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Bastille yawned, shaking dust from his pelt as he strolled back into the Observatory and headed for his usual platform. He hadn't forgotten that he was supposed to be hosting a meeting today; there were just... well, things to sort out. Clerics (Rin) to be talking to. Politics to be handling. A fucking hoard of newcomers to be greeting. Whatever. He just hadn't felt like doing it that morning, and therefore here he was, just shy of late and feeling slightly less like this job was doing to kill him as he settled and called boredly, "Yo, meeting time."

A pause, to let others gather around, before he carried on with his usual introduction, "Another busy ass week for newcomers, apparently. Welcome to Hexane, Magpierise, Ada, Myliu, Rubyriches, Versaillespalace, Amelia, Tex, Crownglass, Shininglight, Lessa, Gabriel, Miamihorror, Sombra, Moodmade, Deutschland, Feliciano, Pixel, Alfred, Lazarus, Beverly, Sola, and Celeste. I've met... most of you, but for those of you I've missed, I'm Bast." He typically didn't introduce himself by title (one day, he would be able to deny it into non-existence), but that was a rather moot point, given he was running the fucking meeting. Whatever.

"With the influx of joiners these past two weeks and the issues we've discussed regarding clique-y behavior, I want to introduce a buddy system. It's still in the works, and I'm going to be going over the specifics with ranked members this week, but the moral of the story is that members will be paired randomly with those who may be from different friend groups than themselves. These buddies will double as new member aids, in the sense that some of the tasks you'll be asked to do together will include going over the pendant tradition, getting pendants, and offering a brief orientation to the Ascendants and shit."

A pause. "So... yeah. Anyway," Bastille carried on, switching gears a bit, "Other changes involve the fact that I'm making Cosmic Generals specialized in certain categories of influence. One of those categories will be Clan Welfare, which essentially blankets the healer branch. This will allow Clerics to advance up the hierarchy to the General specialized in Clan Welfare, if they wish. With the number of members interested in healing so far, I figured it may be useful to mention that. Otherwise, the specializations will be up for discussion. Margy, that means you need to come up with a few ideas for what you'd like to specialize in."

Bastille yawned again, and then went on, "Otherwise... We're alright with Tanglewood, after the little Meta incident, and I'm accepting an alliance with Snowbound. So, shout-out to our alliances not burning to the ground. I need someone to host weekly tasks this week." Bast paused. "So, if we have any takers, let me know. In the meantime, stick around -- Rin and I have a few more announcements."

Re: I JUST KILL SHIT CAUSE IT'S IN MY DNA | MEETING 7.22 - Cosmic - 07-22-2018

I approached, giving a careful nod and sitting down to listen. Nothing new really. Alright. Regardless, I did stay put just in case anything important came up.

Re: I JUST KILL SHIT CAUSE IT'S IN MY DNA | MEETING 7.22 - imperia - 07-22-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Following closely after Playerone is Imperia, a pleasant, albeit tired, smile gracing her lovely features. The young she-wolf is early. She has been waiting for this all week. Probably because the Halo tryouts have come to a close and Peri is eager to hear who will be appointed. As much as the argentine canine tries to remain neutral, she cannot seem to silence the youthful hope that maybe, just maybe, she is the one who will be picked. But it is a conflicting feeling because she wants her friends to succeed too. Shininglight, Moonmade, Romanempire, and all the ones she never got around to interacting with during their tryouts. Frankly, Peri thinks it would be cool to have an army of healer at their disposal, but she knows that such an idea is unrealistic. Rin can only teach so many people. Then again, Roman does not strike Peri as the sort of person who needs to be taught. Maybe he'll be appointed straight to cleric? That would be cool, actually. She admires him.

She seems to skip to her place near the front, lost in thought. Whatever the outcome, Imperia knows that she'll be happy about it. Why should she be upset if one of her friends is chosen over her? She just wants to learn, anyways.

Re: I JUST KILL SHIT CAUSE IT'S IN MY DNA | MEETING 7.22 - Suiteheart - 07-22-2018

Meeting time already?

The white feline let a yawn escape her as she neared the Grand Circle. Sundays were supposed to be her days of rest, but that didn't mean she listened to herself. She had spent the day getting things together for her weekly task that she had been putting off. Besides that, there were places to be and people to see. Suiteheart hated that she never seemed to slow down, but she knew the sedentary lifestyle had never suited her.

The feline took a seat beside Playerone, following Imperia, as the meeting began. Casting baby blues on Bastilleprisoner, she settled into a relaxed position. A lot had happened recently; she figured the meeting might be few minutes or two longer than usual - not that she minded. Even if she would never admit it, she lived for meetings.

"Welcome to the family, newbies" the vampiress called as a grin blossomed on her ivory features. The list of joiners seemed to have gone on and on, similar to last week. Each name called was good though. Each name spoken was someone bringing new life into the group. It seemed they were still thriving, which was wonderful.

The next topic was the buddy system. Her ears perked at that. An impressed look crossed her face and she nodded as Bastille spoke. It was a hell of an idea. She fucking loved it. The next point was specialization within the Cosmic Generals. She nodded again, quite interested in this too. With the influx of members trained in certain tasks, this change was sure to aid in things.

"Noted. And I can host weekly tasks," Suiteheart offered, after Bastille finished speaking. It had been a few weeks since she had done them, so she figured it was about time she got back on the metaphorical horse. After her words, she fell silent, wondering what Warringkingdoms had to say. 

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: I JUST KILL SHIT CAUSE IT'S IN MY DNA | MEETING 7.22 - Beverly Resurgam. - 07-23-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 13px;"]Her first meeting since joining. She didn't know how often these were held - probably weekly or biweekly, if she had to guess - but she liked to think this was the first of many for her. As she took a seat near Suiteheart, the short girl listened, ears flicking when she heard her own name. Beverly nodded to show she understood, even if she really didn't. The way that the Ascendants functioned was still mostly lost on her and it was sort of just gibberish.

Re: I JUST KILL SHIT CAUSE IT'S IN MY DNA | MEETING 7.22 - Margaery - 07-23-2018

Margaery was the next to arrive, taking a seat near Suiteheart and Beverly. [b]"Welcome everyone!" She greeted loudly. So they were introducing a buddy system? That seemed interesting! Admittedly, she couldn't wait to participate- that sort of stuff was her forte. Flicking an ear, she sat back and listened, relatively eager to hear the rest of the announcements.


Versailles is next to make her approach but is hardly too keen on raising her voice like the others. Instead, she finds a spot behind Margaery and Suiteheart, peeking through the space between them to watch her brother begin his announcements. It's the first time she's truly seen him like this - she doesn't exactly know what to think of it yet, her brother being the leader of the group she's in - so she sits back and watches quietly and waits for a little something more to happen.

;; i needed to be asleep like two hours ago RIP


[size=9pt]He's never been to one of these meetings before. In his Pride, they'd just made passing announcements, and word traveled quick in the small group. Here, though, it's way more formal. Moon thinks it would be more so, if their Leader had been one of those self righteous, dramatic dicks, but Bast seems pretty far from that, so he can be glad for that, at least.

He genuinely pays close attention to the announcements, because the way this whole thing works is foreign to him and therefore interesting. No doubt, by the next meeting, getting Moon's attention will be near impossible, but for now, he's pretty clued in. Bast mentions Rin, and Moon recognizes the Cleric's nickname, golden ears swiveling to attention. The Halo thing-- of course. He'd almost forgotten it was still going on, and now that he was reminded, he was on edge. He had no doubt it wouldn't be him; there were way too many other contestants who'd been here longer, were more mature, and generally just better suited for the job, but still, the lion waited with bated breath.

Re: I JUST KILL SHIT CAUSE IT'S IN MY DNA | MEETING 7.22 - Shininglight - 07-23-2018

[div style="font-family: constantia; font-size: 13px; text-align: justified; width: 70%; margin: auto;"]
Creatures were starting to gather up together again. Shining took this as a sign that he should join in with them, and see what was going on. He was making good progress on his physical recovery, no longer needing as many bandages as when he first arrived. The more major wounds still needed a bit more time and medicine, but they too would be fine in the next week or so. A tiny limp could still be seen in his stride, though not as noticeable. Mentally, however... No changes had yet to be documented. Still slow, inattentive, lacking in clear speech and thought.

Shining took a seat in the back, laying on his stomach. A speaker started announcing some things, and from there the feline zoned out for most of it. Although he did perk up when his name and another's was mentioned, but then fell distracted once more as they kept going. The talk of Clerics and healers and whatnot seemed to hold his attention somewhat. The crowd members started talking for a bit, but Shining stayed silent.

Hard to believe he once held these kinds of meetings.

Re: I JUST KILL SHIT CAUSE IT'S IN MY DNA | MEETING 7.22 - Warringkingdoms - 07-23-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]The decisions about to be announced had taken a lot of deliberation, but Rin knew that they were for the best.

  Padding over to stand beside Bast, she looked over the crowd. She could already see Imperia, Moonmade, and Shininglight- and she was sure the rest would appear in due time. The clan would be in good hands, regardless of what happened after this.

  After Bastille finished speaking, Rin nodded, then took a deep breath. ”After spending some time thinking and talking with Bastilleprisoner, I’ve decided to step down,” she began, adjusting her scarf with one paw. ”A clan as large as this needs a Cleric who can be around at all times, who contributes and ensures that everyone is taken care of. I think that the position should be held by people who can meet those demands, and at this moment in time I am not one of them.” The constant deaths and injuries had taken their toll on her, so much that she often wondered why she even bothered to try. There was someone capable of doing better than she had- multiple people, in fact.

  With a wry grin, Rin continued, ”That does leave a lot of space on the medic team, however- more than I had anticipated when I first started the Halo tryouts. As some of you might have guessed by now, the evacuation was a drill for the third task- and was just what we needed to make our decision.” Glancing down at the crowd, she raised a paw. ”Imperia, Shininglight, Moonmade, Roman, and Lessa, I would like all of you to step forward.”

  Once all five of them did so, she nodded. ”Imperia, Shininglight, I would like you two to step up to Cleric in my place. As for the other three, you have your choice between Halo or Starstruck Guardian- whichever you would prefer.” Glancing over at Bast, she stepped back to allow him to speak again.

  /congratulations + thank you to everyone who tried out! I didn’t expect it to get this big lol