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[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
[ tw: gore warning in third, fourth and fifth paragraph! also oml please do not feel pressured to match muse!! ]

When Roy padded alongside the rocky cliff at the pebble coast, getting stuck under a large, heavy rock from a rock slide was not a possibility that ran through Roy's mind. It didn't even come to Roy's attention that some rocks on that cliff were unstable when he was walking under it. Roy had been planning to make his way onto the pebble shore, hoping to clear his mind from his recent thoughts about loosing Maes. He knew that Maes wouldn't want him to be sulking about him for this long. But before he even had the chance to make his way onto the shore, everything around him began to shake. The male had came to a complete stop, looking up to see rocks tumbling down the cliff, directly at him. Roy didn't have the time to think of what to do or how to react. Roy tried to jump away as quick as he could, but unfortunately he wasn't quick enough. A large boulder landed on his back right leg, more exactly where his tibia bone is. As the boulder was large and quite heavy, it shattered all the bones in his leg up to his femur, as his thigh thankfully didn't caught under the boulder. As most of the bones in his leg were shattered, the bobcat let out a loud yell of pain, as dust flew up into the air as smaller rocks crumbled down, until the rock slide stopped completely. When it stopped, Roy tried to desperately push the large boulder off of his leg(doing that was rather uncomfortable), but it wouldn't budge. He tried to pull his leg out- but just like before, the rock weighed too much for him to slip his leg out, and it hurt too much for him to continue trying.

When Roy got himself stuck in this mess, it was around two in the afternoon. Surely Roy would have thought someone would have came by and found him by now. But now by the look of the night sky, that wasn't the case. To Roy's dismay, not a single person came padding by! He didn't hear any paw steps nearby, nor pick up any scents. Have they not noticed he's been out of the observatory for hours now, and that he should have returned by now? Panic began to run through his veins, while every minute passes, it gets darker and darker out. Soon no one will be making any last minute patrols, and everyone will be turning in for the night. It was then Roy decided he cannot wait until morning to be set free.

As he felt the panic urging through his veins, his blue eyes shifted onto his back right leg. The male stared at his stuck leg for a solid few minutes, knowing that he can't allow his leg to be stuck under there for any longer. He has to do something, come on, think of something Mustang! And then like that, there was a spark within him. He has to gnaw his own leg off. In a normal situation, Roy would think this idea is crazy. But through the acts of desperation, and animistic instincts running through his veins, Roy believed it was a perfect solution to his problem. Without another thought, Roy uncomfortably twisted his body so his head and front paws can reach his leg. And then, he began to bite and tear through his own skin. When blood began to gush everywhere, Roy had to stop, as he noticed blood spewing out of open veins and arteries. He quickly brought one of his front paws over, snapped, and made a small controlled flame to begin cauterizing his wound.

Roy made this into a process. Once he was done cauterizing a part, he would continue tearing through his flesh, taking brief moments to spit the flesh he bit off onto the ground beside him, and to bite into his tongue to hold back screams of pain. This was not an easy process, without any medical assistance, having to tear through layers of fur, skin, muscle, bone, vein, was painful beyond belief. Roy wasn't sure he has gone through a pain like this before, that encounter he had with Lust was nothing compared to this! Also, adding onto all of this, Roy had to cauterize his exposed leg after every tear- to prevent himself from bleeding to death. If he just powered through and waited to cauterize his leg to the end, he would surely pass out from the pain. And then if he passed out, he'd bleed to death and he would be found dead the next morning. Roy held back screams as he tore through his flesh and the burning of his flesh, one single thought running through his mind. Don't stop! Keep going, if you stop, you'll die!

Eventually, Roy finally made it to the end. There was no more flesh for him to gnaw through, nor was there any more exposed flesh that need to be cauterized. As soon as Roy was free, the male scrambled away, his heart beat beginning to race as his blue eyes stared at his limb that remained under the rock, and the blood that was surrounding it. While Roy had cauterized his wounds, blood poured out each time before he snapped his paws for a small moment. After awhile, the amount of blood he lost in the process added up in a puddle that stained his fur. Blood stained his paws, his three remaining legs, his now stump, and most importantly, his muzzle. His teeth were also red from his blood, a sudden realization running through Roy's veins as he looked down at what remained of his leg. He just gnawed his leg off. The rest of his leg is still under that boulder. Holy fuck, he gnawed his leg off! Roy wasn't even sure why he did it, the animal instinct he experienced felt so foreign, it only caused his heartbeat to escalate as the bobcat began to hyperventilate. "I can't believe I just did that! Fucking animal instincts, I gnawed my leg off!" He was mainly talking to himself now, his three remaining legs beginning to shake uncontrollably.

Re: A LITTLE SPARK MAY BURST A FLAME // MAJOR INJURY (TW) - Character Graveyard. - 06-08-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
The smell of fresh blood had drawn Luna to the scene. When one of her Clanmates had been injured, she had always gone straight there and tried to help in anyway she could. Now, she was hesitant to do so. But she was fine, as she had caught a rabbit and drank it's blood. She had then cleaned the blood off her maw before heading out.

Concern could be seen in her eyes as she came across Roy. "Roy. What happened?" She asked, panic in her voice. "Okay. Deep breaths." She said to the melanistic bobcat, hoping to calm him down.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: A LITTLE SPARK MAY BURST A FLAME // MAJOR INJURY (TW) - Warringkingdoms - 06-08-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Rin had been completely and utterly absorbed in her books that afternoon.

  In this case, her reading hadn’t been just for leisure; she had been poring over medical texts, stuffing her head full of as much information as she could comprehend. If she was to be a full-time medic from here on out, she had to have the knowledge of one, which meant she had to learn fast. There had already been a vampire bite and multiple injured joiners so far- who knew when someone else might incur a grievous injury?

  Eventually, however, the information grew to be too much, and she had to set the book down and walk out of her room. Some fresh air would help with her concentration, she thought. As she left the observatory, she noted with some displeasure the scent of burning flesh- wait, burning flesh? There were only a few reasons she could think of for flesh to be burning, and none of them were good. Setting her jaw, she headed toward the source of the stench, internally preparing herself to deal with third- or fourth-degree burns. Hopefully it wouldn’t be that serious, but it was best to be ready.

  Arriving on the shore, Rin prepared to ask Roy and Luna what was going on.

  The words died in her throat as she saw the scorched mass of flesh where Roy’s leg once was, and the fallen appendage stuck under the boulder.

  ”...What?” she half-shouted, her brain overclocking itself in a rush of questions and regrets. How and why had she not known about this? Moreover, why had nobody told her? Had anybody, besides Luna as of just now, even been there to see this? How long had he been out here?

  Stumbling over, she stifled a fit of panicked, horrified laughter at the sight of Roy’s missing leg. ”Ah... ah, cripes, what even,” she mumbled, shaking her head. ”Okay, how to deal with someone’s cauterized wounds... where do you even find that in a medical text?”

  No, she needed to focus. Clearing her throat, she said more calmly, ”Lie down. You’ve lost a lot of blood and if you’re going to pass out, I’d rather you not fall too far.” Next was... probably just to clean the area, and then treat it like a normal burn wound? Radeken would probably correct her once she came over. With a sigh, Rin said to Luna, ”Can you bring some moss or something to hold water? I need to wash this wound.”

Re: A LITTLE SPARK MAY BURST A FLAME // MAJOR INJURY (TW) - charrie graveyard - 06-08-2018

[div style="text-align: justify;"]Again, it was irresponsible of him to be out walking about with a broken limb, yet, here he was. Joel was having yet another sleepless night, after trying for hours to fall asleep to no avail. Even the medicine and herbs that he had gotten from Warringkingdoms did nothing to put his racing thoughts at ease. So, in an attempt to take his mind off things, or maybe even tire himself out, he had gone out walking by the cliffs to take in the distant smell of the salty sea air. However, he hadn’t been expecting to come across a clanmate in distress.

It certainly wasn’t every day that Joel came across someone who had chewed through their own limb. In fact, he had never encountered anyone like that before- not had he encountered such a gorey scene in real life. Sure, he had seen some nasty things in the bad movies he had been forced to watch on the satellite but obviously, they were poorly executed and were not at all close to realistic. Perhaps, in a way, these movies had de-sensitized him... but not completely. As Joel made his way over to the shaking bobcat, his blue eyes instantly caught sight of the trapped limb, blood and all. A bit of vomit rose in his throat and he forced himself to look away, swallowing hard. Yeah... that was definitely real. Turning his attention to Roy instead, his ears slightly flattened, he kept a fair amount of distance between both of them, not wanting to make the other uncomfortable since the bobcat was clearly in shock. "Jesus christ... I mean- are you... alright? " The wolf would ask first, not even sure what to say since he didn’t know the guy, nor did he know how to respond after seeing... that. Then, shaking his head, Joel would turn to Rin, concern in his voice as he spoke. "I-I’m injured but... is there anything I can do?" Might as well ask instead of standing there and staring like a dumbass.


Re: A LITTLE SPARK MAY BURST A FLAME // MAJOR INJURY (TW) - Character Graveyard. - 06-08-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
At Rin's request for water for Roy's wound, Luna had flown off in a heartbeat- wings flapping wildly. She had gone straight to her room to get a cup before she had gone to the Pebble Coast for water. Then the female had came straight back.

"Do you need anything else, Rin?" Luna questioned the other female.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: A LITTLE SPARK MAY BURST A FLAME // MAJOR INJURY (TW) - radeken - 06-08-2018

"[color=black]Great going, Roy." She had been drawn in by the smell of singed hair and burnt flesh, figuring someone had gotten themself hurt. The rust-tinged wolf looked on with a curled lip testifying her disgust. Cauterized. That shit's going to need constant maintenance. She crept closer to Warringkingdoms, who had already gotten started cleaning. "[color=black]Cauterized wounds are severely prone to infection." She chimed in a detached, conversational tone, letting her little bag slide from her back. "[color=black]It is going to need frequent cleaning and re-dressing." Radeken added, digging through her stash which, frankly, needed cleaning and refreshing. Some of what she had was no use to anyone...I'm awesome.

"[color=black]Which is why cauterizing should only ever be an absolute, last resort, worst case scenario type of thing. You should've just waited." Radeken practically yelled that last part at Roy, though she was staring at the place beneath the toppled rocks where his leg had been lost. She didn't care if he had been desperate, she was just angry that his fix for it would require as much upkeep as it was. Radeken pried open a splintering container filled with a greenish mash. Aloe. Not with a burn this severe. It would probably come in handy more when the thing had begun to heal up. Radeken nudged Rin when she finally found what she was looking for, pawing the herbs close. "[color=black]Marigold and comfrey roots should help keep it from getting infected. He'll need a pulp prepared daily until it starts to scar properly." After which the aloe would be much more useful for Roy than it would be now. The brief thought that Roy might need something for stress crossed her mind, as did the knowledge that she had chamomile in her bag and some more...nontraditional remedies in her room, but the idea to help him calm down was overtaken by the bitterness she felt in regards to what he had done to himself. So Radeken stayed quiet and helped to prepare the poultice for his burn. Let him suffer.

Re: A LITTLE SPARK MAY BURST A FLAME // MAJOR INJURY (TW) - Suiteheart - 06-09-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Things were rough all over. That was the saying, wasn't it? Well, even if that wasn't how the words were strung together, it was true. Everyone in the Ascendants was dealing with something awful. It didn't matter who it was - everyone had their personal demons. Most people dealt with them in a variety of different ways too. There was facing it head on. There was hiding from it. There was forgetting about it. There was accepting it. Suiteheart was sure there were plenty of other ways to deal with the bullshit, but she only ever dealt with her problems in those four ways. At current, she was forgetting it (but certainly not forgiving).

She wasn't sure what had drawn her to Pebble Coast, but she always found herself there. She summed it up to the gentle motion of the tide and the way the waves pushed and pulled upon the land. She also figured it was because this part of the territory was stunning. Sure, it was no Starpool, but this area held a special place in her heart. It offered relief and comfort, and that was why she was headed there.

But she would find nothing but worry at Pebble Coast today.

Blood was the first thing she scented, and that sent her reeling. After the incident with Lunafreya and the wandering, feral vampire, Suite was on high alert. She feared that creature had attacked another, and she found herself running to confirm her fears. What she found was far, far worse.

"Roy? What the fuck?!" The words exploded from her lips as she nudged her way closer to the Flame Alchemist. Her baby blues glued themselves to his self-inflicted wound. His leg was grossly different, and even though he had cauterized the wound, she could still see the uneven cuts of his teeth. She couldn't believe he had freed himself from the boulders... She couldn't believe he gnaed his own fucking leg off...

After a few moments of confusion and panic and worry, she asked, "What can I do?"

Re: A LITTLE SPARK MAY BURST A FLAME // MAJOR INJURY (TW) - Warringkingdoms - 06-09-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]As Luna returned with the water, Rin offered her a nod in thanks, then set to work rinsing Roy’s burns. The process wasn’t going to feel like sunshine and roses for him, of that she was completely certain, but maybe the adrenaline would keep going for long enough to dull the pain until she was finished. Even if it did hurt, it was necessary to prevent the wound from getting infected.

  At Luna’s and Joel’s queries, Rin shook her head. ”I guess just go get Rad-” she began, but was interrupted by Radeken’s appearance. Speak of the devil, and she shall appear. Once Rad passed over the marigold and comfrey, she nodded and took up some of both in her mouth, chewing it into a poultice. Then, taking the poultice, she cautiously applied it to Roy’s burns. Regardless of what Rin usually thought about Radeken and her callous nature, in this case, having someone relatively detached and thus more capable of staying calm was a major help.

  ”That, and something for shock,” she muttered half to herself, retrieving a dressing from her bag and applying it to the burned area, then adding bandages to hold it in place. Taking out some chamomile, she set it down in front of Roy and said, ”Eat this.” If he was in a state of shock, they needed to calm him down and keep him relatively comfortable. To Suiteheart, she said, ”Take the cup and bring more water. He’s probably dehydrated.”


[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
As usual, it was the intoxicating scent of blood that ushered fourth a half-ravenous Margaery from the shadows. She had been incapacitated as of late and thus, had not even thought to feed in nearly three days. She supposed she could thank a combination of the leeches and Bastilleprisoner for that- in the state she currently occupied, this body (and the children it carried) could easily be bested by any stray rogue she thought to make her meal. A part of her hoped that that was what she would find here, killed by her clanmates for potentially disturbing the peace and enabling her to get a free meal. What awaited her as she arrived... well, it was far from that picturesque alternative.

Copper eyes would first land upon the leg before moving to the copious amounts of blood everywhere and then, to Roy. She'd silently unsheathe her claws, permitting them to dig deep into the stony earth and ground her. She was a monster. She was a monster. She was a monster. She couldn't let that side of herself show; she couldn't hurt anybody else. So instead, she turned to Rin, trembling as the scent of blood overwhelmed her senses, trying to lull out the deprived and hungry beast from within. [color=#b14767]"What can I do?" She inquired in a thin, empty voice, swallowing harshly, [color=#b14767]"I'd offer my typical brand of optimism but I've quite run out of that." Another glance at Roy at that statement, another gulp. Maybe it'd be better for all of them if she just left. Left and locked herself within her room to further permit the effects of hunger to destroy her. At least she wouldn't prove to be dangerous there.

Re: A LITTLE SPARK MAY BURST A FLAME // MAJOR INJURY (TW) - Roy Mustang - 06-09-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
Roy was still trying to process in his head what happened when the bobcat finally heard some paw steps close by. Roy was honestly, quite frankly, freaking out right now. Why, why did he just do that? How did he actually think that was a good idea at the time? It was a horrible idea, and now Roy can't get his eyes off of his appendage that's stuck under the boulder. Something that he could only assume as animal instincts came over him at the time, and that instinct drove him to do it. That instinct had been so strong at the time, if Roy knew back then that it was going to put him into a far worse situation, he would have fought it. But the animal instinct had been overpowering at the time, now that he was out of the situation, the instinct thankfully died down. It felt so foreign and uncomfortable that Roy relied on it, especially when he never had before this situation. It felt so strange to think that he went along with a suggestion that only an animal would come up with in a state of danger.

It didn't take that long for Roy to look over and see clanmates scrambling in. The first one was Lunafreya, who seemed quite hesitant on helping Roy at first. He can't blame her, it's not everyday you run across a clanmate, and discover they gnawed their own limb off. She wanted to know what happened, but he was sure that the boulder, his limb under the boulder, and his blood stained jaws could answer that. Unfortunately, the response Roy was about to give Luna wasn't going to be the kindest. Roy was in shock himself, he wasn't about to calmly respond to her with an explanation. "W-what the hell do you think happened? Think for a second, take a look at my leg, and ask again!"

It wasn't that long until Warringkingdoms arrived, her loud shout catching Roy's attention, instantly making him shut up, and look over at her with shaking paws. She, just like Lunafreya, sounded quite panicked, as this is an unexpected situation. But the Cleric, without a doubt, sounded more panicked than the Starstruck guardian with that horrified laugh at Roy's missing leg. She was the one who is going to be responsible at the end of this to make sure Roy doesn't end up dead, who knows if she has ever came across a situation like this before! Roy didn't make any kind of protest when she ordered him to lay down, the bobcat complied rather quickly and laid himself on the ground, eyes tearing off of the cleric and back onto his missing limb.

Hours ago when Roy was hoping and hoping for someone to find him, he would have appreciated how many people were coming to his rescue. But now, with the deed already done, and the Flame Alchemist going into a state of shock- the amount of people that were showing up under a short amount of time is starting to become overwhelming. Roy's ears picked up on another sound of paw steps, this time Roy didn't look up from what he was staring at. His gaze was locked on his missing limb- it was still crazy to him to think that he actually gnawed it off. He could see his flesh, the broken bones- that were all once apart of his body a few hours ago. His ears pinned up when the wolf spoke up, Roy picking up one question directed at him. Was he alright? What did Joel think? Just like Lunafreya, the same, shocked thought process was running wild through his mind. "No, I'm not," Roy responded as his body shook with shock, before Roy finally tore his gaze off his appendage that was stuck under the boulder.

And it instantly landed on Radeken, who was absolutely pissed at Roy, ears instantly pinning back to his skull at her comments. Oh great, that's just great! So, hes just made this situation worse for himself, hasn't he? The male flinched when she partially yelled at him at the end. He wished he was more patient like she mentioned, but that instinct- there was no way he could have overcame it earlier.

Thankfully, Roy's attention was taken off of Radeken when a familiar voice caused his ears to prick up again. "Roy? What the fuck?!" He heard Suiteheart's voice yell out, the male looking over at her as she nudged her way closer to the shaking bobcat. He watched as her eyes quickly fell onto his now stump, that was uneven with teeth marks and burns. This isn't going to heal that pretty, that's for sure. Roy wasn't even sure that his fur will grow back where he burned his flesh. Roy wasn't sure what to say to her, even he was shocked with himself. Before he could think more on the topic, Roy's attention was torn away from her, when Rin began to apply herbs to his burns, and then wrap what remained of his leg in bandages. Not too long after, some chamomile was placed in front of him to eat.

Roy wasn't exactly sure what it was, as to Roy was not used to the medical system here(he heard something about shock, though). It was 100% different than what he was used to- he's used to hospitals full of doctors and nurses. Not this weird herb stuff. He didn't really have much of a choice, he doubted there were any kinds of human medicines here. And if there were, he doubted they knew how to use it. He just has to trust that Radeken and Rin know what they're talking about and doing. Roy complied, eating the herb like Rin ordered him to do.

And finally, there was one more person that entered after Suiteheart. When Roy looked over and noticed it was Margaery, the Flame Alchemist froze in place for a moment. It was pretty well known that Margaery has a condition- vamprisim. Roy remembered when Margaery had to drink Bastilleprisoner's blood those few weeks ago. Her diet is blood, Roy hasn't seen her eat anything else but that. Roy knew that the smell of blood seems to put her off, as if she's trying to fight a temptation and prevent herself from injuring her clanmates. When Hughes died, she didn't stay for long, he remembered a brief apology, before the vampire forced herself to run off. And now, she was here, probably forcing herself not to be subdued by the hunger and the smell of Roy's exposed blood. He didn't say a word to her, his blue eyes locked on her.