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wings like noah's dove — open, sunhaven - Printable Version

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wings like noah's dove — open, sunhaven - jericho - 07-29-2018

Jericho hasn't traveled much since Sunhaven settled — even the furthest reaches of the mountains are unfamiliar to him yet, for most of his attention has been directed at the little sea town on the beach.  He's a leader now, after all, as odd as the word sounds to his ears; there's no time for him to wander the territory picking flowers and herbs as he once did so often.  In his free time he tries his best to become familiar with the terrain, but such times are few and far between.  And all that's beyond is completely alien to him — the people, the land, the groups.  It's why he's here now, for he knows to keep Sunhaven safe and prosperous they cannot live in isolation, and he'd rather get that much sorted sooner rather than later.

It's somewhat of a miracle that the blind tabby has made it this far, considering how small and weak he is.  Jericho often has to take breaks when going long distances, but he's reached the canopy and made rather good time.  At his side is his leather satchel, dragging lightly along the ground (he's too short for it, even when the strap is as short as it'll go) behind his white-tipped paws as they gently move across the forested earth.  The peaks have long since evened out, the terrain here much flatter, but above him the sun remains blotted out by the trees.  He's no longer in Sunhaven territory, yet where this is he does not know.  Though he hobbles forth still, his steps steadily become more hesitant, more cautious the further he strays.  He tastes the air every few paces for foreign scents with jaws that hang just slightly ajar.  He's found nothing yet, but this time when Jericho inhales there's something — someone, maybe?  No, multiple someones. 

The ginger-furred feline halts abruptly, a paw still lifted in the air as if uncertain of whether to proceed.  The blind male's ears swivel behind him with a slight turn of his head, hoping that his clanmates have been following.  Jericho wants to be a leader, but he knows a someone as tiny and feeble as himself could certainly use some backup.  He exhales — he doesn't want to think about that; it makes his stomach turn.  He faces forward, his unseeing amber eyes flickering searchingly as he attempts to pinpoint with scent and hearing where strangers might be.  No one.  Jericho relaxes slightly; he knows this is a border, and he doesn't want to anger any potential groups by intruding, but at least he's left with a moment of silence to gather himself.  Among the trees in peaceful quietness the Helion waits, unsure of what's to come.

Re: wings like noah's dove — open, sunhaven - OWEN. - 07-29-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_nra53dhqrf1uutgwwo2_500.gif]
25 m/o male german shepherd ascendants tags
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #75A29D;"]
His fur seemed to be blazing, beautiful- almost, under the setting sun over the Ascendants territory. It left Owen gasping for breaths as he tried to peer closer through a bundle of bushes. Handsome, utterly enrapturing. But he stared too long. He knew that. So, standing up, the raptor dad walked out to greet the unfamiliar male.

"Hey! What brings you here? Name's Owen." He barked out, tail wagging behind him as he spoke. His voice was deep, stern. Despite this, the shepherd still held a tinge of kindness in his voice. His ears were pricked, aware. He didn't need the girls to show up and eat this creature. He obviously didn't smell like the Ascendants, so they'd target him without a second thought. He didn't feel like cleaning up dead, handsome ass off of the ground anytime soon today.

Re: wings like noah's dove — open, sunhaven - ★ HAZEL - 07-29-2018

with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair
Hazel liked to think that she'd become better informed about foreign alliances and such throughout the past few weeks; with her small break and newfound silence came the time and headspace to focus on things more local and within the clan. She wasn't completely involved, but was hoping that if she immersed herself deeper in politics it might help her to forget the gnawing self loathing in the pit of her stomach.

However, when she approached the border, the scent of the ginger cat was unfamiliar, almost coppery. Different from Tanglewood's swampy smell. With a quick glance at Owen and a faint ping of annoyance at the picasso marble and rhodochrosite that threatened to breach the surface of the earth, she faced Jericho, a nod accompanying Owen's words. "Welcome to the Ascendants." She piped up, golden eyes tracing the other feline. "I'm Hazel."

Re: wings like noah's dove — open, sunhaven - MirrorEdge - 07-29-2018

Thea made her way over, offering a grin to the feline, even if something nagged at her, for some reason. A blurry orange figure is all that appears in her mind, like a camera lens that refuses to focus, for a few moments, fading away before she could even grasp it's meaning.

"Hi! Are you a joiner? Or just a visitor?" She asked, ears flicking, and she sat down, front paws covered by her tail.

Re: wings like noah's dove — open, sunhaven - ceilidh - 07-30-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 520px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; font-family: arial; text-transform: lowercase;"]Bridgette had been following Jericho, keeping a good eye on where the Helion was going. It probably wasn’t her best idea to follow a blind person to unknown lands, but she thought of it like a trust exercise. He was her leader now, and there needed to be some establishment of faith in the guy. So far, so good, ad it seemed like he’d gotten them there to the Ascendants. The blonde tabby was tracing a few paces behind ... she’d been distracted by the landscape of the place. It was much different than Sunhaven’s land, but it carried the scent of the sea, a scent that was beginning to smell like home to her.

"We're—uh, we’re from Sunhaven." Bridgette said, quickly trotting over to the three Ascendants that’d gathered by Jericho, feeling a little late to the party. "I’m Bridgette, that’s my leader Jericho, he’s gonna tell you guys some fun stuff." And now she was taking the role of Jericho’s hype man. The feline grinned, a playful look in her blue eyes. Though in all seriousness, she felt that the ginger male needed some encouragement sometimes, and she might as well offer it if she had some to spare.

Re: wings like noah's dove — open, sunhaven - GABRIEL - 07-30-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Sunhaven. Jesus, he needed to keep track of the other groups out there. For the most part, he hadn't cared to, but after the business with The Typhoon, Gabe didn't have much of a choice to just sit around and attempt some kind of retirement, so he needed to gather as many details as he could from the other groups. He couldn't get much from his position here, but these people had come to The Ascendants and made his self-appointed job a bit easier. A bit. It seemed they were only here to exchange the nice bits, because neither of them were especially frightening, unless they'd mastered the art of concealing their dangerous capabilities. It wasn't even that the main guy was blind -Gabe had met one or two fierce warriors who couldn't see- but that the pair didn't give Gabe the slippery, oily feeling that there was a front shoved up in his face. Their friendliness was genuine.

Her friendliness, anyway. "Sunhaven? Is that a new group or do I need to sell the rock I've been living under?" The hybrid's dark gaze shifted between the two, then jumped over to his fellow Ascendants, only one of whom he really recognized.


Re: wings like noah's dove — open, sunhaven - RENÉ. - 07-30-2018

[div style="0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px;"]Sunhaven. René had no clue who they were. In fact, the feline had no public knowledge of any of the groups outside of The Ascendants. Even then, with how much of a space cadet René seemed to be most of the time, it was unclear how much he even knew about his home.

Regardless, René saw value in being polite and courteous, and therefore nodded at the arrival's explanation, before returning to a respectful silence.


Re: wings like noah's dove — open, sunhaven - rhosmari - 07-30-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]So the rumors were true then. There were more and more of these outposts that were starting to suddenly spring up. Well, she had no issues with that as long as they didn't cause any trouble for her. She was a hard hitter and she was definitely known for her explosive temper and rough edges. Well, it was explosive but one didn't want to be caught on the wrong side of her personality so to speak. The black feline moved forward with ease, eyes narrowing a bit and she allowed a light tilt of her head. Though she was curious about this Sunhaven group she didn't think they would cause any problems for her and that was all that mattered to her in the end. Between her and Wash they had enough to deal with and so that was her main concern. The freelancer settled down, obsidian pelt rippling with wiry muscles that pulled and shifted against a vaguely silver spotted form. Her ears pulled forward and she waved a paw almost nonchalantly before glancing at the others who were already gathered around. "Go on, I'm sure we are all interested to hear about the 'fun' stuff."

Re: wings like noah's dove — open, sunhaven - BASTILLEPAW - 07-30-2018

[Image: 2NB1bDh]
[Image: 2LFVCD6]
[Image: ru8sUY1.png]
[Image: 2LLq52q]
Bastille came to a slow stop beside Hazel, glancing sideways at her before his pale blue stare was locking on the strangers. Sunhaven was not a name that was familiar to him, and he arched a brow. Newer groups were sprouting up faster than he could keep count, and with more groups meant more fucking politics to sort out. Damn. Bast wondered idly if declaring them an isolationist group and vowing off of all social interaction would work out, but he doubted it. He offered no indication of his title (he never did, and few ever guessed who he was based on his overall demeanor, but he did provide, [b]”Yo. I’m Bast.” He figured he’d let them speak before asking any questions.
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST

Re: wings like noah's dove — open, sunhaven - jericho - 07-31-2018

Oh goodness, there's quite a few of them here, aren't there?  Jericho's sightless amber eyes widen a bit in surprise — it's certainly a good thing they all seem friendly enough.  Blindly goes his gaze move (though it never quite looks at any of the creatures as it passes over them) as he quietly tries to take in all of the words and match them with each scent.  He appears hesitant, waiting in polite silence for all of them to arrive, though he does his best to acknowledge each with a dip of his head and a gentle kindness within his unseeing eyes.  His ears prick at the sound of more approaching footfalls, unique from the others who have since arrived in that these sound to come from behind.  As she speaks he realizes Bridgette has joined him, met with a relieved smile from the ginger tomcat.  He's rather glad to have someone familiar with him, surrounded by all these dizzyingly unfamiliar voices and smells. 

"Well, ah, we're rather new," he adds, specifically in response to Gabriel, with a rather sheepish smile.  It's no wonder they likely haven't heard of them — this is the Helion's own first encounter with the Ascendants, as they call it.  "I-It's very nice to meet all of you!  We, um, w-we just settled in nearby and wanted to visit."  He again offers a smile, this time directed at all the strangers standing before him.  Jericho is not radiant, but he is indeed warm; and his smile, while slight, is genuine.  "I also was wondering... I mean, w-whether you'd all be interested in an alliance.  We have lots of shopkeepers in Sunhaven — I f-figured we could come by and trade sometime."  The feline falls silent for a moment, meditating on his own words before he adds to Gabriel again with a bigger smile this time, "I-If you... ah, were looking to sell that rock of yours."