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angery boi / open, joining - Printable Version

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angery boi / open, joining - Grey - 07-27-2018

It was all too easy to recount the multitude of frustrations he had faced. He would love to go on a rant, unleash a pitiful sob story about how he had died and come back to life thinking everything had been a joke. But, as Bakugou quickly came to grasps, sulking wouldn't do a thing. He let time run by as it usually did; he got used to his new situation, still keeping his past life in the back of his mind. He'll find a way, he knew he would and all he had to do was survive long enough until the time came. He'll spare everyone from having to hear his stupid history - not because he was being nice but because it sounded foolish and pathetic on his part, and this was the way Bakugo had been for the past month or so. He was exploring a new world, grumbling about what could have been and secretly feeling awkward and strange when he adjusted to his new life as a 'feline'. He was long over hoping that this had all been a bad dream.

It was the twenty-seventh of July when Bakugou found himself staring at a tropical island, feeling his own eye twitch in mild confusion. Some days he was so busy surviving, trying to get his own quirk working, that he found himself in completely new places. It didn't make sense to him but from a narrative point-of-view it was all too convenient to have him set here, merely gawking at the land. Then the grumpy male furrowed his brows, scowling an ugly face as he sat down. He may not be good at remembering names but he was at least capable of remembering the essentials: this must be a group considering the mingled number of scents that proved a patrol had passed not too long ago. Ah, right, that was one of the pros to being an ugly furball. They could smell things, differentiate one from the other, something his former human nose was not so good at doing.

And now he waits.

Re: angery boi / open, joining - ARGUS - 07-27-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: #E0EEEE;text-transform:lowercase;"] Most people ran from their history, and those that weren't were chasing ghosts of their past- both have respectively been witnessed by the lupine- hell even experienced. But the reason argus never told anyone their own story was less to do with the fact that they cared about what others thought, and more aligned with the fact that it was so long and twisting. And looking at it objectively. It were akin to a spiral.

It wasn't the frustrations so much as it was the heartbreak. Maybe an older less refined version of argus could agree with bakugo, could sympathies with likeness in fire. Dull red eyes spotted the feline near the border, their neutral expression twisting into something more welcoming but not quite... right. They were pirates after all, and there was a reason they were second best of the group- it wasn't necessarily for niceness.

They landed nearby, not offering any real fanfare as their wings closed back behind their back. Showing off a katana's hilt before hiding it under feathered limbs again. "What you want angry kitty?" The wolf spoke, their voice a near a low octave growl beside the amused grin that stretched after they spoke.

Re: angery boi / open, joining - goodsprings - 07-27-2018

not far from behind argus, captainpaw had begun his own descent from the dunes to see who this strange fellow was. he had originally been digging in clumps of seaweed to look for shark teeth,which he had heard make very cool looking necklaces. no luck, though, and seeing bakugou had distracted him from continuing.

the calico tom meandered over with a happy gait to his steps, whiskers twitching as he approached the pair. "you smell weird. are you okay?" was his first statement. the tom didn't smell like them, or the ocean. no saltiness to his pelt at all. it was... different. entirely. maybe he was sick.

✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: angery boi / open, joining - CLEO R. C. - 07-27-2018

Cleo's idea of a welcome was skewed and misaligned- the greeting more so offered for her own benefit, not anybody else's. She wasn't a very trusting individual, nor had she ever been one to exactly hide that aspect of herself. Even her own family was subjected to suspicious glares and withheld information, the child's only true confidants being her snakes. They would never betray her trust, she was certain of it, and thus they knew next to everything about her. The welcome she was preparing to extend to Bakugou would be enough for her and the clanmates of hers that were present, but not anybody else. A name uttered in that wispy voice of hers, a devilish smile, and maybe even an acknowledgement from Eshe.

But that last part was uncertain, especially given the fact that the black mamba seemed more preoccupied with coiling around her frame.

She waited though, knowing that this stranger could also be many things aside from a joiner. Her words would come after he spoke then, her cinnamon colored ears already straining to catch whatever he might say. As per usual, she had missed Argus's inquiry, having arrived to the left of the canine. Her hearing difficulties were incredibly hard to deal with but Cleo, ever the stubborn and prideful individual, refused to succumb to an endless cycle of asking people to repeat themselves. No, she'd rather make unexplainable blunders in her responses than see that outcome.

Re: angery boi / open, joining - Grey - 07-28-2018

Angry kitty. That better not have been directed to Bakugou - Bakugou whose lip was raised in an irritable snarl, revealing his set of shark-like teeth. He raised his head, narrowing his gaze at Argus who appeared before him whilst a sickening heat burned at the pit of his stomach. At any moment he felt like he could spit poison because his throat felt as if it was corroding, melting in a fiery distaste. "Who're you callin' an angry kitty!?" the ragdoll snapped, growling from the base of his diaphragm with furious eyes. His nostrils flared at the next two strangers who had just arrived, one of them asking him a question he didn't exactly like. It was rude to sniff others only to point out they smelt like a stranger. "Well, no shit; I don't live with you!" As much as he wanted to go on, yell at them to his heart's content because he has needed to go on a yelling-spree for some time now, he quickly and reluctantly pulled himself back. His jaws shut tightly, clamping so quickly that one could hear the crisp snap of his teeth locking together. Although he was bitter, he knew he wasn't an idiot. It was best he didn't let himself get any more riled up. He needed to assess this situation, learn from what he could learn and then proceed. If he let himself loose, he could be very easily attacked. Normally, if he had still been human, he would have pulverised them all in a heart beat but Bakugou, at this moment, was in an unfavourable place. He had to be smarter about his actions.

"What is this place?" he begrudgingly asks, sounding a little tamer now but still showing a contradicting expression. Of course, the arrogant male hadn't bothered to apologise about his recent outburst. It was them who started it. His ears felt both hot and cold at the same time while the burning feeling in his stomach continued to bother him. It wouldn't go away and it made him angrier. He doesn't appear threatening but he sure as hell was much more vexed than he had initially been after that 'angry kitty' comment. "If it's a group then I want in."

Re: angery boi / open, joining - dead chars - 07-28-2018

↠↠Tokoyami had known that much of his class had... died. He was still dealing with that grief even now, but what he didn't know, was that much of his class had also reincarnated. Granted, most of them were in Snowbound (without his knowledge), but that didn't mean they were any less present in this universe. So, seeing Bakugou in his new home was nothing less of a shock.

The bird-feline hybrid had been trying to rest after his busy day of patrolling then looking for more things to do and then patrolling again, but sudden shouts alerted him to the presence of someone... familiar. How that was possible, he didn't know, but he did know he needed to go inspect the situation. Almost immediately he'd risen to his paws and swiftly bound to the scene, tail streaming behind him. There was no way that person was here, if it was who he thought he was. Tokoyami had been the only one to be reincarnated, hadn't he? There was no way.

And yet, as he finally arrived, it seemed there had been a way. Bakugou stood before him in all his raging glory. If Tokoyami hadn't wanted to calm him down first, he might have locked the other into a hug, but he also knew that wouldn't go down well with the fiery male.
"Bakugou, calm down," he crowed, voice even but demanding. As the other seemed to contain his anger, his own gaze flicked back to Captainpaw and Argus, face unreadable. They hadn't known about his short fuse, so he didn't want to scold them, but he felt it should have been a bit obvious not to call a stranger an 'angry kitty'. Oh well. Tokoyami sighed, turning back to his classmate. Former classmate? He didn't quite know.
"This is the Typhoon, and you can join. But... how did you get here? Where did you come from?"
His eyes studied the ragdoll with a new sort of intensity. He needed these answers, but he wasn't quite sure that Bakugou had them. Still, it didn't hurt to at least try. He just hoped that his questioning wouldn't backfire, quite literally.

Template by Quill

Re: angery boi / open, joining - PINCHER - 07-28-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher didn't believe he had a sob story to tell to be compeletely honest. His past was filled with misfortune and simply becoming accustomed to the cruel ways of Death. He was used to facing it every day of his life without much fear, expecting the reaper to frown and smile at how the day would be. Was he ready to see another loved one die? Was he ready to accept the dangers? There was something darker inside him that told him yeah. He would get used to it. He would move on. He would get over it and that was why he had to look into the future. Pincher had better shit to do than wallow in the guilt of failing his sons even though the nervousness of the cycle repeating itself did tend to cause him to feel slight anxiety especially with the newborn children of his.

The jaguar was swimming within the crystalline waves of the reef, his figure calmly pushing through the clear blue water wit his gaze fixated on a fish that he was rather craving for. His gills easily filtered the water that allowed his lungs to breathe in peace, his figure accustomed to the oceanic life due to being ressurected in it. He was ready to bolt forward and sink his teeth into the prey when he heard muffled voices up above the waves that he was beneath. His moving stopped and he floated in the liquid before pushing outward to break through the beach waves and step out, his paws sinking into the wet sand as the lean jaguar followed the source of the voices to catch sight of an infuriated ragdoll speak to his crewmates. As the drenched figure of the wildcat halted behind the others, he glanced down at Cleo, aiming to softly flick some droplets of salt water her way in a playful manner. However, the voice of Tokoyami caused the demigod to glance at the hybrid with a perplexed expression.

"How the hell do you know his name? Are you buddies or what?" Pincher questioned flatly, his low rumbling voice now edged with slight curiosity. The lithe predator rolled his tattooed shoulders as he turned to face the male that looked ready to explode, his cool expression not changing as he allowed a light smirk to grace his lips. "Alright, if you want in, you're in. Welcome to the Typhoon, Baku. I'm Pincher, the captain of this place." Pincher greeted calmly though he still appeared to be waiting for an answer to his inquires, eyes flickering back and forth towards Tokoyami and Bakugou.

Re: angery boi / open, joining - Grey - 07-29-2018

A bird-headed feline, it was a fucking bird-headed feline. He had almost come to question it until the creature spoke his name, making the hairs on the back of his neck rise until it looked like he had a lion’s mane. The ragdoll knew instantly who this was: Tokoyami. His teeth glinted in the light, still growling a beastly rumble. His feet were burning now, melting the soil…literally melting the soil. He blinked, looked immediately to his paws and saw the molten ground beneath him. He stepped away, tail straightening in mild disbelief. Hah! His quirk? He felt his chest flutter, an almost childish excitement erupting within his chasm of anger but he, for once, chose to listen to Tokoyami’s words in favour of ensuring his own benefits. Join the Typhoon, this island-dwelling clan. He doesn’t particularly mind the thought considering it meant he could spend more time worrying about getting home over trying to chase after bloody rodents. ”I walked here, birdbrain. You think I just materialised out of nowhere?” he replies angrily, suddenly breathing fire and stopping to hack a few smokey coughs. It did not feel good. It felt like he had just swallowed charcoal, lowering his head with wide eyes. This was different to his explosion quirk, so different.

And then another approaches.

A jaguar, calmly assessing the situation. His calmness, however, felt different to Tokoyami’s. It was a sort of intimidating nonchalance, like that of a powerful being who lived, breathed and belonged in this wretched world. Then, the creature speaks and his ears perk in alarmed annoyance: ”It’s Bakugou, y’can’t just nickna –“ Sorry, what? Captain of this place? He grumbles underneath his breath then takes another shot, ”Yeah okay.” He’ll let bird-head explain how they knew each other considering Bakugou was surprised Tokoyami had even recognised him. Hell, Bakugou hadn’t even recognised himself when he first saw his reflection in a puddle. He thought someone was playing a reflective joke on him until he noticed his own paws and moving ears.

Re: angery boi / open, joining - bubblegum - 07-29-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
that sure was a lot of talking. since the girl's flu was mostly gone by now, she was able to take longer and more frequent walks. she was quite eager about this fact, having been so tired of staying inside. she was walking along the beach with lynn, letting the harpy eagle get some exercise before she figured out what'd she do today. maybe she'd try to control her electric elementals finally. she wanted to get back to swimming and it wasn't exactly safe if she became some ball of lightning every time her surroundings got too wet.

she had been brought by the sound of voices, although her pace quickened as she caught sight of her papa. the young girl brushed up against him gently, her tired eyes glancing to the jaguar with a warm gaze before turning her attention to bakugou. her ears twitched softly at his words as she sat down, the healing girl listening carefully. if the boy is indeed friends with tokoyami, she was more than happy to welcome him here. it was always better to have friends than to go in alone. she'd always had her family, so the typhoon was never a lonely place to her.

her own intentions for approaching was mostly to know what's going on. the girl needed to catch up on things and while she was already tired from lack of sleep, she couldn't dare slow down. she'd been behind for a month by now. maybe this could help show her papa and everyone else she was doing better, too, even if her stance was still wobbly - mostly due to lack of sleep.

"aye, hiya, bakugou," she'd greet with a smile and a nod. she didn't necessarily emphasize the last part to make fun of him - she wanted to respect him and his preferences, but it did hold a little bit of a tease in there. "welcome to the typhoon. my name's goldenluxury roux, but most people call me goldie or somethin' like that."

Re: angery boi / open, joining - goodsprings - 07-29-2018

he definitely was... angry. captainpaw looked from argus, back to bakugou, then to pincher and once more to the agitated feline. maybe because he didn't know this place he was on the defensive. no one could be that angry all the time, right? they'd have to cool off somehow.

then again, caesar existed. but apparently he was 'special', as he was told whenever he asked what was wrong with the yellow officer.

"uh, welcome to the typhoon! um..." he decided to back up for now, not really wanting to be here anymore. he had much more fun things to do anyhow. like digging through seaweed as he was before. "goodbye!" he waved a farewell to the new guy and bounced off, giving goldie a small boop on the nose with his own before running off.

✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯