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gypsy band / o, injured joiner - Printable Version

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gypsy band / o, injured joiner - Character Graveyard. - 06-24-2018

STARDUST ✧ Corrin — Tanglewood — Rookie

Came a quiet voice, that could only be heard by the female. She would struggle to get up, her ears pricked upward. Red eyes would narrow and she hissed in frustration at the sight of her injuries on her flank. "Damn." Corrin would rise to her paws and she limped towards the Tanglewood border, where she collapsed face-first and fell unconscious.
© madi

Re: gypsy band / o, injured joiner - galexiux - 06-24-2018

    Why were so many injured people showing up. Was this normal? That was a tragedy... Eight carefully walked in between all the traps and wires to bring herself to Corrin's side. Oh.... More blood... Didn't these surface creatures have no mercy? It was terrible... just terrible.

  The octocat sighed, tilting her head. She turned back to the forest, staring out into the distance. Someone had to be near by... she lowered down, trying to brush up against the other and pull Corrin onto her back, where she would then try to pull her closer to the border. She was going to get help.


Re: gypsy band / o, injured joiner - COSMIIX - 06-24-2018

Damn. So many had been getting injured or trapped though the Regent would appear seeing the unconscious stranger, she made her way over with concern in her molten honey gaze. She would make her way over shielding the stranger from the sunlight with her wing only to glance around for her daughter, Nayru, though she was nowhere in sight. They needed to wake her up "Wake up," She finally uttered in a soothing voice, the Goddess would tilt her head to the side waiting to see if it worked. Though Eight had arrived before her and was already helping.
© madi

Re: gypsy band / o, injured joiner - Morgan - 06-24-2018

Morgan arrived after Eight, tailing her to make sure she was alright. As she was still new, the samoyed could not help but worry about her wandering off to the border.

He stopped as he watched the part-feline pick up the unconscious stranger. "She needs more help. We'll want to bring her to Nayru, the Sawbone." While starting to head back toward civilization, he ran some cold water over the outlander's wounds to clean them.

When Amunet appeared, the samoyed let out a brief sigh of relief. "Amunet," he whispered. "Please, help carry this stranger. We need to get back to town." He took point, looking around to clear out any gators or traps nearby.

Re: gypsy band / o, injured joiner - COSMIIX - 06-24-2018

She nodded slowly taking a moment to figure out how to pick up the stranger without hurting them, she lowered her head to pick up Corrin using her jaws to attempt to grab the unconscious feline by the scruff. She let out a soft breath "Let's go," She mumbled started to slowly and gently make her way to town where Nayru was hopefully. Once at town she would have set down the unconscious stranger and once more tried to go searching for Nayru.
© madi

Re: gypsy band / o, injured joiner - Character Graveyard. - 06-24-2018

STARDUST ✧ Corrin — Tanglewood — Rookie
Voices. That's all she could hear, despite being unconscious. Corrin would let out a weak murmur and she would shift around on Amunet's back. She could feel the stinging on her wounds from Morgan pouring water to clean her injuries.

She would slowly open her eyes, moving her head around to look at those around her, including the female who was carrying her. Red-eyes would narrow and she flattened her ears to the back of her head. "Where are you taking me?" She said to Amunet, her voice cold.
© madi

Re: gypsy band / o, injured joiner - Nayru - 06-24-2018

[color=#6b7e99]✦ ✦ ✦
It appeared as if one of Nayru’s biggest fears had come true: in her pursuit of a greater magical understanding, she had forgotten her duties temporarily as a Sawbone and now her clanmates were forced to bring the injured joiner to her door. She felt bad. Incredibly bad. Were they mad at her? Were they going to yell at her? As she hurried from her little house, backpack in hand, Nayru hoped that everyone would understand her business. [b][color=#6b7e99]”Hi... okay... what seems to be the problem?” She inquired softly, cerulean gaze falling upon Corrin and Amunet. From atop her own back, Chad screamed out a hiss. They didn’t seem too angry but still... Nayru was worried.

Re: gypsy band / o, injured joiner - Character Graveyard. - 06-24-2018

STARDUST ✧ Corrin — Tanglewood — Rookie
Corrin would narrow her red eyes as Nayru had opened her front door, a concerned look on her face. She did not trust anyone here, so why were they even trying to help her? Corrin would slide off Amunet's back and struggled to stand on her own, holding her chin up high. "I'm fine." She said, trying to hide her injuries on her flank from the Sawbone as well as ignoring the hiss that came from the small crocodile.
© madi

Re: gypsy band / o, injured joiner - Nayru - 06-25-2018

[color=#6b7e99]✦ ✦ ✦
Nayru was not used to being treated so coldly by one of her patients. Her father, yes, but never somebody who’s life could potentially be saved by the tiny Sawbone. [b][color=#6b7e99]”Fine,” She stated in her own cool voice, tail lashing, [color=#6b7e99]”You have two options. The first one is simple, you come into my house and let me treat you. The second one? Not so simple. Fend for yourself, try to find herbs, fail because the swamp is dangerous and you’re injured... and pay whatever price your injuries demand. The choice is yours.” Very rarely did Nayru use her princess voice or give ultramatums as she just had. She was normally timid, hesitant, anxious, and nervous. Not as steely and collected as she was now, her cerulean colored eyes hard. Deep inside, Nayru really didn’t know what had come over her, just that she felt a surge of something divine and then the words were falling from her lips. Oh well. Shifting her weight, the sawbone would permit one of her metaphorical brows to arch, curious as to see what this stubborn newcomer would pick.

Re: gypsy band / o, injured joiner - Character Graveyard. - 06-25-2018

STARDUST ✧ Corrin — Tanglewood — Rookie
Oh? So this other girl wanted to be stubborn as well? Corrin would shake her head, letting out a soft chuckle. "Alright, alright. You can treat my wounds." The young feline would walk over to Nayru and stand next to her.

"So, what's your name?" She would ask before adding. "I'm Corrin."
© madi