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YOU'RE ALL I WANT // open, truth-or-dare w/ Snowbound - Printable Version

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YOU'RE ALL I WANT // open, truth-or-dare w/ Snowbound - GORDON CIPHER. - 07-03-2018

Oh, boy. Gordon knew she had volunteered to do this for The Ascendants and Snowbound, but now that the day has come, the little Starstruck Guardian wasn't sure if she could do it. It was nerve-wracking to realize that there were probably going to be a lot of people here, both from her own group and from Snowbound. But she promised Suiteheart she could have the event ready, and so Gordon tried to swallow back her fears as much as she could.

"Ah, I-I'm having a game of truth-or-dare with Snowbound, if-if anybody's interested!" Gordon called out as she took a seat in the main area of the Observatory. She had already invited Snowbound, so hopefully they would arrive soon.
i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━

Re: YOU'RE ALL I WANT // open, truth-or-dare w/ Snowbound - BASTILLEPAW - 07-03-2018

Suiteheart had given Bastille a brief recap of the ambassador meeting, which he'd decided to sit out to see how she ran things. He was confident she'd do fine, which was why he'd assigned it to her in the first place, but still -- it was vaguely reassuring to see her taking quickly and readily to any preparation he threw at her. It's not like Bast exactly knew how to lead himself, let alone try to introduce someone else to how to do it, but honestly? It didn't really matter if he tried to prep Suiteheart or not. She would do a million years better than him, regardless.

As it was, he knew that Gordon would be doing something soon, and wasn't surprised to hear her calling out a few days later. Yawning, the Seraph headed the direction of her call, partially out of curiosity, partially to be a good member of society, and partially to make sure Gordon didn't pass out from too much immediate social interaction. What could he say -- he payed relatively close attention to her, and have enough of a soul (or three) to make sure she was alright. Settling beside her with another yawn, he drawled, "Count me in, I guess."

Re: YOU'RE ALL I WANT // open, truth-or-dare w/ Snowbound - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-06-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Of course Atbash would be attending this, even if The Ascendants weren't exactly allies. She had been thinking about possibly starting an alliance between them, since they seemed to have common views on things, but starting an alliance was the last thing on the new Chief's mind. "Heya." Atbash chirped as she came over, smiling at Gordon and Bastilleprisoner. "My name's Atbash Cipher. I'm the Chief of Snowbound." She introduced herself to Bast, seeing as she already introduced herself to Gordon whenever the little she-cat visited Snowbound. But god, did saying that rank feel weird. Atbash quickly looked over at Gordon as she said, "I'll play, of course." And with that, the savannah took a seat.
bio | female | chief [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: YOU'RE ALL I WANT // open, truth-or-dare w/ Snowbound - arcy - 07-06-2018

Izuku, personally, really really wasn't sure how to feel about .. whatever this was. Truth or dare -- this was an awfully long way to walk just for a game, and Izuku isn't exactly in any condition to be doing anything like that. Wasn't in any condition to leave the territory at all, really. But regardless, Izuku was persistent, trudging after Atbash all the way through even if his leg might be quite literally killing him. .. No, not actually literally, it just felt like that. But, at the least, Izuku made it.
"Hello," Izuku sighs as he approaches He makes to unceremoniously curl up on the ground next to Atbash, banded right paw held out. It didn't like his own body heat, unfortunately, and also moving it in general was just a horrible, horrible plan. "Izuku, Tenderfoot," He doesn't mean to be brief or blunt or anything because that's just not in his nature but he's tired. He really should be doing more studying, and he's not sure how much longer he's just gonna be Tenderfoot, and that's scary. Still, he lays his head on his paws, or just his one paw, and huffs again. "I'm .. yeah, I'm playing too, God he didn't walk all this way just to watch the goddamn game. Though just seeing what the group was like in general would be nice. Even if it was very intimidating -- Izuku struggled to be around his own clanmates somedays, who he loved and cared for with whatever he could muster, and this was just pushing it. Scary stuff.
what was i worth

Re: YOU'RE ALL I WANT // open, truth-or-dare w/ Snowbound - Suiteheart - 07-07-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"][i'm late and terrible ahdahsdajsd]

Having heard Gordon's call, Suiteheart trotted forward. The white feline wore her signature smile, quite happy to see Gordon heading this little project. She was more than excited to see the younger female stepping out of her comfort zone. It made her very proud, if she were honest. "Hey, everyone," she greeted, coming to a stop beside Gordon before taking a seat.

She looked at the group gathered and wondered how this game would turn out. She knew she was down to answer any truths and to perform any dares thrown her way, but she wasn't sure if everyone else would be up for it. She also wasn't sure what direction this game would take. For the life of her, she hoped it didn't transform into the type of truth or dare she played in her younger days - the kind that morphed into 'tell us who you like or kiss this person.'

"I'm playing too."

Re: YOU'RE ALL I WANT // open, truth-or-dare w/ Snowbound - BASTILLEPAW - 07-07-2018

Bastille's stare locked on Atbash as she joined them, and he was offering a nod in greeting before her words registered. "What happened to Jacob?" he asked immediately, evidently not too concerned about treading on poor waters. He scowled slightly, briefly noting that he liked Jacob, and silently hoping that this wasn't another tragedy. They might not have been close, but he was a good guy. A fellow reluctant leader. After a moment he added, "Congratulations, though, I supposed. Unless you didn't want it, either. In which case, sucks." He offered her a lazy half-smile. "I'm Bast."

He nodded to the Tenderfoot, though he had no idea what that actually meant (it sounded like a medic to him, for whatever reason), not very surprised to see that the Snowbounders were pretty friendly. They were a rather peaceful bunch, he gathered. His gaze passed briefly over Suiteheart, before his attention was back on Gordon with an easy smile. "Take it away, Gor. We can just start with what we have."

Re: YOU'RE ALL I WANT // open, truth-or-dare w/ Snowbound - Margaery - 07-07-2018

[b]"We're playing games? I love games."

Genevieve laughed crudely as she arrived, bumping into Suiteheart as she made her way to the front of the group. Truth-or-dare was a risky one, though with this bunch, she doubted they'd actually cover any interesting topics. A shame too, there wasn't anything the vampire liked more than discovering the deepest, darkest parts of another individual or watching them humiliate themselves. Royally.  She supposed that she would just have to sit back and hope that this little get together took the turn that she wanted to. Or better yet, perhaps she could fan the flames a bit and bring the chaos herself. She didn't quite know what route she planned to take- she wanted to see what exactly her clanmates planned to do first.

Re: YOU'RE ALL I WANT // open, truth-or-dare w/ Snowbound - GORDON CIPHER. - 07-08-2018

Oh, right, Atbash. Gordon had met the she-cat when she visited Snowbond, and the last name kind of shocked her. Cipher? Was she related to Caesar, then? Was she an older sister, or an aunt - or even Caesar's mother? No, that last one couldn't be it; they seemed to be around the same age. Bastille's comment towards her made her snap out of her thoughts, and she realized that a couple other people have joined - Suiteheart, Izuku of Snowbound, and... Genevieve. Gordon tried to hide her unease as Genevieve came over, and shuffled closer to Bastilleprisoner.

"Oh, r-right!" Gordon stammered out, realizing that she was the one who was supposed to start. "Um..." Should she be petty and start of with Genevieve? No, there was a chance Genevieve could choose dare instead of truth. Besides, Gordon wasn't exactly the petty type, even if she had those thoughts. She wasn't the type to act out of them. "Suiteheart, truth or dare?"
i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━

Re: YOU'RE ALL I WANT // open, truth-or-dare w/ Snowbound - Suiteheart - 07-14-2018

[im reviving this thread bc i'm a whole hoe and forget to respond]

She scarcely acknowledged Genny as she arrived and bumped into her. Suite's attention was on Gordon anyway. She was both shocked and happy to have her name called first to begin the game. She mulled over the choices. Truth or dare? Hm... They both presented their shared challenges. Truths could be messy. Dares could be even messier. Still, either choice would be fun. But what to pick?

"I'll go with dare," the white feline decided, nodding her head as if to reaffirm her choice. She was daring kinda gal, wasn't she? Well, maybe not. Either way, she couldn't wait to see what kind of task Gordon would come up with. While Gordy presented herself as shy cutie, Suite couldn't help but wonder if there was a michevious streak inside of her.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: YOU'RE ALL I WANT // open, truth-or-dare w/ Snowbound - rhosmari - 07-14-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]Heavy steps moved forward, a tired expression of sleepless nights marring her expression as she attempted to just keep going. Her lids were heavy but she was making it she supposed. Clenching her jaws to stifle a yawn he ears pulled forward as she heard some voices shifting in the breeze. The woman could barely make out what was going on but a scent of something she didn't know entered her nose, so strong that it made her cringe back and her tongue pressed up against the rough of her mouth. Shaking her head a bit the ginger leopard shifted her direction to head toward them and when she came across the group she allowed a sigh of annoyance to pass from between ichor stained lips. It wasn't annoyance at the per say but more so the tiredness that clung to her limbs and didn't seem to want to let her go at the moment. Resting was out of the picture and she paused to just watch the group. Something about a game had come up and she tilted her head a bit before slowly sitting down in the background. Watching seemed good for now because she wasn't much of the game playing type. Not when there was work to be done and she wiggled to get comfortable before laying her head on her paws. Truth or Dare seemed to be the game and she closed her gaze before relaxing fully, jaws slightly parted as her chest rose and fall. Damn, seemed Carolina fell asleep on the spot.