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[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]the climate in the ascendants was a bit of a drastic change from that of snowbound. it was warmer, much warmer. no snow crunching underfoot or frosty breath; just tickling grass and mild humidity, plains bathed in the gold of the setting sun. not that he could see it all. it was a shame, really, the place seemed lovely by the way the others spoke of it, and the way his senses carved a picture in his mind. he doubted the picture in mind was even remotely close to the real thing, but it was better than nothing.

he sat quietly in the field of flowers, sightless eyes staring into nothing as a cool breeze ruffled his fur. with it carried a familiar scent; one he had smelled before while staying here, but never paid much attention to. a particular flower, one that meant so much to him. bubonicplague was still for a few moments before he slowly rose to his feet, lumbering through the grove until he reached a patch of small lavender flowers. forget-me-nots. his mind drifted to lirim, wondered what his husband might be doing back in the snowbound, and for once a soft smile drifted over his lips. the dire wolf slowly settled back into the grass and rested his chin on his paws, sitting in silence with the pretty little plants, enjoying the moment.


[size=9pt]And like that, the moment was ruined. "Hey, uh," Comes Moon's interrupting voice. He's stumbling through the grass on awkward paws, limping as usual, and the path he leaves behind him is one of destruction. Near every flower is crushed in some way or another. "How'd you get so big, dog? You eat all your greens, or what?" He speaks with one brow raised, curious but watching the canine like he wasn't to be trusted. No way was it normal for a wolf to be as big-- almost bigger-- than a Lion.

Re: SORROW ALREADY SPOILED — OPEN - adomania - 07-22-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]Everyone in this territory was always so... big. There was scarcely an individual that didn’t tower over the pup, and although it didn’t actively deter him from interacting, it did cause all of the alarms in his head to activate the moment he was near anything bigger than a feline.

Bubonicplague was among those individuals. His presence piqued Myliu’s interest, prompting the pup to stride right on over with a series of huffs that were supposed to represent something akin to a greeting. He hadn’t purposefully sought the dire wolf out, and would have been far more content avoiding him entirely... but he was there and didn’t consider himself rude, despite having no contact with civil people until two months prior.

So he sat down, right next to where Bubonicplague was with another, punctuating huff, and then mirrored his position, laying his chin down on his paws and hesitantly waving his tail in cautious happiness.


Versailles doesn't quite understand the need for talk, the need to fill the silence with words that lead to little more than empty casualties as a way of passing time. She's always preferred the silence, and has been entombed in it for the better part of her life ever since her mother died - and her mother, she'd always preferred the company of quite too. Too many times, a more talkative young Versailles was reprimanded for unnecessary words uttered under her breath, already too quiet from disuse - be quiet, Versailles, words do not mean much in the great hunt.

The words have since been hammered into her heart, one that she carries with the memory of her mother's death. Much of her personality is a derivative of her mother's own characteristics, after all; she had taken it upon herself to carry the mantle after she'd lost her. It's a gift as much as it is a burden, for her mother's discipline has allowed her to thrive alone in the wilds as much as it impedes her ability now to form connections outside of those that have already been connected by the hands of fate. Still, she tries her best to make those connections on her own... not that that has done her any good.

She approaches the group anyway, dips her head in greeting before settling down a small distance away from Bubonicplague. Versailles doesn't know him but appreciates the location he's picked out - a beautiful blooming meadow, something that should belong in one of the picture books Marg had given her. She tucks her paws underneath her chest and closes her eyes. Maybe Moon, as amusing as he can be sometimes, will get the hint and lie down with them.


[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]an interruption. at times his tolerance for them varied, at this particular moment it was... an annoyance. he wouldn't snap, but it was obvious that he wasn't pleased about being bothered. the wolf slowly lifted his head, ears swiveling to moonmade, eyes narrowing just barely. "i am no dog." bubonicplague rumbled and turned to the young lion. "i got this big by eating creatures like you for breakfast." a statement meant to be joking, but instead came out cold. he needed to get better at execution; though it was hard when one was being irritated. he wrinkled his nose and returned his focus to the flowers, only pausing when he heard another set of paws approaching. smaller, much smaller than he or the lion; a child.

bubonicplague lifted his head once more when the pup laid down beside him, ears twitching at the little one's huffs and the sound of a hesitantly wagging tail. ah... curse children and the effect they had on him. his expression softened as ivory eyes rested on myliu, unseeing, but knowing the child was there. he was quiet for some moments, before letting out a sigh. he caved and allowed his own tail to thump a few times on the ground, unable to keep himself from it. he loved children so dearly. the dire wolf settled his chin on his paws once more and angled his ears to myliu. "and who might you be?" he queried softly.

one ear swiveled to versailles as she approached, and he shifted his head only slightly to acknowledge her. a silent way of thanking her, showing his appreciation in her silence. though he'd broken it himself moments ago, he was still quiet about it, gentle in the way he spoke to myliu. the demon stretched out a hind leg from where it had rested beneath him, slowly relaxing around the small group. he wouldn't excuse himself; not yet, at least. not unless the group grew too large for him to bare. he didn't do well in crowds, but this was something he could handle. baby steps.

Re: SORROW ALREADY SPOILED — OPEN - adomania - 07-22-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]The strange words being thrown about meant nothing to Myliu, as he understood none of them whatsoever. Both the big dire wolf and the lion were speaking about things he did not care for, in tones he did not care for either, and just as he was about to start anxiously chewing on whatever nearest surface he had (which happened to be his paw at the given moment), Bubonicplague's gaze shifted towards him, voice suddenly far softer, and he relaxed with another, stronger wave of his tail behind him. He sounded like those creatures who had offered him help before, and that instantly meant that Myliu felt he could trust him, if only a little.

But he did not understand what was being said to him, only hid his muzzle between his paws and peered up quizzically at him, wagging his tail happily as he tried to figure out what the words meant.

Re: SORROW ALREADY SPOILED — OPEN - Suiteheart - 07-23-2018

The Ascendants was vastly different from her former home; she could relate to Bubonicplague's feelings. Her old home was similar to Snowbound. Snow covered the grounds deep into spring and winter weather greeted them when fall should have been in the air. A chill was always in the air - even in the summer. She missed the gentle snowflakes, the soft, gray clouds, the frigid breezes. Nowadays, she had warm weather, deep, grassy plains, and bright sunshine.

It had been such culture shock when she first joined. Now, however, it was more normal. It was home now.

"What's up, guys?" Suiteheart greeted, a smile upon her lips though her heart was still singing bittersweetly about her former home. She neared the little group, taking a seat somewhere near Versaillespalace.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI


[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]he couldn't see the look myliu gave him, but with the pup's silence he figured there was a bit of a language barrier. or perhaps he was just to young to understand; either way, the dire wolf offered the best smile he could manage, weak but still warm. slowly he lifted his head upon suiteheart's arrival, turning to her to acknowledge her words. bubonicplague shrugged his broad shoulders and looked to the forget-me-nots. "reminiscing," he said lightly. that's what he had been doing, anyway; he wasn't quite sure why the others had decided to join him in the field, but they were there, and there wasn't much he could go to change that. well, unless he decided to get hostile. that wouldn't leave a very good impression, though. "and you?"


[Image: 2NB1bDh]
[Image: 2LFVCD6]
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[Image: 2LLq52q]
Bastille stepped deliberately between Versailles and Suiteheart as he joined them, sacrificing the added proximity with Suiteheart to block her from being anywhere near his fucking sister. It'd be a warm day in hell when he let her try to ruin Vi, too, and while he was hellbent on making sure she got the message -- Vi was his family, not hers -- he also didn't even turn his head in Suiteheart's direction. Instead, he bumped his shoulder against Vi's lightly, if a little awkwardly, a silent greeting as his gaze slid over Bubonic. The flowers blooming in the Seraph's pawsteps started to give way to dark ones, little plum-black petals swaying. Bast ignored them.

[b]"Reminiscing about what?" he drawled, deciding he may as well take a stab at small talk. Bond with newcomers. Be social. Pretend to be a good little Seraph, following in Starry's radiant pawsteps. Whatever.
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST


[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]another addition to the group; the leader, whom he had not yet had the pleasure of meeting. bubonicplague's ears twitched at bastilleprisoner's query, taking a moment to mull over his reply. he wasn't fond of the idea of telling people he barely knew of his past. the dire wolf kept quiet for a while. his eyes seemed to burn into the small bushel of flowers, tail tapping lightly on the ground in thought. it wasn't a hard question. he just didn't exactly want to answer.

"the few good moments of my life." bub replied finally. seemed answering vaguely was a hobby of his.