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i always fuck my life up / o, caught in trap + extreme injuries - Printable Version

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i always fuck my life up / o, caught in trap + extreme injuries - axiom - 06-27-2018

tw: gore inbound, do not read if you are sensitive to violence

She knew that she needed to stay in camp - well, that's what the adults claimed, anyway. But Hati's instincts whispered adventure and wandering; staying in the junkyard with whatever person got stuck babysitting her, quite frankly, appealed less and less to her. She wanted to roam and learn, evolve. At her age, leopard cubs started following their solo mother in hunts - this same instincts roared to life within her. She knew she was destined for greatness; she just needed to start preparing for it.

So, she snuck out of camp; not that unusual for a kid her age. Her plan had been simple enough - lure an adult into a game of a hide and seek. After a few rounds, lulling her unfortunate babysitter into a false sense of security, she slipped out. With the amount of nooks and crannies in camp, she knew the adult would have an exhaustive search ahead of them before realizing she'd scampered off. By now, though, it'd certainly been a few hours. A search party, or something of the sort, she guessed was hot on her scent trail.

Well, she had scent trails of her own to follow. Catching rats bored her now, and she hunted for larger prey today. She scented a duo of some odd creature she never smelled before. But they stank, to the point where she wondered if the goddamn birds dropped out of the sky if they were unfortunate enough to fly above the stinky boys. This made them extremely easy to tail; indeed, she heard odd laughing sounds coming up ahead, which she guessed belonged to the stinky boys.

Slowing down, she lowered her belly to the ground and slunk forward, belly to the ground. Distracted by the hunt, she hardly bothered to look at the ground - which proved a fatal mistake. Once her front right paw took another step forward, she landed on something cold and shiny; hearing a click, she instantly found herself suspended in the air by her paw. From her shoulder, she heard a loud pop! before a wave of agony hit her entire leg - usually, dislocated limbs didn't hurt too badly, but with her entire weight pulling the tissues without the bone support... well, she instinctively let out a loud wail of pain.

She quickly bit her tongue, remembering the dangerous creatures she'd been tailing for the last few minutes - she stayed silent, despite the burning pain radiating from her shoulder. But she shouldn't have bothered; the quarry became the hunters, drawn to her cry. The undergrowth crackled and shifted, as the laughing noises came closer. Twisting around in the air with teary eyes, she could barely make out the two blobs - but, if she could, she'd see they were striped hyena females with heavily mutated skin. They hardly resembled hyenas, aside from their body's posture and laughing noises they made, due to their crocodile-scaled bodies and eight spider eyes.

She didn't even hear their attack coming. Almost simultaneously, she felt two mouths chomp into her body. The first went for her right hind leg, instantly breaking her femur with its bone-crushing jaws and violently shaking her like a chew toy - the muscles in her leg began to rip as the hyena continued to work its teeth around her limb. Just as Hati let out a high-pitched shriek, the hyena managed to sever her leg, leaving her with about two inches of intact femur.

The other hyena seemed more intent on killing the cub instead of just ripping it to pieces. Hati's head became enveloped in a hot, toothy maw as the hyena chomped and savagely bit at her cranium. The only thing preventing her instant death seemed to be that the hyena wasn't quite tall enough to easily grab her head, so the hyena needed to jump up with each attempt - this gave Hati a chance at survival, but resulted in several long gashes on her face, and the violent rupturing of both her eyes.

How grotesque.

Re: i always fuck my life up / o, caught in trap + extreme injuries - madster - 06-27-2018

malphas routinely took walks by himself. he was old enough to leave town by himself, without suspicion, and a return to nature always soothed his always-panicked mood. being in town made him feel claustrophobic and worried and so he would slip out whenever he could.

he had been alone when he smelled somebody else's presence- a lot of different scents, actually, which sent his heart rushing and immediately his fur stood on edge. he heard a sickening snap and laughter. like a moth to a lamp, he was drawn to the sickening event.

there he stood, watching a child get mauled. he didn't know her, and malphas' first thought was that i should kill her. i should end that child's suffering, and then the thought hurt. he was so cruel.

malphas, a little cat with no tail and no backbone, was no match for two hyenas. he wasn't a hero. he was an outcast, a social recluse, a loser. if he rushed in he knew there would be two deaths, not just one. he retreated into the bush, feeling tears drip down his face and the panic setting in. what a hero, he thought. you can't save her. you're better off if those hyenas rip you to shreds too. the hyenas could probably smell him anyways, and he hoped for somebody stronger, somebody braver. he was severely traumatized by what he had saw and so was effectively useless.

he was no hero.

Re: i always fuck my life up / o, caught in trap + extreme injuries - COSMIIX - 06-27-2018

The sound of a shriek made her heart leap out of her chest realizing who it belonged to, her molten honey gaze would suddenly burn with a passion before the sword equipped jaguaress made her way into the area. She would try breaking the bandages from her wings, forcing the bones to function and stumbling as her wing fell to the ground. She would grit her fangs and force the movement in her wing, she soon found herself flying quite daily but she didn't care as she stopped where the shriek had came from. The sight of her daughter made something in her blood boil as she dove down knocking over one of the hyenas earning a yelp from it. "You. Hurt. My. Family." She suddenly snarled with her fur and feathers bristling, her wing laying limp on the ground it probably wasn't a good idea to have done that but Hati had been in trouble. The hyenas seemed angry and one of them starting biting down onto her limp wing with a powerful set of jaws.

Amunet growled in pain but she moved her paw quickly gripping onto the sword that Fenris had given her unsheathing it in a swift movement. The blade would glisten, she let out a heavy breath before a roar erupted from her jaws. Her blade would meet the jaws of a hyena as it penetrated through its throat until it poked out of the back of the hyenas neck. She watched the hyena stumbled backwards before collapsing onto the ground, Victory heaved a soft breath staring at the hyena that was biting into her wing, she could see the golden blood pooling at the wound though she didn't seem to care as she backed up before she lashed out at the laughing creature. She wanted them dead. Both of them. She released a heavy pant glancing over to her sword though her gaze locked onto the hyena. He had dared have the intentions of killing Hati, she wouldn't tolerate that yet she knew one of her clanmates would come to finish it off. She wanted to make sure Hati was safe and if she could get Nayru here on time.
© madi

Re: i always fuck my life up / o, caught in trap + extreme injuries - beck. - 06-27-2018

    Beck, albeit through a hazy window, could remember the shared desire to slip away from a mother's busied watch every once in a while to explore nearby forests on his own, occasionally a long-forgotten sibling trailing behind with worried complaints and whines. A desire that was snuffed out quickly when he was orphaned and on his own. Yet even as he was thrown into the fires of a struggle to survive, the boy never was one for staying around in a single space for too long. Be it paranoia of trackers finding him, nomadic upbringing, or poltergeist nature later on, Beck was far too restless to remain stationary like so many others were content to.

    While he had settled down for Tanglewood, the commander commonly found himself pacing or wandering the territory just to stretch idle legs. Not that he minded the break from the bustling creatures back at the abandoned town. They had been in hysterics over a missing kid when he left, barely paying enough attention to catch any more information than that simple tidbit. The kid was probably just being rebellious and sneaking out only to come running back with their tail tucked between their legs when they realized how awful it was out there. Maybe a little scare would discourage them from doing it again.

    Or maiming would work too.

    Blood had always been a familiar scent to his keen nose. With the metallic taste floating on the air and growing stronger with each step towards the source, Beck was lured to the carnage as fresh meat attracted a starving mutt. Another trespasser caught in a trap -- a snare if he could remember the placement correctly. Through the overwhelming scent of gushing crimson, however, the bitter whiff of radiation and diseased genetics hung heavy around the scene. That wasn't right; he hadn't caught a glimpse of any mutated wildlife in a while, long enough for him to carelessly forget about the hazards they posed. The mangy feline halted with mud-colored fur bristling down his back, ears perked for any sound other than jaws snapping and garbled laughter. A sharp squeal of pain was enough for him to decide, bloodless guts twisting in the sinking realization as he broke into a sprint. Even with his perpetual limp, he was unsurprisingly fast, having relied on outrunning pursuers during the last years of his life.

    Unlike the bystander cowering in undergrowth, Beck charged from the surrounding ferns without concern for his well-being. It was easy to be selfless when he had no life on the line anymore, after all. Headstrong as he might have seemed in the second where he jumped to the accidental rescue, the poltergeist wasn't foolhardy enough to grapple with two rabid creatures larger than him. At least Amunet had arrived at the same time to handle the second hyena. In similar fashion to when he shed his feline disguise to take on the Typhoon member at their border, the entity blurred into shadowed obscurity for a nonexistent heartbeat, stretching and shifting and then re-materializing all while still lunging himself at the hyena with its jaws locked around Hati's head. All the mutated creature could see next with her eight beady eyes was a pair of antlers belonging to a livid stag ramming into her side. Goring the hyena onto branching antlers, the transformed Beck tossed his head back, viciously shaking the impaled mutant until she slid off blood-slick antlers with a thud on the ground. Multiple holes had been gouged into the hyena's scaled side -- a rare few managing to stab all the way through. Yet as Beck turned to see Amunet plunge a sword into the second hyena, the mutant picked herself back up and made a move to bite at his right ankle. Teeth clamping down on his twisted ankle and reason for a limp earned a shrill yelp of pain from him, the leg threatening to buckle if he didn't pry her jaws off him immediately. The stag desperately shook her teeth from his ankle, kicking her in the jaw before, as it stumbled aside, dealing the hyena a harsh donkey-kick to the flank. The mutant knocked to the ground for a second time and vulnerable, Beck was free to pin her down with a little hoof, baring sharkish teeth unnatural on the image of a deer before rearing back onto his hindlegs and slamming his front hooves down onto her ribcage. The crack of bone wasn't enough for him it seemed; a deranged glint shone in his amber eyes as he stomped on the hyena's side and eventually head again and again and again as if she would suddenly jerk back to life and resume attacking. He didn't stop until the hyena's deformed face had been mashed into a bloody pulp resembling a crushed melon instead of a head, complete with bone and teeth shards for scattered seeds.

    Recoiling from the all too familiar corpse with the mutant's blood coating his entire front and wheezing in short puffs through a flared nose, Beck finally noticed who they were attacking in the first place -- oh shit. The poltergeist gingerly approached Hati on gangly legs he had forgotten how to use, nearsighted eyes tracing the snare's noose coiled around her paw. She would need someone to hold her up while he released the trap so she wouldn't fall, right? "Sorry," was all Beck could mumble out as if she could hear his guilty words, glancing around for any signs of life nearby. Amunet was here, she could help. "Am, hold her up while I get her down." The blood nearly blinded his sense of smell, but with a few huffs and snorts, he picked up on one of his peer's presences just behind him. Unsure of who exactly it was, the stag craned his neck to look over a bony shoulder and gave his notched ear a twitch of curiosity. Swiping a tongue over the scar tissue of his missing cheek out of nervous habit, Beck tilted his head in the direction of Malphas and bleated impatiently, "Go get Nayru." Hoping the young feline would act on his orders, he focused on both attempting to locate the stake keeping the snare strung in the trees and numbly watching Hati's breathing. God, he was too used to gory injuries, was he?

/ weeps because ninja'ed so its probably a lot clunkier than the original

Re: i always fuck my life up / o, caught in trap + extreme injuries - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 07-01-2018

im gonna track for right now bc im going to bed

Re: i always fuck my life up / o, caught in trap + extreme injuries - ARGUS - 07-01-2018

Lost to this monster

Whisper never knew the parental watchfulness as hati did, being left alone to fend for herself when she was younger, she had to learn how to fend for herself- too busy trying to learn how to hunt to cause too much trouble for the near strangers that thought it funny to torture screaming, sentient beings. No- Whisper stuck clear away from camp and the wild kind of people there when she was first starting out by herself. Not yet old enough to be introduced to the clan nor it's cons toms- and left alone. She was near a loner with bloodclan's scent when she was three. And she lived like that until she found her wings, and in a way- her hope.

Here, Whisper did not inspire any unessisary parental mode out of her clanmates. She was better left alone- after helping fight off Amunet's foe a few weeks ago she taught other's she could keep herself well and protected. Though the war god had followed her often a times, it was neither suppressing nor annoying. When she finally got herself out of her own room recently- not noticing her own larger shadow. At least not yet enough to bring attention to it. There were other things to do, her mind to set out on rediscovering her home and the people that were not there last time she had stuck her head out in the sun.

But screaming was something other entirely.

Whisper grew up giving 'demonstrations' to people who thought it funny to mess with her. Large burly felines with the gall to attempt to capture a pup for 'justice' turned into a canvas that the youth had waved within war- painting with his own blood and tar- an artisans means turned into crude macabre banners that would bring any normal innocent's mind into disarray. Any kit screaming away if not for Whisper's need to prove herself- prove she could.

Gore did not bother her, she had encountered a riverspirit with a body similar to her old leader's eating the flesh of a gator not too long ago- to be afraid of gore would be to throw everything she did in the past away. Everything that Whisper had made herself into when she died. To turn away would mean to leave her Cousin hanging- quite literally- wouldn't it?

The young pup leaped over, her claws scratching against the branch she settled against to watch the rest of her classmates. Amulet surrounded by whispered dreads of two savage's demises. Beck offering to cut down a young black feline that looked positively mangled. A cringe settled onto her features- the young grimm coming down from where she had rested, hopping off the branch next to Beck. Looking up at the embodiment of 'curiosity killed the cat'. SHe didn't... feel much panic over the situation, stareing rather blankly up before offering her assistance placidly.

I could patch her up a little bit here- at least stop most of the bleeding- At least until we get back to camp. I have a pack. The four eyed puppy offered, looking up at beck and Amunet both to see if they would allow it. She wasn't too sure where the healer was, but Whisper knew how to heal. If it had to do with her own survival she probably knew how to do it.

//list of injuries?

Re: i always fuck my life up / o, caught in trap + extreme injuries - Nayru - 07-01-2018

[color=#6b7e99]✦ ✦ ✦
The young Sawbone, admittedly, had only begun to step out from the shadows of her home once more in the wake of Malphas’ arrival. There was something about the boy that worried her, coaxing her from magic and Chad to ensure that he was alright, both physically and mentally. She didn’t consider herself his babysitter or anything of that nature, but she did try to stay near he was, cerulean eyes always watchful, pale ears always listening. Today was no exception, Nayru having even slipped out of her door earlier than usual with her tiny backpack filled to the brim with fresh herbs. Did she plan on using any of them today? Good question. Aside from scuffs and bumps, her clanmates were relatively happy and injured free-

Perhaps she spoke too soon.

First, there was the sound of a struggle, mutant cries ripping through the air as they attached someone. She smelt blood, lots of it, and suddenly grew sick to her stomach as she realized that an all too familiar scent now mingled with the copper stench that laced the air. She didn’t want to believe it was her sister who had fallen victim to whatever had happened, but as cream hued paws bought her to an abrupt stop before Hati, she could only feel shock wash over her.

She was petrified like that for a moment, blue gaze wide as she looked between the bodies of the hyenas, her clanmates, and her sister. [b][color=#6b7e99]”Get her down... NOW.” She was losing blood, and quickly, and her hanging from a trap was only expediting the process. [color=#6b7e99]”I need lots of water. Somebody, go to my house and bring me all the bandages you can find.”

They didn’t have much time and Nayru half contemplated asking Amunet to cut the rope that held her with her sword. Anything that’ll help her get down faster, anything that could possibly alleviate the pain that her poor sister might be in right now.

[color=#6b7e99]”Oh, Hati...” She whispered to herself, Please be okay.

Re: i always fuck my life up / o, caught in trap + extreme injuries - Luciferr - 07-01-2018

But Heed this lesson well,
When the weak court death, They find it -

what remains were left of the dead beasts that had dared such a feat were swiftly ing noted and ashes within seconds.

Fenrisulfr stalked into the clearing biting back a growl at himself for being so far away and not in time before immediately switching to worry, hurriedly moving over to Nayru - fierce little healer, she did so much with only herself to rely on, so proud - as she tended or tried to tend Hati - no, no, little warrior, this shouldn't have happened but you let it, where were you oh mighty war? he pushed the thoughts away briefly nudging whisper - little sister, bless you for trying to help - and then worriedly sitting beside Amunet as Nayru worked like an overly large mother hen.

His family had a horrible track record for reacting to loved one's in pain - and a tragic record of seemingly constantly losing loved ones.

Please not here,

Let that legacy of death have died with him and the end of it in the last life,

[sub]TANGLEWOOD - REGENT - TAGS - REF (9FT) - EXTREME[W]isker[/sub]

Re: i always fuck my life up / o, caught in trap + extreme injuries - madster - 07-01-2018

the only thing that snapped malphas back to existence was nayru's horrified voice, and something inside of him hurt. did he... feel bad for somebody? no, he had no empathy. he was a stone cold bitch. he didn't need to help. he was just having his panic attack and once he got over that he'd go take a nap in his comfortable dirt hole and just live with himself.


there was a weak, feeble voice in the back of his head. usually, he was his own enabler, but what was this? dissonance in his own thought process? i'm going to help nayru. for nayru, he thought, and dashed to her house, tears beginning to form in his eyes. he had been here before, but it still felt so unfamiliar. he was so useless, he thought, as he searched in vain for minutes, valuable minutes. finally, he found a storage of bandages, and he fit a roll into his mouth and ran back.

returning, he stood by nayru's side, still shivering, as he dropped the bandages. "here. i got them. you're welcome," he said, faking calmness and avoiding the sight of the injured girl. "if you need me... to help... i'll do it." he breathed out, clearly out of his comfort zone.


Re: i always fuck my life up / o, caught in trap + extreme injuries - beck. - 07-06-2018

    Soon a swarm of clanmates had gathered around the carnage as if moths circling a lantern. The multiple bodies now in his way didn't make it any easier for his nearsighted eyes to pinpoint the trap's stake. Seeing as how using the shape of a deer was inefficient and cumbersome, Beck quietly shrunk himself back down to the feline apparition of what they all were familiar with, patting around on the blood-spattered mud to find the stake. Finally, a red-slick paw brushed against something wooden, and the poltergeist moved forward to grab at it.

    It didn't take much prompting from Nayru for him to yank the stake out of the mud, loosening the snare's wires and assumedly dropping Hati into waiting arms. Outstretching a paw to slide the loop of wire once tightened around the cub's paw off, Beck was left to wordlessly fall back with the snare remants entangled around his own limbs. Coiling the wire back into a portable bundle was a welcome distraction for him even though the commander's glassy stare burned into everyone present, uncertain if he had registered anything before him or if he was in shock. Hati didn't deserve to be mauled, did she? Beck listened for the usual morbid and apathetic response from the voice dwelling inside his skull, yet to his surprise, no one answered. Temporary relief, at least.