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first love. joining - Printable Version

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first love. joining - HEARTEYES - 07-24-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:45%;font-family:verdana"]Running away from home is never as easy as you expect it to be. Hearteyes thought she was going to pack a bag and go live her life, just like all the heroes in her books did. And, well, she succeeded, but it was harder than she thought. Living alone out in the wild, away from her parents and everything she knew, was harden than she thought.

Don't get her wrong, she's glad she did it. She couldn't take anymore of her parents, not one more second, or the den they kept her and her siblings. Hearteyes was lucky to have escaped her parent's clutches, but it's hard not to think of running back into their arms when you're all alone and don't know how to do anything. She was lucky if she caught a mouse. She had heard of the clans in her travels, so that's where she was heading. She missed being around people, missed the hustle and bustle of a group living together. That's what she needed; togetherness, a family. She couldn't turn back now, so the only choice was forward.

Hearteyes stands at the border, heart beating in her throat. A forest spreads out around her, sunlight shining through the canopy, silent except for the light breeze and birdsong. It's a beautiful place, and she understands why this group - The Ascendants, they're called - would want to make a home here. She has heard stories of the observatory, and the mystical starpool. She hopes that, if she's accepted, she gets to see them. With that thought in mind, the molly clears her throat, preparing to speak. Hopefully she isn't too far from their camp, or there's someone taking a walk somewhere out here. "Um, hello? Is anyone out there?" Her voice is soft, strange pink eyes blinking out into the trees.

Re: first love. joining - adomania - 07-24-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]Perhaps it was never easy running away from a family. Cruel or not, they were who you spent your entire life with, who protected you and gave you what you needed to survive. That was hardly ever easy, hardly ever a decision that should befall any individual...

But at times Myliu wished he had been given that option.

He didn’t remember parents, nor if he ever had any to begin with. Everyone was born somehow, but the child honest to god could not remember where he was from. He had been alone as far as he remembered until he was found here, and after that everything simply gave way to the voices.

Those were the only thing he remembered. The voices and the constant repetition of the same sentence, over and over again. “As tave Myliu.”

He was wandering as he usually did when alone, unable to integrate himself into the “hustle and bustle” of group life like Hearteyes wanted to. He was a far more solitary creature, not so much by choice but necessity. Crowds didn’t sit well with him, not when even one person was often a challenge.

Still, he was curious by nature, which prompted his arrival at where the female was located, purple gaze settled firmly and almost unnervingly upon her.

Again, most of the words she said flew right past him, but he understood hello. And help. She hadn’t said that last one, but it was like second nature for him to ask at this point. ”Hi. Help?”

That was probably all she’d be able to get out of him.

Re: first love. joining - emil - 07-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]what a sweet voice, and a sweeter girl. at least, sweet-looking. she looked like candy. was that creepy to think about someone you've never met? guess he'd find out. "i'm here, candygirl!" the calico tom trilled as he trotted through the bushes after myliu, tail standing up and curling at the tip. he grinned brightly at the molly where she stood, possibly prettier than anyone else in the group. "m'names crownglass! how ya doin', what can we do for ya?" nansen plopped his rump in the grass after speaking, big yellow eyes peering happily at the stranger girl.

Re: first love. joining - GABRIEL - 07-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]He hadn't left his family so dramatically; it hadn't been Gabe packing his things and leaving at his first opportunity. His mother would have personally tracked him down to beat his ass, after which she would have hugged him and never let go. It wasn't that he'd been unwelcome at home, or that an awful event separated him from his family. Gabe had been overtaken by an itch, the kind that set young men's eyes bright with a hopeful fire and ushered them off into the unknown, where they might make a difference. More often than not, they lost the youthful optimism. He'd seen it happen many times, both in other faces and in the mirror; his lack of familiarity with himself kept Gabe from ever returning, doubtful that his mother and sisters would even recognize him, not to mention the possibility that they had moved on. He could only believe that they had kept their heads above the water, and remembered Gabriel as he had been, not as he'd become. He wouldn't subject them to the many changes of his person, both physically and mentally.

Besides, he was...content, for the time-being. He had mice to terrorize, plenty of people to scrutinize, and a child to keep an eye on. Well, two, though the most recent ward wasn't aware of that the way Laz was. It hadn't been an adoption when Gabe found Myliu, but that didn't mean he wouldn't watch over him just the same. After a childhood of helping his mother take care of his many sisters, he supposed that had cemented itself into habit. It wasn't one the hybrid wanted to kick.

He did want to shove out a few other things from his life, though they were biological necessities. Pellets, specifically. Gabriel would never come to accept it as normal, so at the moment, he was a bit grumpy, stalking through the territory and resolutely ignoring any signs of mice. What he couldn't overlook was Myliu's figure, with that other guy Gabe hadn't met yet nearby, both in front of a stranger. A joiner, he assumed, and he made certain to approach noisily to avoid startling anyone, primarily Myliu, whom he kept in sight while leaving a bit of distance between them so he didn't crowd him. "This is The Ascendants' territory, if you don't already know."

Re: first love. joining - VERSAILLESPALACE - 07-24-2018

Versailles hadn't left her family by choice - everything that has led up to this point has been circumstance after circumstance that she's convinced her whole life has already been laid out, and she's simply following a path already written in the stars. Her mother, her protective mother, had been taken from her - and a brother had been given back in return. Family after family lost and regained, a cycle that turns and turns and she wonders whether it will keep on turning and if she's set to lose another one.

She doesn't want to lose Bast, her brother, relationship tentative but getting there. She doesn't want to lose Margaery, a sweetheart, close to a mother-figure if Versailles squints. She doesn't want to lose... anyone in the Ascendants, really. All of them have been family to her, one way or another, regardless of how much some have really gotten on her nerves as of late. She's not afraid to admit that she cares, but that's just who Versailles is.

She wanders over and squints at the newcomer from behind Gabriel, peering over his shoulder with molten-gold eyes burning lowly with curiosity. She doesn't speak, everything that needs to be spoken has already been said, anyway, so she just sits back and lets herself observe the interaction.

;; well my muse just eloped with my motivation wELP

Re: first love. joining - Suiteheart - 07-24-2018

Suiteheart had left her family. Things had been good though. Her mother and father had loved her deeply, wholly, completely. Her siblings cared for her greatly. The early days had been good and loving. And then, her rage became an unshakable fortress around her. The angry feelings came fast and hard, and she lashed out at the family. Her emotions were something she had never had control over, and in her youth, that fact was even more true. So she left. She bid farewell to the only individuals who had ever cared for her, and she walked out the door because she couldn't bear to hurt them.

She flicked her tail, clearing her mind of all thoughts as voices arose in front of her. The white fae padded forward, curiosity marking her ivory features. Ah, it seemed another joiner was in their midst. A sideways grin (her specialty) painted her lips as she came to a halt beside the quartet of welcomers.

"Hey, I'm Suiteheart," she introduced while her smile never wavered. "You got a name, kiddo?" Her voice was warm, welcoming. It was always good to have new blood.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: first love. joining - HEARTEYES - 07-24-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:45%;font-family:verdana"]Hearteyes was not expecting a wolf pup to approach her first. Her eyes widen as Myliu steps out of the underbrush, the skull resting over his head surprising her even more. She catches his gaze, a color that might have been hers if only her body produced a bit more melanin. The albino feline offers the stranger a smile, her whole stature softening when he asks her if she needs help. "Hello, little one! I do need some help. Is there, um, a clan around here somewhere? I was hoping to join." She asks, ears twitching when the sound of approaching pawsteps reaches them.

She relaxes slightly when she realizes it's another cat that had joined them, a hesitant smile picking up her lips. She quirks a catbrow at his nickname, not quite understanding why he would call her that. Hearteyes has never been called candygirl in her life. Not that she was opposing it, really, it was just a strange thing to hear.  She decides to settle down, thinking that she might be here for a little while longer. "Well, as I was just telling this cutie here, I'm looking for this clan I heard of. It's called The Ascendants, if I remeber correctly. Do you know where they might be?" She pauses for a moment before she remembers her manners, a much warmer smile overtaking her expression. "Oh! It's very nice to meet you, Crownglass. I'm Hearteyes. You can call me whatever you'd like, though. Even Candygirl." She laughs, eyes crinkling into half-moons.

A wolf pup is unexpected, an owl-cat hybrid is just plain unthought of. Hearteyes gasps out loud when Gabriel appears, tail shooting up in surprise. She can't help but come closer to the unfamiliar animal, neck stretching to catch a whiff of this guy. Just what was he? She has never seen anything like him before, which isn't saying a lot, because she hasn't really ever seen anything, but - Gabriel is just incredible. The molly jumps when he speaks, not entirely expecting him to say anything. She almost misses what he says, too focused on reaching out to touch the speckled wings laying across his back. She pauses when she hears the words The Ascendants, pink eyes widening. "Oh! This is the place I'm looking for! That's so great. Can I come home with you guys? Are there more animals like you?" Now that she's started to ask questions, she can't seem to stop. The small feline is starting to fidget in her spot, smiling up at Gabriel. She catches two other cats arriving behind the others, one a dark blue with gold spiraling around her body, and another white cat, almost like herself - but with blue eyes.

The animals here are amazing.

Hearteyes moves away from Gabriel, her interest now in the two new arrivals. "Oh, it's very nice to meet you, Suiteheart. I'm Hearteyes! Hey, we match." She purrs, tail waving behind her, particularly pleased with the new discovery. Maybe she could use that to make a new friend.

Re: first love. joining - Suiteheart - 07-24-2018

The white feline remained silently smiling as Hearteyes spoke to each Ascendant gathered. Suiteheart was proud to see the happiness, the excitement, that seemed to radiate off the younger fae. The pink-eyed girl reminded Suite of herself too - and not just in appearance.

"Yeah, you're welcome to stay here," she replied, giving a nod. She allowed her smile to grow in radiance. She was glad to be welcoming yet another member into their ranks. "Need a tour of the place or are you more of a solo type of gal?" She cocks her head ever so slightly to the left at the question. A laugh then rolled passed her lips at Hearteye's final words. "Yeah, we do. Maybe we're long lost sister or something." Well, now, wouldn't that be an interesting turn of events?

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: first love. joining - Margaery - 07-25-2018

Margaery had willingly left her family, escaping their tyrannical practices, their murderous tendencies, their deceit and hatred in a last ditch effort to save herself. She had stolen away from them without any warning, a poor attempt at a letter explaining just exactly why she could not longer align herself with them left in her wake. Sometimes she regretted leaving. Sometimes she did not. Her family dynamic wasn't exactly a good one, per say, but in that same vein, it wasn't exactly terrible. To an outsider, they'd probably look upon the Mikaelsons and only see treacherous liars, to an actual Mikaelson, she knew that there was more to them. All of them.

But she was relatively happy with her choice to be here, pressing against her wife as she arrived (late, she might add). A faint smile appeared on her lips, forced by the Cosmic General as she readied her typical welcoming spiel. [b]"Hello, love," Margaery greeted easily, "Welcome to the Ascendants." Despite her troubles and turmoils, she sounded genuine enough, her charm at least still intact despite every other aspect about her slipping. "I'd love to help show you around, if you'd like. Any long lost sister of my wife is a friend of mine," She giggled easily, that last part obviously a joke. Suiteheart certainly had a lot of doppelgangers running around- it amused her to no end.

Re: first love. joining - VERSAILLESPALACE - 07-25-2018

Versailles is listening, simply listening to introductions being tossed around so kindly and so casually that it's something she's still getting used to. Crowds like this, big ones were a lot of people hop in to greet a single newcomer, is new to her. She'd grown up where newcomers where seen as potential threats, made to subject themselves to long and extensive initiations that would prove their worth and loyalty to the leader.

Seeing them treat her so nicely is odd... but not bad. I think. She isn't exactly sure what to think of it yet. On one hand, it's nice to see everyone being friendly to one another, and she's happy that they're paying attention to the newcomer - Versailles didn't have that when she'd first joined. On the other, with all the kindness and warmth bleeding everywhere, how would they know that this stranger isn't here to simply uproot their organization from the bottom up?

She looks to Margaery and Suiteheart then, remembering how safe she often feels under their watchful eyes. Other than her brother, they're the ones she feels inclined to turn to for guidance, and if this is how they act towards strangers, maybe they know what they're doing.

Versailles' golden gaze wanders back to the newcomer. A deep, subtle, trembling breath is taken, given, and taken again, letting it quiet her nerves. "I'm called Versailles. I hope you enjoy your stay here, Hearteyes." A beat, a pause. "I like your name."