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cooking by the book /-/ alcohol cake, open /-/ ft lil jon - Printable Version

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cooking by the book /-/ alcohol cake, open /-/ ft lil jon - deimos - 07-21-2018

[Image: tumblr_opwgzxenNS1tvso1qo1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #210808; color: #9B5151; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Deldrach had her baking station set up somewhere completely different. She may be a queen in regards to her past, she may have been a wild and cold soul, but she did love baking. Rules, and following them, weren't hard- especially if it was for cake. She had set herself in the tavern, working the cake batter. Her eyes flickered to the side, catching sight of the alcohol shelf. And a slow, wicked grin settled on her face.

And it didn't take long for the cake to set, baking- with methods that Deldrach would NOT reveal (someone noticed a rather.. burnt.. npc walking out)- rather well, its color rich and the scent of alcohol and cake drifting through the air. Deldrach pulled the cake free of the pan once it was cooled, icing it. Without hesitation, she picked it up, balancing on her hind legs as she stepped out of the tavern, achingly tall as she set it down on a table. She huffed as she flopped down to her four paws, stretching out and yawning. "Cake! For the adults!" 

Re: cooking by the book /-/ alcohol cake, open /-/ ft lil jon - ROXANNE R. - 07-21-2018

CANNIBAL QUEEN { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
"Cake! For the adults!"

Roxanne loved cake and well, she was trying to stay off of alcohol since that had made her do a thing which had costed her something that she couldn't take back, the chocolate Siamese would walk over with Kalayavan tailing behind her since he didn't like the tavern after what had happened but he laid outside of said tavern glaring at those that passed him. She walked over to where Deldrach was with both of her ears angled forward as she tried her best to look at the table but since she was short it was a bit difficult, apparently, Kal had seen her struggling so he had came over to help her get a better look. She would gasp with a wiggle of her tail "That's look so good!" She piped out only to look at the icing of the cake feeling her insides growling at her though she always thought it was best to ask before she took anything that wasn't hers, it was a bad habit of hers. Hell, she did this whenever she ate with her current family even if she was technically allowed to take whatever she wanted because she was apart of the Roux family. It was just a habit of hers especially with her old family being abusive and always having her ask several times before she could even eat. "Could I have a slice?" Had she introduced herself, she didn't think so she added rather quickly "Oh and I'm Roxie!" If Deldrach gave her permission to get a slice of cake, Roxie would be careful of doing so not to get too much of a share only to realize that the cake had an alcoholic scent wafting off of it though she started to eat her slice anyways.
"character's speech."

Re: cooking by the book /-/ alcohol cake, open /-/ ft lil jon - madster - 07-21-2018

merihem trotted over, curious. alcohol was beta cuck shit- he thought only wine moms still drank the shit, as he had moved on to harder drugs. still, his knowledge of cooking got in the way of his other ideas, and he tilted his head. "uh, did you put the alcohol in the batter? cause' alcohol will burn off if you bake it..." he muttered, looking to the side.

"i don't want a slice anyways. alcohol is for the pussies who hate themselves," he spoke, messing with an unlit cigarette, clamping it between his jaws. "but yeah. you're not gonna feel any different after you eat that cake."

Re: cooking by the book /-/ alcohol cake, open /-/ ft lil jon - deimos - 07-21-2018

[Image: tumblr_opwgzxenNS1tvso1qo1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #210808; color: #9B5151; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]"Uh, yeah, thanks." Deldrach said, looking towards her. The jaglion grunted, her tail swinging behind her. Deldrach said, eyeing the cake for a moment. It wasn't her best work of art, she decided. Her ears twitched as Roxanne decided to ask, and Deldrach shrugged. "Sure, let me cut it." Deldrach turned her head, pulling free the sabre, locked in her front teeth and gripped on hard. She turned her head, the knife cutting precision and almsot perfect sections.

She stabbed the sabre into the ground beside her, and gestured to the cake. "Go ahead and take a slice." She said, before grunting. "Deldrach. Don't mention it." She seemed to be in an okay mood, before her mood was ruined when this asshole decided to walk in. And suddenly, her queen complex was back.

A cold smirk touched the jowls on her face as she turned her head, gold and silver paired eyes staring down at him. "I know it burns off when you cook it in the batter. But the taste remains. Besides, it's in the icing." Deldrach returned, cool in tone but she had the cold anger beneath her breath, one that told tales of demise in the near future. "And you have it completely right, I am a pussy. A cat. Hating myself, however.. its the complete opposite." Deldrach rose, taking her sabre and sheathing it.

"I love myself, unlike the person who's telling me otherwise."

Re: cooking by the book /-/ alcohol cake, open /-/ ft lil jon - VANDAL R. - 07-21-2018

"Did somebody say pussy? If so, then definitely count me in." Vandal's next to make her approach, having scented the divine, mouth-watering aroma of cake and alcohol mixed together. The mutated wolf is quick to swoop in on the table, folding her wings and pulling up just in time to nab a plate and a slice. Her descent is completed on the other side of the table, landing easily on her paws (oh, fuck yeah, she's getting the hang of it now), and she whirls around to face the trio of dysfunctional creatures with a daring smirk on her face.

"It's not just you that loves yourself, I love you too," she teases with an exaggerated wink, pulling her long tail towards herself before plopping down next to Rox to eat - it's not unlike her, after all, to poke a little fun where the opportunity presents itself. Funny how her and her sister's manners tend to be quite, quite different. Using a front-talon, she's quick to maneuver a plastic fork, cutting off a chunk and popping it straight into her mouth.

She isn't going to lie, it's not like downing an entire bottle of vodka, but the lingering taste of alcohol does present itself in the cake and the icing (particularly the icing) and she figures it's quite, quite good enough anyway. "Tastes like heaven, don't it, Ro-ro?"

Re: cooking by the book /-/ alcohol cake, open /-/ ft lil jon - goodsprings - 07-21-2018

'adults only' should have been a clear message that no kids were allowed, right? captainpaw wanted to listen as planecrash might have advised him, but his curiosity was nipping at him like a cold wind to his paws. what if it was something really cool? he couldn't let the other beta's know that he had lucked out on seeing an adult only charade.

the young tom arrived quickly behind vandal, looking between the other's with a perplexed expression. he had only caught little of the conversation going on though was still left clueless as to what was going on. "what's pussy?" the kitten asked, eye's bright as if he was going to learn of some sort of new wonder.
✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: cooking by the book /-/ alcohol cake, open /-/ ft lil jon - madster - 07-21-2018

merihem laughed. "calm the fuck down, it's a joke," he said idly. "i'm on a fuckin' keto diet," he joked, sitting down, clearly not concerned with the angry lady in front of him. merihem had an awful sense of humor- although, getting angry at him only made him want to fuel the fire more. he liked to get people riled up against him, and he didn't really care about the consequences. being so doped all the time had numbed his head and he couldn't care less about the world around him.

"tastes like heaven, huh? wait till you eat this d-" he didn't continue, shifting his weight. "nevermind," the cat followed up with, now laying down. his eyes flickered over to captain. "it's short for pusillanimous. it means weak or scared," he said, yawning. "it's not a very nice word, which is why i use it." 

Re: cooking by the book /-/ alcohol cake, open /-/ ft lil jon - VANDAL R. - 07-21-2018

"Don't listen to him," Vandal pipes up automatically, walking the short distance around the table to sit next to Captain and crouch down, as if to share a secret. She waves her fork at the cake and smiles devilishly, the outer edges of her eyes crinkling at the impish expression. "This thing here? This is a pussy. You wanna eat something good? Say that's what you wanna eat." Happy with her work, she leans back up and flashes the rest a cocky smile, as if daring them to correct her, shoving another bite of cake into her mouth for good measure.

Re: cooking by the book /-/ alcohol cake, open /-/ ft lil jon - ANDRAS - 07-21-2018

rinto made his way over, walking over in long strides. he liked cake and alcohol! occasionally, of course. when he got drunk he got all sad and a little crazy. being sober meant he was in full control, and he liked that as much as he liked cake. he heard the conversation and felt his cheeks heating up. "n-no, that's... don't be so vulgar," he called out the others, clearly flustered by the conversation.

despite his caring demeanor, inside he was laughing. if cake was pussy, he'd eat pussy all day. "h-hey, i know we've never met, miss..." he said to deldrach. "i-i'm rinto. can i have a slice, pretty please? it smells really good!"

Re: cooking by the book /-/ alcohol cake, open /-/ ft lil jon - ROXANNE R. - 07-22-2018

CANNIBAL QUEEN { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
Alcohol is for pussies who hate themselves.

She didn't agreed with that as she listened to the two of them argue as she continued to eat her slice of cake despite alcohol being in the frosting, she didn't think it was all that bad not exactly heaven like Vandal said but it was good yet she suddenly choked on her slice when a kitten approached the scene asking what pussy was only to drop her cake on Kal's snout which cause an angry hiss to emit from his slightly parted jaws "V-VANNIE NO!" She finally hisses out with her ears pressed against her head with frosting clinging to her lips but she swiftly rubbed it away as her gaze would lock onto her sister and narrow down a bit as her tail lashed to the sides. And here she was hoping to enjoy herself for once but she always had to babysit one of her siblings even if they might have been older than her. She shook her head at the kitten, wasn't he Plane's kid, oh God, as she would then correct her sister "Don't listen to her. . . Don't say that. It's not a, uh, polite word. . ." God, why did she had to be the somewhat responsible one? It was not her but she supposed it happened ever since she had taken Kalayavan in as a hatchling. She would then proceed to pick off the cake from her crocodile's snout hearing a snort escape him "Sorry Kal," She apologized cleaning the frosting from her paws only to watch the kid and her sister through the corner of her eye, ugh, Roxie didn't even want to rememeber this so hoping that she'd get a bit of a buzz would she pick at a smaller slice of cake bringing it to herself though this elicits a growl from the crocodile whose underneath her. She patted his head as he lifted it up until he was towering everyone but he curled up into a bit of a curved like shape watching those around him with narrowed golden pools. Could she make something up? Maybe Captain liked crocodiles? She wasn't sure but she said with a small shrug "Besides, why say such things when you can ride on a twenty-four foot long crocodile?" She let out a hum though she bit down on her cake not saying anything else after that.
"character's speech."