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BACK AGAIN -- O, JOINING - Printable Version

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BACK AGAIN -- O, JOINING - guts - 06-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]He was dead. Again.

Or at least, he thought he was. It was most likely. The last thing he remembered was ticking, then a bright flash of light, a loud boom and crack. Basically he had been exploded--again. Normally he would have been a bit more surprised, or concerned, but since he had already been through this once, it only left him feeling frustrated. Really, when would the universe give him a damn break? He was tired of dying over and over again. He just wanted a stable body again gotdammit.

But anyway, lying around and moping about it wouldn't do him any good. Instead, Church opened his eyes. He's blinded momentarily by the sun, shining down on where he laid. His head is pounding and his ears are ringing. His whole body thrums with a vague ache. He groans, cursing under his breath as he blinks, turning his head to glance around at his surroundings. From the looks of it, he was in a forest. So far, it was way better than the damn canyon they had been in for so long.

The scent of pine and grass fills his nostrils, birds chirping from the canopy above him. He would have loved to just take a nap and try to sleep off this pain, but between the curiosity nagging at him and the annoying birds singing, it would be near impossible. So he opts for the second best option and slowly climbs to his paws--wait, since when did he have paws? Oh god. What the hell? Where was he? What was all this?

He takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself. This was weird as hell, but really, he had seen...a lot of weird things. But this was probably one of the worst. He wished he would have just been blasted into the past again.


Re: BACK AGAIN -- O, JOINING - arcy - 06-24-2018

Caboose, personally, didn't even really remember how he got here. It might've been in the same incident as Church, but Caboose wouldn't know. He practically had the memory of a goldfish, forgetting anything at all after only a few moments. Or maybe it was his attention span that was bad. His head was empty nearly all the time, see, and he tended to forget about anything, even if it'd only been five minutes ago. How well he remembered said event was like some sort of wheel of fortune, and was pretty hard to calculate. His mind had a weird way of sorting what was important and what was not, and no matter what there'd always be an awkward pause before his brain caught up with the memory.
Oh, but right. Caboose isn't quite sure how he ended up in here. Like -- just in general. He's barely even sure how he ended up in this group, but Caboose liked them! They were nice! He still really, really missed Tucker and Church, though. Especially Church. Caboose felt kind of off kilter without the other telling him how he was supposed to think or feel. Which would be pretty obviously unhealthy to normal people, but Caboose was the literal opposite of a normal person. And was a lot dumber than a normal person. He took everything at face value, and he probably hadn't though long-term in his life. He let other people do that for him, and then Caboose was just along for the ride.
Caboose isn't even quite sure how he found himself here. Where was here? It still smelled funny, like the rest of the groups' home, but he was getting used to it. There were the trees again, like when Caboose was just walking through the territory. ... Did Caboose even really know the word territory? Probably not. He didn't know a lot of words. Just ... one paw after another. Paws! That was still weird to consider sometimes, but it was pretty rare Caboose even considered it at all anymore. Even if it'd only been a few days. Then ... there's something. Blinking as he looks away from his own paws, Caboose stops dead, tilting his head to look at the black figure. Strangely familiar. Caboose blinks a few more times. His helmet is kind of lopsided, as per usual, and it kind of obstructs his vision. "Oh. Who're you?" Caboose chimes, voice as absent as ever. Or a little more absent than ever. It's a strangely intelligent question for Caboose, but it was obvious enough, you'd suppose. His nose wrinkles as a distant part of him grows peeved with his vision and he shakes about his head. You can't blame him. His helmet doesn't have power anymore and it's dark and it's intended for humans, not long-nosed dogs. It's a wonder he even noticed enough for that shocking little sliver to get bothered. Give him a medal, why don't you. And then Caboose gasps, tail beginning a wag as he spots something. Next to the other's paw is -- well, a helmet. Because that's a pretty obvious indicator, see. Obvious enough for Caboose, unobservant as he was, at least. He even knew the difference between the reds and blues now! And that helmet was unmistakable Church's, coloration as it was. Finally!! The Golden Retreiver perks up, tail wagging a little madly as the information slowly makes it's way through his head. Best friend Church!! Here he was!! So Caboose wasn't alone!! "Church!" He cries after a long, delayed pause, maybe a little dumbly, but mostly overwhelmingly excited. Caboose doesn't seem to quite know what to do with himself, starting to move forwards before he stops, realizing that he can't even hug Church. Saddening. Or, he could try and hug Church, but it'd go badly for a lot of reasons. Mostly because Church would react badly. Church was ... the scariest person Caboose knew, honestly. Worse than O'malley? In Caboose's head yes, strangely enough. "You're here!" Where is here? Caboose doesn't know, doesn't really care. As per usual, apparently. Still, rooted to the spot as Caboose was, all of his instinctual responses gone to the wind just like his human form, he's practically vibrating in place. Not to mention his tail could probably kill a man. Caboose probably wouldn't even notice nor care if it did, honestly.
//catch me sweating abt border reunion thread and also former human + fandom characters. im so sorry yall asghsdjfdas

Re: BACK AGAIN -- O, JOINING - guts - 06-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]He and Caboose had a complicated relationship. Complicated as in the guy was as dumb as a rock and he could barely stand it. Also, he killed him, which was reason enough to dislike him. But of course, he was stuck with him, because they were in the military together. Besides he probably wouldn't have left him alone either way. So, he had eventually accepted that he was stuck with his ass forever. Or at least, for a long damn time. Forever would just be too much.

However, he's still too perplexed by his current situation to really be thinking about his relationships right now. He's more focused on figuring out just where the hell he was, which was a lot easier said than done. There wasn't anything very distinguishable about this forest, so there wasn't much to go off of. Great. Looked like he would be scouting things out, then.

But, before he could try and find his way out, his eyes caught a silhouette. He's on his feet--er, paws--instantly, on edge as he stares the stranger down, quickly taking note that it's also some sort of canine. At least it wasn't some sort of alien creature that would try and eat his brain. He relaxes slightly at that, but is still alert, watching them as they came closer. "I could ask the same to you," he grumbles back, surprised by how familiar the other's voice is. Then it suddenly hits him. It was hard to forget his high-pitched, annoying voice, after all.

"Oh, dammit," he sighs with a shake of his head. Great, so his asshole teammates were here, too. Or maybe it was just Caboose, which was a lot worse. But, despite his annoyance, he's also somewhat relieved to know that he wasn't alone in this foreign place. "Yeah, for better or for worse," obviously he was salty about being stuck with this guy once again.



[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

He didn't exactly what had teleported the likes of him here. But what he did know was that he was able to perfectly recall what had happened well before he had landed in a place like this. It wasn't surprising that he didn't really end up knowing anyone here anyway. The former human was a soldier of war, specifically a Freelancer. A term that was well known across the galaxy for those that dealt with the war over a good basis. Did freelancers help with the destruction of aliens that they had ended up coming across? No. Instead, they dealt mostly with the aspect of other humans that were either trafficking something or had something that the organization was going to end up needing. He had been in the military for such a long time that he didn't really know anything different. Trying to go to civilian life was basically impossible for him to do at this point even if he was now in the form of a cat. Either way, he had been on the Mother of Invention when everything decided to go to shit. More like when Tex decided to shut everything down herself and destroy everything. Causing all of the Freelancers to choose their own paths on whether or not they wanted to stay with the Director or go their own separate ways. It had pissed off Washington almost at the beginning because the leaderboard had made them no longer teammates with one another. Instead they only looked at each other as if they were competition. Which didn't sit right with Washington back in the day. Anyway, the soldier had been due to get his own AI. Some of his teammates already having AI's of their own, such as North, and York. It was a stressful moment because an accident had happened prior to everything going down. Washington knew the name of the thing that was going to be implanted in his head, and he didn't think that anything bad would end up coming from him. He was wrong. He distinctly remembered the screams of the AI in his head as it started to rip itself apart.

Causing the chip connected to his spinal cord to start to heat up from the instability. It was the worst pain that Washington had ever felt, but more than that, the memories that the other had given him had also given him the truth. And the truth told him that he was on the wrong side of the fight. That they were all wrong. The AI was finally removed, and Washington was no longer himself. He became bitter, impatient, and even more than that he hated the idea of being around his teammates as he couldn't trust anymore. If he relayed the information to those that were loyal to the organization it could end in his death. Freelancers didn't exactly like having loose ends that they would end up having to tie up in the future so that he was going to have to be careful. Washington was never given a chance though, as when the Mother of Invention started to crash into the planet, he had to figure out a place for him to go while he was in his armor so that he wasn't going to be crushed to death. The last thing he remembered right before the crash was the look of the infirmary before everything turned white and he woke up in this place. His entrance hadn't exactly been quiet compared to others, as he had fallen from the sky creating a crater that was in the ground in the territory. This place was called the Ascendants, and so far he didn't have any information that he could use to try and figure out how to become human again. Luckily, he wasn't damaged in the crash, his Mark 6 armor taking the brunt of the hit when he landed. He was more than impatient right now. He wanted to get back at those that had tricked him from the very beginning. Although he was partly to blame as he was naive enough to believe what they were doing was right. He had such hope for the entire group, and the organization was so big enough that he thought that if they weren't the good guys someone would have already brought them to justice already. Now here he was in this strange world not really knowing what to go from here. He was a soldier. Doing anything else was out of the question. He was also still a Freelancer even if he didn't trust the organization anymore.

He was one of the worst of the best of the Freelancers, which meant that he wasn't as much as a threat to them, but he could still kick some ass pretty easily. Although in his current condition he wasn't exactly sure what he was capable of right now. He had seen someone that was somewhat familiar to him. Not because he knew them, but because of the Mark 5 armor that they wore. It was important to try and get information from him, but it was basically impossible to talk to the canine. Agent Washington figuring out that the other wasn't exactly that bright in most regards. The armored smilodon had been patrolling around the area recently to see if there would be any other former humans he could end up asking about. The primary color of his body was a dark grey, while his armor that he wore was a light slate grey with yellow accents that were here and there. It was while he was walking around that he heard Cabooses voice with excitement. The Freelancer didn't know the other's name, but if the other was talking to someone it may as well become a lead to the Freelancer. He blinked his gold eyes as he made his way over a hill to look down at the two animals that were there. He was able to recognize Caboose, but what he didn't expect to see was someone else. That had a Mark 6 helmet with him. Hope filled his chest, and he shifted his paws on the ground. He would easily dwarf the canines if he approached them. Caboose never seemed to be bothered with the questions that he asked, but it seemed this one may be another case. Agent Washington slowly making his way over, keeping a distance between him and the two. It was obvious that Caboose seemed to know the other male. "Looks like you have a nice reunion here." The Freelancer would state with almost a deadpan. His attention wasn't on Caboose though, and instead, it was on Church. As the other got closer to Church though, his mind began to scream. The scar on the back of his neck where his AI implant had been almost seemed to start to burn. It hurt like hell. Luckily his golden visor was able to hide any facial expression that he had, as a pained look was spread across his face. Memory hallucinations flashing in front of his face. He needed to focus. He didn't have time for this. "You there. Where are you from? Where did you get that helmet?" The Freelancer almost seemed to basically demand the dog. His tone wasn't aggressive, but there seemed to be an undertone to it. Did these guys even know what Freelancers were? He sure as hell hoped not, but Project Freelancer's logo was still on the very back of his helmet. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: BACK AGAIN -- O, JOINING - Suiteheart - 06-25-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]"Easy, Washington," Suiteheart meowed, strolling forward. Her eyes were trained on the newcomer. The helmet the other had was similar to Washington's and even Caboose's, and even if Caboose hadn't made a show of knowing Church, she would have easily guessed they weren't strangers. Curiosity glittered in her azure eyes. Who were these guys, and where did they keep coming from? It was strange, she supposed, but it wasn't the strangest thing she had ever seen - no, it wasn't the strangest thing she had seen by a long shot.

Offering Church a friendly smile of welcome, she said, "The name's Suiteheart. Suite works just fine though. How'd you end up here, if you don't mind my asking?" Her head tipped just slightly to the side as the question rolled passed her lips. "Anyway, you looking to join the Ascendants? You seem to already know Caboose." The last words were said as if it might sway him into joining their ranks.

Her eyes then flickered, momentarily, to Washington. If he and Church knew one another, that was not clear. Despite the similarities in their helmets, Washington seemed as confused as she. Things kept getting stranger, it seemed.

Re: BACK AGAIN -- O, JOINING - guts - 06-26-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Church hadn't had the best experiences with Freelancers, to say the least, especially with Tex. Everyone said that he still had feelings for her, but really, he only saw her as a friend after their failed relationship. Although he hid it, he did feel pretty uncomfortable with her around, especially with her murderous streak. So, naturally, he was wary of the ones with no alliances. His team wasn't the best, and the Reds were annoying as hell, but they were definitely better than the unpredictability of Freelancers.

His attention is ripped away from Caboose when he notices someone else approaching, quickly on edge again as he doesn't recognize this person at all. He doesn't get the same flick of recognition he had when he had first seen the other canine, so he can only assume it's someone he isn't already familiar with. His fur bristles slightly, instinctively stepping in front of Caboose. This place was new to him, and he wasn't sure what kind of creatures were around.

As they get closer, he quickly realizes they're a lot larger than him. Uh oh. If things got ugly, he definitely didn't have good chances. But then they stop and begin to speak, asking him where he had gotten his helmet. The question confuses him for a moment, the male sparing a glance back at said accessory before replying. "I got it from the military. Now who the hell are you?" it probably didn't make much sense to the stranger, but whatever, it was the truth. Plus he didn't feel like making up excuses.

Then another person appears, and he regards them with the same treatment, wary as she introduces herself as Suiteheart. Weird name. Knowing what she was called did make him feel a tad better, though. An enemy wouldn't give out their name. "Uh, sorry to say, but I'm not entirely sure, either," he explains briefly, frowning at how stupid he must have sounded. "The Ascendants? Is that some sort of fucking code-name?" he narrows his eyes at that, unsure. This whole situation is frustrating and really, he'd give anything to be back in that boring ass Blood Gulch with Tucker and Caboose, even if they were both annoying as hell.


Re: BACK AGAIN -- O, JOINING - Margaery - 06-27-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
Well this was certainly... interesting.

Pausing besides Suiteheart, Margaery would allow herself a moment of contemplation, gray-blue gaze traversing the trio. It appeared as if Church ad Caboose were familiars whereas Washington... well, he seemed to want to know where those helmets came from. Perhaps it was better of her not to make any comments pertaining to their possible history, as she couldn’t quite tell if it existed or not. Instead, she forced that charismatic smile to come to life upon her chocolate lips. [color=#b14767]”Margaery Mikaelson, charmed.”

Her greeting was simple, easy, her generally friendly disposition unwavering even as Church asked if the Ascendants was a code word. [color=#b14767]”No, this is the name of our group. We inhabit an old Observatory. Are you interested in joining us?” She questioned lightly, a brow arching, [color=#b14767]”We also have a bunker if you prefer a place with windows.”



[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

The Freelancer problem didn't exactly get a good wrap when it came to the terms of the project. Those that knew the projects name and were soldiers themselves were often skeptical of what was going on. But having been soldiers meant that they were going to believe the orders that they were given to them unless they wanted to be court marshaled or even worst. The Project never did like the idea of having loose ends tied to them after all and would happily get rid of those that would become detrimental to the project. Especially when it came to protecting the likes of AI. AI's were a new concept when he first joined the project, there wasn't a lot that was known about them except for the fact that the Director seemed to have an increasing interest when it came to them. No one questioned it, because that was the entirety of the project itself. To help with the Great War against the alien race that wanted to completely destroy humans. The premise was also obtaining an AI and figuring out how a soldier would perform in the field with the help of a computer inside of their head. One that was capable of making millisecond calculations so that nothing could really go one. It made them powerful. Maybe a little bit too powerful. Whenever soldiers were said that a Freelancer would be coming to help them, there wasn't really much of a concern for their own safety, but instead of the safety of others that would be on the opposing side. Freelancers were often regarded as being completely ruthless, and they had to be. They couldn't afford to fail mission after mission or they would be completely kicked out of the program or just get themselves killed. Agent Washington had gone through several missions during his time with the Project, none of which anyone knew and nothing that he was willing to talk about either. Besides, he was pretty sure that everything he knew was confidential.

Agent Washington never really had a relationship with the likes of Agent Texas. He believed that there may be a little bit more to her than she was leading on, and when she arrived in the project everything went to shit when everyone tried to get up higher on the leaderboard. Washington never really cared all that much for the damn leaderboard himself, as he was just wanting to be the best he could possibly be. He was a soldier and had been from a very young age. He hadn't even been trained on Earth itself, and instead was forced to train on a planet that would later explode once the alien race got a hold of it realizing that there were humans on it. He actually did have a family. Two sisters and a mother. He didn't know if they were alive or not, and it may sound trashy, but he didn't go looking for them. He had a job to do after all. Each Freelancer had their specialty. York was great with picking locks. Texas great in combat. Carolina was the martial arts specialists. He was great when it came to his battle rifle and coming up with strategies. Although in the project, he was known for something else that he didn't want to get into with anyone right now. It was embarrassing after all. The armored Smilodon had a lot on the line here, as he couldn't afford to spend every waking moment in the Ascendants. Around a bunch of animals. Which was condescending considering that he was one now. Hearing his name spoken, his helmet covered face turned to look over toward the one called Suiteheart. His confusing was hidden by the helmet as he just looked at her for a moment. "I'm simply gathering intel. I am not threatening him." Agent Washington would state in a logical tone, not in any sort of rude manner. The soldier part of himself was always finding its way to the surface as he didn't know what animals actually held rank in a place like this.

It had been drilled into his very skin to make sure to respect those that were ranked higher than he was. It was out of respect after all. His attention then turned back to Church as the area on the back of his neck where his implant should have been seemed to almost burning each time he did so. Maybe if he actually had a HUD and his suit was actually working, he would be able to just gather information that way. Agent Washington was quick to notice the stance that the dog took when walking in front of Caboose. He wasn't going to offer any form of comfort to the other. His large size was definitely daunting and taking on a dog, in theory, should be fairly easy. The dog explained that he got it from the military. Probably the same place that Caboose had been stationed. Although the base name didn't make sense to him when Caboose had told him originally. Blood Canyon. Not surprising when the Freelancer project had so many different bases scattered in different areas. "What's your name soldier?" Agent Washington would question after the other answered his question. He hadn't arrived soon enough to hear Caboose call out the others name. He only came after everything that happened. Although, he felt like he would be working with the canine considering that Caboose wasn't really... the easiest to get information out of. "My name is Agent Washington." The armored smilodon had no idea if his name would spark any form of memory or even the format for that matter. He had no idea that Church actually knew of Agent Texas. However, when Church stated he had no idea how he got here, Wash could practically feel his hope start to plummet into his stomach. The border collie had to know something right? Either way, the male was being questioned by the inhabitants of this planet. Which he still had no idea what planet he was actually on still, having to do some research here and there. "It's the name of this outpost." Washington would clarify in more of military lingo. Especially if Church was a soldier it would just mean that it would get everyone onto one understanding. He doubted the other would turn down the offer, having nowhere else to go."speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:


This time around, Bastille knew what the sight of that helmet meant, even if Caboose and Wash hadn't flocked to the other guy like magnets. Besides, now he could pick on the faint signature in all three of their auras: subtle, minor, only something he could pick out once he'd seen enough of them to confirm the pattern. They all came from the same place, where ever that was. None of his concern, frankly, and he didn't care to pry into their intricate lifestyle. Wash spoke like a soldier, and it was evident they'd all come from some sort of war zone. That was all he needed to know, unless they felt like providing more information for whatever reason.

He came to a lazy stop beside Wash, eyeing Church idly, and commented dryly, "See? I told you they usually come in twos or threes." He glanced sideways at the rigid soldier boy, before he studied Church once more. "What'd you say your name was?" he drawled, providing, "I'm Bast."

Re: BACK AGAIN -- O, JOINING - ★ HAZEL - 06-27-2018

So...unfortunately, in her time of recovery (otherwise known as sleeping without actually sleeping) Hazel had missed most of the daily events of the clan. Not only did that mean her friends, but meetings. Joiners. Incidents. Events. She’d been out for a few days and suddenly she felt lost in the whirlwind that was new people and the fact that everyday life kept moving, regardless of what ailments befell her.

Take Wash as an example: she had hardly any memory of meeting him, or seeing him. Which was odd, because the guy was huge. Huge, with fangs that dipped below his jaw and a helmet with an eerie visor that left Hazel only able to guess at his expression. The size alone was plenty enough to set her on edge. She could hardly understand how Suite, Margy and Bast were so at ease around them when she was doing everything she could to keep her reaction to stiff legs only.

As it was, Hazel couldn’t particularly place the situation, either. On that conclusion, the girl drifted somewhere between Bastille and Margaery, her tail tip flicking back and forth ever so slightly. Golden eyes, tired and guarded, watched the conversation between everyone else, waiting for a break in their words long enough to nod to Church. “I’m Hazel,” was all she offered.
★ — hazel — "speech" — eight months — the ascendants — tags — ★
[sup]c) miithers[/sup]