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DROUGHT PLOT DISCUSSION - tricky - 06-25-2018

it's summer, i've got my hat on backwards, and it's time to fuckin' party! jokes aside, summertime is upon us and, for most, the sweet release from school, meaning its the season for activity. and what better time than now for a clan-wide plot? i've had the idea of a major drought/heatwave down in the swamp for a while, mostly because out here in my state, arizona, it's hot enough to fry sidewalk eggs. so here we are, in a thread dedicated to discussing possible event for a drought plot (hehe it kinda rhymes) and development from it. seeing as its a natural disaster, it doesn't take much effort to plan that aspect out, but i was thinking of these major points throughout the plot:
- massive heatwave that causes the chain of events
- water drying up and leaving the polluted water to drink ( character decision time: be dehydrated or drink radioactive water )
- raids to both find water sources elsewhere or to steal another clan's, as well as turning to our ally ascendants for help
- bonus: no water = no food, so an additional famine
- wildfires!! multiple small ones and possibly one large fire that could drive tangle from their town until the blaze dies (mass sleepover out in the dangerous wilderness hooray)
- the end of the plot would be a coastal storm/hurricane that floods the territory, which of course will have its own side affects like having to rebuild some parts of town

with the basic framework laid out, y'all can suggest away! we've got time to do so as well, since i plan on kicking this into gear on july 7th if that is alright with everyone

idea storage:
here i'll put your suggestions to keep them all in once place!

Re: DROUGHT PLOT DISCUSSION - galexiux - 06-25-2018

Aw man. Eight will be very upset to find out she cant go swimming.

Maybe towards the end of it they can find a clean underwater source and theyre all too thirsty to ration it out?

Wed probably need more healers to that know how to deal with stuff like heat stroke and burns.

My suggestion as a storyteller is to plan out the plot in waves before enacting it. Make sure you know exactly what your doing and pick up the pace a bit if stuff starts to fall appart. Planning ahead will help a ton c:

Re: DROUGHT PLOT DISCUSSION - madster - 06-25-2018

yeah, i think there should definitely be like 'phases' of the plot so its easier to get everybody involved!!

Re: DROUGHT PLOT DISCUSSION - axiom - 06-25-2018

phases yes pls for the more major plot points !!

Re: DROUGHT PLOT DISCUSSION - Bean - 06-25-2018

i think it would be very interesting to see where this goes, especially considering iota’s pretty dependent on her plant life. it’d be interesting to write her reactions to her plants wilting

Re: DROUGHT PLOT DISCUSSION - Luciferr - 06-25-2018

Sounds interesting :0

Re: DROUGHT PLOT DISCUSSION - tricky - 06-25-2018

aa yea i was planning on doing it in phases! starting with the heatwave and then following the order in the above post. each phase would last about a week?? and all threads outside of it would be affected by the current event
kinda like how snowbound did their plots?

rip all the plants

Re: DROUGHT PLOT DISCUSSION - Ren - 06-26-2018

imo this is something that looks good on paper, but in practice probably wouldn't work out very well.

i don't wanna toot my own character's horn a million times, but the very presence of someone who can control water (not to mention characters with other elemental powers) makes a lot of the issues presented by the plot trivial.
  • Heatwave: can just cover self in ice and make ice/cold water for others to use to keep cool.
  • Water drying up/low availability: can purify and clean nearby ocean water, so water would not be much more difficult to get than usual (and dehydration would mostly be a non-issue since the water would be safe enough to drink).
  • Famine: the farm can potentially survive on the purified water as long as it's taken care of frequently enough (which it would have to be since tanglers would rely on it for food), and gators and ocean fish would be a viable temporary food source too.
  • Wildfires: some fires can be put out using water, characters who control fire could also easily contain them, and anyone who can control earth can help put them out (100% coverage is impossible of course but it wouldn't really do as much damage as a real one could).

basically it'd just be a matter of making sure the water supply stays reasonably high by spending days purifying and storing it (which wouldn't take more than one thread tops), and other micromanagement with putting out fires.

only the hurricane would present a legitimate threat, and even then a water-user could probably keep parts of town from being destroyed (even moreso if they work alongside someone who can control earth to block the storm off).

real droughts are dangerous because we aren't magical animals/gods/ghosts/demons with superpowers that can make them a lot easier to live through.

seeing as our characters are those things though, the danger is minimized by a lot. like, it's a neat idea, but it seems that the only effect it'd have overall would be to rid the town of any progress that has been made in the last couple of months.

personally i'd nix the plot (and maybe do a famine based on disease instead, since that isn't easily counteracted?), but if everyone really likes it a lot then don't let me stop you.

Re: DROUGHT PLOT DISCUSSION - tricky - 06-26-2018

well i guess this entire plot can be scrapped then, and snowbound already did a disease-based plot
i'll figure something else out

Re: DROUGHT PLOT DISCUSSION - axiom - 06-30-2018

idea to save the plot - the drought, being caused by some presumably weird thing like the radiation causing interference when it gets too hot and dry, causes everyone's powers to act wonky? could effect more people than just those with elementals, so anyone with even a minor power could have some fun with their character's powers getting fuked up.