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BROKEN - open; injured stranger - Printable Version

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BROKEN - open; injured stranger - rhosmari - 07-12-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]If someone would have told him that he would end up this way, that his life would be gone, that he would have fought his sister, that the Mother of Invention would have went down and crashed and there was an explosion he would have asked him what kind of shit were they shooting into their veins. He would have asked them if he remembered any of it but there was nothing to remember. His life had been put on reset as only memories of a life without Project Freelance, without the Director and even without his sister remained. He was in shambles, armored body from the middle of his stomach upwards tripping over his own paws as if this wasn’t the reality he was used to and yet he didn’t remember anything else. The back of his neck hurt, a throbbing ache that sent what shards of pain careening against his head over and over again. His vision was blurred and he felt unstable and yet he tried to move.

But each movement was agony and each step caused him to fumble but he didn’t want to stop moving, something was driving him to keep moving. Yet he felt like he was suffocating and suddenly he just panicked. Paws came up to suddenly claw and push a the purple helmet that was over his head, jerking the thing off and it tumbled to the ground. His breathing was ragged and blood coated the right side of his face thickly and plastered his fur to his skull. He had been trailing blood this whole time and more was dripping to the ground from a harsh burn that had melted skin and fur to the meat that screamed at him to stop. But it seemed pain was irrelevant to the panic that was coursing through him. What was going on? Where was he? Who? Why did everything hurt? He cringed a bit as the headache grew stronger and stronger still, the pain trying to pull him into unconsciousness before a kid like voice so faint murmured in his head. ’North......North....’ God it hurt so much and he grabbed his head, eyes wide as he shook it hard and harder still till he became too dizzy and exhausted to stand.

Re: BROKEN - open; injured stranger - galexiux - 07-12-2018

  Contrary to popular belief, birds have an amazing sense of smell. When Cry picked up the scent of blood, her wings spread open, bee lining for whatever she could pick up. The raven tilted her head at the overhead sight of someone pushing a helmet off their head. People normally didn't wear armor, none the less helmets. The raven shook her head to clear her thoughts, diving to land beside North. She hissed at the sight of blood falling down the stranger's face. Ouch. She had little to no empathy, but even she had to admit that had to hurt.

  She muttered a curse under her breath, glaring at the situation. So a stranger's collapsed on their border, bleeding out, probably has frost bite, and can't stand. Cry looked down at her wings. What could she do? Stop the bleeding? With what?? .... She stared down at her feathers, gently twitching in the wind. She sighed. Fine. Cry hopped over, trying to push her feathers onto the bleeding wound. Eeeeugh this was so disgusting. You owe me big time... She whispered to herself. Word spread fast here, someone would show up soon. The raven turned hear head, screeching out a loud caw, trying to catch anyone's attention near by.


Re: BROKEN - open; injured stranger - arcy - 07-12-2018

Luckily, not many of his clanmates had been injured lately. .. Probably because the ones most prone to injury, besides Izuku himself, had all disappeared and boy if that wasn't stressful. He'd rather be dealing with injured clanmates than missing clanmates. At the least, though, that meant his herb stock right now was pretty good, with some help, of course.
It's Cry's calls that alert Izuku, first. The Frosthealer's ears prick, stomach turning with concern. The concern only increases once he realizes what smell that is. Ah. Somebody's hurt. Could he deal with whatever happened? .. Just so long as it isn't too strange or out of his depth it should be fine. The Maine Coon breaks into some sort of speed walk, though even this, with his injured paw only very lightly touching the ground with each step, not even any weight on it, causes hot flashes of pain. It doesn't take long to find them, what with the territory being so .. colorless, he supposes.
"O -- okay, what happened," It's not really a question, not even a demand. It's just .. there. Mostly to keep Izuku from panicking. His paws shake just the slightest, but he keeps his cool, taking a deep breath as he circles around to observe the damage. There was .. an awfully nasty burn. A really, really bad one. Melted skin, that would be really bad to deal with. Were they conscious? Izuku thinks so, but he can't be sure. ".. Are you awake?" Izuku decides to ask the collapsed. Any response would be good with him, even if it wasn't coherent. In the meantime, though, Izuku sets about gathering his supplies. As in hurriedly conjuring his supplies and then sending away the stuff he didn't mean to summon. Exhausting. He, uh -- he's not quite sure how to deal with this, but Izuku will do his best anyways. He knew burns pretty well, anyways. I mean, he had to deal with his a few times a day, that was at least practice for whatever this was.
//hihi pls elaborate on the injuries aaa ahdfjadsf
what was i worth

Re: BROKEN - open; injured stranger - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-12-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
If Atbash hadn't grown so used to Cry's voice, she probably wouldn't have recognized the caw and thought it meant a sign of danger or something, but luckily, she knew Cry's voice. Atbash followed the sound of Cry's caw, soon finding Izuku heading the same way. As she neared the scene, the scent of blood caught her attention and she let out a gasp at seeing North. Izuku was here already, thankfully, but he looked a bit hurried and nervous. "Do you need me to do anything?" She asked her Frosthealer. He needed all the help he could possibly get, didn't he?
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: BROKEN - open; injured stranger - rhosmari - 07-12-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]He was still conscious but just barely and he felt like he was going to be sick. Saliva gathered in his mouth at a rapid pace heralding a possible up chuck as he struggled to fight against the pain and the panic that was constricting his chest. His eyes were rolling around in his skull and he struggled to focus on anything as the world seem to rock back and forth. A pulsing thud in his head as he dug his claws into the ground before a sudden sound seemed to shred his mind of all thought. The sound seemed so much louder than it had been and he jerked his head to the side as something touched his head to try and stop the bleeding. When it touched him again he jerked his head away more violently than before, slamming his jaw against the ground and causing a flaring of pain across the bone before he gasped and came back into reality. What? Jerking up he looked to the bird before he came to realize that there was now more than just the bird here. There were others here and that send a signal of fear through his body.

How many more times would he be terrified today. He stumbled back, legs shifting and causing the skin where the horrible burn to twist and send pain shooting up along his side, yelp leaving his throat before he clutched his teeth on the scream that threatened to evolve from that. His whole body shuddered and he closed his eyes to wait for it to pass before he let out a breathless groan, leaning forward to just lay upon the ground. He was helpless, completely helpless and at the mercy of these animals. Maybe he wanted to be put out of his misery but something made him thing that wasn't the case. Swallowing down the taste of iron he hoped his eyes and looked at those around. "Please.....I don't know where I am... What's going on....?" He didn't even know how he had been hurt so badly, nor where this armor he was wearing had come from. Yet he wanted it for some reason and the helmet too, he'd pick it up before he moved anywhere but right now he just wanted everything to stop. His mind slowly started to catch up with him considering questions had been asked of him and he licked his muzzle for a short moment. "Yes....I'm awake..... I'm awake. I don't understand...."

-- okie! there is a massive burn on his left side, some of which is hidden by his armor and it's third degree with melted skin to the meat and is bleeding pretty heavily. he will not take off his armor
-- the other wound his a large gash that stretches across the side of his head and has bled profusely but has stopped for the time being

Re: BROKEN - open; injured stranger - guts - 07-12-2018

Aizawa had just returned recently and it seemed there was already a bunch of commotion. He had been out and about, setting up traps like the former leader had taught him, when he happened across the gathered group of his clan-mates. His previous task forgotten, he trotted up to see what they were doing, realizing that they had an injured stranger on their hands--or, paws. He studies them for a long moment, his eyes boring into the leopard before he turns to Izuku, noticing the way he was rushing to gather his things.

"Izuku," he says, and for the first time, he addresses him by his first name. "Stay calm, assess the situation. Do what you can," the maine coon was no longer his student, but he still felt obligated to at least help him along his way, to encourage him as he went forward. With those words of both advice and lecture said, he steps back, giving him room to do what he needs.


Re: BROKEN - open; injured stranger - arcy - 07-12-2018

All of the people addressing him was a little overwhelming. Even if it's just Atbash mostly right now. Izuku was pretty overwhelmed in general, though. Like .. this was a little out of his depth. Izuku could deal with burns, but the melted skin was a little much. What did he .. do ... about that. Did he ... cut the skin off. Gruesome. But no. No, Izuku wasn't going to do that here. Uh -- first aid first. He'd .. bandage it, they'd drag the stranger home, and then Izuku could treat it more thoroughly. Without people watching like this was some kind of neat horror show.
Izuku doesn't respond to Atbash's question, giving a little motion with his wing to try and communicate that he heard. He'd .. ask, once he did need something.
"P -- Please don't move," Izuku begs softly. It must hurt. Um .. he'd do something for pain later. Dock, poppy seeds? Right now he just .. right. Right. Um. Um. He has a few things he can do for the burns, but he's not .. sure. The gash is easier. Izuku knows how to treat gashes. It might need stitches? He .. should probably put that off, too. It's not .. bleeding. The stranger seems panicked enough already right now. Aizawa's voice is at least a comfort. The Maine Coon looks up at the lion and listens to the apparent instructions, and nods a few times. That was at least .. helpful. Izuku is still shaking and unsure, because god this is all on him to fix. He was always the hero, never the healer, it was still taking adjustment. With the encouragement done, Izuku swallows hard to moves to reassure the other. "You're -- You're in Snowbound, our territory. You're hurt, I just - I'm trying to treat you, please," Izuku's voice is soft, though still, yeah, shaky, what'd you expect. He might as well be borderline begging for the other to just listen. They weren't coherent enough for him to have big worries about whatever protests they may put up. .. Except for the armor. Izuku wasn't sure how to get that off. There were probably burns under there, too, and it was probably scraping against said burns. He couldn't just ... "That's good, it's okay. Um -- would you be willing to take off your .. armor?" .. Not at this moment. Right now Izuku wants to deal with what he can see because he's not sure he can deal with  seeing more of the damage because then he'll cry. Just burst straight into tears. Izuku takes a shaky breath. Right. Right. Uh -- he has some marigold already made up, but witch hazel was good for burns and cleaning out wounds. He had some of that, too. Another jelly-like thingy 'cause he couldn't make it into the liquid stuff. It's for Izuku's own burns. His only comfort in these trying times. The fact Izuku has far too many things put together for burns 'cause he wanted to test them out on himself first. Izuku rustles around in his bag to pull out a few of his little .. container .. things. He doesn't .. know what they're called. But he has stuff haphazardly stuffed in for emergency medical stuff. Once he takes his pick, just a few 'cause they might clash, he doesn't know, he begins to shuffle closer, awkwardly. He's .. not sure how they'll take this. ".. Can I? I can .. explain the process, if you .. " Izuku doesn't know how to talk to injured people oh god. He hasn't interacted with people this out of it. This was a mess.
what was i worth

Re: BROKEN - open; injured stranger - rhosmari - 07-12-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]Words seemed to go over his head as he laid there, incapacitated by the pain that radiated from his neck like sharp knives digging into his cranium. He had no idea it was the neurological implant that was causing him such great and imense pain because of he sudden shift from his human form into that of an animal. But his animal body had not escaped the damage from the explosion and yet the male couldn't even remember what had caused it in the first place. Not like he could actively think about it. Not with so much pain riddling his body and even though the one in front of him was talking to him he didn't seem to be able to pull the words to the forefront of his mind. Words going in and out of focus as he just stared at the other till he hard something, words coming into focus for the barest of moments. Remove his armor? Like cold piercing ice the fear gripped his heart and he shook his head sharply, feeling a heavy nausea suddenly over take him and he threw up, a mixture of bile and saliva. His stomach was empty so there wasn't anything to really spit up. "No, no! Please no, I can't.... I need it!"

His cry was slurred slightly as he looked straight at the doctor as if he was understanding the situation crystal clear. But he was more in a stupor than he was before. Perhaps it would be better to just sedate him and take him back to wherever they had said their home was. A sudden cringe consumed his expression and he gripped his head once more, that faint voice piercing his headache and making it ten times as worse than what it was before. "Make it's in my head....make it stop...." His voice was a gasp, a desperate plea before he smacked his paw against his head a bit too harshly, claws slicing into his own flesh but he didn't seem to feel that pain at all.

Re: BROKEN - open; injured stranger - cortexx - 07-13-2018

Oh, dear, this was quite the case. The smell of blood and burnt flesh was one that made him gag, almost as prone to vomiting as this poor crazed fellow here. He seemed so attached to his armor, pardon the unfortunate pun, the poor thing. The gods were not kind to some of the people that joined here. For every joining similar to his, where everyone was nice and friendly, there was a mouse freezing to death and some poor lad vomiting up nothing but bile and bleeding everywhere. The raven flapped over, landing haphazardly besides the Aizawa fellow he barely knew, taking a couple of steps forward, doing his best not to obstruct the medical procedure. He only half noticed the other raven, more embroiled in the event as a whole. "Anything I can do to help?" he asked, doing his best to assist in this clearly stressful time. He knew his limits, but he also knew that just sitting around and doing nothing was an affront to society and to do so was ridiculous, so he had to at least ask, even if he knew the answer was likely going to be "nothing except letting the professionals do their job in peace." Honestly, the raven hadn't had much experience with medicine, but he knew enough to know that it was a serious business, and a business he wasn't going to attempt to breach. Didn't have enough time to try. The raven sat there after he had nervously squawked out his question, almost looking as nervous as he sounded despite his clear lack of expression.

tags - "speech"

Re: BROKEN - open; injured stranger - guts - 07-13-2018

Well, this was certainly going south quickly. With their obvious discomfort at both their wounds and the idea of taking off their armor, this would prove difficult for Izuku. He frowns, displeased. The young healer was having enough trouble as it was. Shaking his head, he huffs in irritation before slowly stepping forward, closing in on them. He was ready for them to lash out, though, and kept going until they were both face to face. "We're simply trying to help you, and we can't do that with that armor in the way," he says, not even bothering to soften his hard tone. "Now, I apologize for this. But at least you won't feel any pain while you're unconscious,"

Once he was finished with being ominous, he extended a paw and threw it forward, hoping to catch North on the head. If it didn't knock him out the first time, he would do it one last time, making sure he was no longer awake. He hated having to do it, but since he was being so disagreeable, he didn't have much choice. "You're welcome," he grunts as he turns back to the group.
