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BLACK BETTY / o, visiting - Printable Version

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BLACK BETTY / o, visiting - dead chars - 07-29-2018

↠↠ The crow-headed feline knew he had to come here, at least to check it out. After seeing Aizawa of all people, and now that Bakugou had shown up in his own clan, he just.... His instincts told him he needed to come to Snowbound. There was something here he needed to see. He had made the trek (and boy it certainly was a journey) from the Typhoon all the way to Snowbound on this instinct, so there was no turning back now, even if his gut feeling proved wrong. He was here now, after all.

Tokoyami had made sure to grab his cloak before leaving his tropical island home. He knew he'd need it if the name Snowbound gave any indication to the weather, and thank goodness he did. While his fur wasn't super short, if he hadn't brought something he would have frozen. A hot drink sounded really good right then. Tokoyami watched his breath billow into the sky, cloak flapping gently, tail twitching with interest. He'd experienced cold before, but it had often been fleeting, especially after spending so much time in the beachy islands the Typhoon inhabited. It was a nice change of scenery.

He stood, waiting for... something. He wasn't quite sure what, but the feeling that something important was here had only grown upon his arrival. The hybrid stared deeper into the territory.

Template by Quill

Re: BLACK BETTY / o, visiting - Character Graveyard. - 07-30-2018

Kirishima hoped he wouldn't find anymore of his former-classmates in this world. He didn't want anyone else to be dead and in this world- he just couldn't stand the thought of it. It was just too painful to think about. The maned-wolf had noticed the strange feline on the border- so he had decided to approach. Then his scarlet-hues widened. That was Tokoyami, if he remembered correctly.

He had decided to walk over to the hybrid male and he frowned. "Tokoyami?" He would question, his muscles tensed. He was wary, as the other smelt the the Typhoon. He didn't trust anyone from the Typhoon right now- even if they happened to be a former classmate of his.
tags :: updated 7/26:

Re: BLACK BETTY / o, visiting - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-30-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Atbash knew that Izuku had a bunch of friends that came from another world, almost like her. Although they had been humans, and she had always looked like this. She honestly couldn't imagine what it would be like to take on a strange form in a universe you barely knew. She knew what it was like to appear in random universes, but being an entirely different species? That wasn't something she experienced. She didn't want to, if she was honest.

The scent of the ocean made Atbash wary about coming over, but she didn't smell the scent of rotting flesh that usually seemed to be with the scent of The Typhoon. Although the Hailcaller clearly wasn't comfortable with this stranger here, she was making her way over to stand next to Kirishima. "Another one of your friends?" She tried asking him telepathically.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: BLACK BETTY / o, visiting - ochaco - 07-30-2018

[div style="width: 300px; height: 280px; overflow: auto; background-color: #FFFFFF; opacity: 0.70; text-align: justify; font-size: 11px; margin-top: 10px; margin-left: 10px; padding: 8px; color: #000000"]Ochaco was the next to approach, at first wary of the supposed stranger. It was easy to say that she was not a fan of this new life as a feline, although she wouldn't have been any happier as any other kind of animal. She knew everything wasn't perfect in the human world, but she still wished she could go back. Get a second chance. Make it right. Fix it.

But she couldn't, and she was still trying to accept that.

This whole situation was hard to get a grasp on, and instead of spending all her resources on trying to get ahold of it -- when she clearly couldn't, there was no doubt on that end -- she had instead opted to return to Snowbound. Find Deku and her other friends. Move forward. It's all she could do.

"Kiri... did you say Tokoyami?" Ochaco asked, expression softening substantially. Yeah, seeing as the feline had a crow head made sense now, but to be fair there were... a lot of kinds of creatures in this world. She'd seen enough to know that acting on assumptions could be fatal. "Toko, it's good to see you!" A smile broke out across her maw, and she swayed her tail happily. "How have you been?"
"What part of her was frail?"

Re: BLACK BETTY / o, visiting - Dimitri - 07-30-2018

"Oh thank fucking God, I don’t have to hold back now.” He wasn’t in his own body. He was still wearing Dimitri’s face, and the moody words coming out of the mouth was odd. "How the fuck do you guys know so many people? Is there something you’re not telling us? Some kind of secret gang?” Like, what the fuck? Did they all know eachother as kids or something? Were they a hive mind?

"And why the FUCK do you have a bird for a head?"


Re: BLACK BETTY / o, visiting - TSUYU. - 07-30-2018


tags ♦ snowbound ♦ hermaphrodite ♦ 8 m/o

Tsuyu was drawn to the other Class 1--A students, maybe it was because she believed everyone was tied together by fate, who knew. But the frog-manx hybrid wasn't too pleased with the fact that she heard 'Typhoon'. She was pissed, actually. Which was rare, Tsuyu was always known for having a cool head.

So, when she caught wind of it, of course the frog hybrid would hop over to the source, scarred tongue hanging from her jaws as she did so. "What's going on, ribbit?" Tsuyu demanded, before catching sight of the familiar bird's head. Tokoyami. She stayed closed to Atbash, nudging the leader with her muzzle gently to comfort her. "I never thought I'd see everyone all in one place." Tsu croaked out, her throat releasing a ribbit as she hopped over to the bird hybrid, charcoal eyes focusing on the other.

"Tokoyami-san.. Is something wrong? Why are you.." She trailed off, tilting her head in confusion. Of course she didn't remember how Toko and Tsu died. They died together, in the same spot. But Tsuyu didn't remember her death. Little did she know, Tokoyami did.

Re: BLACK BETTY / o, visiting - arcy - 07-31-2018

If Izuku saw one more of his classmates show up, he would, without hesitation, seek out Toga and fucking kill her. He swears to god. Not because Toga was personally responsible or anything, though she probably definitely was for a few, but just because she's the only villain Izuku has encountered here and Izuku had genuinely forgotten how to take out his anger in a way that doesn't involve violence. Or aggressively bottling it up. Either way, y'know?
.. Well. It doesn't take long for Izuku to recognize Tokoyami. Izuku had been wandering over to see what the fuss was about, and it's not hard to recognize the bird-headed feline. How strange. The dragon strides over and lifts his head and allows Tokoyami a little grin as he sits down next to Atbash. How tiring, having to greet his classmates so often. Knowing they died. His regular clanmates' presences felt more grounding, honestly. Less like he was in some sort of weird limbo of worls. Less obligated to act like he did when he was still a student. How tiring.
"Yeah, a classmate," Izuku says softly, promptly curling up on the ground. He hadn't slept. Being sleepy was .. weird. He hadn't felt like that until recently, but he supposes it's a .. good thing? He gives Dimitri a look at the other's shouts. Not quite annoyed, but maybe a little exasperated. Wow, suspicious. To be fair, Tokoyami was from the Typhoon, and Izuku didn't like it either. Not at all. Didn't like that the other was in another clan, could be hurt. Didn't like that just the scent of the Typhoon makes him want -- something. Something violent and that he is now violently repressing because he really, really can't be like that. "We used to know each other. We were, uh, classmates, at school. And then we died," He shrugs. He couldn't tell you why Tokoyami has a bird head, though. Izuku hadn't asked, and didn't particularly care. Or -- he did, but for the entirely wrong reasons. Unlike his classmates, Izuku doesn't seem touched or incredibly surprised, just .. tired. His ears lie back just a little, though he still allows himself another grin to Tokoyami. "Hi, Tokoyami. It's Izuku," Is all he says, before laying his head on his paws -- uh, talons. Let his classmates have their reunion. He really did like Tokoyami, but he just .. he wasn't sure how much he was 'part of them' now, when he didn't long to go home anymore or anything. He was just .. here. This was his home, and he was content. Wasn't that strange? That he'd be just as happy living without human digits and human friends? Maybe it was. Maybe Izuku had changed too much. He couldn't be sure, sometimes.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: BLACK BETTY / o, visiting - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-31-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
If Atbash could hear Izuku's thoughts, she could probably relate to him in a sense. She did, after all, have to deal with the fact that her own parents were burned alive. She tried to save them and tried sacrificing herself, but they refused and she got whisked out of the Dimension with her brothers. She felt guilty for not trying harder and unfortunately they would not be coming back, unlike Izuku's friends. Atbash wanted them to and she wished there was some way they could be coming back, but there was just no way they would be. Izuku was lucky.

Atbash was forced out of her thoughts as she heard Dimitri's voice and noting the harshness in the tom's tone, the Hailcaller associated the alter speaking as the one called Dagon. Dimitri had warned her about him, though he didn't really say if Dagon would snap back if she confronted him, so... It won't hurt to try. "Dagon!" Atbash glared back at the Polarheart as she tried to send that telepathic message. "Enough."
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: BLACK BETTY / o, visiting - guts - 07-31-2018

He had watched his students die, even some of his co-workers and other pro heroes. He had even seen innocent civilians die, whether it was the villains' intentions or not. Death came for everyone, that was what he had realized, whether it was peaceful or gruesome. But he had never thought that once he passed he would end up reincarnated into an animal, taunted by his students being there with him. He doubted he could ever find peace from his past mistakes. They just kept showing up, it seemed.

Aizawa wasn't sure what brought him to the border, he just had a feeling that pulled him towards it, and now that he arrived, he was glad he had listened. At least his paws weren't aching from the cold for nothing. He looks at the male with a blank stare, not hinting at the dread he felt upon seeing him. "Tokoyami, welcome," he says somewhat stiffly. What else were you supposed to say to your former pupil who died? Every appearance of his students so far had been somewhat awkward.

Side-eyeing the Polarheart, he sat back, gritting his teeth at the feeling of snow on his body. He enjoyed this clan, but damn if he didn't hate their territory.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px black; font-size: 24px;"]— AIZAWA

Re: BLACK BETTY / o, visiting - Dimitri - 08-02-2018

Dimitri’s body shifted, shoulders broadening and his guy losing all its markings. It turned into more shaggy coat and his eyes turned black, like some kind of demon.
Dagon stuck his tongue out at the leader, tail flicking back and forth. He seemed more irritated. Stay out of my head, princess.
