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EVOLUTION - joining - Printable Version

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EVOLUTION - joining - ABATHUR . - 07-13-2018

//this is sort of a nothing post i'm just trying to adapt back into roleplaying a spider if you get me


He was alive.

Oh, he was alive again. He was so sure the last time was going to be just that, the last time, that he would get a little time to sleep forever, just for a bit, but here he was. Well, here he probably was. He didn't know much about his scenario right now, his eyes still weren't functioning, but it was kind of wet. Not jungle wet, like he was used to, but not lake wet either - it felt like mud, all viscous, coating his sensory hairs. Probably was mud. Okay, step one, stand up. When he stood up, he could figure out what body he was in, and then he could take inventory of himself, and then he could figure out where the nearest lifeform was, and hopefully join civilization to live out another couple of years and then die, hoping that it was going to be the last time, only to come back. Again. Step one, step one. No muscles, and he had sensory hairs, so it was probably his spider form, thank god, but he felt smaller. More insignificant. How... disappointing, he thought, pushing his relatively small cat sized body out of the mud he was encased in. Goliath birdeater, small, he didn't have his third left leg, and there were a couple hairs missing across his body. Hadn't grown back yet. He had recent wounds? Interesting. Okay, eyes were 'open,' and...

It was dark. Night, he assumed, but he was surprised his eyes didn't have to adapt to anything. It was a swamp, he thought, from the color of the mud, the texture of it, and just how much there was. It was hot, but a good hot, nice and humid, a little colder than he was used to, probably because of the lack of sunlight. It was a dense sort of canopy, though, he thought, taking a couple steps forward, trying to acclimate himself. God, what was this place? It certainly wasn't the Exiles, or the Renegades, or whatever they were called when he died. Wasn't any location he was used to, to be honest. And how did he get here? Honestly, it was probably magic. He disliked the idea, but he couldn't think about it right now. He had to focus.

"Hello?" he called out, an attempt to gain someone's attention with his monotonous voice, the word strange from his mouth, more used to saying 'greetings,' but that didn't quite fit the situation. Okay, he was on step three now, find a local to interview. Hopefully, said local wouldn't run away at the very thought of a spider talking, even one such as him, not as strong and large as a lion anymore, but around the size of a domestic. Maybe bigger, maybe smaller, he couldn't quite tell yet. After he met someone, he had to get somewhere, find some food, drink, sleep, leave if he had to, and figure out the universe. The confusion that had lodged himself in his brain was a secondary emotion, secondary to a calm that just rolled off him. Not in the way it used to roll off him, in the literal sense, where just being in his presence could calm you, but just the sort of calm that you could feel on him, despite his lack of facial features that could cause expression and the monotone of the two syllables he had spoken so far, the sort of calm he kept on him at all times that erased any chance of fear existing inside him. Well, for the most part.

He kept his forward motion, a movement that would only stop when he saw someone. Nobody usually noticed a spider sitting still, after all.

tags - "speech"

Re: EVOLUTION - joining - Luciferr - 07-13-2018

But Heed this lesson well,
When the weak court death, They find it -

"Careful, your current path takes you straight into the maw of the trap" an idle voice intoned from the shadows of the trees before a frankly large form moved into the low moonlight and regarded the large spider idly - larger than normal for sure.

suddenly fen missed his youngest sister - this would have been right up her street, as generally all strange and creepy things were.

the war god merely hummed "What brings you into our territory stranger?" he wasn't particularly startled these days - half a dozen joiners and strangers alike stumbled straight through the territory, heedless of the danger quite often these days.

it was only vexing in that he had to keep saving the few that got caught in traps - at least those that came to join.

[sub]TANGLEWOOD - REGENT - TAGS - REF (9FT) - EXTREME[W]isker[/sub]

Re: EVOLUTION - joining - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 07-13-2018

IVAN ZIMAVICH BRAGINSKY ✧ russian bear dog — proxy — tags[/color]
The bear dog started growling as he standardly did at the sight of strangers, the dog rising out of the foul water. He was sopping wet and smelled horrid.

He looked down at the creature and seemed to falter a bit, wondering exactly what he was looking at.
Then he growled more and bared  his teeth.
© madi

Re: EVOLUTION - joining - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-13-2018

Re: EVOLUTION - joining - madster - 07-14-2018

malphas was next to approach, sliding in behind fenris and curling his lips into a snarl. fucking nine foot monster. who was he talking to? he couldn't see behind the war god's leg. he brushed past him to get a good look of the action, squinting. he was a bit tipsy and his head swam, but he could make out the figure.

there he was, faced up against an eldritch horror of the night. eight legs. it was nothing he had ever seen. malphas tried to be tough, but he was an excitable and slightly drunk teenager. "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST," the tom cat yelled, going into panic mode. he felt his chest hurt and in a knee jerk reaction he hid behind fenris. "kill it, god damn it," he whined, closing his eyes.

Re: EVOLUTION - joining - ABATHUR . - 07-14-2018

The maw of the trap? What did that mean? "Woke up. How self reached current area, unknown. Maw of trap? Elaborate." The words in his mouth felt foreign, almost inefficient, akin to someone mumbling when they woke up even if his voice was deep, loud, and clear. This... thing was a very interesting creature to be talking, he thought, looking as far off from any regular canid or feline to be found in any clan he'd ever seen. He'd have to ask about it later.

The next subject was very... aggressive, rising out of the water like a foul ghoul and then immediately baring his teeth at the spider. He wondered what sort of venom he had in his fangs right now, sort of worried about his chances at a 2v1, soon to become a 4v1 - he sincerely doubted his chances at winning that sort of thing, though he did have the mobility advantage. "Greetings," he decided to say, to ease the tense atmosphere. He sincerely wished he still had his emotional manipulation so he could at the very least calm some people down, even if it was just a tad.

Next was someone just intent on keeping the peace, thank god. Two of his eyes focused on Vigenere, a feeling the animal could hopefully recognize as him switching his focus, the rest of his eyes flitting about the place making sure nobody jumped him, as he spoke again. "You. Seem rational. What is current location?" It sounded like a command with the very threatening deep monotony of his voice, but he honestly just intended it as a pure, innocent question.

The last to file in besides all the others and gawk at his more-than-average limbs and arachnid appearance was someone that seemed... arachnophobic. Great, a character trait he had absolutely not seen dozens of times. It had worn off its entertainment value a long time ago, only now being slightly irksome whenever someone came up to him and spent the next five minutes screaming about spiders. "Would not recommend killing self. Sapient, have done no harm. Abathur Everman, emergency medical professional." That was about the only title he could conjure up at the moment, and as far as he knew his skills as a doctor were the only things untainted by his awakening. Everything else was gone.

tags - "speech"

Re: EVOLUTION - joining - arrow - 07-14-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — "This place just keeps getting better and better." Arrow was trying to get herself used to the water around here, soppy and radioactive to a degree, but she figured as long as she didn't keep dunking her head in, there was no immediate danger for now. After all, the eyes, nose, and ears were the main points of sensitivity and risks for bacterial contamination. She didn't want a big maggot crawling into her ear or something.

Brushing a slimy piece of some sort of algae off her shoulder, the feline joined the others already gathered, offering a cheerful smile towards the rather large arachnid. He was a big boy, wasn't he? "You've found yourself in Tanglewood. Population.....not sure yet. Name's Arrow. Your eyes are cool." She let out a small laugh at Malphas' reaction, whiskers twitching. "Aw, he's not that scary. He's not even in attack mode."

Re: EVOLUTION - joining - aya - 07-14-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]Aya was getting herself used to this territory, training herself to avoid gators, when she heard a commotion. It probably wasn't particularly unusual, but she made her way over anyway, and boy was she surprised. She thought it didn't get much more diverse than different kinds of cat and the occasional dog or bird, but this was something else entirely. A... Spider.

With a very nice voice. Aya's tail flicked almost irritably as she watched his interactions with others, wondering if he always sounded so bored on purpose. "Bet people remember you for a while." She remarked, obviously referring to the fact that you didn't see spiders that size or intellect every day. "I heard that spiders lay thousands of eggs. Do you have, like, a thousand siblings that size, too?" She seemed a little airheaded, but she was genuinely interested, yellow eyes wide with an almost childlike curiosity - though there was a devilish lilt to her voice. "I'm Aya. Are you joining?"

Re: EVOLUTION - joining - madster - 07-14-2018

oh god. a talking spider. malphas felt his stomach do flips and he grimaced, eyes trained on the ground. he hated spiders, even the little tiny ones. they just weren't natural. they were creepy, crunchy bugs with too many legs and eyes. spiders were the worst animal, he decided.

however, his ego overrode his fears and he slipped back out. "fuck you, i'm the nurse here," he said, flicking his ear. "you're a fucking... spider, oh my god, i'm hallucinating. fuckinnnng..." he couldn't finish his sentence, as he slurred his words. "spiders, man. fuck." he looked around- everybody was seeing this as a regular occurrence. 

Re: EVOLUTION - joining - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-14-2018