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Flowers for a ghost // open+visiting - Printable Version

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Flowers for a ghost // open+visiting - jacob w.c. - 06-20-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob missed Pincher and Goldie. Unfortunately, his first visit here hadn't been as pleasant as he wanted it to be but he wanted to make it up to them. He'd found a rubber duck with a pirate hat and had painted it with the colors of Pincher's fur and he'd made sure to bring all sorts of cookies for Goldie. He wasn't sure if she could read yet but he'd also written out a few recipes, remembering her interest in baking and cooking. It was far from a full cookbook but hopefully she'd like it. "Hello? 'S anyone 'ere?" the husky called. This time, there was no anger or frustration in his tone and there was a light smile on his maw as he set the presents at his paws. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: Flowers for a ghost // open+visiting - bubblegum - 06-20-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
goldie was a wreck, to say the least. she never stopped moving. she kept walking around everywhere and doing literally anything she could do to keep herself busy. the little girl was already overworking herself. she couldn't understand her feelings. she'd never felt like this before and it hurt so bad. but, she was trying to ignore it. maybe it would go away if she just ignored it. she didn't know what else to do, anyway. it felt awful.

she had run out of things to do and was walking all about frantically, when she scented something familiar. the snowbound, and more specifically, mister jacob. she instantly stopped and blinked for a few moments before quickly moving towards him. she missed him deeply and quite honestly wanted to see him now more than ever. she actually was nearly running towards him. her upset expression turned a little lighter. as she got close, though, she noticed something. a little rubber ducky that looked like papa. he...he didn't know.

her expression instantly dropped and she gritted her teeth, now running towards jacob in an attempt to hug him. she didn't even notice the cookies he brought. if he let her hug him, she would hide his face in him, silent tears running down it. she didn't know what to say. she kind of felt bad that she just ran towards him and cried on him with no explanation, but she couldn't speak. she didn't know how to say it. but, she ought to try. she owed him that. "h-he's...he's g-g-go-gone..." her voice was a whisper.

Re: Flowers for a ghost // open+visiting - Character Graveyard. - 06-20-2018

IF LOOKS COULD KILL ✧ Vanessa Carlysle - The Typhoon
Vanessa had arrived to the scene right after Goldie had, a frown on her delicate features. She would stand next to the young girl, pressing against her side, attempting to comfort her. She would then speak to Jacob. "If you're looking for Pincher, he's gone. We don't know what happened, we just found them some time ago." Vanessa said, both of her ears drooping downward in sadness.
© madi

Re: Flowers for a ghost // open+visiting - jacob w.c. - 06-20-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob smiled as he saw Goldie coming towards him but the expression quickly dropped when he saw the tears running down her face. "Goldie? Wha's wrong-" Before he could finish the statement, she had rushed into his chest and he wrapped his paws around her instinctively. "Hey, hey, 's okay. Wha' happened?" he asked, his tone gentle and concerned. When he heard her words, he was immediately confused. Who had gone? At least some of it was cleared up when Vanessa arrived and informed him that the man that was missing was Pincher. But then she went on to say they'd found him. How could he be missing and found at the same time? Maybe she meant they had found out he'd gone in the morning. "Well, 'm sure 's gonna' be okay. Listen, Goldie, I'll wait with ya' for 'im ta' come back. We can bake n' cook n' eat snacks n' 'm sure he'll come home in no time. He wouldn' leave ya', you know tha'. 'M sure he didn' mean ta' frighten ya'," he tried to assure the little girl. Why was she so upset? He supposed she was fairly young and it could be scary when you lost a parent but he was sure everything would be alright in the end. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: Flowers for a ghost // open+visiting - bubblegum - 06-20-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the girl felt a little better when mister jacob wrapped his paws around her, allowing her tense muscles to relax slightly. she felt comforted just by his presence, along with vanessa's as she arrived and helped explain the situation. but, then mister jacob didn't understand. maybe she should have worded it better. she didn't like to say it so straightforward, though. it hurt. she didn't want to think about it like that. his confusion only made it hurt worse, though. he wasn't coming back.

"n-no, he's...h-he bled ou-out. i-in th-the mi-middle o-of th-the n-night. i-i c-could've sa-saved him if i h-had just been aw-awake. i'm s-sorry, m-mister jacob. i'm s-s-so, s-so sorry." the girl's pain was clear in her quiet voice. she still didn't flat out say that he was dead, but she hoped that her wording made more sense now. she couldn't say that he died. she couldn't. she didn't want to admit it. she felt so bad about it. she knows she could have saved him.

Re: Flowers for a ghost // open+visiting - ROXANNE R. - 06-20-2018

Losing Pinch still stung. Roxanne would make her way over standing next to Vanessa only to blink at Jacob though she refrained from making any comments about the guy being dense. She refused to but hearing what Goldie said next made her ears flatten themselves against her cranium, she would sit down letting out a soft breath and staring down at her paws, unsheathing and sheathing her pink claws.
© madi

Re: Flowers for a ghost // open+visiting - coldblue - 06-21-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt;"][color=black]Is he too young to have regrets? Probably. No child should blame themselves for something as terrible as the death of a parent, but that knowledge does not stop the youth from feeling what he feels. He failed as a son, as a brother. He regrets not staying closer to home, because if he did, maybe, just maybe, his father would not be dead. Coldblue no longer gets very far way from his sister, perhaps out of a desire for comfort or an urge to protect her just in case something terrible happened to her as well. No matter the cause, the fact is that where Goldie goes, Blue follows. "He's probably not gonna come back," states the young boy in a rather flat tone. No, not flat. Empty. The cream-colored bengal moves to stand beside his sister, attempting to comfort her with a gentle touch on her shoulder. A solemn expression paints his handsome visage as he regards the husky at the border. Blue does not know Jacob personally, but he has heard enough about his father's...friend to recognize him. "Pincher is dead." The youth hates having to be so blunt about it, but he can tell that Goldie is struggling to get the words out and he does not wish to prolong his sister's suffering because Jake can't pick up that their father is never coming back.

Re: Flowers for a ghost // open+visiting - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-22-2018

Oh, Jacob was here. Caesar wasn't entirely happy to see the Snowbound Chief, especially not after the whole Atbash incident. "Yeah, he's gone." The demon stated with a shrug as he came over, clearly not caring about the whole situation. Goldenluxury had pointed out that he didn't care back when Pincher actually died, and she had been correct in that assumption. Pincher was just a leader who could easily be taken out. But of course Caesar couldn't just kill him himself; he had to earn the Captain's trust and get past all the others in the ranks. Then maybe he could have offed Pincher himself. Such a shame something already did that for him. Speaking of which, that left them without a leader for right now, didn't that? And Pincher hadn't appointed a Quartermaster, so of course Caesar took it upon himself to act as the 'leader' of The Typhoon, even if he hadn't officially gotten the rank. He wasn't sure how the hell that was going to happen, but he'd make it clear soon enough. And sure, Argus was an Officer too - she'd been promoted before him, actually - but he hadn't seen her around very often.

"Yeah, I guess we could've notified you when it happened." Caesar quickly went on, a small smirk forming on his maw. He knew what he was trying to do, and he honestly wanted to see how much it would piss Jacob off. He was clearly friends with Pincher, and Caesar definitely didn't like Jacob, so he thought this was an excellent time to fuck around with the husky mix. "You're a healer, aren't you? Funny. You might've been able to save him."

Re: Flowers for a ghost // open+visiting - ROXANNE R. - 06-22-2018

She felt the fur along her spine pickle hearing what Caesar was saying to Jacob, she could feel anger boiling her blood and she knew she couldn't take it anymore. Even if it wasn't directed to her it pissed her off how Caesar acted like he ran the place and said such horrible things to people. With a swift flap of her wings, Roxanne aimed to pin Caesar against the ground roughly with her eyepatch falling off of her head revealing the bubblegum pupil that was her left eye. She stated at him coldly with a sudden poison lacing her words attempting to dig her claws into his chest "If you don't do yourself a goddamn favor and royally shut the fuck up. . . I'll tear into you right now and then we'll see if you're fucking yellow on the inside too, Caesar." The way she said his name was bitter and awfully cold though she wasn't kidding nor would she be taking anymore of this yellow fucks bullshit. Pincher's death had devastated his family and friends, Jacob was one of Pincher's friends and well, Caesar deciding to mess with someone like that in that way made her angry. She wanted to dig her claws further but she resisted and would remove herself from him, her eyes a pair of dangerous slits daring Caesar to say something else "Fuck off, Caesar." She finally growled peeling her lips back to reveal sharp teeth.
© madi

Re: Flowers for a ghost // open+visiting - Owlie - 06-22-2018

Losing Pincher was still a sore spot in the clan, wasn’t it? Krataa did not known Pincher too well, but Roxanne apparently did. He made note of that. He watched the scene from the nearby trees, staying above everyone and out of the way.