Beasts of Beyond
GRAVEYARD WHISTLING | return, open - Printable Version

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GRAVEYARD WHISTLING | return, open - Beatrice - 07-30-2018

Beatrice remembered how the hauntingly beautiful, operatic voice of the Beast suddenly morph into something malicious and darker than all shadows cast upon the earth when she left the Typhoon. She recalled the searing anger in his tone when she explained she could not handle hurting someone she cared so deeply for. She could still feel the darkness raging around her as she told him she had let go of Lilyspoise's twin souls in order to restore the tri-souled feline. She could still feel the warm tears streaming down her face when the Beast promised she would never see Wirt or Greg again - unless she finished what she started.

She had begged, then, for forgiveness. His laughter was sharp; it cut into her skin like knives of the sharpest steel. "Perhaps we better make a new deal, Beatrice." The weight of his words sank heavily into her mind, but who was she to turn away the offer? She hadn't the power to stop him. "While your actions will cost you, I will still help you find your little friends. All you have to do is keep gathering souls for me. Return to the Typhoon. Lilyspoise can keep her souls. But I need more, Beatrice." She agreed. She promised she would do better, that she would be better at harvesting souls. Finally, the darkness that enveloped her had ebbed away.


It had been about three months - 78 days to be exact - since Beatrice had deserted the Typhoon. It had been week after week of hunting and collecting for the Beast. In addition, she had also found two servants for Adelaide (which awarded her a pair of golden shears - her ticket back to the human realm so should she choose). While the canine had gathered and gathered and gathered, she felt hollow, empty on the inside. She was sick of herself and the actions she was taking, but she was so close to finding Greg and Wirt. She was so close to finding home again.

54 souls. She had taken the lives of so many in order to sate the Beast, to please Adelaide, and to obtain information. Her stomach churned as she thought about each and every one of them. The girl told herself it was for the best.

She allowed her mind to clear itself of these thoughts as soundless paws took her down a familiar path. She hated to admit her heart was beating in anticipation for this. She had spent less than a month in the Typhoon, so why did she feel so attached? Why did a small smile uncurl upon her lips as she traipsed the submerged railroad tracks? Suddenly, hope and perhaps happiness began budding in her heart which were foreign, yet welcome, emotions.

"Hello," she called, voice as confident as the day she joined. "My name is Beatrice. I've come to rejoin... if you all would have me back." Her voice grew softer as she concluded her speech. Fear slowly crept into her heart. What if she were not welcome back? The red heeler bit her lips. 'Best not to think that way, Beatrice,' she told herself before taking a seat and tugging on the blue ribbon around her neck. Blue bird song fluttered to her as she waited (her only good companions), and on the winds, she swore she could also hear the Beast.

Re: GRAVEYARD WHISTLING | return, open - no more - 07-30-2018

it is a peculiar sensation, this double-consciousness
Four months. It was all their life had come to pass, a short period of time for any yet enough to give way to much, small little hints of the one present beneath the spark of energy and the curiosity present in youth, too quick to fade and shift, seeking new stimuli upon a regular basis. Yet time had left it all to fade, the wonder of life gone as they came to move through each day with no real thought nor purpose, living only because it was expected of them. To what end they could not speak upon for it seemed to hold no worth anymore, worrying for one so young and with so much ahead of them, exhaustion nipping at them as they refused to sleep.

Shaky were the steps which drew them about the beach that day, words mumbled under their breath given no real rhyme nor reason, simply a focus. Ears perked as another rose, unfamiliar to them, a sound of confusion breaking their words. It took a few blinks before the figure was brought into focus, hazy edges melding into the background, swaying as they slowly moved closer. Only the last portion of her words truly sank in and for a time they could offer only a faint hum in response, narrowed eyes set upon Beatrice as they tried to figure out how to work a response.

“Should be good, I unno ya,” shoulders rolled in a slight shrug, their words trailing off as their weight dragged them down into a sitting position, waiting to see if this stranger might respond or another might come to approach. Aita was too tired for this, why did they bother getting out of bed this morning.

[hey there, welcome back to the typhoon, sorry this is so bad it is midnight but i wanted to get something up]
two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings

Re: GRAVEYARD WHISTLING | return, open - Luciferr - 07-30-2018

Following behind the child came the familiar dark figure, whose eyes narrowed slightly, hm, something strange - the dark god was always suspicious of new joiners, less so of those alone or returners but all his life he'd never shake the inklings of suspicion over the unknown.

still Luciferus inclined his head, one mercurial eye closing whilst that baleful red one stayed forever frozen awake "Lucifer, welcome back though we've never met" nor did he know her connection to Lily, yet anyway.


Re: GRAVEYARD WHISTLING | return, open - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-30-2018

Caesar vaguely remembered Beatrice. He didn't remember much of her, but he did remember meeting her before she left. "Welcome back, I suppose." The demon grunted as he came over, his ears flicking as he stood next to the large figure of Lucifer. "Name's Officer Caesar, in case you forgot." Actually, he wasn't even an Officer whenever Beatrice was around was he?

Re: GRAVEYARD WHISTLING | return, open - VANDAL R. - 07-30-2018

Vandal notices a small group beginning to form underneath her, and she reroutes her flight towards them instead of towards home. She'd spent the morning going to the small trading outpost near the Snowbound territory, armed to the teeth with a manner of seafood she can use to trade with, and she thinks she has a pretty good haul from her trip. Between her clasped jaws is a small basket filled with several types of potted flowers and succulents that don't typically grow in the Typhoon's territory, but can survive in roughly the same humid climate, and she sets it down carefully when she finally lands next to Lucifer and Aita.

The maned wolf ruffles her wings before moving closer, sniffing quietly at the ground to familiarize herself with the newcomer's scent. She licks the front of her teeth to keep it stored in her memories for good measure, letting out a soft chuff before straightening up to her full height. Vandal taps the ground once with a talon before scratching at chest, smirking impishly at the newcomer. "Well, welcome back, I suppose. Vandal Roux. If ya don' like trouble, best stay away from me."

; wow most of this is just filler but also gRASS I LOV U

Re: GRAVEYARD WHISTLING | return, open - Beatrice - 07-31-2018

[edit: me realizing i never replied to y'all ooc ajdhalsjkdha
i love y'all and thanks for the welcome!! <33]

It hadn't taken long for the first of the pirates to arrive. The individual that greeted her was young, no more than a mere child. Something stirred within her chest; Greg would be about their age. Even so, Greg and Aita could not be more different. Aita was quiet and tired in appearance. Greg had always been lively. And despite having always scolded him for singing and carrying on loudly, she would have given anything to hear him messing around again. "Oh, hello. And thank you...?" she replied, trailing off at the end as Aita had not offered their name. Beatrice offered them a tiny smile.

Luciferus stepped forward next. Beatrice had seen him around camp when she resided in the Typhoon last, but she had never spoken to him. The power that radiated from the mighty beast ignited something within her: curiosity about who he was and then need to secure his soul for the Beast. Perhaps then she might obtain more information regarding the whereabouts of her friends. Even so, as soon as the thought entered her mind, it exited. She couldn't - she wouldn't take the souls of her groupmates. "Nice to officially meet you, Lucifer. And thank you."

Caesar strolled over, and with him, came an odd familiarity. She had interacted with him a handful of times; he was a hard character to forget. Besides, they had been promoted to Privateer alongside one another. "Nice to see you again, Caesar. It'd be difficult to forget you even if I wanted to," she admitted, a wry smile burning on her lips. She did note the new title to his name. Officer. He seemed to have been working hard.

The next individual to greet her was a she-wolf who, like the Aita, she had never met before. Cooper eyes were momentarily distracted by the tiny basket of wares: potted flowers and succulents. Beatrice had never been the best at keeping plants alive, but she couldn't help but wonder if Vandal happened to be a green-thumb. The mention of trouble caused her to snort in amusement. Trouble followed Beatrice like a shadow - or a bluebird. "Thank you, it's a pleasure, Vandal. I don't think I'll be steering clear of you though; I'm not afraid of much."


Re: GRAVEYARD WHISTLING | return, open - VANDAL R. - 07-31-2018

(tame the fire in you)
"A fearless one, huh? Sounds like you an' I will get along jus' fine," Vandal barks back with a short laugh, the sound deep and rumbling in the base of her throat. It's good to hear that more and more of the courageous are beginning to fill their ranks - maybe, just maybe, she'll find her perfect niche in such a mismatched clan. Creatures from all walks of life seem to have flocked to the Typhoon, from the soft-spoken to the debonair. Maybe, just maybe, this Beatrice is just like her.

"Well then, I trust y'still know your way 'round the territory then?" Her head cocks to the side, inquisitive and curious. For a second, the silence lingers, before being followed by another scrawled smirk dancing on the tip of her muzzle. "Tha's about it, innit? Small talk is for schmucks, anyway. Charmed to meetcha, Beatrice, I hope you get settled jus' fine and enjoy your return to the Typhoon, all that formal shit. Jus' call my name if you need me. Vandal Roux. Don't you dare forget it."

Her grin widens, eases into her cheeks, and she sends the newcomer (rejoiner?) off with a wink before grabbing her basket and flying away.

; o wow my muse died, go figure

Re: GRAVEYARD WHISTLING | return, open - bubblegum - 07-31-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
goldie had been brought by the crowd, the young girl trying to get as much done as she could now. now that she was feeling better, it was important that she really focused on catching up. she'd been slowed down for a month, but that was okay because she was better now. she'd just need to work faster than usual. so, the girl was sure to approach the crowd. her first steps were, of course, to greet any visitors or joiners. that was most important

seems they all beat her to the punch, though, as she eyed her aunt fly away with a basket. lynn, her growing harpy eagle, was carrying a basket as well, though she had placed it around his neck so he could carry it with ease. she was trying to collect supplies for her papa and mister dad's wedding, hoping to make them something nice. she already had a nice outfit planned.

the girl coughed lightly, mostly recovered from her sickness at this point. her tired, green eyes looked to beatrice, feeling like she very vaguely recalled the female. she must have known her when she was really young, or something. goldie stood next to aita, offering a warm look to her half-sister before focusing fully on the returner.

"welcome back, beatrice! i like that name." she greeted with a bright smile, voice enthusiastic. she was excited to get back to work, after all. she didn't think they had ever officially met, but she certainly remembered the female's presence, at least. "i think you were 'round when i was real name's goldenluxury roux, but i usually just go by goldie or somethin' like that! how have you been?"

Re: GRAVEYARD WHISTLING | return, open - Beatrice - 08-01-2018

Though Beatrice couldn't find it in her weary form to share in the laughter, she did offer the canine a smile. Vandal would probably make a quick friend, and while she should have been thrilled at that, it also worried her. She wanted to be close to others. She wanted to have friends or even a sort of family, but the thought of putting others at risk was panic-inducing, especially after what had happened with Lilyspoise. "I'd hope so, Vandal. And yes, I think I remember everything." This place, like its members, was difficult to erase from her mind. "Thanks for the offer, Vandal." Another smile. Maybe this would be okay.

Chocolate-hued eyes watched Vandal take off, and something akin to envy burned in her chest. Beatrice had had wings once. She had been a bluebird for a long, long time. And even after returning to the human world, a part of her felt like she had never lost them. Despite that, now that she was again an animal, it was as if her wings had been clipped by Adelaide herself - no scissors needed. She was flightless. She was grounded.

Goldenluxary drew forward next, and Beatrice's eyes widened just a hair. "Well, someone grew up while I was away," the red heeler barked as another smile painted her maw. This was Pincher's daughter, and she had been but a tumbling baby when Bea was first in the Typhoon. "Thank you. I like your name too. It suits you."

The question the younger animal asked caused Beatrice to bite her lip. How had she been? 'Not well.' "I've been up and down actually, if that makes sense. But I'm happy to be back. I think this is where I've been needing to be, but I had to get my head on straight first," she explained with a half-hearted chuckle. The eagle that Goldie had caused the canine's head to tilt ever so slightly to the left; it had stolen her attention. A cacophony of music sounded from the distance - her bluebirds. It seemed they were catching up. An amused smirk brightened her ginger features. "I like your eagle."

Re: GRAVEYARD WHISTLING | return, open - bubblegum - 08-01-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
to hear the female recognize her would cause a little surprise to enter her. they hadn't interacted much, but she thought the female was pretty nice from what she could recall. the comment about her growing would cause her to nod slightly. she had grown quite a lot - she'd been very small as a little kid, constantly tripping over her own big paws. but now she'd grown into them and was still increasing in size.

her gaze grew slightly warm at the compliment of her own name. she liked it, too. her mama and papa had given it to her, after all. hearing her response to her question would lead her to nod, pretty sure she understood. she twitched her ear as the girl complimented lynn. she liked her eagle, too. "mhm! i got real big!" she'd say at first with a little giggle. "i like my name, too, so thank you. well, 'm glad you're back! i hope it's only up from here for ya. and, his name's lynn - it means lake."