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Bastille was fucking tired, his renewed withdrawal trying to kill him through any means possible, but at least he wasn't too jittery come meeting time. Reading to Hazel once more was helpful, but it couldn't quite cure the shakes; he would take what he could get, though, and not jittering his way off the damn ladder during the meeting was good enough for him. With a yawn, he stretched before settling in his spot, calling idly, "Meeting time, everyone. Get here or get updated later." He gave it a few moments to let them respond.

"Alright, we've got a fuckload of newcomers this week. Like... damn, boo. Welcome Foreignersgod, Marian, Harper, Hazelnut, Jayden, Romancolosseum, Elon, Bubonicplague, Clove, Thea, Karma, Nero, Atreus, Cassiopeia, Zenyatta, Alexander, and Tintallë. Also, Cerasus and Onision, some more of Margy's kiddos, are out and about now." A pause, after running through the list breezily, as if to check he'd missed anyone. That seemed about right. He had met a lot of them at the border, and it was easier when he could place faces to the names, even if the majority of them he'd never told who exactly he was.

"Right. So, given that there's a pretty large group of you, we're going to do a mass trip to the Starpool to explain our necklace custom and help you all find your pendant shards. Everyone else, you can get any missing beads, find mentors, or move to your next rank in the July ceremonies. On a vaguely related note, I'm putting together a census to help show which Fireballs are available for mentors and shit. Check into that to make sure you're correctly listed."

Bastille yawned, and then carried on with his usual sense of either exhaustion or slight boredom, "Margaery will be hosting weekly tasks[/color] this week. Mine were late, so feel free to complete those first if you want. Otherwise, we have our mock raid with Tanglewood going on. Make sure you don't kill anyone. We're also hosting truth or date and a sparring competition with Snowbound, so, you know, be social.

"Anyway... A reminder to old members and a PSA to newcomers, we still have ambassador positions available and have extended the deadline for Halo tryouts. Hit those up if interested and shit. Odyssey titles have been updated and are still a bit of a work in progress, so offer suggestions and feedback for those here 'cause I plan on finishing them up this week, ideally. Just saying, participating in brainstorming discussions counts towards one of the Odyssey titles. Also, the 2018 CDC is live and is part of a title, too. Final call for choice awards -- we're finally closing those next Sunday."

Bastille seemed slightly more attentive as he paused for a moment, before continuing lowly, "We're having some issues with cliques and exclusivity. A lot of that seems to be OOC based, but the overall consensus is that it exists on some level. Make sure you're watching yourself and including others. Especially with an influx of newcomers like this week -- make sure you're helping to get them integrated and shit. Pay attention to one another. Don't be assholes. If it starts to be more of an issue, I'm holding a damn intervention. Fair? Fair. Hit the discussion on it, too."

He relaxed a bit as he offered a rueful smirk. "And now for the shit you actually care about." Did he hold off until the end on purpose? Maybe. "Wash can step up to Corporal. Anz, Thea, and Church -- Guardians. Shoutouts to Peri, Play, Roman, and Alexander. A few titles, too: Leo for Thea, Play, Peri, Ro, and Alex; Scorpio for Thea; Aries for Carolina. That's it. Meeting dismissed."

[ recap:
— welcome to [member=1316]FOREIGNERSGOD[/member] [member=1296]MARIAN H.[/member] [member=1209]harper[/member] [member=1305]HAZELNUT.[/member] [member=1398]JAYDEN[/member] [member=318]roman[/member] [member=1336]Elon[/member] [member=1381]BUBONICPLAGUE[/member] [member=1356]CLOVE.[/member] [member=138]THEA[/member] @Karma, [member=1438]Nero[/member] [member=1358]Atreus.[/member] [member=1461]Cassiopeia[/member] @ZENYATTA [member=1414]alexander.[/member] [member=1440]TINTALLË[/member] @cerasus f.m. @ONISION. !! there is a shard finding thread linked above to help new members find their shards for their pendants.
— 3 active allied/neutral events going on right now, pls participate. (esp bc events count towards odyssey titles oooo aaaa)
— old reminders: choice awards, halo tryouts, ambassadors.
— new shit: odyssey titles almost finished, CDC in ooc board now, making a census for funsies.
— minor development that can be a big issue later if it doesn't get better: i've had a few different people reach out to me about feeling excluded in the discord, and poll results from the ooc discussion seem to reflect that it's a mild but overall trend. let's not do that, guys. if you have suggestions or thoughts on this, please refer to the discussion thread while i try to work on this.
— promo/demo: corporal: wash. guardian: anz, thea, church. so: roman, peri, play, alexander.
— title: aries: carolina. leo: thea, alexander, peri, play. scorpio: thea.]

Re: IT'S PROBABLY GOING TO SOUND RUDE | MEETING 7.15 - Cosmic - 07-15-2018

I got a title? That was pretty kickass. I listened intently to what Bast had to say, and there wasn't really anything that I disagreed with. But a title and a shoutout? That was one for the record books.

"Thanks, Bast." I gave the Astral Seraph a nod of acknowledgement, a little disappointed I wasn't moved up to Guardian. But that was okay. Maybe it was because I was trying out for the Halo position?

Either way I was happy to be recognized.

Re: IT'S PROBABLY GOING TO SOUND RUDE | MEETING 7.15 - arcy - 07-15-2018

Honestly, Caboose had been a little bitty bit absent this week. Only 'cause he kept on getting lost. If asked, he wouldn't be able to tell you where he'd ended up. And he'd also deny being lost at, just misplaced, thank you very much, so there wasn't a point in asking at all. Was there even a point to him being here? Caboose never really understood what was going on even when he was here, it was just better to give him the information second-hand. But, well, he was here anyways, after being gently shoved this way. He finds himself flopped onto the ground as Bastille(who Caboose still didn't know the name of, but what was new) begins, tail wagging.
Anyways, Caboose .. doesn't really get any of it this time, either. He didn't last time, either, but he's getting .. better? Maybe. Possibly. Probably not. He didn't even have a pendant still 'cause nobody explicitly told him he was supposed to do that. Didn't even know how to do that, really, even with Bastille talking about it. And a lot of other things. Some recognizable words reach him but otherwise Caboose is just left a little confounded by what was going on. But considering how often he feels like that, he does literally nothing to figure it out. So until somebody figured out a way to explain stuff to Caboose, it'd just be like this. Forever. At the very least he gets the promotions, and Caboose's head lifts a little higher as he hears recognizable names, tail wagging furiously. He may be a little disappointed that he didn't hear his at any point this time, but that was literally solely because Caboose wanted to be the center of attention. That was it.

Re: IT'S PROBABLY GOING TO SOUND RUDE | MEETING 7.15 - MirrorEdge - 07-15-2018

A meeting, huh? Thea quickly made her way over, plopping herself down nearby, the usual smile on her face, which grew wider at a couple of mentions. "Thank you! And congrats to everyone else!" She called, not really sure what else to do. She was a guardian now, huh? And earned a few titles? She'd have to ask what those titles meant later, but for now, she'd be happy just knowing she accomplished something.

It was a nice feeling, a bit different from when she won a fight. Maybe a bit less exciting, since she didn't spill any blood?

Re: IT'S PROBABLY GOING TO SOUND RUDE | MEETING 7.15 - madster - 07-15-2018

next to approach was the boy, taking a stance next to playerone. he was no stranger to clan meetings, and so he listened in. a lot of promotions and a lot of names he didn't know. ooh, that was a little scary, but he decided that this week he'd try his best so he could hear his name next meeting. "congrats!" he grinned. turning to the girl next to her, she seemed to be happy, so he guessed she was playerone. "hey, congrats on that title," he said, sheepishly.

Re: IT'S PROBABLY GOING TO SOUND RUDE | MEETING 7.15 - tori - 07-15-2018

✯ — i prefer a happy ending
His little ears perked up when he heard his own name, tail thumping against the ground. He wasn't used to meetings, and the group so closely gathered felt a bit suffocating when he didn't know anyone. But this was a good enough distraction. Bast was a little rough though, Alex made a mental note to be careful around the gruff figure he had met early on when he stumbled over here, lest he upset them and face their harsh attitude. Which he was still convinced was a major annoyance on the part of the locals. He'd have to ask someone about this zodiac thing.


Re: IT'S PROBABLY GOING TO SOUND RUDE | MEETING 7.15 - Roy Mustang - 07-15-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
The melanistic bobcat made his way into the meeting, shortly arriving after Alexander. The Lunar Lieutenant made his way to his regular spot, sitting himself down on the ground. His blue gaze made it's way onto Bastilleprisoner, ears pricking up as he began to listen to the announcements. Well for starters, there were a lot of names Roy didn't recognize. It seemed like the Ascendants were growing in numbers with each passing day, which wasn't exactly a bad thing. This week certainly seemed to be their highest amount of newcomers, Roy couldn't name off another time when Bastilleprisoner mentioned so many people at once. The Flame Alchemist listened to the other announcements- he heard things about his sparring competition, Margaery hosting weekly tasks, a mock raid with Tanglewood, and a truth or dare session with Snowbound. When it came to promotions, Roy simply nodded his head in congratulations to the promoted and title awarded members, he wasn't going to congratulate them so openly.

Re: IT'S PROBABLY GOING TO SOUND RUDE | MEETING 7.15 - imperia - 07-15-2018

Meetings are incredibly interesting to Imperia. She always, always, arrives on time; ears pricked and silver eyes wider than the full moon as she listens intently to the announcements. Back where she comes from, Peri never was high enough in rank to even be granted the privilege to listen to important information. She was always among the last to know things. The freedom to knowledge and information is a right that many people take for granted, but not Imperia. She bobs her head along with Bastille's words, seemingly particularly intrigued by the truth or dare game and the ambassador opportunities. Another thing which catches her attention is the visit to the starpool. She has only heard it mentioned every now and then, but suddenly she finds herself growing excited. Does this mean she will finally become a true member?! Imperia beams to herself, tail wagging behind her as she allows her thoughts to carry her attention away. The she-wolf is only yanked back to reality when she hears her name announced. "Oh, merci beacoup!" she says cheerily, ducking her head in a polite bow of gratitude.

Re: IT'S PROBABLY GOING TO SOUND RUDE | MEETING 7.15 - Suiteheart - 07-16-2018

White paws brought her to the meeting place, and she took a seat beside Imperia as Bastilleprisoner began to speak. She listened to the long list of joiners, and a smile found its way to her lips. She couldn't believe how many newcomers they had acquired over the past few days, but she was happy about it. New members meant new life. She was proud the Ascendants was doing so well. "Welcome to the family, new bloods," Suiteheart called, not letting go of her grin.

She fell silent again as the rest of the meeting rolled out. Damn, things had been busy. There was so much to do, and she was mentally taking notes over everything so as to not forget any of it. Every so often, the Admiral would nod her head. "Noted, and congrats to those who got titles and were promoted."

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: IT'S PROBABLY GOING TO SOUND RUDE | MEETING 7.15 - harper - 07-16-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]harper
✭ — out beyond the blue there's a place for people too
A meeting? Harper hadn't expected anything of this sort, but she supposed, with such a big group of people, it was a good idea to gather them up every once in a while and update them on everything that'd been going on, since probably no one could keep up with everything. Wandering over next, Harper would seat herself at the edge of the group, as she wasn't familiar with anyone gathered thus far, which, really, was no big surprise. Curling pale tail around her paws, the little girl listened closely to what Bast had to say, pleasantly surprised to hear her own name mentioned among his announcements, even if it was only a simple welcome - she wasn't used to any sort of attention back home, and while she wasn't the most comfortable with it, she was at least glad he'd remembered her name, since she'd actually liked the guy when they met. He seemed a little rough around the edges, but she didn't mind. Everyone had their own little quirks, anyway. He went on to mention something to do with necklaces and shards and a Starpool, which sounded cool. The small molly didn't really understand the rest of the stuff Bastilleprisoner said, but she nodded along anyway, and when he was finished and everyone started calling things out, she decided to echo, "Uh, congrats!" For what? She wasn't too sure, but it sounded like they were being given titles or prizes, or something. Whatever it was, everybody seemed pretty happy about it, so she decided that she was, too.
