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LET'S GO A LITTLE HARDER / open, joining - Printable Version

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LET'S GO A LITTLE HARDER / open, joining - madster - 07-18-2018

merihem had walked for what seemed like days. he was parched and starving, and had bags under his eyes from lack of sleep. he smelled like the ascendants, an enemy clan. once, during his time there, he heard of somebody getting kidnapped by a clan called the typhoon, and he decided he might as well see what was up there. after all, all he knew was of tanglewood besides the ascendants, and they were just a bunch of weird swamp rednecks dancing around alligators.

he came upon a railroad, but then he could see the main island and so he walked. once arriving at the border, his feet were submerged in water due to the tide and he sighed. he rang the bell, then announced "my name is merihem. i come from the ascendants, yeah, but they suck. if i can join that would be rad," he huffed, then laid down in the water, clearly exhausted. i'm just gonna die here. away from nero and everybody. at a fucking pirate clan. it's better than that clusterfuck of my old clan anyways.

Re: LET'S GO A LITTLE HARDER / open, joining - adomania - 07-18-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]
He had yet to get used to the wings that were settled firmly upon his wings, a weight that seemed far heavier than it actually was. It had been three years since they had been attached to his shoulders, and now that every part of his body seemed adamant to try and detach itself from his body, a walking, deformed shadow... they seemed heavier when on occasion the very part of him they were ontop of decided to do one of it's dissociation acts as well. But wings were far from an excuse to stop walking around and doing shit, and now that he had been admitted into the typhoon, Gabriel had a job to finish... not that he ever started it to begin with, really.

'Home.' That's what Argus had called it. 'Welcome Home.'

The word still echoed in his mind, even as he approached the gate after having heard the bells being rung, a clear indication of the appearance of something. Half interested and half padding over from necessity, Gabriel's appearance was signaled by what looked like a walking shadow of a dire wolf towards Merihem. He was far past the stage of feeling self conscious about his appearance, knowing damn well that he most likely looked like a dead man walking, and if anything the wings helped to hide most of it under the guise that he had his shit together. He didn't, but that wasn't for Merihem to know.

"Don't get caught by the tide," Gabriel rumbled as he approached, finally catching sight of the feline submerged in the water. He looked just as exhausted as he seemed, a sentiment that the man seemed to share. The bags under his eyes were shared among them, although he found he looked far less... starved. He looked dead because his entire body kept forming and deforming itself, not because he hadn't eaten or drank for days.

He was too new to understand the politics of these groups, didn't know if it'd be safe to allow an enemy to join, and as a result a tired sigh left Gabriel's jaw. It would be safer to wait for someone else to come, but he wasn't going to simply leave Merihem there like an asshole and pretend like he'd never seen the guy to begin with. He was too late to pretend at this point. "I suck at political bullshit, so you're going to have to wait for someone with a little more power around here. For now, tell me what you could offer... and if you need anything to eat or drink."

With a roll of his shoulders Gabriel sat down, gaze settled firmly on Merihem, expectant but not at all hostile. Tired, really. That was the only thing he looked, with his form constantly refusing to stay together for longer than a few minutes and the dark bags under his eyes, of which his body had decided to create three this time around. The third couldn't see shit, but it wasn't like his body cared. His body cared that it wanted to destroy itself, it seemed, and it wanted to take Gabriel right along for the ride.

"Chain. Chain Grimm, by the way. Might as well start off this conversation so that I'm not the only one who knows the other's name."

As if that was his real name to begin with. He disguised the grimace that flickered across his features at the thought with an instinctual upquirk of his lips, then fumbled with one of the many cigarettes he had on hand. "Mind if I smoke? And you want one?"

Re: LET'S GO A LITTLE HARDER / open, joining - MARCELLUS - 07-18-2018

HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
The king cheetah happened to be in the middle of exploring the territory for himself, limping about. His eyes glazing over everything to study. He was currently taking a stroll through the rainforest where he noticed the little statues that caught his attention. Approaching one, the male studied it before he heard the ringing of bells in the distant. Oh? Was someone at their border? The male lifted his head and began to make his way over to the gate where he found Gabriel and someone else, Merihem. Gabriel was someone he had yet to meet, though the scent of The Typhoon washed over the canid and thus, he was less cautious with the presence of him. His eyes went over to Merihem who had seemed to be a domestic feline which was good, something that wouldn't be able to eat his ass alive. Slowly the male slid away from the gate and got up a bit closer to realize that just like him when he joined, this guy was tired and had bags under his eyes. He had joined only a few moments ago so to see what he was like at his joining to see it in this guy was quite ironic. Lord, he must of looked like a walking zombie, though from looks this guy definitely looked more dead than he did.

As the same with Gabriel, he held little to no political power in this group and hence they would have to wait for someone higher up in the hierarchy. Until then, it would be a good time to make conversation though he tended to hate the same old small talk. "Marcellus. Recently just joined. Anyways, someone should be here soon." He introduced as he walked up to the pair, settling down a little bit away from them. Looking at Gabriel, it kind of freaked him out a bit how the guy looked and how pissy he sounded, though he wasn't one for judging on first impressions so naturally he'd give the guy a chance. Besides, at least this guy had four working legs. Lucky ass. The male turned his head to look over at Gabriel once more, watching as he began to fumble with a few cigarettes, the male scrunching up his face. He didn't mind when others smoke but he never knew how others could stand cigarettes. Just wasn't his cup of tea.

Re: LET'S GO A LITTLE HARDER / open, joining - madster - 07-19-2018

merihem grumbled, getting sand in his mouth, and he rolled over, white fur soaking wet and a mess from laying down in the water. he slowly pried his eyes open to look up at two men. both were extremely hot. squinting, he realized something and opened his mouth.

"oh my god, i died and went to gay heaven," he said, shocked, rising to his paws, seriously thinking he had died, until he felt the pounding pain in his head and the gritty sand against his paws. no, if he was still in pain, it probably wasn't heaven. gay hell, maybe? who knew. he realized he wasn't dead and sighed. "wait- no, still hurting. never mind, but you guys are hotties," he said, winking. "and yeah, bum me one," he said to chain, grinning now. hot guys and smokes? it was paradise here! "nice to meet cha, chain and marcellus. i feel like we're gonna be good friends."

Re: LET'S GO A LITTLE HARDER / open, joining - adomania - 07-19-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]An amused snort left Gabriel's maw at the first words to leave Merihem's mouth, almost making him drop the cigarette he was getting ready to light. Gay heaven? Hell, if he had anything to say about it he figured this was closer to gay hell, if he was there. Heaven was the farthest place he belonged in, despite the wings on his back and a long dead mother.

It seemed that Merihem seemed to realize that as well, maybe not the 'hell' part but the part that he wasn't quite dead yet. Yet. It was warm enough that he wouldn't get hypothermia, but by his appearance it was more than possible that he would fall over and die from starvation any second now.

"Yeah, sorry about that. You're still alive, I'm afraid," he responded, then quirked a brow at Merihem's further statement. He didn't comment on it, nor on the wink, and instead nodding towards his request for a cigarette, something Gabriel assumed meant he was safe to smoke his own as well.

"Here," he passed the now-lit stick over to the newcomer, pressing his own to his lips not soon after and peering down at Merihem with half-lidded eyes, thoughtfully analyzing him. There was very little he could do here, very little that he could say, but if it was up to him the kid should have been allowed to stay. If this place had accepted someone like Gabriel, then he doubted someone like Merihem would be too much of a hassle. If things got out of hand, no one here was above murder (or at least that's what he assumed) and if they could take down an entire dire-wolf, they could take down a cat who looked half dead.

Which reminded him.

"Not sure how long it'll take for someone else to come over that can give you your answer, though if it makes you feel any better you're alright in my book. But, I'd hate to have you die halfway back to the ship from starvation and I think we can spare something for you to eat if you want?"

Re: LET'S GO A LITTLE HARDER / open, joining - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-19-2018

Luckily for Merihem, Caesar was a high position and the demon was making his way over, having spotted Gabriel and Marcellus here. "And what makes you think we'll accept you?" Caesar asked, his ears flicking as he wriggled his way in between Gabriel and Marcellus. "Who's to say you're not a spy, huh? I say you need to have an initiation of sorts before you're accepted." If he was honest, he had no idea what to do here. The Typhoon already had their own initiation called the entrance ritual, although Caesar wasn't sure if that was enough. Worst case scenario, he supposed he could keep a close eye on Merihem to make sure he didn't cause too much trouble. "But. I'll go get Pincher to see what he thinks on this." And with that, the demon moved backwards to get from where he wriggled in between his two Crewmates and turned around, off to get the Captain.


Re: LET'S GO A LITTLE HARDER / open, joining - Luca - 07-19-2018

Gay heaven, now that's a place Luca could get behind. He could settle for gay hell too, perhaps, but honestly he had suffered enough hell for a lifetime. Absolutely miserable place, it was. There was more than one hell though, perhaps there was one out there that Luca could actually enjoy. For now he would stay... wherever he was, messing around with all these magic animals and their clans or whatever. The hellhound caught the group out the corner of his eye as he headed back to his home, and he stopped his journey to check out what the holdup was. Usually joining were over pretty quickly, but by the looks of it those guys were just sort of chilling. Now, chilling wasn't something that Luca was ever against, he just thought the gates a strange place to hang out.

As he approached, he seemed to get a pretty good idea of what was going on. Gabriel's words and the smell of the Ascendants of this cute cat's fur were enough to tip him off. "I don't see a problem with letting him in." Luca said as he finally came to a stop behind the others. There wasn't much one enemy could do on their own. Besides, Luca was definitely interested in getting a piece of that. He fixed his gaze on the soggy Merihem, lashes low and flirtatious over rose eyes. "My name's Luca," he said in a purr. "It's a pleasure." It seemed like they really were going to have to wait for a high position though, as unnecessary as Luca thought it was.

A small part of him wanted to ask about Shininglight. Was he okay? What was wrong with him? Why didn't he remember Luca, why didn't he love him back? A million questions raced through his head, but none of them left his mouth. Instead Luca fell silent, his tail swaying behind him with a silent agitation. He wanted to keep his visit to the Ascendants on the down-low for now, so if he asked Merihem anything it would be in private, away from the prying eyes of others.

Caesar's sudden words drew Luca out of his thoughts, and he cast his gaze away from the joiner and towards the other demon. "If he was a spy he would've hid the fact that he was in the Ascendants, I think," Luca said, raising a metaphorical brow. Announcing his former allegiance like that would be a shitty move for someone trying to be discreet. If the Ascendants were going to send a spy, they'd send them in looking like any other joiner. At least, that's what they'd do if they weren't complete and utter idiots. But then Caesar was leaving again, prompting Luca to watch on with a huff.


Re: LET'S GO A LITTLE HARDER / open, joining - PINCHER - 07-19-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Traveling was something that Pincher had always been used to especially in his earlier months of youth when he had only been a stumbling child chasing after the coattails of his father and uncle. In the very beginning when he had been forced to travel along his father's side, the child had grown tired of all the walking they did on the daily, his paws aching and becoming raw to the miles of travel. But as time passed, he slowly became numb to the feeling — his muscles slowly adjusting to the long distances that stretched in front of him. Of course, he did understand that not everyone was accustomed to the traveling of nomads like his father had forced him to adjust to but he didn't want just everyone to come into the Typhoon and think it was some paradise that it percieved itself to be to outsiders. No, he wanted the ones that were willing to travel the three mile stretch of railroad land to reach the entrance, it showed determination and energy they gave to achieve a goal. Something that Pincher found to be incredibly important if someone was to place themselves within the ranks of the crew.

He had been trapped inside his submarine since the morning, not coming out due to cursed paperwork that had decided to pile up on him. Most of it was papers scribbled with items that he needed to return from the treehouses back to the crewmates since they were in their second week of returning to Barracuda Bay and he knew some members still had not completely settled in due to damages to their homes. His fiance nor children were home at the moment so he smoked freely inside, clouds of smoke dancing around him as he bit down on his jet black cigarettes that he smoked when in deep concentration. He was filtering through the paperwork before hearing the voice of Caesar and knocking, causing him to break off his concentration on his work and to check out what was needed to be heard by him. As he listened, Pincher's cool icy blue eyes had turned to slits at the idea of another fucking Ascendant fuck coming but it seemed that this time, it was a joiner. Deciding it was his final say on if the stranger could join, Pincher let out a small grunt as he headed towards the border with his long tail twitching behind his muscular form.

"You must be the fucker that dragged me out of my work, eh? Merihem?" The low rumbling voice of Pincher snapped into the air after Luca, his right ear twitching at the comment of Merihem not being a spy due to stating his former allegiance. Huh, guess some people had grown tired of the mary sues that ran the snobby fucking place. They lacked dimensions that Pincher enjoyed in socializing but Merihem had left and decided to join the enemy. And that was certainly interesting as a small wicked glint sparked in his glacier colored gaze as he halted beside Gabriel, Marcellus, and Luca. His own smoke danced around him as he flashed a small smirk before answering "I don't see why I wouldn't want a traitor in my crew. Spy or not, you're free to join since I haven't had a possible backstabber in a while so either way, Welcome to the Typhoon. I'm Pincher, the fucker in charge of these fucks." He gave a light nod of his metallic gray head, his black cigarette bouncing lazily against his bottom lip as he spoke. They were fucking pirates — criminals, it was how things were and he wouldn't be surprised if there was any kind of traitorous actions but that wouldn't mean he would find it pleasing. Entertaining, yes. Pleasing? No. He would make them pay for the shit they tried to pull but if Merihem wanted in, he didn't see why not.

Re: LET'S GO A LITTLE HARDER / open, joining - VANDAL R. - 07-19-2018

Vandal finds it particularly funny how the newcomer is almost completely surrounded by men - her brother included - and she decides it's time to break the party before they all start writhing on the floor. Better that than dumping the tub of mambas on their head. "Tsk tsk, Pinchy, at least let them take th'Jungle Juice. If I had to go through hell taking it, everybody has to." The sardonic voice that chimes next comes from the black-and-green maned wolf making her own entrance, stopping next to her brother and flashing him an impish smile. She likes the chilled-out attitude he's exhibiting but knows that there's an undercurrent over the sea-foam froth his words exude. The ex-Ascendant could most definitely join but they will still be subject to all their rules. Treason and conspiracy to the captain is still a strongly punishable offense - and that's if Vandal doesn't get to them first.

"Vandal Roux. I'm the glowing bitch tha' watches the fucker in charge of all the other fuckers. As long as you play for our side, you shouldn't have any trouble with me," comes her introduction, smile never leaving her face. At the latter part of her sentence, she stretches out one wing and aims to gently cuff her brother on the back, a good-natured gesture that he should probably be used to at this point. "Well, why don' we twist the knife a little deeper, yeah? Come on. We should probably get to the camp - no point dawdlin' out here like a bunch of sitting ducks unless you all wanna do somethin' I'd rather not bear witness to."

Re: LET'S GO A LITTLE HARDER / open, joining - madster - 07-19-2018

merihem had actually never smoked before, but he wanted to smoke anyways because it looked cool. he was more of a pill-popping type of guy anyways- he actually had plenty of little ziploc bags filled with his stash that he carried from his old clan. he took a long drag on the cigarette and immediately coughed up smoke, though he bit down harder on the cigarette. throat burning, he talked with it still in his mouth. "thanks. i'm not hungry," he lied, not wanting to be a bother. plus, the cigarette smell kind of killed his appetite.

his eyes drifted over to caesar, and then to luca. oh god. he really was in hot guy heaven. especially luca. luca seemed like the loose type too... maybe he could strike up a deal later. "yeah, if i was a spy i wouldn't have told you where i'm from," he grinned, certain that he wasn't a spy. "jungle juice?" he asked, shrugging. "is that a drug?" he asked, curiously. "if so, sign me the fuck up. don't think just cause' i came from that pussy-ass clan that i'm not capable of doing your initiation-rites or whatever. i wanna be a full member. lemme drink that jungle juice," he told pincher and vandal. "but yeah. it's hot as satan's asshole out here. would one of you pretty boys show me around?" he asked, grinning.