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DON'T LOOK HIM IN THE EYE | ASCENDANTS - Roy Mustang - 07-17-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
Oh boy, oh boy. Roy Mustang was pissed, pissed beyond belief. Bastilleprisoner trusted Beck, he trusted that Tanglewood would give them peace and hopefully a strong alliance. Roy on the other hand, he wasn't as open to the idea. Roy had been trying to interact with his allies, get to know the members themselves. Roy remembered how people said the Tanglewood members were kinder than Beck. What a lie that turned out to be a few days ago.

A member of Tanglewood- a white hellhound who wore armor- trespassed into their territory. After approached by his groupmates, the bastard lunged for Washington. Roy remembered walking into chaos- Washington had a broken arm, Carolina some broken ribs, and Playerone was in the middle of a fight as a dragon against the Meta. When Roy caught wind of the Tanglewood scent, some could say that Roy was smoking with fury.

The melanistic bobcat came marching forward to the Tanglewood border, ears drawn back to his skull. Roy's blue eyes were hardened with anger, a frown featured on his maw. Not far behind him was Bastilleprisoner, who Roy himself requested to come along with him. For a moment, Roy's nostrils took in the scent of the swamp, the Flame Alchemist hoping that someone was nearby. If they weren't close by, hopefully Roy's voice will grab their attention.

"Tanglewood!" Roy called out with a commanding tone, eyes scanning the territory for any people nearby. "I am Roy Mustang, Lunar Lieutenant of the Ascendants! I am here with Bastilleprisoner, our Astral Seraph! We demand to speak with Beck at once!"

[ [member=145]BASTILLEPRISONER[/member] ]


Bastille wasn't exactly pleased with the situation, of course. That freak was fucking out of control and terribly out of line, coming after his members, but for once he seemed to have managed to keep his temper under control. (Maybe the exhaustion really was getting to him, or maybe the temporary balance of his souls had reverted him back to his calmer ways. Who knows.) He was angry, and wanted to find the attacker, sure -- but he also thought it was fucking weird for Beck to fuck up their alliance now. He might not trust the little ghostly fuck, but he didn't anticipate him doing something like that unless it was... well, more dramatic and betrayal-y than one renegade member.

He still needed answers, though, and Roy was too fucking pissed off to be reasoned with, so Bast hadn't bothered. Instead he'd simply strolled casually after the furious bobcat, arching a brow at his screaming demands. Well, then. Not exactly the approach he would have taken, but Bastille fancied this a lovely learning experience. He made Suiteheart try out hosting a meeting, and now he was just going to sit back and let Roy deal with confronting Becky. Leadership development, right there; he was getting his high positions prepared for anything. Ha. He wanted badly to point out the "demand" was a strong word, but held it in. No point in riling Roy up any more.

Re: DON'T LOOK HIM IN THE EYE | ASCENDANTS - Bean - 07-18-2018

Re: DON'T LOOK HIM IN THE EYE | ASCENDANTS - beck. - 07-18-2018

    "Y'all don't have to be so dramatic 'bout everythin', yeesh." The rasping words of the materializing commander were sharper than his shark-like teeth bared into a irritated snarl. He officially hated the bastard known as Roy, not wanting to deal with his arrogance today after a long week of headaches and newcomers. And Bastille was there, too, sitting back with his stupid ugly face looking smug as ever. "Woah, ya won't even talk for yourself now. Just gonna let this hothead do whatever he wants, huh?" Beck was quick to giggle, shrill laughter laced with spite to match his sneering features, "You're so pushy, I thought 'allies' were s'posed to be friends -- don't think Starryskies would appreciate ya right now," the poltergeist continued prodding and jabbing, trying to find any weak spot or trigger button he could, lifeless eyes glittering with childlike amusement all the while. Rearing onto his hindlegs, he even batted at Roy's nose, peering around to snicker at the bobcat's amputated stump, "Looks like ya can't keep those handy flames of yours under control, too." He could have gone on and on, even with his hoarse giggling beginning to make his chest ache worse.

      But clearly, if they wanted to stomp all the way out to their humble swamp, then they must have wanted something. "What d'ya even want? We haven't done nothin' to ya but try 'n' help for nothin' back, and now y'all are actin' like jackasses," the scraggly feline pouted, sticking out a pallid lower lip for dramatic effect as he continued, "Where'd the better ambassadors go? I want the two gals, not your ungrateful mugs." Beck was just as bewildered as Iota, despite his teasing behavior. At least that much was clear in his anxious fidgeting and furrowed brow. He considered for a moment the possibility of sabotage -- there was one odd joining creature that came to mind when he spoke of a mission, and was never seen again, and therefore not a real Tanglewood rogue in Beck's eyes.


HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
Not even a day here and already there seemed to be drama? Interesting. The male had been staying with the group until he was ready to travel again, but frankly he was also considering joining though this didn't exactly look good. What had this group exactly done to piss off these people? The king cheetah had been padding through the marshlands to stretch his legs before he had heard the daunting and commanding tone of Roy. Were they apart of the group too? His formalities right now were a bit iffy considering he had just taken refugee inside the group but now seemed more a better time than any other to get to know a few fellow members. Slowly the guy began to limp towards the sound of the voice before an unfamiliar scent hit his nose. This scent didn't smell like the group that lived in the Marshlands which the conclusion instantly made the hairs on his back begin to rise and his eyes narrowed. The foreign scent would definitely explain why the voice sounded so angry and hostile, it was easy for one to tell that the tone wasn't exactly friendly.

Marcellus began to move through the wet land, his pelt becoming slightly wet before he stopped himself behind a few bushes, his head peering over to see what was happening, though all he could make out was two guys on the border and members from his own group. He didn't exactly know the group of Tanglewood very well, let alone being an actual member of the group, but they had allowed him to seek refugee in the place and therefore he would allow himself to help them. Well, unless it meant him dying or nearly dying, then he would high tail it out of the place. While he wasn't exactly the selfish or disloyal type, he wasn't the reckless type either and knew that he was an easy defeat. He would fight for his group, but this wasn't his group. Not yet at least. The king cheetah weaved his way through the bushes to stand beside the two members of Tanglewood, his eyes looking over at them before peering over to the foreign "invaders." Noting Beck's choice of words and tone, Marcel could only guess that this was going to get ugly.

Re: DON'T LOOK HIM IN THE EYE | ASCENDANTS - arrow - 07-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — "Yeesh, you guys have some loud neighbors." Arrow muttered, squinting green eyes as she stumbled over to stand by Iota and Beck, rubbing one of her ears with a paw. This Roy dude....he was angry. She didn't find him as frightening as she did confusing, and annoying as hell. Her tail tip twitched, blatantly showing her annoyance if her face wasn't enough proof.

She knew nothing of Tanglewood's allies, she'd recently just learned their name and what they were recently. Living on her own for her whole life had it's downsides, such as having no knowledge of anything seemingly important to know besides how to feed and fend for herself. This was....not the best first impression. Roy man was loud and proud, and this Bastilleprisoner guy was just totally quiet. Guess he was the leader or something? Even worse. Look at him, being quiet. She was concerned that any minute they'd go for Beck's throat, if that was possible. Could you even fight a ghost? "If you're going to disturb the peace, at least say please."


IVAN ZIMAVICH BRAGINSKY ✧ russian bear dog — regent — tags[/color]
The beast came up with the rest of them, dirty and dripping wet with swamp water. He looked like a black hulking beast. The only thing that stood out on his form was his violent, violet eyes and bared yellow teeth. He growled at the pair, threateningly and licking his teeth.
Intruders... He was trying to be better than this but his stupid dog brain overpowered him.
© madi

Re: DON'T LOOK HIM IN THE EYE | ASCENDANTS - Roy Mustang - 07-18-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
While Roy's word of choice was strong, he wouldn't have changed it in any way. Roy was looking for answers, he wanted to know if Tanglewood was aware that one of their members went on a rampage over in Ascendants territory. It was well known amongst Ascendants members that Roy was tolerating the alliance with Tanglewood, considering what happened in the past. Friends of Roy tried to get him to be more open about it, but when he came across the fighting, it crossed a line from Roy. With the alliance set, there was suppose to be peace between the two groups. Roy remembered Morgan and Vigenere visiting a few days ago on ambassador business, would Tanglewood really be turning a full 180? Or was there a chance they weren't even aware of what happened? Whether Tanglewood was aware of it or not, they had to know- Roy wasn't about to let this attack be pushed to the side.

Roy first looked over at Iota, the first Tanglewood member to approach. Roy noticed how she was keeping her distance- while Roy was angered, he wasn't about to lunge at them. It already seemed like this alliance was at risk of crumbling, Roy wasn't going to make it worse with violent attacks. Tanglewood is still their ally, the alliance hasn't crumbled to the ground entirely, he wasn't about to lunge at one of their members on their own territory. Blue eyes narrowing, the Flame Alchemist opened his mouth to speak. "I'll explain once Beck arrives," He said with a frown, before his ears pricked up in the direction of Beck's voice.

When Roy turned his head over to look at Beck, Roy remembered how much he truly hates the Tanglewood leader. It probably doesn't help that before they became allies, the two got into a fight. Beck tried to kill Roy, and Roy retaliated with flame alchemy. In the heat of the moment, Roy thought he killed Beck, considering a pile of ash was left behind- though unbeknownst to Roy at the time, Beck was a ghost. He was already dead. And now, while Beck approaches them with that awful cackle and immature personality, the male couldn't help it but frown more. How the hell did this guy make Commander? He acts like a child, his approaching members are more civil than him. He thought to himself as Beck tried to poke fun at Roy. Roy wasn't going to tolerate Beck's attitude, Roy came to Tanglewood with a reason, he wasn't here to be pushed around by an insane ghost.

When Beck made references to Starrynight, Roy would be the last person to care what the deceased Astral Seraph would think on this matter. It was obvious that Roy and Starrynight were entirely two different people. Starrynight had been a pacifist at heart, he wouldn't even dare to spar one of his clanmates in a self-defense lesson. Roy on the other hand, he wasn't afraid to speak his mind, even if it was at the late leader. Roy made it known that he didn't agree with the late Astral Seraph. Beck's jabs about Starrynight were useless.

When Beck batted at Roy's nose, the male recoiled his head back, ears flattening to his skull. Roy ignored the comment Beck made regarding his missing limb, he wasn't here to be pushed around by an idiot. Roy debated making a comment to tell the Tanglewood member to cut to the chase and ask them what they wanted, but he decided against it. Beck is already shown himself to be immature, he'd only get worse if he made a comment. Plus, when he thought of it, it seemed like Beck decided to somewhat act like a leader- the jabs stopped for a moment as Beck questioned what they wanted.

"Now that you're willing to listen," Roy began to speak up with cold, serious tone, eyes narrowing as his gaze locked on the over dramatic feline, "One of your members trespassed into our territory and attacked our members." Perhaps this was the first time Beck was hearing this- and even though Beck didn't consider the Meta to be an official member, he still holds responsibility on the guy. Tanglewood's scent was all over the hellhound, it was impossible to miss. "He was approached by our members, his name was Maine. He was a large white hellhound that wore armor." He said with a frown, eyes glancing to the side as he noticed other Tanglewood members making their way over. "When he was approached, he attacked without warning. He severely injured members. Such as Agent Washington- a Kuiper Corporal-, your member broke his left arm. Carolina, she was left with some broken ribs."

With that, Roy fell silent, narrowed eyes locked firmly on Beck. Considering before Roy explained what happened, Beck claimed they didn't do anything. So that must mean they weren't aware of this fight. Roy hopes they'll know who he's talking about, he expects an apology for what happened. Whether or not they consider that aggressor to be a Tanglewooder or not, their scent was all over it.

Re: DON'T LOOK HIM IN THE EYE | ASCENDANTS - Cosmic - 07-18-2018

( track )

Re: DON'T LOOK HIM IN THE EYE | ASCENDANTS - Morgan - 07-18-2018

Right beside Beck, Morgan looked back and forth between the members of the Ascendants as they spoke. "A white hellhound with armor?" He had not personally met the Meta, but he was aware that the Tangler had joined not long before. He shuddered to think that so early on, one would not only attack and injure allies, but would also indirectly attack their fellow Tanglers. "To both of you, and to the Ascendants as a whole, I'm sorry." He turned to Roy, who had been the more emotional of them, and listened to his story.

With a tone as calm as he could muster, he asked, "Do you know what happened to this attacker?" As he had previously interacted positively with the Ascendants, he hoped that he could try to whittle down some of the anger that filled the many presences in his vicinity. "Because if you do, I want to find him." His voice grew colder and rougher, and beneath his mask he frowned. "As Deputy, I will not tolerate a Tangler attempting to break our law." He growled next as he continued, "He... He will be punished to the fullest extent of my abilities."