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OUT OF MY MIND / trespassing - Printable Version

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OUT OF MY MIND / trespassing - Character Graveyard. - 07-29-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 400px; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: black;"]So this was the place that she'd heard about so much? She had excepted it to be sunny and warm, though the cold was something she also liked. The female pallas-cat would simply walk over Snowbound's border, not caring. Toga wasn't one to follow rules that often but the League of Villains was different. Even if a few others, such as Shigaraki, didn't like her much, she still felt that she belonged in the League.

Her front-paws and her chest were covered in the blood of another one of her recent victims. She was starting to get bored of killing useless nobodies. She wanted to fight somebody again, like the green feline from a few months ago. Dagger in her mouth, she would let herself fall onto the snow and she patiently waited for somebody else to arrive.

Re: OUT OF MY MIND / trespassing - galexiux - 07-29-2018

  Cry sighed from her spot in a near by tree. Did people just not know what borders were? Sure, she grew up in a world without "borders" or "stay behind lines" but she grew to like them. It was a safety thing. She felt safer with people that were not Us on the outside. While We stay on the inside. It was a simple concept that she enjoyed. Was it so hard to practice it? Out of respect?

  The little crow raised a brow, watching the pale brown cat bury herself. Do you think you're cute or something? She cawed down at the cat, blowing her cover. It was a good thing she often sat around the border waiting for losers like this to just stroll by.


Re: OUT OF MY MIND / trespassing - arcy - 07-29-2018

Despite what Natasha had said that one time, Izuku knew Toga would show up to fuck things up again. He knew her. She wouldn't take his last defeat of her lying down. I mean, Izuku was a pretty pathetic little thing then, but he was pretty much expert at taking down other people will flailing claws and crackling fur. Toga was no different, even if she was somebody he used to know. He wasn't concerned. He could take her. Maybe this is why Izuku never told his classmates about his encounter with her. It wasn't important.
.. But there she is. The dragon's eyes narrow as he registers the form of a Pampas cat, and tucks his wings farther in as he picks up pace to approach. Was it her? And, as her form gets closer, he gets his confirmation. Himiko Toga, here to ruin everything. She had her dagger and blood on her front. Izuku's thick tail lashes, and he continues walking until he's standing in front of the other, pose defensive. He's so much bigger than her now. .. Good.
"I'm surprised it took you this long to come here," Izuku drawls, coming up to stand just a little in front of Cry. Could Cry defend herself? Izuku isn't sure, she seems like the type to be able to, but he's getting defensive anyways. Toga has already hurt people. His friends. He couldn't -- let her hurt anyone else. He may not look the same at all, but he's still undeniably Izuku. His tail gives another sweep, lips curled. He could probably take her out right now. Scoop her up in his jaws and bite down and she'd be gone. But he's not going to. He's not .. he's not a killer, despite what he'd done. Despite how much he'd enjoyed hurting her. .. Despite how he'd killed a person or two already. "I'm guessing you're just here to start something?" His grin is crooked and eyes slit. Distanced. She's just like all the other people he met in the wilds. Absolutely awful. But he took her down once. His claws are already sparking, and it's scary, he has to start getting used to using it again. Who cares if he hurt people with it. It's nothing new.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: OUT OF MY MIND / trespassing - Stryker - 07-29-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — With a small snort, the lion walked over. A dagger? How edgy... wait shit, he had piercings. He couldn't talk about how edgy they were if he was an edgy fuck himself. Too bad. He was a hypocrite amongst honest people within this peaceful clan of theirs. A sin he was, really. Even so, he still wanted to point out such a thing with a loud sarcastic comment and a horse-like laugh erupting from the back of his throat. "You have a fucking dagger," he cackled, "Please!" His neon eyes grew wide. "Don't hurt us!" Seriously, the chances were low that this one was going to hurt them. "It's..." With a claw, he pointed at each one standing around and included himself while he counted. "Three against one!" The same paw rose to his chest dramatically, rising over his heart as he fawned over the idea of coming to such a horrible defeat. He could just imagine his chest being sliced open with that... butterknife... or whatever the fuck that was.

Dropping the act, he stood his ground. "I suggest you take a moment to consider your choices, baby," Stryker suggested. "Or else you'll be in some big trouble." The lion clicked his snake tongue across the roof of his mouth as he shook his head from side to side.

Re: OUT OF MY MIND / trespassing - Character Graveyard. - 07-29-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 400px; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: black;"]As the bird cawed down at her, a crazed-grin would grow on the pampas cat's maw and her eyes were basically shining with excitement. Excitement to hurt somebody of course. She was here for revenge against the green-guy, despite having a very small crush on him. Darn. They were too high up in a tree.

Then the grin on her maw would grow even bigger as the green dragon showed up and the hint of a blush could be seen on her rather-delicate facial features. "What can I say? I just like having fun!" Toga said, her tone sarcastic when she said the word fun. She would pause for a moment, before studying the dragon's position. It wouldn't be likely that she could attack him from the front, nor could she try to sneak-attack him. "Scaly, scaly, scaly." She would hum, before she saw Stryker approach.

"Oh no! Looks like I'm outnumbered!" She said to the lion, giggling in an insane manner. "I'm only here for Scaly though! He hurt me a very long time ago!"

Then she would attempt to run towards Izuku- pulling the dagger out of her mouth with one of her front paws and she attempted to throw her dagger towards his neck quickly.

Re: OUT OF MY MIND / trespassing - NUI HARIME - 07-29-2018

nui harime — female — snowbound — eaglehunter — hard physicality
she knows the smell of blood like she knows the own grooves in her paw pad. she knows it's tangy, metallic taste like she knows the thrill of a hunt. nui has thrived on blood before and ichor, taking joy in exhibiting sadism towards her opponents. all cold lethality and playful savagery.

here she comes. paws trudging through the cold snow. feeling the frigid pressure but it's never enough.

nui's senses are ever as keen. she has a knack for picking out trouble, for sniffing out the future prospects of bloodshed like a greyhound. she smells ichor, hears the din of voices and the sight of toga, body stained with crimson like elegant paint is the most interesting thing nui has seen in weeks that her heart nearly drops and her singular eye locks onto the other.

she wants to greet her fellow murderer in battle. she'd be honored to sink her own teeth into the other gal's chest herself and relish in taking the other's life. she does not know why. perhaps it's a bloody display of dominance. a need to make herself known. nui has killed before and she has done it for fun. she knows how to play the game and she knows how to do it well.
something stirs within her chest. the burning urge to leap forth and test the hardiness of another killer. in the way, the two are the same, and something prompts nui to scream her presence towards the other girl with a swipe of deadly, hooked claws. nui can already hear her mind screaming as she imagines herself in a mock battle. 'look at me! am i a worthy opponent? do i excite you?'

isn't that how fellow cutthroats greet each other? she doesn't know.

perhaps she's just looking for company.

after all, nui always prided herself upon her battles and her kills. displaying and reinforcing her monstrosity was something of utmost pleasure.

but toga is not here for her, unfortunately. izuku is her only target. the tension in the air is palpable. they know each other, and her guess is confirmed when the pampas cat lunges forward, swinging her shiny blade as it glints in the sun.

disappointment creeps up her body. crawls up her throat and nui pushes it away. maybe if izuku is feeling in good spirits (she doubts that), he'll let her chase the other out of the territory, nipping at the intruder's heels. maybe then, if she isn't dead yet.

but she can watch. and she can urge on, and drink in the sight of gore and glory.

"get her, izuku!" nui screams her encouragement with unabashed excitement. but she won't interrupt any further than that. if anything, she's an honorable fighter. this is izuku's battle, and one he has to win. and if if not? well... she's always there to help finish the job.

Re: OUT OF MY MIND / trespassing - arcy - 07-29-2018

His clanmates are showing up. Izuku would have barely noticed if it weren't for the spinning need to keep them out of trouble. They can handle themselves, but they shouldn't need to. Toga had hurt his classmates, once. Maybe even killed them, once he was gone. Izuku -- well, he may be one of the weaker members of the group, but he's probably more inclined to sacrifice himself than a lot of them. At least as far as he's aware.
"Just a few months," Izuku snorts. A few months wasn't that long. He'd still been a Snowbound member even then, see? But she'd killed someone. Izuku had been pretty hysterical, then, and even now, he's itching to hurt her. Maybe it'd been an excuse then, too. Maybe he'd just excused his urge to hurt her with that. Even now his claws are itching, and his head is distracted. He barely hears what Toga is saying. Scaly. Another nickname. Would it be too much, if he hoped they all stayed away from this? Izuku could probably handle himself. Nui, at least, seems inclined to stay on the sidelines. Her shout is just encouragement, and Izuku's tail gives a sweep and he's grinning maybe a little hysterically as the smaller feline dives for him. A knife. His scales could probably prevent the worst damage from that, right? He's rearing up on his hind legs, and the knife is over his neck, of course. It manages to partly stab through his scales, weak as they were and giving under enough force. His neck is a concerning wound, but it's not deep. He quickly scrabbles to yank it out, and it's on the ground, easy to take for a few moments. Izuku is .. awfully big for this to be an entirely fair fight. Is this what everyone else felt like, when they'd attacked him? .. He doesn't like the power rush. ... Maybe everyone who hurt him was like him, once. Maybe this is how it happened.
His claws' electricity crackling as picked up, and his tail gives another sweep as he attempts to slam Toga's side with a large clawed leg. Maybe he could send her flying? Break a rib? His electricity is pretty ramped up, but the attack would be glancing enough to only cause a very minor burn. Hm. .. It'd probably feel better if only he were in his regular form, like he was last time they fought. There's something .. unfair, about being so much larger. It makes him dizzy, in a way. .. Either way. He doesn't really .. have a choice.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: OUT OF MY MIND / trespassing - Character Graveyard. - 07-29-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 400px; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: black;"]Ah, they had a audience? That would make things more interesting. She would let a insane-grin grow on her maw as she noticed the dagger cut through a few of his scales, which was a satisfying sight for the female. But now, she didn't have it. She'd have to get past him and get it again before she was finished here.

She would prepare herself physically and mentally for Izuku's attack, the large grin on her maw still. The force of his attack had broken a rib and she was sent rolling a short distance away from the Frosthealer, though she quickly jumped to her paws- despite the pain in her side. She would attempt to run in Izuku's direction and slide under his stomach, reaching out for her knife as well.

Re: OUT OF MY MIND / trespassing - Dimitri - 07-30-2018

Delta believed in honor amoung soldiers. Respect for the enemy, duels, a code of ethics. The more she saw hostile outsiders, the more disgusted she was. There was no honor here. Just a girl on the verge of climaxing at the idea of death. No honor. Just killing.
She was so disgusted.
Dimtri’s body shifted slightly, losing the long coat but thickening skin so that it was harder to scratch through. Delta jumped from the underbrush as Toga was in her slide, aiming to bowl the cat over and bite down, trying to place the girl under the body.


Re: OUT OF MY MIND / trespassing - arcy - 07-30-2018

Of course, Izuku isn't surprised when Toga gets up. She had never been the type to just go down, even when struck. Or -- that's the impression he got from her, at least. He'd never tried to properly analyze her while she was still there. He didn't have time to, after all. .. Well. Plus, he'd kind of stopped analyzing mid-battle in general. He'd learned. He knew how to fight on instinct alone, now. I mean -- it never ended well, but he knew how to. But it was just .. easier to focus on the blood and gore first thing.
Oh dear. Izuku realizes what's coming a moment before it happens, as Toga makes to slide under him. He's seen this before, can see her reaching for her knife. But he's too clumsy and bulky and slow, and he spends a moment scrabbling to escape and oh dear ouch. The sharp sting hits him again, but it's .. not as bad. It takes a little more for the harder, more concentrated scales of his underbelly to give, but it still hurts. And then, in a moment, Toga is gone, bowled over by the other feline, Dimitri, at least as far as Izuku was aware. Izuku stumbles a little, because he's too big to know what to do with himself, and his ears lie back. This -- wasn't his fight. Izuku could handle himself, right? He was bigger, more durable, and he had a knife in his stomach, fuck. It only takes a second to reach under and yank it out and it's not deep enough for him to worry too much about the blood loss that would come from it. The dragon shakes out his pe -- uh, his scales, his body, something. And then, before Dimitri and Toga can get really into it, Izuku scrabbles forwards and he bites into Toga's scruff, twisting his body awkwardly to be able to get under the fight at all. And then -- with a little more scrabbling and he's biting hard into Toga's scruff. Or, really, biting around her shoulders and neck. And then he yanks her into the air, out from under supposedly Dimitri, and spends a moment wobbling before he rights himself, Toga still swinging between his teeth. And it'd be so easy to just bite down. He could kill her right now and nobody else would have to be hurt by her again. And for a moment, he genuinely considers it, teeth firm and probably painful over Toga's form. And then he feels -- disgusted. He can't do this again. He can't. He can't do it in front of everyone else, he can't do this again at all. So, Izuku turns his head, and then throws her as far as he can manage. And then he scoops up the knife, bloody and next to the blood droplets dripping from his wounds, into his talon and tosses it away.
"This isn't your fight. I don't want you to get hurt," Izuku chides Delta, eyes wide and voice worried. Distracted. Even though he wents to go after Toga and he can't, he can't, he can't. So he distracts himself by fretting, tail giving a wide sweep and maybe a little worried because nobody else should get hurt by her, nobody else that Izuku knows. He wouldn't -- be able to handle it. Not when she's already hurt so many people and not when he could so readily prevent it. He could have ended it all just moments ago, or months ago, and then she wouldn't hurt anybody again. What was one more when you'd already taken down a small handful because otherwise they'd kill you? But one more was a lot. One more was too much, and he can't do this again.
//shh dw all of the powerplay here has been allowed by una (and owlie) uwu
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]