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what's with all the screaming [&] open - joining - Printable Version

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what's with all the screaming [&] open - joining - arrow - 07-11-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — "What a great idea, go into the swamp! Now you're soggy."

Squinting at the indignation of her own thoughts as plopped herself down a few steps away from the marsh water, Arrow took a paw and smacked the side of her head lightly a few times, as if to knock the voice, her own voice, around or at least get it to hush. "You like water. So it's cold, kinda gross, probably....uh...." She paused, drawing a blank for the word she was looking for. Began with an I.

"Infested! It's infested."

How did she get here? End up in a swamp? No idea. She remembered wandering a bit, had some companions at some point. She was moving towards water. Any water. Guess this is where she found it, albeit it being slimy. Good thing she wasn't packing any sort of long hair. With ears of her size she'd look like a swamp monster.

// [s]it's been so long since i wrote anything please forgive this mess

Re: what's with all the screaming [&] open - joining - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-11-2018

Re: what's with all the screaming [&] open - joining - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 07-11-2018

IVAN ZIMAVICH BRAGINSKY ✧ russian bear dog — proxy — tags[/color]
Zimavich moved, his green, sloppy head poking out of the water and a growl starting to rumble when his mouth was free. The dog was massive, perhaps up to three feet and weighing heavily. He wasn’t keen on strangers still, and wanted them to be aware of his size and teeth.

He gave a low bark, mixed with a snarl in warning. [b]”What he said.”
© madi

Re: what's with all the screaming [&] open - joining - arrow - 07-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — She should have noticed Vigenere before he jumped out, after all, her sight and sense of smell were not lost to her, but somehow she didn't. She was a little...unobservant. How she hadn't died from a tragically avoidable situation was a mystery really, but in her (only) defense she did hear something, as waterlogged fur didn't impede hearing at all, just her nose.

As he landed in front of her, she scrambled backwards with the least amount of grace someone could possible have, long legs almost failing her and tripping her over. Just because she heard him didn't mean she expected anything other than a small prey animal or a snake. Which would have been just as frightening. "Uh..." Her thoughts shut themselves down for the duration of her shock, rendering her voice absolutely useless for a moment. The air caught in her throat the first time she attempted speech, causing her to curse under her breath and try again.

"Arrow, the name's Arrow. Tanglewood....what's a Tanglewood?" Her ear twitched, head tilted ever so slightly. At least, until the second arrival, what she assumed to be a part of this Tanglewood.

The problem with this one was he was huge compared to her.

She swallowed thickly, eyes transfixed on the canine's head emerging from the water, looking like an actual swamp monster, fur bristling along her tail out of fear. "You're fucked! This is the end!" "Is there more of you here? I'm not getting jumped, am I? Buddy I was just headed towards water, I'm on my own."

Re: what's with all the screaming [&] open - joining - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-12-2018

Re: what's with all the screaming [&] open - joining - beck. - 07-12-2018

    Why was it always the ditsy ones to end up lost? One would think natural selection would have picked off the oblivious folk by now. At least it was amusing, but after centuries of limbo, he had to keep things entertaining otherwise he would lose his grip again. This particular girl was nothing special compared to all the ones he had seen before, but Beck still ended up stalking after her as soon as he caught her scent trail, like he did with all trespassers. While the poltergeist typically followed strangers in their territory, waiting for an opening to attack, he hesitated when the recognized scents of Vigenere and Zimavich approached the unknown feline first.

      Lurking in the marsh foliage next to a huddled group of wilting cattails, his ears twitched back and forth as he listened to their nearby conversation with a faint smirk on his disfigured snout. Soon enough, a muffled giggle sounded from his damaged lungs, echoing off itself as he abruptly materialized next to Arrow, muddied fur bristling at just the mention of her name. It was an arrow that had driven into his back and had been ripped out from torn flesh -- he chose to ignore his final memories of life for now. It was difficult, flashes of blood and murderers slipping through the cracks of his mental barricade, but he had practiced avoiding his own thoughts for a long time. Instead of collapsing into a panic in fear of another hidden archer aiming for his head again, Beck limped a distance in front of her, wheezing through razor-sharp teeth clenched in a welcoming smile, "Well, if we're sayin' our names and stuff, name's Beck, and I guess ya can consider me the leader of these knuckleheads. Most of 'em were 'just passin' through' like ya; who knows, maybe you'll stick 'round too. This ain't a great place to be alone, after all." Clearly, Beck needed to practice more on subtlety rather than blocking out memories.

Re: what's with all the screaming [&] open - joining - arrow - 07-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — So it was a group. She was more than relieved to hear she wasn't getting jumped, she had no means of defense after all, hell, she was useless in a one on one fight let alone a whole gang. She nodded as names were listed off, one for the speaker and one for the giant dog. Somehow that made them less intimidating, they weren't quite strangers anymore, although Zima still looked like he would eat her. Maybe he wasn't as scary when he wasn't soggy.

"Vigenere....Zimavich...rolls off the tongue nice." That was two. Two...three if she counted herself. The mention of radioactivity in the territory caught her attention enough to get her to perk up her ears, eyes widening. She snickered, what kind of luck did she have? Radioactive swamp, what a day. "Can't wait until I grow those extra limbs. Spidercat! Or maybe only five legs. But hey, it's better than sitting in some dainty fairy forest, I think i'd fit in better in a swamp with this face." She stuck out her tongue, motioning towards her face and larger ears with her paw. She sure wasn't boasting a soft and fluffy visage.

And then suddenly...Beck!

"Leader?" Arrow's tail swished back and forth, significantly less bristled. Beck....third one. Four. "So you're like, in charge of this whole thing? That's so cool! You're the big man of some cool people, 'least what I can tell." Her vision shifted from Vigenere to Zimavich, shifting her paws in repressed admiration. She didn't want to seem too weird and piss them off, they could still knock her around if she crossed a line.

Re: what's with all the screaming [&] open - joining - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-12-2018

Vigenere couldn’t help but let out a snort of amusement as Arrow called him ‘cool’. ”I wouldn’t exactly call him ‘big’.” The demon mused, winking at Beck to show he was just joking around but hey, the guy was pretty small. Then again, he died as a kid and was stuck in a kid body, so that explained why he was so little. Plus the fact that the breed of car Vigenere was was known for being tall. Turning back to Arrow, he went on, ”Well, if you’re into becoming mutant, that’s on you.” He shrugged. He certainly didn’t want to be a mutant but to each their own, he supposed. ”But you’re welcome to stay here.”


Re: what's with all the screaming [&] open - joining - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 07-13-2018

IVAN ZIMAVICH BRAGINSKY ✧ russian bear dog — proxy — tags[/color]
Honestly, he was damn near oblivious to how dangerous this water was to him. If battle didn’t destroy his body first, it would probably be the water. He looked down, noticing his scarf was green and sopping wet now, and cringed. The bear dog looked at arrow and growled lightly again, as a warning. He was very aware of his size.... but missed being a bear.
Do you miss being a fool?

”Clan has.... entrance ritual.” With a slight grin on his face, he aimed to shove Arrow in the water.
© madi

Re: what's with all the screaming [&] open - joining - arrow - 07-13-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Welcome to stay? Well, that wasn't an offer she planned on refusing! Especially not in this type of environment. The gators might get her, eh? And she didn't admit it, as she found it stupid, but she didn't want to be alone, ever. It just wasn't as fun, and loneliness at away at the soul. She was a social kind of person, being isolated at any degree took a toll on her overall mental state. "You don't mind me sticking around with you then?" She'd have to get used to swamp, but that was nothing.

She got distracted by something after spitting out her sentence, something moving in the short distance between her and the rest of the territory. Her pupils grew in curiosity, her tail tip twitching. It was when she started to shift and twitch that the bear dog pushed her into the water.

"Hey!-" Her legs came out from under her and she went straight into the water with little to no effort on Zimavich's part, covering her in green marshy residue and the water she had already shook out prior to this whole confrontation. She sputtered and coughed after coming back up, sticking her tongue out at the canine playfully. "You win this round."