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elio and the giant peach + o, sex ed - Printable Version

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elio and the giant peach + o, sex ed - MOONMADE - 07-27-2018

[size=9pt]"Alright, Assendants." Comes Moon's voice, echoing off the Observatory roof and bouncing through the halls. He's sat, head lifted high and peering with a growing smirk at the gathering animals like he's about to tell the world's most shit-your-pants worthy campfire story. It's pouring outside, the rain battering off the roof, and most of the Clan is inside. He pats himself on the back for his timing. He's got them exactly where he wants them. "Before Gabe fucking corrects me-- I know it's Ascendants, I know y'all like your star aesthetic bullshit-- I'm just... Taking advantage of my creative freedom to adjust it to fit Today's topic." There's some suspiciously phallic-resembling fruit and veg surrounding his feet, and the only reason he's managing to talk without breaking into vicious laughter is because he's literally trained for this. He'd spent the last 2 hours sorting through his herbs with the eggplant, banana, cucumber, and others, nearby, and so, at this point, he's completely desensitized to the veggie dicks. Thank fuck for that.

"I figured it was my duty as a Halo to make sure you all understand the in's and out's-- hah-- of all topics of Health. So today we're gonna' be discussing something I think is fair to say is more my thing than the other Medics'. No offense, Peri, Roman, etc. I'm sure you're all into some nasty shit, respectfully, I just beat you to it." He grins, a mirthful thing. He's clearly milking this for all its worth. "Fornicate. Copulate. To get some. Bone, ride, nail. You get the gist. Today's topic is-- and, listen, it rhymes-- how to put the P in the V, Safely."

Re: elio and the giant peach + o, sex ed - VERSAILLESPALACE - 07-27-2018

Versailles doesn't know what she's doing, attending a goddamn sex ed class; she knows how sex works, where babies come from, and how to stop it - not that that's relevant to her lifestyle and area of preference (which she knows won't really lead to pregnancy). There really shouldn't be any reason why she's attending Moon's weird fuck-class... and yet there she stands, padding over with an guarded expression on her face. While she still wears her familiar mask of detachment, the scattering of golden freckles across her nose seem to be glowing faintly the more her face heats up with embarrassment.

She doesn't announce her participation. She simply sits herself down and tucks her tail around herself, clearing her throat gently and looking at anyone and anything that isn't people she knows - especially Moonmade, she makes it a point to avoid looking at him too, a little too worried over what he's probably thinking she's doing there in the first place.

Re: elio and the giant peach + o, sex ed - trojan g. - 07-27-2018

do you believe you could change me? the way i changed you.

Roman wasn't appreciative of his own name being brought up in something like this, especially not in the manner that it was brought up. Ears pinning to his head, the male would pad over, sitting down so that he could listen to what was going on, just in case.


Re: elio and the giant peach + o, sex ed - pallid-i - 07-27-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — She already knows everything about sex, but that doesn't stop her from coming over and listening. Pim was fairly sure some funny exchanges were likely to occur, so why not stay and watch it all go down? The abnormally large feline sat down and looked at Moon, eyes glowing with faint amusement.

Re: elio and the giant peach + o, sex ed - BASTILLEPAW - 07-28-2018

[Image: 2NB1bDh]
[Image: 2LFVCD6]
[Image: ru8sUY1.png]
[Image: 2LLq52q]
At Moon’s call for the Assendants, Bastille snorted with amusement and started to head in his direction. That Halo was one of the more chill members they had, and he had to admit that he liked him: Bast had a feeling he could declare an end to the hierarchy and force them all to manage one another and Moon would be right there with him with banners and celebratory confetti to support the new anarchy. He felt more relaxed with his easy personality and nonchalance, and as he stopped beside Vi he noted that the subtle traces of memories flickering over his double vision has dulled somewhat. There weren’t as many ghosts haunting him, then.

At the introduction to sex ed, Bastille immediately realized why the little gift from Pollie had faded a bit. Zaniel’s memories rolled to the surface smoothly, and he scowled as he shoved them back in irritation. No. No, no thank you, that was not something he wanted in his head, and he shook said head briefly to clear it before letting his attention land on Moon once more. [b]”I have such faith in our medical experts,” he drawled sarcastically in greeting, a hint of a smirk shifting up.
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST

Re: elio and the giant peach + o, sex ed - charrie graveyard - 07-28-2018

Oh yes, Cass was somewhat familiar with... these sort of things. He had a girlfriend at one time, back in the city. They had only ever... a couple times, so he wouldn't call himself an expert by any means. To be honest, the german shepherd didn't really like to think about those times anyways, seeing as she had broken his heart only a few weeks later. It was painful to think about, even now. In some ways, although it hurt to admit, he still cared about her- even if she didn't care about him anymore.

That shit aside however, at Moon's call, his imaginary brows would furrow at first, not quite understanding what the other male was trying to convey. Then, at once, it hit him. Oh... this was... yeah. Well... there was no back out now- he was already here. Clearing his throat, he hesitantly sat down, thankful that Lyra wasn't here with him right now.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #0FDDAF; font-size: 24px;"]— CASS

Re: elio and the giant peach + o, sex ed - COSMIIX - 07-28-2018

Oh God.

Why? Not that it was distasteful at all. No. Never. He quite enjoyed it though what he didn't like was that Pimostra was there but he would seat himself far from her, his ears twitched a bit as he let out a soft breath deciding he should listen to this half added class of how to. . . Put the P in V safely. He supposed there could be several methods though he didn't think this was a safety thing, was it? Hell, he recalled not having any of that shit. There was no point in it was there? Not that he thought so anyways, his nose twitched briefly but one thing was certain and he liked this guys spunk. For sure. The wolfdog couldn't help but roll at his eyes playfully at some of the comments being thrown but he simply found himself snorting in amusement.

Template by Quill

Re: elio and the giant peach + o, sex ed - Shininglight - 07-28-2018

[div style="font-family: constantia; font-size: 13px; text-align: justified; width: 70%; margin: auto;"]
Tabitha glanced over to Shining, and gave him a bit of a look. He was sitting somewhat away from the rest of the creatures, as they gathered around Moon. The Halo had started talking, explaining what he'd be discussing. Shine looked on with a rather... uninterested gaze. Though nowadays, that was the feline's default expression, for practically anything. Even for today's topic. Moon's jokes, innuendos, and somewhat crude humor might have made Shining raise a brow or even smirk in the past. But none of that came about, as the Cleric watched with an still, stone-faced look.

Tabitha, however, didn't look very happy about the way Moon was going to approach this.

Re: elio and the giant peach + o, sex ed - Margaery - 07-28-2018

[b]"Yikes this is... not relevant to me at all."

Margaery's greeting was more of a joke than anything else, a tiny laugh tumbling from half parted lips as she joined her clanmates. While she certainly didn't need to know how to 'put the P into the V safely', she certainly figured it'd be wise to make an appearance for appearances sake. Besides, Moon was a colorful individual and a part of her was curious to see just how he planned on proceeding with this sex ed lesson.

Flicking a tail, she decided to take a seat next to Vera. A look of faux intrigue danced upon her face, roughly making the amusement she obviously felt towards this situation. She knew that she had a million reasons not to be here, but how could she, resident lesbian mother, resist this? "I hope I walk away absolutely enlightened," She continued on easily, "If not, I'll be devastated."

Re: elio and the giant peach + o, sex ed - MOONMADE - 07-28-2018

[size=9pt]/trigger warning for vague mentions of sexual assault/consent

There's one word for the look on Moon's face and it's smug. When Versailles arrives, everyone else has yet to gather, and so they sit, alone, one bashful and peach and the other preening, biting down on laughter. You could cut the tension with a knife, and it's all coming from her. He stares her down as she so obviously avoids his gaze, fangs bared in a grin and eyes crescent shaped. Poor V. In all her 'Big Guy's and her smart remarks she'd sent Moon's way, in the end she was just a blushing virgin. This was information that would prove useful in future quarrels, for sure.

As for her brother-- the young lion all but glows at the praise. "Glad to be of service, Chief." He replies as he waits for more to gather, and it could just be a trick of the light or an ordinary blink of an eye, but if he winks, it's between him, Bast, his oh-so-virtuous robot of a sibling and the four walls.

"Alright," He says, once more have arrived and settled. He tries not to scan the crowd for Peri or Gabe. He'd practically set this up with the intent of using those two as props, but it's fine, he's fine. If worst comes to worst, he has a Peach. "Now that you've all exposed yourselves as sexually incompetent, let's get this thing on a roll."

He glances to his props, but they're for when they get into the thick of it, and he's decided to ease the Ascendants into it slowly. With grace, like the considerate good samaritan he was. "We're starting with something to appease the Stars, or whatever freak in the sky it is you follow. Something nice and holy, if you don't fuck it up, that is. Consent."

"So before you whip out the sexy nun costume, make sure everything's cleared up. This is— You can't skip this shit. No blurred lines, no 'but they seemed into it'. Make sure your baby cakes, or your fucking cinnamon apple — whatever you want to call them — make sure they explicitly communicate that they're into whatever shit you're getting up to. And, listen, this isn't Nursery play, okay — there are backsies. This is a continuous thing. Your partner can opt out at any time, and you guys have to not be assholes and respect that." He's all into it, grin having vanished and serious voice turned on, when he hears Margaery arrive. The flash of teeth is back just as quick. "Easy, Edward Cullen. We'll be covering all the kinky shit I know you vamps get up to soon. For now, though, any questions?"