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you're dancing with me now -- open / return - Printable Version

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you're dancing with me now -- open / return - tori - 07-31-2018

"They won't remember you."

"Stop it."

He'd forgotten how long he'd been away, it couldn't have been that long. It's not like he left as a baby and dropped back in as an adult anyway. But he knew this place was always subject to change, there could have been a natural disaster in the short time he'd been missing. Hopefully not, the only thing he was expecting was having to go through the pain and suffering of introducing himself again. On the bright side, he'd had some time to work out the kinks in his personality, mainly the anxiety. He would never truly be rid of it, but he could at least struggle against it.

However, his main concern was having been forgotten entirely by those few he had managed to form some sort of relationship with. He didn't want to be forgotten but it wouldn't have been unexpected, after all, he would always be the quiet one in the back. Didn't socialize enough. But that was fine. He would just start over.

Light brown eyes focused up at the shape of the Observatory from where he stood, passed the Ascendants' border and nearing the heart of the territory. Maybe it would be wise to stop here and wait. He sat down, in time laying down when his muscles began to burn from fatigue. 


Re: you're dancing with me now -- open / return - Margaery - 07-31-2018


margaery mikaelson-folie
[color=#b09090]"Alex... My sweet boy! You're back!"

The amount of joy that laced Margaery's tone as she raced towards the canine was tremendous, lips pulling back in a smile as she attempted to envelop him in a hug the best she could. [color=#b09090]"I've been worried sick about you! Where'd you go? Did someone hurt you? Give me a name and I swear to you, I'll ensure that they're dealt with," She continued, that tender blue gaze of her flashing copper for but a moment. It was especially clear in these past few days that she and Genevieve were becoming more of their own entity, her counterpart's typical way of handling issues - murder - an option to Margaery suddenly.

She didn't pay that little development any mind though, too relieved to see Alexander back in one piece- returned to them bearing what seemed to be no wounds. Good. That was good. [color=#b09090]"Are you hungry, darling? Can I get you anything? Food? Water?" Was Margaery being a bit of hen-like mother? Oh yes. Did she care? Of course not. Her children's wellbeing meant the world to her and she'd be damned if she didn't interrogate Alex.

Re: you're dancing with me now -- open / return - VERSAILLESPALACE - 07-31-2018

(watch me disappear)
Versailles never knew Alex had left the same as her - perhaps they'd disappeared around the same time, fled from the territory mere moments from each other... it's likely, but she still feels like she's pulling on strings. Their shared disappearance isn't grounds for a connection, she knows this, she knows it's not enough, but a part of her hopes to find something. She's been too scared to go out, to mingle, to even lift her eyes to look at somebody's face without feeling the crippling fear crawling down her spine.

She walks over to Alex and Marg with her head hanging low (and it's quite a sight to see a large panther having such submissive body language). Versailles doesn't stray from the Ascendant who was first to approach her, settling behind Margaery with her lips pursed and her eyes downcast - hiding would have been effective if Versailles had been in her old body, but she's much too large now to hide behind the other, and it looks almost funny if not for the doubtful expression on her face.

"Hey, Alex." Her voice is nothing more above a whisper in the wind, treading lightly as her gaze wavers - almost, almost looking at him, but falling at the very last second - discipline, she remembers, she must have discipline and control. "I'm glad to see that you're back. Guess we both needed to take a dip, didn't we?" Perhaps there could have been a small chuckle at the end of her question, but it's lost on the tremor of her voice.

Re: you're dancing with me now -- open / return - MOONMADE - 07-31-2018

[size=9pt]Alex. The only way Moon knew him was because of that one time Peri propelled herself out of the ocean and the kid freaked out in the background. Moon, feigning composure, had never related to someone as much as he did at that moment, and he was almost glad Alex had screamed, because if he hadn't, Moon would've been the next in line to breakdown.

So he liked the pup. The same way he liked all of the Ascendant's kids. They were generally really weird, with some pretty tragic stuff having happened to them in their past for sure, but Moon felt a responsibility to play his part in helping them fix up their life. It's possible he didn't want to see them struggle like he did. The fact that something traumatic had happened to so many kids in the Clan was devastating, but at least, here they were on the road to recovery. At least he hoped.

The young lion turns up behind Marg and Versailles, both of which seem to know him better. He offers a smile, an attempt at reassurance. He glances the pup over for potential injuries. "Welcome back, kid. Your travels treat you well or do you need me to take a look at you?"

Re: you're dancing with me now -- open / return - tori - 07-31-2018

How funny was that? Margaery was the first to track him down. Almost as if she'd sensed him or something like that. Nevertheless, her concern was relieving and her hug was comforting to him, if not a bit surprising. Maybe it shouldn't have been, but he was still tired and a bit out of touch with things. Thought pattern was a little slow.

"No, no i'm fine." He stammered out, taken aback by the sudden intimidation in Marg's voice, ears perking up. She sounded determined to take out whatever threat might have been imposed on him, which was both comforting, again, but also worrisome, he did not want to be partially responsible for what sounded like a potential murder. "Maybe some water....some food..." His voice dropped in volume a little, taking on a sheepish tone. Still as nervous as ever to ask for basic needs. Maybe it was the idea he wouldn't need to be asking if he'd stayed put.

Versailles and Moonmade were a little easier to talk to, only because they weren't both worried mothers and prepared to kill. "I suppose we did." Alex responded with a small smile, taking note of her submissive behavior. He bit his cheek, brows furrowing slightly in concern. Something seemed off about her behavior, but he didn't want to put her on the spot. "I'm glad to see you too, Versailles."

He looked over himself, checking for any wounds he might have missed, tail wagging. "No, nothing more than a few scratches here and there..." He turned his attention back to Moon, shrugging with that same gentle smile returning. "No cool fights or anything of interest."


Re: you're dancing with me now -- open / return - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-31-2018

Agent Washington
former human - freelancer - manipulative
One could probably call Washington horrible that he didn't know everyone and anyone that lived in the outpost. There were plenty of reasons for him not to know everyone, as he had lost track of how many people were around in the first place. Washington didn't really care about what had all happened to those that lived around the outpost. One thing that he did care about, was whether or not either of them ended up dying from someone like himself. Washington wouldn't stand for that when they were just simply taking shelter in a place like this. Washington also didn't get along with all that many children because he didn't know how to interact with them at all. The Freelancer had no reason to, as he figured that they would just ask some old questions over and over again, or be like Thea and ask him to train them for some reason. Washington didn't want to do that, as the last thing he needed was for some kid to think that they were a Freelancer. He had plenty of other things to worry about, and now that his leg was healed he was getting around a little bit more here and there. Did Washington know Alexander? No, he didn't. The only way he knew the others name was because Imperia had been looking for him when the other had disappeared completely. Washington was confused about who he was asking about until she explained herself.

It was a child from the sounds of it, but from the evidence that was around there didn't seem to be a struggle or attack. Maybe some other motive but Washington wasn't going to go out looking for the kid. They were all animals and that meant that they were going to die in the food chain. Or whatever it was called. The former human was probably considered cold-hearted in several aspects of the term, but on the outside one could just say that he was grumpy but had a heart of gold. Even though it was a facade and no one had any idea what he was planning to do in the future. Washington patrolled the areas during the day, as the creature that had broken his arm was still around here somewhere. The armored smilodon was bound to see whether or not someone came into the territory and go from there. He blinked his golden gaze behind his head as he saw a gathering of animals that were in front of him. What was happening? He didn't have the ability to identify scents and that meant that he had to rely on his hearing to be able to figure out who anyone was.

The armored soldier made his way forward, stopping a little bit behind as those that were interacting with the canine obviously had some connection to him and he did not. Besides, Washington didn't belong here, and it was obvious with the way that everyone looked at him that his assumption was correct. He was more than a nuisance, but he wasn't here to establish a new life for himself like some of those that were joining this group. He was the entire opposite. He flicked one of his ears inside of his head as he heard the other's name being thrown around. Alexander. Oh, so this was the kid that disappeared. Imperia would probably be glad to hear that. The Freelancer sat himself down, his newly healed arm supporting himself. He waited until everyone was done speaking as, again, he didn't want to interrupt their interactions. [b]"Where did you end up going?" Washington questioned in his usual deadpanned tone behind his helmet. Before realizing that what he said could be considered rude. He cleared his throat, raising one of his paws to scratch the back of his neck slightly. "I mean, welcome back." Washington stated in a slightly embarrassed tone toward the pup.
Tags | Updated 07/27/18:

Re: you're dancing with me now -- open / return - ★ HAZEL - 07-31-2018

with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair
Hazel remembered Alex. He had asked her if she was going to be okay, which Hazel much stranger and comforting than the usual awkward attempt to ignore tense situations. She didn't know what it was about his concern that had been so refreshing; perhaps it was the way in which he'd phrased it, like she actually had a choice in whether or not she wanted to be okay. Perhaps it was the concept of a total stranger expressing worry over her well-being. Maybe it was the simple fact of him being young and impressionable that made her want to smile and nod, to tell him that he didn't need to worry about her. Because it wasn't like other echoes of the phrase, where she secretly wished for someone's concern but was too embarrassed and ashamed to trouble them for it. She genuinely didn't want him to worry over something he couldn't control at that young of an age.

When that familiar aura appeared on the horizon, Hazel had dropped what she'd been doing and followed the crowd, sticking close to Margy out of sheer force of habit rather than will. Relief washed over her spine, easing a knot that had been there since the day she had discovered Alex was nowhere to be found within their territory. It was so strange because Vi had also gone mysteriously absent during the same time. Hazel knew she had no business in their personal lives, but she was...worried. She even began to feel a certain sort of guilt when she played her ukulele, knowing that Alex had liked the music.

Iron pyrite popped up in her wake, glinting with sunlight. "Alex!" She chirped, elated. "We're so happy you're back - nos vos desiderabat. We missed you." The feline's tail curled over her back as she scanned over his body, noting his fatigued limbs and general exhaustion. "You should let Peri take a look at you, just...just in case." She suggested, biting her lip.

Re: you're dancing with me now -- open / return - Shininglight - 07-31-2018

[div style="font-family: constantia; font-size: 13px; text-align: justified; width: 70%; margin: auto;"]
Unfortunately, Shining didn't know Alexander whatsoever. They had briefly bumped into each other one time in the Ascendants' meadow, and briefly exchanged a casual conversation. One that the feline didn't even remember anything of. Oh well. It was also unfortunate that Shine perhaps didn't even realize Alex had gone somewhere. There were so many members in this group, and Shine still felt like a newcomer compared to most of them, even despite being hastily promoted to Cleric. And it felt like so much happened every day, so it was hard to keep track, especially in his odd state of mind.

"Hurt." Shining announced his presence with a single word, directed towards Alexander. The feline stopped himself beside Hazel- yet another creature he wasn't acquainted with quite yet. A frown appeared on his jaw, and he turned his head slightly to look at his avian friend. Tabitha immediately took to the air, heading back towards the Observatory. Perhaps to fetch supplies.

"Don't like seeing friends hurt. Make you better."

Re: you're dancing with me now -- open / return - RENÉ. - 07-31-2018

[div style="0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px;"]Much like Shininglight before him, René had no clue who this Alexander character was. Or why everyone was so concerned about his wellbeing. Of course, one could assume immediately that you would care about anyone who looked that exhausted, but perhaps the violet feline was not quite that good at connecting the dots.

"I do not know you," René said, impossibly matter-of-factly. Great help, René. Thanks.


Re: you're dancing with me now -- open / return - tori - 07-31-2018

Where did he end up going? Was there even a straight answer for that? He didn't have much of an end goal, no set place in mind. It was mostly a drawn out path, just wandering. He shrugged simply at Wash's inquiry, seemingly not finding the question rude in the least bit. That was all it was, a question, and not a crude one either. There was no reason to be upset or irritated by it. "I wandered the wilds a bit, there was no set destination." He closed his eyes for a moment, like he was trying to find a good enough answer, blinking them back open and jumping back to normal a split second later as if he had not just contemplated the existence of his journey. "Good to be back....Washington, isn't it?" He hadn't interacted with them at all up until now, he realized, but he had heard their name before. A name associated with the rather large male, and that armored exterior was hard to miss. Ironic for all their attempts to avoid the rest of the population. But who was he to judge? They intrigued him though, that was for certain.

"Hazel! He'd only truly interacted with her once, surely he didn't have the right to be relieved to see her, right? But he was, perhaps because she had seemed to sad when they met, and he realized with a sharp pang that he had left not long after, leaving her alone with herself and all that upset her so. He winced, he'd need to apologize to her later when he could get a proper heart to heart apology out. He liked Hazel, she seemed so nice, too nice to be troubled. "Maybe I should..." He was sure he was fine, a bit tired but he didn't feel broken down or anything horrible, but what did he know about health? He was in no position to turn down a quick visit.

And in the time spent already answering those he did somewhat know, with the exception of Wash, he got drop kicked in the anxiety with two others he did not know of. He winced again, this time for a much different reason, and took a deep breath. He was starting to feel surrounded, now. "No you do not." He said quickly to René, feeling his ability to talk begin to become restricted. At least he had gotten this far. Shine on the other hand was....somewhat familiar, at the very least, Alex had seen them around a few times. "I'm not that hurt..." Just tired, so very tired. "I promise I'll be...fine."
