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Harry Potter anyone? - Printable Version

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Harry Potter anyone? - HopesWings - 07-02-2018

So, I have recently gotten into the Harry Potter series, and I LOVE it. Thus, I would like to do a roleplay for it! I've only finished the second book, but I am quickly making my way through the entire series. I have read a little bit on fandom wikki and such, so I am aware of much of what takes place throughout the series. Anyhow, I am most interested in a roleplay focusing on Professor Snape. If you are interested, please say so!

Re: Harry Potter anyone? - Orion - 07-03-2018

Woah! You gotta keep reading! I'd love to do something with this though <3

Re: Harry Potter anyone? - HopesWings - 07-03-2018

I definitely plan to! I'm working my way through the third book now, and I have checked out the fourth one from my local library. As far as a roleplay in concerned, I'm really interested in one in which Snape learns his sister, who disappeared shortly before Voldermont(I think that's spelled right) did, had a child no one knew about. Would you be interested in that, or do you have another idea? I'm open for anything!

Re: Harry Potter anyone? - Orion - 07-03-2018

Honestly, I absolutely adore the movies and the books. I'm glad you're reading the books first though(assuming), as they add a whole new dimension to the series and the movies when you go to read through them!

I don't think Snape ever had a sister! I would say things here and there, but that would spoil further books for you. Especially when it comes to the last two. Perhaps, though, delving into Lily Potter or something of the sort would spruce things up a little bit.

I'm open for anything, honestly.

Re: Harry Potter anyone? - HopesWings - 07-03-2018

I'm reading through the book then watching the movie. I love the way they stick to the book, but also put their own spins on things. I can't wait to get through them all!

And as far as I know, he didn't have a sister. She would be a made-up character. As for Lily Potter, that's why I wanted to do the sister thing. I read a little on Snape, and I know about that road. I love that aspect of the character, so I didn't want to spoil it with the child being his. That's where the sister part comes in.

So, do you want me to pm you a fuller idea of the roleplay I have in mind?

Re: Harry Potter anyone? - Orion - 07-03-2018

Okay, that's good to know. I'm a fan of both personally, as they both are equally as good! Plus, I'm a huge nerd for HP especially after visiting Universal's Harry Potter areas. Let's just say it's my favorite place on Earth... whoops.

Ah gotcha! Snape is definitely one of my favorites, so it's completely understandable imo.

Sure! That'd be lovely.

Re: Harry Potter anyone? - HopesWings - 07-03-2018

That's actually what got me into Harry Potter. I visited Universal with my friend a few weeks ago, and fell in love with the series there.

He's one of my favs too.

And I'll send the pm now. It might take me a minute to figure out though. Newbie and all.

Re: Harry Potter anyone? - Orion - 07-03-2018

Ooo Florida or California?

Snape and Sirius Black are my faves, especially bc their character dynamics are so deep!

Thank you. If you need help, I'm always here lmao

Re: Harry Potter anyone? - HopesWings - 07-03-2018

Florida. It's a lot closer to where I live.

I know it! I don't think I've read about Black yet, but I'm looking forward to it!

Thank you! It's been a while since I've joined a new roleplaying site, but I'm really enjoying this one so far.

Re: Harry Potter anyone? - Orion - 07-03-2018

Ah I'm glad. I went to Florida also. I have to say, besides HP, that Spider-Man ride was POPPING.

Yeaaah, he's comes in later! So don't take it harshly.

<3 I'm glad to know that. I'd like to think we're p cool lmao.