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YOU'RE ENVIOUS OF GHOSTS | OPEN, ELK - Ilijas - 07-21-2018

ilijas arthur mikaelson
reckless wanderer | noble stag
It was not often that Ilijas relied upon this form. For the most part, it was impractical- more at his disposal for entertainment purposes then anything else. He supposed it provided him a quicker mode of transportation but still, he was limited in the things he could do and those antlers... oh how those antlers still gave him a headache.  He'd been in control of this body almost his entire life, shouldn't the pain that came from supporting thirty six pound horns have subsided by now? He blamed a general lack of use for the most part, knowing that he'd get acquainted with the constant pressure if he just wandered around as an elk more than he did currently. But how he wished there was an easier alternative. Oh well, he would have to deal with the pain he supposed.

The massive mammal would toss his head, shaking off some of the slowly falling snow that had accumulated upon it. Below him, the stuff crunched underfoot, his hooves leaving large intents in it has he continued his slow pace. Various trees dotted the landscape around him but for the most part, it was desolate- a blank white canvas spreading for as far as the eye can see framed against a backdrop of beautiful mountains. It's a pretty picture... He thought to himself pointedly, Too bad I didn't bring my camera.

If anything, his purpose for this visit was simple: he was wondering if this group would be a good fit for him. He had no interest in phasing back into a cat though, and with that in mind, was more so curious to see how they reacted to a seemingly reluctant stag who had just wandered right into the territory. He was worried about predators, indeed, but just because he wasn't interested in returning to his original form, didn't mean he couldn't do it if necessity demanded.
cause god, i never felt young
[align=center][sub]TEMPLATE BY FAUNA[/sub]

Re: YOU'RE ENVIOUS OF GHOSTS | OPEN, ELK - Dimitri - 07-21-2018

Oh Lord. This guy was huge. Lik, huge. Dimitri was just about used to all of the larger creatures, but this guy was huge.
The pressure built up in his head and he gasped, switching. Delta raised the body’s head and stepped out of the underbrush, appearing before the deer.

"N- Name and business, please." Still trying to act like Dimitri.

Re: YOU'RE ENVIOUS OF GHOSTS | OPEN, ELK - arcy - 07-21-2018

A few months back, or maybe just one or two, Izuku isn't sure, his sense of time was warped, they'd had a .. deer, an elk, member. August. Izuku never got to know the other, but the deer had been an literal zombie so? Uh. It was .. less weird than it sounded, actually. Anyways. Yeah, that was the first thing that came to mind when Izuku sees the stag in the distance. .. He thinks it's a stag, anyways. It's very blurry,  and he squints, trying to make out the figure better. Damn his eye injury, it ruined everything. Even so, the Maine Coon trots across the snow, making out the form of Dimitri there, too. He thinks it's Dimitr, anyways. So, the Maine Coon shakes out his pelt and wobbles on three legs, before making his way across the snow. The real misfortune of having green fur is just how much he sticks out. Maybe a little unexpectedly, it's impossible to blend in with anything. Much less snow.
"Hi!" Izuku chirrups. An elk it was, then. And the guy may be massive, a lot bigger than Izuku himself, but he's accepted his fate. Almost everything was bigger than him now. He glances at Dimitri, and then seats himself, wrapping his tail tight around his paws. A visitor. Uh -- well. He could offer hot chocolate, but he'd wait till the other explains why they're here. In the meantime, he does conjure a flask of the stuff and holds it, just so he won't have to later or whatever. .. Damn. He was bad at this border stuff when he wasn't there first, as it would seem. Well, that's just how it was, then. Whatever.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: YOU'RE ENVIOUS OF GHOSTS | OPEN, ELK - Ilijas - 07-21-2018

ilijas arthur mikaelson
reckless wanderer | noble stag
Another downside to this body was Ilijas' inability to communicate. He could only examine the two who joined him with warm brown eyes, his breath a puff of white air as he released something akin to a sigh. A part of him wondered if he should just continue to move and explore, leaving behind the pair without even an acknowledgement. Ilijas was antsy to see the territory - mainly the mountains - and wanted to continue on with his leisurely pace as soon as possible. But that wouldn't be very polite on his end, now would it? Especially given how friendly these two, significantly smaller Snowbounders were.

The elk craned his head downwards, legs folding in until he was practically laying in the snow. He still was far larger than Izuku and Dimitri, but at least he could see them a little better. Perhaps he could try and communicate in his own special way? And by that, he meant permitting a half-snort half-bleat to fall from parted lips. Yes, that was good. He doubted they'd even begin to understand what that meant - hell, he didn't even know what it meant - but that was okay. It certainly didn't fulfill Dimitri's inquiry either but that was also okay. Oh how he wished he had his camera though.

Everything here was so pretty.

Tossing his head again, Ilijas was suddenly met with the desire to rub his antlers on some unfortunate tree. It was a primitive thought for someone such as himself, but who was he to deny what this form wanted? The annual shedding of an elk's antlers was normal anyways, especially as summer progressed. But he didn't want to move just yet, too transfixed by Izu and Dimitri. He wanted to gauge their reactions, see if they were tolerant enough of him simply making himself comfortable in the snow. He could change back right about now, but admittedly, Ilijas still didn't feel like it.
cause god, i never felt young
[align=center][sub]TEMPLATE BY FAUNA[/sub]


[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]this was certainly... interesting. though he knew all too well of being unable to speak, only ever permitted primitive grunts and growls. bubonicplague was silent as he approached behind izuku, barely standing a few inches taller than the elk standing in the snow. he took a moment to twitch his ears, gauge the stag's heartbeat and anticipate any actions. it seemed he only wanted to lay there and inspect them, however.

the dire wolf's brow furrowed and his head tipped slightly, curious. he wasn't quite sure what was going on; didn't think any of them really knew, not even the elk. it was definitely a new experience. so, as to not break the silence or interrupt, bubonicplague settled himself in the snow as well, sightless eyes drawing over ilijas.

Re: YOU'RE ENVIOUS OF GHOSTS | OPEN, ELK - Dimitri - 07-21-2018

Delta turned the body around and looked at the approaching dire wolf, folding the ears back and lowering the tail. She hadn’t seen him before. She was always was weary of bigger people. Bigger foes.
She turned back to the elk and nodded.

"Can you talk? Do you want to join?"

Re: YOU'RE ENVIOUS OF GHOSTS | OPEN, ELK - Character Graveyard. - 07-22-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]This was certainly a interesting sight. A elk. Many of his fellow Snowbounders were felines and much shorter then he was. Bubonicplague was a foot shorter then him though. That didn't frighten him though that someone was close to his height. Nothing in this world, except for death and the possibility of villains being in this world, scared him.

He had approached, deciding to stand next to the other lupine and he looked towards the stranger, offering a nod of his head to Ilijas.

Re: YOU'RE ENVIOUS OF GHOSTS | OPEN, ELK - rhosmari - 07-22-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]The feral beast was a resident here only because Chromeo had decided that this was a good place for them to reside in. If they had continued to travel then he wouldn't have stayed but since they were going to he knew that he needed to hunt. To hunt was a means to feed the other canine that he saw as somewhat of his equal. Thus the massive direwolf had been tracking something through the territory. His piercing red gaze was scanning his surroundings, noise twitching slightly as he picked up scents that were available to him in the area. Though the strange sounds of these creatures that seemed to be a pack here lifted into the air and thus he pulled his ears forward as he lifted his head up from the ground. For a moment the large beast didn't say anything and he just listened to the strange vocalizations that seemed to emit from their mouths. He didn't understand a lot of their sounds but Chromeo was helping him. He was a food giver and a wound healer by the stands of the beast so he trusted him but the others he had little care for. They were not taken as a threat unless they did something to make him think that they would be a problem for him or for Chromeo.

Large paws moved then, carrying the thickly muscled form toward them. His head was held high as normal and his coat blended in with the amount of snow that laid upon the ground. He was an alpha in his own right and though he didn't have his siblings with him and he thought about his brothers and sisters on a daily basis he held his domineering stance as he came up behind the elk that the others were yabbering to. His drew in the scent of the pry and he also noticed that they did not smell like this pack and to his feral mind this was grounds for prey. His muzzle curled back then as he lowered his body just a bit, slowly stepping forward before he suddenly launched himself aiming to lock his jaws on the hind quarters of the elk and drag it down to the ground before claws then attempted to drag down across the back of the elk's neck where he would then attempt to unlock his jaws from the flank and go for the throat. He was hungry and prey was not as flourishing enough for a creature of his size so this would do for both him and Chromeo, and maybe this pack.

tags | vocalizations | body language:

Re: YOU'RE ENVIOUS OF GHOSTS | OPEN, ELK - Chromeo - 07-22-2018

I DON'T KNOW WHY I DID IT BUT I DID IT!・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
Practically drifting in like a race car comes Chromeo, wheelchair wheels almost spinning out as he launches up. He attempts to push into Ghost's side to try to make him trip before he can reach the elk. "WHOA WHOA WHOA- HAHA." Assuming he succeeds and Ghost doesn't go squishing him, instead of trying to restrain him, he'll shove a a hearty piece of jerky toward the wolf's face with a genuine hope that the intense smell will distract him further. Grumbling under his breath he'd go- "Dude, come on? What did I tell you on the way over here?"; before saying much more loudly. "It's just a prank bro, don't worry!" Sweat. He told Ghost specifically not to eat anyone here, but he supposes should have specified for other folk coming up to the clan too. Dammit, he's not good with all of this technical stuff. As a quick apology for knocking him over (if he succeeded), he'll give him a quick rub to the side with his muzzle after Ghost eats to try to calm his nerves. If he isn't victorious with any of that, well he'll probably go sliding right against a tree or something else very uncool.

Re: YOU'RE ENVIOUS OF GHOSTS | OPEN, ELK - Ilijas - 07-22-2018

ilijas arthur mikaelson
reckless wanderer | noble stag
It was if the great elk's body sensed the danger, his massive form shifting as it rose from the snow in which it had settled to brace for an attack from the direwolf. While he was still taller than it, there was no denying its own impressive size, the muscles that hid under a pelt of alabaster toned and made for killing. This beast would bring him down if he wasn't careful and a part of him screamed that he should change back now... that he should save himself. He could use his regained ability to communicate (as he still refused to do so in this body) to hopefully convince these Snowbounders to call off their guard dog and thus save his life.

But Ilijas wasn't exactly a wise creature. Intelligent, yes, but no amount of knowledge concerning different cultures and history would ever save him from this. And so he did what any good elk would do: prepare for a fight. The antlers that he sported upon his head could gut just about anything, his entire body turning as quickly as it could to hopefully intercept the attack from Ghost. It seemed as if someone had beaten him to it though, a canine that was... wheelchair bound? Interesting. But he barely could appreciate the scene for what it was worth, every instinct of his - both feline and elk - yelling that he stop this by returning to his original form and explaining the situation.

He supposed that he could finally humor himself.

And so he did, easily phasing into the tall feline he was, shoulders rolling as he adjusted his stance to get more comfortable. [color=gray]"Yeah so... This was probably a mistake," He said casually, frowning at the Snowbounders he had managed to draw in. Bet they didn't expect a show with the arrival of an elk. Neat. He smiled though, something akin to a shit eating grin as he focused his attention exclusively on Ghost, [color=gray]"Not your food, sorry. I was thinking about joining so I came to get a feel for the place... Damn, I wish I had my camera."
cause god, i never felt young
[align=center][sub]TEMPLATE BY FAUNA[/sub]