old dogs and new tricks.

washington ―
marching onward and never backing down. lightning strikes on the horizon. battlegrounds. bullet shells on the ground. shadows. the fear of not being good enough but trying anyway. memories. deep breaths. spitting blood. mushroom clouds. knives. hiding behind masks. dark grays. dog tags from your best friend. running until your legs give out. raindrops on flowers. gentle eyes. closed doors that beg to be opened. inner turmoil. the search for home and heart. cracking knuckles. remembering what used to be. searching for lost keys. battle worn. tarnished gold that doesn't shine like it used to.

carolina ―
taking charge and leading the way. bloody knuckles. trying to ground yourself. rebirth. not being afraid to get your hands dirty. clouds with silver linings. closed fists. fighting like a girl. crooked smiles. rewriting history to suit yourself. boxing gloves. the color of the sky. dream catchers. war zones in the mind and heart. stormy weather. searching for where you belong. natural skill. having a kind heart but being scared to show it. homesickness. waking up from a dream that lingers longer than it should. rebellious hearts. a true fighter. trees and their roots. burning from the inside out. gentle embraces. bruises.

thea ―
sunshine during rainstorms. stargazing. swords. craving to be more than a weapon. childlike wonder. being a believing creature. growing up. bravery. band-aids. running wild and free. independence. blooming and always growing. the fear of being weak. shaking hands. hopelessly hopeful. dreams of a brighter future. wishing on stars that are really just satellites. missing something you've never known. blue neon lights. learning to be better. wanderlust. a heart made of gold. infectious laughter. hand-me-down coats that are still warm. refusing to give up. soft singing. cheerful smiles that go for miles. a fighting spirit.

imperia ―
stars burning in your eyes. walking with grace. white lace. crystal balls and tarot cards. flower crowns. looking to the sky with questions and finding the answers in yourself. kindness. fog in the mountains. polished silver. selflessness. the smell of an old library and your favorite book. tart baked goods. letting flower petals decide if they love you or if they don't. soft as silk. the pale light of the moon. french poetry. lullabies. the swords of ancient warriors. laughing eyes. crystals. smiles so bright they light up rooms. architecture from days of old. healing the hurt. solace. still waters that reflect the stars.

hearteyes ―
sunsets the color of blush on your lover's cheeks. bath bombs. heart-shaped sunglasses. riding in the car with all the windows down. cherry blossoms in early spring. first kisses. not being afraid to fall in love. slow dances. making a cassette for your crush. faint rainbows. putting letters in bottles and sending them out to sea. planting flowers. record players. sewing patches into your clothes. starting over. angel wings and butterfly kisses. homemade happiness. taking pictures with your best friends. fairy lights. retro drive-in movies. temporary tattoos. laughing until your sides hurt. pink sugar packets.

Re: CHARACTER AESTHETICS - Florence - 08-05-2018

margy margy margy!

Re: CHARACTER AESTHETICS - grassina - 08-05-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 70%; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]updated!


[size=9pt]take The Boy

Re: CHARACTER AESTHETICS - vvintersoldier - 08-05-2018


Re: CHARACTER AESTHETICS - grassina - 08-05-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 70%; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]updated y'all!! <33


: o

Re: CHARACTER AESTHETICS - rhosmari - 08-05-2018


Re: CHARACTER AESTHETICS - MirrorEdge - 08-05-2018

gently sets Thea here

Re: CHARACTER AESTHETICS - roman - 08-05-2018
