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cool for the summer / open - Printable Version

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cool for the summer / open - Character Graveyard. - 06-21-2018

SHINE ✧ Connor — The Ascendants — Fireball
Connor had been wandering around the Observatory when a big box full of old junk had caught his attention. Of course, he wasn't that tall, so he would have some trouble getting into the box. He grabbed the side of the box, surprisingly discovering that the box wasn't too heavy, and pulled it onto it's side. He would jump out of the way as all of the items spilled out of the box and one item had caught his attention. A clicker.

Connor would grab the clicker with both of his front paws and he pressed it, which made a rather loud clicking sound as he did. He would continue clicking it, unaware of the fact that it might bring attention to him.

// [member=261]delta[/member]
© madi

Re: cool for the summer / open - axiom - 06-21-2018

She felt hungry, which meant she moved on the prowl. Thus far, today turned into a poor day for hunting; though the heat spurred her to move her ass, it seemed the mammal prey species wanted to stay out of the heat. Or, perhaps, they knew better than to stick around in the Ascendant's territory for too long. Either way, the Utahraptor's unsuccessful day and empty stomach made her a bit hangry. Though that, perhaps, understated her mood.

Unfortunately for Connor, she returned close enough to the Observatory to hear the loud clicker. Immediately, she recognized the sound from her days with Owen and the rest of her pack. Hearing the clicker meant food. Sure, sometimes she had to go through a few hoops and commands to get it. And, of course, she assumed Owen caused the noise, and she certainly wanted to reunite with her alpha. Changing course, the raptor entered the observatory with little fuss - which the Ascendants probably should fix - and headed towards Connor.

Her heavy footsteps made the floor buckle, creak, and thud underneath her great weight, announcing her presence well before her arrival in front of Connor. So, too, did her sense of smell tell her she couldn't smell any carrion in the vicinity. Walking through the doorway into whatever room Connor was in, the utahraptor zeroed in on him with her dark gaze. Sickle claw tapping impatiently, she took a step towards the young child - anticipating food.

Re: cool for the summer / open - Character Graveyard. - 06-21-2018

SHINE ✧ Connor — The Ascendants — Fireball
At the sound of the Utahraptor's feet causing the floor to creak, the child would turn and face her, his eyes moving upward to make eye contact with Delta. He blinked at her and a light between his paws began to glow. From his paws, the carcass of a dead rabbit had been conjured, and he stared down at it for a few moments.

Connor would then begin to slide the rabbit over to the dinosaur, smiling as he did.
© madi

Re: cool for the summer / open - axiom - 06-21-2018

Warily she regarded the light, unsure about what it meant; her instincts remained unfamiliar with powers, so whenever a creature displayed them, she got put on edge. However, her tension evaporated when the light disappeared, replaced with carrion. Hardly waiting for the boy to push it towards her, Delta let out an excited shriek, lunging forward and snapping her jaws to greedily snatch it. Lifting her heat, she opened her jaws and swallowed the meal whole, similar to the last time Bast presented her with a rabbit.

Such a snack hardly dented her hunger, so her dark eyes appraised the smaller creature again. If he just stood in front of the carrion rewards, she would have challenged him for them already - which probably would've been messy and likely unpleasant for the child. But, like Bast, he had an unusual ability to summon carrion. Feral or not, it remained obvious that if she killed him for a challenge, she'd ruin her free snacks.

While her brain muddled over this conundrum, her gaze alternated between focusing on the clicker to focusing on Connor, her tail lashing behind her. Now that they both seemed to understand how to play this 'game,' she waited for the next click. Or whatever trivial thing she had to do to get the damn thing to click again for her free snack.

Re: cool for the summer / open - Character Graveyard. - 06-21-2018

SHINE ✧ Connor — The Ascendants — Fireball
Connor would smile as the Utahraptor had swallowed the entire rabbit in one gulp then look back at him for her next snack. He would put his paws on the clicker and he clicked it, hoping to get the dinosaur to run around in circles. While he was waiting for her to spin, he would conjure up a bigger piece of prey. A Flemish Giant Rabbit. Something he excepted to satisfy Delta's hunger.

Connor would push the live rabbit towards Delta, though it was clearly terrified of the predator. After Delta would eat the rabbit, he attempted to get closer to her.
© madi

Re: cool for the summer / open - axiom - 06-21-2018

It seemed that staring at the kid elicited another reward-click, causing Delta to tilt her head in anticipation. She made no attempt to spin - she didn't even move, just waited as the white light magically faded to reveal her prize. Tail lashing, she lunged forward, her teeth snapping just where the rabbit had been as it moved to avoid her sudden attack. Pleased by this hunt, she turned sharply on her feet as she utilized her giant tail as a counter-balance. Hissing, she took three steps before she caught up with the giant fluff-ball; this time, her powerful jaws snapped shut, the kicking rabbit trapped and impaled by her fearsome teeth. It shrieked, a high-pitched wail sounding from its throat as it struggled - though each movement caused its flesh to rip further from where her teeth impaled it.

Lifting her head, she opened her jaws slightly to reorient the prey, and her next crunch broke its spine in several places. Finally, it stopped screaming and thrashing, limp in her jaws in the most unnatural position. Forgetting about the child and the clicker, she placed the fresh carrion on the ground by unceremoniously opening her maw to let the lifeless drop with a dull thump. Slamming one foot on it, she re-positioned her jaws to quickly rip half its body apart. She swallowed the first half, a possessive growl in her throat before she sunk her teeth into the second half and swallowed it, too, quickly thereafter. The floor and her were covered in blood and slimy bits of entrails from her messy work, staining her off-green scales crimson. Turning back to the child, she locked onto the clicker and lunged for it.

Re: cool for the summer / open - Margaery - 06-22-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
Did Margaery ever wish to discover her smallest son alone with a raptor? Of course not.

Was that what she found as she approached the pair?

Unfortunately so.

The chocolate point’s eyes would narrow to slits, cooper and menacing as she stared up at the utahraptor. She was not afraid of the dinosaur and perceived this situation to be a danger to her son’s life, making that very clear with her body language. Her face said it all: this is part of my pack and you can’t touch it. Even if Connor seemed to be conditioning Delta somehow, someway, she didn’t feel comfortable with permitting him to conjure up rabbits for her to absolutely lay to ruin. What if he failed to deliever? Would she crush him with her powerful jaws instead? Internally, she shuddered at the thought. She had lost far too many children. Connor would not join the rest of the Mikaelsons in death.

[color=#b14767]”Love,” she began coolly, easily, [color=#b14767]”What exactly were you doing?” She held the anger from her tone, refusing to snap at her son. Even if he was potentially risking his life.

/mobile sorry aaaa

Re: cool for the summer / open - COSMIIX - 06-22-2018

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #476d66;"]The sound of clicking had attracted her into the Observatory, the clicks were always associated with Owen and food, thus pushing her forward as she moved through the Observatory with her eyes darting in every direction. She didn't know where exactly it was coming from and her sickle claw would tap onto the ground in a bit of anticipation, her jaws slightly parted as she let out a frustrated hiss into the air. Click! She heard it again and lifted her head up as she swiftly made her way in the sound of the clicker, her footsteps quite loud. Eventually she arrived suddenly standing at the entrance seeing the messy entrails on the floor and blood on her sister, she tilted her head before using her claw click to get the attention of her sister. She had expected to see Owen, her alpha, but there was only two small mammals. She could read Margaery's body language before turning her gaze in the direction of her teal scaled sibling, she began to chitter softly aiming to nudge her older sibling with her snout and began to babble with some confusion. She had surely thought it was alpha.

Re: cool for the summer / open - Character Graveyard. - 06-24-2018

SHINE ✧ Connor — The Ascendants — Fireball
As soon as Delta had lunged for the clicker, Connor had moved away from where she had aimed, a frown on his maw. He would move away from the large Utahraptor and towards Margaery as she entered the room. He would greet his mother with a wide smile and he listened to her speak.

"I was playing with the dinosaur!" He said, excitement in his voice.
© madi

Re: cool for the summer / open - Sorrel - 06-24-2018

They had gone through training. Of course they have. Any animal that was going to be in the presence of humans was bound to be taught some tricks here and there. Both of which they would all distinctly remember with one another. Raptors being one of the smartest species that had existed on earth before they were basically forced to extinction. Either way, they were brought back into the world thanks to the technology that they had created for them. Blue had been one of the first successes for the batches of eggs that they had created, and she eventually became the oldest and strongest. The rest of her sisters were similar when it came to them, and they were all more than capable of understanding certain words that were given to them by other animals. Blue was stubborn though. She always had been, and wouldn't show any form of respect or obedience to those that she didn't know. Even if something was familiar about them. She only followed Owen and herself. Nothing else. There had been several instances where she wouldn't even follow Owen's orders, choosing to ignore the other. He had heard some handlers once call her a 'diva', something that the female raptor had no understanding toward. Blue usually stayed away from the observatory for many reasons. The other pack lived here, and she didn't trust any of them in the slightest. The multiple scars that covered her body were made by groups likes them, so it was understandable for a feral animal to think that they were just going to hurt her again. Now, if they hurt her sisters, Blue would make sure all of them were dead. Despite being feral, she was more than capable of having a wide range of emotions. Such as vengeance if it really came down to it. The clicker had been a tool that was used to get the raptors attention and when they were going to be given food in response for doing a command correctly. This was one of the many ways someone could treat the likes of a dog if they were smart enough to read the body language. It took time yes, but positive reinforcement was quite effective in wild animals. While the rest of her sisters were willing to be in the observatory, it just meant that Blue was going to have to go in after them. She didn't like the buildings. She didn't like humans. Those feelings went hand in hand. The over six-foot tall dinosaur was easily able to track the scent of her sisters, and as she neared she heard the sound of the clicker. Immediately her attention was drawn and soon she managed to trot her way onto the scene. Seeing a child and another animal. Young animals were easy prey. Her nostrils flared at the sight and noticed the familiar object in the other's hand. Anger was the first thing that came across Alpha's mind. She came to stand forward, slightly in front of the rest of her sisters as her lip curled to reveal her backward-facing teeth. "No Alpha!"  Blue would babble loudly toward the rest of them. There was no way this child could be Owen. It wasn't just possible. Blue was rebellious in that regard. Her claws tapped the ground as her pupils narrowed into slits. Blue would lower her head a threatening display, her arms lowering themselves so her claws could be pointed at the two of them. A loud hiss escaping her jaws. She wasn't all that hungry, but part of her just wanted to kill the both of them for trying to think that they were just going to follow what they wanted. Blue was pissed.