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broken home baby : storage - Printable Version

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broken home baby : storage - MOONMADE - 07-21-2018

[size=9pt]this is a mess + needs to be updated

Re: golden hour, moonmade's tags. - MOONMADE - 07-21-2018

FULL NAME Moonmade
NICKNAMES Moon, Twigs, Lune, Momo.
CLAN/GROUP[b] The Ascendants.
—ranking Astral Seraph.
20 moons. But also he's dead, so. Died at 20 moons.
Strongly inclined to medicine and healing, and extremely skilled at it, too. Feels very much responsible for the health and well being of those he cares about.
Physically a mess. Puts little effort into his appearance. Was extremely weak, borderline malnourished when he joined the Ascendants, however has worked on his strength and combat skills and is improving quickly. Gradually growing muscle to fill out his lanky shape, however still absurdly lean due to his habit of forgetting to eat.
Prone to bouts of insomnia. He is gradually recovering from his childhood neglect, however it is a slow process and thus he spends most night sleepless. Increasingly exhausted as these bouts continue, can be more temperamental, distant, short-nerved. Struggles with anxiety as a result.
Curses frequently. Is quite blunt with his words. IC opinions only.

health status -[0% lmaooo]
SPECIES[b] Lion.
[b]DESCRIPTION[b] here
African lion. Young, lanky, tall, just at the end of his teenage years. Lean muscle mass. Physically beautiful. Prominent cheekbones and deep set golden eyes. Obscure dark furred birth marks dotted all over his face. One large scar on his cheek, currently healing. In a constant state of dishevelment, herbs and undergrowth in his mane. Lean to the point of looking almost gaunt.

—accessories A strip of lavender fabric around his wrist. Golden suns embroidered into it. Given to him by Harland.
—smells like The undergrowth, herbs, smoke.
—scars Multiple on his wrists. Concealed mostly by fur. Cheek healing after being ripped off.
—injuries An injured eye. Often seen with one shut tight. Multiple healing scars down his flank, a particularly large one down his cheek.

[b]BODY LANGUAGE[b] Nonchalant, confident, loping. When stressed: tense, formal, almost regal.
—posture: Horrific posture. Will walk with a drooping head and turned-in, sloping shoulders. Can appear quite fearsome and intimidating when needed, however.

tba - chaotic good - gryffindor
charismatic - kind - brave - nonchalant
dramatic - foul-mouthed - reckless
lack of self-esteem - witty - stubborn - filterless
immature - compassionate - selfless - brash

Chaotic good. Good intentions; recklessly brave, selfless to a fault, tragically compassionate. Snarky, cocky and charismatic. Will throw himself in front of a bus for a stranger, but not without leaving them with a one liner to remember him by. Sometimes overwhelmingly brash and blunt. Holds on to grudges.

Hesitant with serious emotions, feelings, commitment. Has severe self image issues; struggles with the idea of someone loving him. Will distance himself if he feels emotionally vulnerable, becomes cold and aloof. Is extremely dedicated, loyal and stubborn, however. Would do anything for those he loves. Hardworking to the point of it being dangerous. Will work himself the point of complete and utter exhaustion. Burn-out syndrome in the making.

ORIENTATION[b] Bisexual.
[b]STATUS[b] Single.
—crush Imperia.
—friends Imperia, Gabriel, Margaery, Hazel, Bast, Feyre, Bubonicplague.
[u]—family[/u] Biological family deceased/disappeared, however has kind of maybe possibly adopted quite a few of the Ascendants' members as family. Thinks of Harland as his son, Feyre as a sister, Margaery as a mother figure.
[u]—enemies[/u] Onision, Marina, Buckingham.

Will start fights easily.
—platonic relationships: Quite easy to befriend. Is generally quite friendly, however will quip and tease to the point of almost being overbearing. Shows affection by way of nicknames and banter.
—romantic relationships: Can be flirtatious at times, however becomes clumsy and reckless when it comes to serious relationships. Almost fearful.
—rivalries Extremely opinionated and stubborn, thus it is easy to make enemies with him.
[color=COLOR]—physical difficulty
—mental difficulty  90%.
IF NEEDED attack in Bolded White. Tag [member=1549]MOONMADE[/member] if needed.

Re: broken home baby && moonmade - MOONMADE - 07-22-2018





Re: broken home baby && moonmade - MOONMADE - 07-22-2018


Wiped Out - The Neighbourhood
"lost and afraid, young and innocent but getting older / i don't wanna be alone, i don't wanna be alone / sharper the blade is, the easier it scars the soul / i don't wanna be alone, i don't wanna be alone"

Raleigh Ritchie - Stronger Than Ever
"'cause i'm a big boy now, or nearly / if i pull the wool back from my eyes i can see clearly / the world is at my feet and i am standing on the ceiling / and i fall, fall, fall when it all comes down"

Dermot Kennedy - Glory
"i guess i'm tired of talk of hope / learned that doves and ravens fly the same / but suddenly she's all i know / an old refrain / a set of eyes had pinned me / became my version of a kingdom / now i know they'll never hunt me / when she's singing to me "glory"

Raleigh Ritchie - Liability
"let's get married and travel to vegas / my deplorable bevaviour is getting outrageous / i need jesus, i need relief / i need some peace of mind / fuck, i need some sleep / i need to find a purpose in life and find what i want / because sometimes i act like a punk when the wine is all in my trunk and my mind is all back to front / i'm hardly a fucking monk / maybe i'm a little ittybit still drunk"

Jacob Banks - Worthy
"suddenly the clouds have opened up / and i'm being seen in all of my glory / the time has come for fate to decide / if a part of me is even worthy / the air is warm, my heart is cold / and i'll never know how it feels / to have a heart of gold"

Raleigh Ritchie - Straitjacket
"the devil's in my head / stirring up a mess / taking advantage of my unsteadiness / my readiness for death / the vans are pulling up / fuck if i know why / i'm hearing cuckcoo clocks and seeing angels in the sky / the war is almost started / the cavalry's on time / fight amongst the foot soldiers / but the war is in my mind / the war is in my mind"

Dead Boys - Sam Fender
”we close our eyes, learn our pain / nobody ever could explain / all the dead boys in our hometown”

Re: broken home baby && moonmade - MOONMADE - 07-27-2018

— A limping golden boy lacking in quite a bit of meat. Disheveled mane and flowers in his teeth. A grin that shows fangs made for snapping spines, but a lion with about as much fighting capability as the stuffed toy version of himself.

— With a facade that never fails, feigning a roguish grin even when he's borderline hallucinating with exhaustion. Built to entertain and to charm, almost overbearing in his smooth, or joking, commentary. Crude remarks and teasing smiles. Will do everything he can to make a shy, uncomfortable individual feel at home, but will also do everything he can to knock an asshole off their high horse.

— Some dumbass kid with a knack for getting himself into trouble. An unrelenting recklessness and selflessness about him, like he's just trying to get himself killed. And he might just be. Failed jokes and a sailor mouth. Hints at someone more erratic, someone grasping at the fleeting ends of control.

— A painful unsureness to his touches and his affection. Hesitant to the point of it being glaringly obvious that he's never been close to anyone before. Hints of someone tired with the weight of their own troubles, a boy more hushed than usual. Long nights and longer mornings, freckled head hanging low over dragging paws. A lion as loyal and courageous as the legends tell, a stubborn feline guard dog who'd sooner drink bleach than abandon those he loves.

Re: broken home baby && moonmade - MOONMADE - 07-27-2018

- Was born in South Africa in a small, war-torn Pride.
- Only child. Mother, highly religious, believed this to be a bad omen.
- Was instantly shunned by his family for being premature + without siblings.
- Grew up on the outskirts of the Pride, alienated and neglected.
- Frequent abuse at the hands of his alcoholic medic mother.
- Ongoing violence and corruption within the pride. Witnessed many deaths.

- Out of desperation, approached a derilict house on the hill that was home to a recluse ex-animator.
- Would watch cartoons from the back window.
- Was often fed and cared for by the old animator.
- Developed a fondness for these cartoons that still lives in him.
- Given the name Moonmade because he only came at night.

- Was captured by humans. Canned hunters.
- Watched his family (presumably) die at the hands of these humans.
- Was eventually rescued and released as a young cub.
- Came to the Ascendants after some time.

long-term effects;
- Struggles with self love. Views himself as not good enough.
- Deeply rooted anxiety and paranoia from the abuse. Fragile under stress.
- Will flinch at a violent sudden movement / sudden aggression. More so from those he's fond of.
- Desperate to hold onto those he loves as he has been starved of affection most of his life. Hesitant and careful in his affection, almost fearful of serious emotions.
- Recurring nightmares of his childhood. Often kept up for days on end, will gradually get more bitter and short-nerved as these bouts continue. Distances himself from others when particularly emotional.

Re: broken home baby && moonmade - MOONMADE - 08-19-2018

[size=9pt]HUMAN AU NOTES
- reece king or adonis bosso. mostly adonis bosso.
- 18 years old, unless it's ascendants-verse.
- very dark skinned with light brown/golden eyes. short cropped hair.
- lives in an orphanage called 'Edgar's'.
- rides a rusty bike everywhere he goes.
- owns a massive brown street dog called Laika.
- grew up in a disadvantaged area, surrounded by crime. parent's death was crime related.
- bit of a delinquent.

Re: broken home baby && moonmade - MOONMADE - 08-19-2018

[size=9pt]JULY CHOICE AWARDS, here
- favorite newcomer
- favorite crackship: moon x gabriel
- secret ship: moon x imperia
- clan sinnamon roll
- loudest character
- funniest character
- most likely to throw the party of a decade
- most likely to get stabbed
- most likely to lose in a fight
- most likely to have a girly scream

Re: broken home baby && moonmade - MOONMADE - 08-30-2018

[div style="; width: 55%; margin-left: 180px; text-align: justify"][size=9pt]bruises / knowing grins / laughter echoing through alleyways / drunk texts / messy love confessions / exhausted eyes / gas stations at night / ragged converse / hidden meanings / navy and gold / hands covered in scabs / atheist angels / feet kicked up on the table / mattress on the floor / tackles and headlocks and shoves / the sound of the birds at 4am / counting pennies / scattered notes and ancient textbooks / crashing your dad's car / cherry cola / meeting god at a convenience store in the early hours / blood on young palms / studying through the night / casual chaos / infamously loved / working class heroes / hands covered in scribbled notes

Re: broken home baby && moonmade - MOONMADE - 09-08-2018

[Image: lPlwBAg.jpg]