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LILY-LIVERED / o, mock raid - Printable Version

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LILY-LIVERED / o, mock raid - beck. - 07-12-2018

    While it had taken more than a while for Beck to drag himself from a slump of lethargy, he was finally acting on the arrangement Bastille decided to burden him with not too long ago. At first, Beck sneered at the idea, not willing to spend another minute with the stargazing hippies. Yet slowly, he convinced himself to agree -- not because he wanted to help the Ascendants members train or even expose his peers to a different culture, but purely because it was a chance to kick Bastille's teeth in during an excusable situation. So, the commander wrangled together the Tanglers itching for some good old-fashioned brawling, and guided them from their marsh into the Ascendants' own land.

      He stood poised over the border, his front crossing the scentline while the rest of his skeletal figure remained on the other side. Glancing over a bony shoulder to check on the crowd of the few creatures he considered himself close to, the poltergeist turned on his heel to run through the specific orders one more time before they set out. "Alright, did everyone make it? If anyone's missin', well, they can find their way back," Beck shrugged at the last sentence, scanning familiar faces for a quick headcount. Nobody seemed to have been lost on the trek here, but then again, he could barely see clearly three inches in front of his snout. He gave a sharp huff, speaking up once more with a harsh rattle in his voice, "Okay, remember: it's s'posed to be a fake raid-slash-training session. I dunno why hippies would want to know how to fight if they're never gonna, ya know, fight, but whatever. Anyways, that means we can't actually to kill 'em, since they're allies and all. But, that doesn't mean ya can't fight dirty! We're Tanglers, after all -- feel free to do anything 'long as it ain't too serious, maybe give 'em a few scars for the scrapbook. Now, what are we waitin' for? Let's go." Wiping away the accumulated toxic spit from his missing cheek, the scrawny feline continued on their way to attack.

Re: LILY-LIVERED / o, mock raid - Suiteheart - 07-12-2018

Suiteheart and Bastilleprisoner had spoken of the mock raid in meetings. The white feline had, admittedly, been all for it. While the Ascendants was labeled as a pacifist group, the Admiral wanted their members to know how to fight, how to defend themselves. Though she didn't see a war looming on the horizon, one could never be too sure. Taking the time to train was something that needed to be mandatory. She was more than pleased Tanglewood had accepted the offer.

She knew they might play dirty, but she wasn't opposed to that either: a real raid wouldn't be a fair fight.

Her whiskers twitched as she scented something new but not unknown. The smell of swamplands burned her nose, and she flicked her tail, knowing Tanglewood had arrived. The second-in-command turned to a few members of the group she was patrolling with, telling them to let everyone know they had company. She hoped the turn out would be good. She wanted everyone involved to some extent. This type of experience was vital.

"Hey, Becky," she called, a grin unfurling on her lips as she came to stand in front of the troop of Tanglers. "Long time no see." Oh, that was right. She needed to be planning the next ambassador trip to swamp-world. She filed that thought away for later. "Glad you guys could make it," she added, crouching down in a fighting stance.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: LILY-LIVERED / o, mock raid - Luciferr - 07-13-2018

But Heed this lesson well,
When the weak court death, They find it -

"so glad we could oblige" the war god rumbled as he stepped out behind beck with a short nod to the tanglewood leader before he moved further affield, stance coiled tense as the massive firey wolf-beast inclined his head to suite with a grin "we've to keep you pacifists on your toes after all" the tone was lighthearted teasing for all that this was a mock raid - he'd pull back from full force out of consideration he would end up breaking bones if he wasn't careful.

/am good to post? I'll delete otherwise, but please @ me if ur attacking.

[sub]TANGLEWOOD - REGENT - TAGS - REF (9FT) - EXTREME[W]isker[/sub]

Re: LILY-LIVERED / o, mock raid - BASTILLEPAW - 07-13-2018

Bastille had wondered when Becky might make an appearance. Of course, it was a mock raid: he hadn't asked to know the exact date and time, if only because a raid would be a surprise. So, when he realized that Tanglers were waiting on his border, he found himself smirking slightly. Thank god. He could use a nice excuse to hit Beck in the face just about then. All for a good cause, here.

"Hi, Becky," he greeted, amicably, before lunging at the ghost immediately, the barest shift of his weight from casual to attack. He didn't even really care if he came out on top, here: he was just aiming to tackle the ghost head-on, to send them rolling across the ground. Might as well quick shit off.

Re: LILY-LIVERED / o, mock raid - rhosmari - 07-14-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]Frankly the woman didn't know what this was nor that this was some kind of idea meant on helping the Ascendants to toughen up so to speak. It was bizarre to say the least, to receive training outside of their own home and it seemed rather uncoordinated as well. In the soldier's mind this was going to fall apart in no time and she allowed disdain to color her gaze as she watched from the side lines. Although she supposed there was some sort of tactical advantage to it. Fight people that you could or might have to fight in the near future was always a plus up. One learned their movements and their way of thinking, how they fought in general and she had to say that she liked that to a degree but still it left a lot more to be desired. She wouldn't be fighting for them anyway so she didn't see why she was debating on this so hard right now. A frown pulled at her muzzle as she finally stepped forward, eyes calculative as the woman rolled her shoulders and arched her back just a little bit to attempt to stretch and warm up her body. After all she wanted to test them herself and see what she could gain. But first she turned her sharp gaze on one of them a strange looking dog that made her head tilt slightly to the side. This world got stranger and stranger the longer she stayed in it. That and he was much too big as well, what was he on? Steroids. Reminded her of the other guy but she kept that to herself. "Not all of us are pacifists. Might want to keep that in mind or you could get your ass handed to you." Simple words before she turned her attention to the one and only creature that really infuriated her.

Bastille. But he seemed keen on going after someone else and it had been the male that had spoke in the beginning though she had hardly caught his words. Flicking her tail in irritation she watched the male lunge at the other before she turned her gaze away and back to the big guy. Tch, as if she could take him on. There was a strong height difference and even if she had been able to incapacitate Washington he wasn't as big as this guy here was so she guessed she'd wait for someone she could possibly take on, claws that she couldn't get to sheath curling in the ground as she held her head down low and rolled her shoulders a little bit more. There was a fire underneath her paws and she was ready to go, ready to tear into someone, not kill them of course, but just teach them a bit about who she was and that she was here to stay so don't mess around on the place she called her turf.

Re: LILY-LIVERED / o, mock raid - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-14-2018

[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

There were several different tactics that could be used in order to better someone. Washington knew this because they were always trying to figure out a way to keep the military on its toes so that they would be ready for any sort of situation that was there. Before he had joined Project Freelancer, he had just been in the regular military as a marine, and they would often time train themselves in simulations so that they would be able to react accordingly to what was happening to them. This made it easier for them to do it in the field, although it wasn't easier on them since being in a war and going through a war simulation were two different things. One had to think of said simulation as a means of risking life if they got hit during the simulation. Which wasn't hard to do when in the simulations there was only one person and it was you and the rest of them were the enemies. They didn't have an option of going up to the enemy and asking them if they wanted to test their skills out on them.

They would more than readily stick a bullet through their skull before agreeing to something like that. He was also pretty sure that they wouldn't even be able to understand whatever the hell that they were saying either. During his time in Project Freelancer, there were plenty of sparring matches that they were put through. Although, he wasn't exactly sure if calling them sparring matches was the right word to use. As the Freelancers would willingly break their ribs and break bones while they were fighting against each other. It was just the way that the program did things with one another and what he was used to having dished out at him. Although in this world he wasn't exactly all that much capable when it came to fighting creatures that were a lot larger than he was. That was because he didn't even know how to properly fight without the likes of a gun that he was used to having at his side. Something that was no longer capable in his current body even if he did manage to grab onto a gun. Even Carolina had managed to take him out with just a couple moves and he was on the ground despite the size differences between them.

One of the more common strategies was the armor paint field that they went through, having paint instead of ammo in the pistols that they were allowed to use. The paint was special though as it could lock up someone's armor in an instant and it stung a lot. From what Carolina said though, she never had to deal with the paint because she never got hit. Which Washington did because he wasn't exactly the best and it also depended on who he was going against. Armor lock didn't exactly injure someone per say, but it did give them a chance to feel a decent amount of pain. Washington like Carolina wasn't exactly sure what was going on. He heard some people speak of Tanglewood and how they didn't really trust the group, and it was a warbound group meaning that they were the threat to look out for if something bad did happen. Usually, where Carolina was, Washington was soon to follow after. The Freelancer didn't exactly want to get separated from his coworker, as that was because there were more threats that they needed to worry about and Tangle was not one of them. Compared to the rest of the group, wasn't afraid to start killing those that did piss him off maybe a little bit too much.

Washington was a soldier after all, and the aspect of killing didn't exactly effect him all that much. The Freelancer had jobs to do and he would make sure to do them right. Fighting someone 2 on 1 wasn't exactly rare for the likes of a Freelancer, and if Carolina wanted him to fight with her then he would. His attention, of course, was brought to the shape of the large animal that was there. He could see advantages to a large size, but a large animal going against a large animal? His armor would probably be the only save and grace. He could see why this exercise would be useful, but it seemed not all that great when both groups didn't exactly trust one another. His gaze flickered over toward Suiteheart where she was standing, and there seemed to be more Ascendant's members than Tangle members. He shifted his dark grey paws as he stood next to Carolina who looked like she was ready to take on any opponent that was decently sized. "Well... this is interesting." Washington commented to no one calmly. He still wasn't sure what to think of this place, but the more information he could gather from others meant that he would be readily prepared if he had to fight any of them. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: LILY-LIVERED / o, mock raid - Cosmic - 07-14-2018

After all this stagnant time, I was ready to fight. My paws were itching for some excitement, and I would finally be getting some. Sure, I wanted to be a medic, but what good was a medic without fighting skills? I needed to stay sharp, and hell, the Freelancers were here too. Kickass.

I stood in a battle ready stance next to Washington, a smile on my face as I awaited an opponent. Anyone was a good candidate as I needed experience fighting all types of creatures, not just those my size. And with my nimble and quick feline-fox hybrid body I could maneuver around quickly to work at temporarily disabling and then finishing the enemy. But this was a mock raid, so basically pummel them into submission without leaving too much damage in the process.

Re: LILY-LIVERED / o, mock raid - Owlie - 07-14-2018

[div style="text-align: justify;"]He remembered raids. He remembered his legs getting torn clean off a second time. He remembered a few bloodclanners had ganged up on him, one of them being a centaur of all things as it had an ax. Anakin remembered Vader being in agony as the electronic nerves delivered pain to him and and crawling back to camp.
He noted the other ghost.
But Anakin's radiating blue form would not be participating today.


Re: LILY-LIVERED / o, mock raid - SOCKING - 07-14-2018

// track

Re: LILY-LIVERED / o, mock raid - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 07-14-2018

IVAN ZIMAVICH BRAGINSKY ✧ russian bear dog — proxy — tags[/color]
Zimavich rose out from the other Tanglers, the bear dog coming up from behind. He was used to being taller than his clanmates. He was wearing his mask, but had put corks over the teeth - they were six inch canines, a design taking after the Russian Vorta beast, as it trailed down to make a fin down his spine. Purple eyes settled on one of the larger targets, growling and baring his teeth at one of the ones wearing a helmet.

His eyes flickered to something blue in the corner. A blue lion. Anakin? The ghost started to fade into the forest- and Zimavich bolted, hoping no one would freak out as he ran after the ghost and in the direction of the star pool.

// ignore me this is a plot thing ive needed to do for a while, needed a situation for them to meet in.
© madi