Beasts of Beyond
AND LAUGHING EYES AND SIMPLE WAYS ★ open - Printable Version

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Hazel had long since wanted to do something like this. She had gotten Starry’s approval for it a few days before his death, actually.

At first, it was because she couldn’t stand how bleary and blank the observatory was. The basement walls were concrete and empty, like the inside of an unused box. Air ducts and pipes crisscrossed the ceiling, running along the length of the hallway like the architect was careless and the owner didn’t care what the final product looked like. It was uninviting, like the place was only there out of absolute necessity and nothing else. And it was clear that was what it was according to the amount of junk that littered Hazel’s room when she first moved in.

Now, she was doing it to commemorate their first Seraph. She hadn’t known much about him, but he always seemed to bring with him a bundle of light wherever he went. So this was to light the path of whomever found themselves lost in the basement.

Hazel had already decided to paint the walls of her room. It had no windows, as she had dreamed of, so she supposed painting it was the only way to bring it to life. She had long since finished cleaning out the inside, anyways; all that stood in her way was the haunting of what seemed like a permanent fear.

She already had the paint. She’d had it for quite some time now: containers of all sizes filled with with a rainbow of colors. It had taken her many different sea glass crafts to pay for them - she’d been at the pebbled shore of their territory for hours at a time. The trader she bought them from carried all sorts of knick knacks and baubles; and this time, Hazel had given them a pressed rose from Margy’s garden (she hoped what she was doing would make up for it) studded with sea glass. What was left of the sea glass, anyway. What had she gotten in return?

Glow in the dark paint.

The first thing Hazel did after receiving the jar was seek out Pele, Luna’s daughter. The little girl seemed to have a curious fascination for the stars, and Hazel would need her help for her project.

The next step? Name the twelve corridors of the basement; each hall was named after a zodiac sign, the first starting with Aries. Then it carried on: Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. On the floor at the start of each hall, the girls painted the particular constellation aligned with the zodiac. They stretched from one wall to the other, enormous and blatant. Then they moved on to filling up the floor space with smaller constellations and dots of stars and comets, just to keep the light going all the way to the end of the hall. From time to time, they would switch off the lights, and watch their project glow.

Pele had an astonishing amount of astronomical knowledge for someone so young. She gave Hazel the order of the zodiac, as well as what the constellations looked like. Hazel learned that the child was very particular about her constellations, so she let her sketch out where the lines and dots would go before Hazel helped paint them on.

The task had taken the two of them most of the day - even now, Hazel had shooed Arion away several times, telling him to go find Octavia or something else to do. The colt didn’t seem very pleased with being sent off, but Hazel stubbornly refused to let his wobbly baby legs to mess up the drying paint.

“I hope this dries before midnight.” Hazel said, sitting up from her spot. They were working on the Sagittarius hall currently, and it was almost finished. “If it doesn’t, a lot of people might be sleeping upstairs tonight.” The girl bent to look at herself, frowning at the spots of paint that clung to her fur. They had another part of the project lined up for the doorways, but she wasn’t sure they’d get to that today.

“Worth it, I suppose.” She conceded. Hazel turned, glancing further down the hall. "How's it coming, Pele?"
★ — hazel — "speech" — seven months — the ascendants — tags — ★
[sup]c) miithers[/sup]

Re: AND LAUGHING EYES AND SIMPLE WAYS ★ open - Margaery - 06-08-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
She had been meaning to be productive today. To hunt. To greet some newcomers. To tend to her gardens. She had an entire list of things to do and yet, Margaery had remained locked inside her bunker room, telling herself that she was going to continue to study her father's journals but only wasting the day away by staring blankly at walls. Though the curtains that hung in said room were both heavy and tightly closed, some sunlight still managed to penetrate the fabric and dully light up her old collection. It was the lack of such that made her realize what exactly had happened, bringing her to silently abandon her seat and begrudgingly return to the Observatory.

She was punishing herself. Withholding the things that she loved dearly from herself following the little fight that she and Bast had had. She knew that. Hell, even the leeches knew that, greeting her with waves and waves of nausea and she descended into the basement- their own personal form of punishment. She hadn't fed herself and because of that, she would pay. Until this point, she had been relatively on top of feeding twice a day: once in the morning and once in the evening. But bad mother of the year here had ignored her set schedule to waste her day away by remaining rooted to one spot. Staring, staring, staring and reliving all the hateful things that Bast had said to her.

The hateful things that were right.

Had her trembling form not almost tripped over a stray can of paint, she would never have noticed the project that Hazel and Pele had dedicated themselves to that day, too wrapped up within her own toxic thoughts. She would cast some look at the paint can, trying to muster anything that could even be described as irritation but giving up rather quickly when she realized it was no use. Feeling anything save the heavy and painful melancholy that had enveloped her form was out of the equation. Lovely.

Forcing her gaze from the ground, Margaery took a moment to take in the sights of the constellations, lingering briefly on her own: gemini. What the pair had done here was absolutely remarkable and she longed to feel even a spark of appreciation instead of her own existential despair. Nothing came though. She wasn't surprised. [color=#b14767]"This looks nice," She commented instead, her voice quiet and hoarse from crying. She didn't even know why she had let Bastilleprisoner damage her so. She just supposed that, when the truth was staring blatantly in your face, you didn't have much of a choice whether or not to accept it. Hopefully neither Pele or Hazel thought to comment on her obviously terrible state.

Re: AND LAUGHING EYES AND SIMPLE WAYS ★ open - Pele N. F. I. - 06-08-2018

When Hazel had asked for help with the project, Pele had been quite surprised. Sure it was common knowledge that she was a sort of star freak, but her and Hazel didn't talk as much as she did with some others. It had been a great way to spend the day though, and she'd ended up with glow paint stuck to many places on her pelt. She supposed after all this she'd head out to soak somewhere to get it all off. Not safe to clean it like a normal catbath after all.

Gemini was also the little one's sign and she still wasn't sure why they were the most 'hated' out of all the signs. Every sign had their ups and their downs, their pros and their cons. And while sun signs were the people you were growing to be, they were not all someone was. Even then people were able to stray from their sign, they were sentient after all, not able to always conform to someone's plan for them. That's what she found beautiful when studying astrology, how someone's birth chart stuck out in them like a sore thumb, while sometimes it wasn't found inside them at all. Though one thing she found confusing is how Aquarius ended up an air sign, the sign was literally the 'Water Bearer' but nope it's an air sign.

She shook her head at the thought, teetering on a ladder to hang up some of the sign flags. Sure, she had wings, but that didn't mean she knew how to fly. Her flight feathers were brand spanking new after all.

As Margaery entered the room Pele flashed her a toothy grin, taking notice of how in the dumps her aunt looked. Maybe she'd bring her some blood oranges later and see if she wanted to read fairytales to get her mind off things. "Just a few more flags up here Hazel and then I guess we just wait for the paint to dry."

Re: AND LAUGHING EYES AND SIMPLE WAYS ★ open - Warringkingdoms - 06-08-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Rin wasn’t much of an interior decorator, but she could appreciate those who were. Even if nice decor was almost never vital to survival, it was helpful for morale, and well-done decorations were as impressive as any other great artwork. The practice took a lot of effort, even more so in particularly large rooms.

  This, however, took the cake. Stepping into the dark corridor, Rin found herself floored by the expanse of glowing constellations and comets. ”Did you guys paint all of the hallways like this?” she asked after a few moments, once the astonishment faded. ”This- this is actually beautiful. Wow.”

  Her attention, however, quickly shifted to Margaery. Internally, Rin made a note to visit her later- there had to be something she could do to help with the Bast situation, even if it just amounted to offering a listening ear. Either way, she couldn’t leave this to fester, not when it was hurting Marg so much.

Re: AND LAUGHING EYES AND SIMPLE WAYS ★ open - Character Graveyard. - 06-08-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
Luna was a big fan of painting. She had a few of her works hung up in her room, where everyone could see them if they wanted. She had come across Hazel and Pele painting on the walls and she had became interested.

"This is really nice." She said to Hazel and her daughter, a smile on her facial features. "If either of you need help, I can." Luna offered.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: AND LAUGHING EYES AND SIMPLE WAYS ★ open - Suiteheart - 06-09-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Suiteheart had holed herself up for most of the day. She was in a haze, and her mind felt too foggy to go out and do anything. She knew this was because of the incident between Margaery and Bastilleprisoner. Her teeth gritted at the thought. That disgusting, white-hot rage blew up inside of her once more. She was so fucking pissed off at him. She hated herself, too, for ever thinking she might could have called him 'son.' He wasn't like Mack or Ghost. And he certainly wasn't anything like her Jacky.

Her head was a jumble of shitty thoughts as she finally exited her room. She felt all the intense sadness of Margy, but she had managed to push those feelings down in favor of fury. She didn't need to mourn the loss of her relationship with Bastille. She had done that for far too long. And he clearly didn't give a fuck about Suite or Margy or even Hazel, so what was the use? She was just wasting her time and energy on someone who didn't care as much as she thought. His loss. Not hers.

It didn't take her long to pick up on the scent of paint, and it took her even less time to find the source of it. Despite all the terrible emotions swirling in her head and heart, the sight before her brought out a legitimate smile on her lips. It was stunning. It was beautiful, like Rinny had said. Suiteheart stood in awe for a few moments, baby blues studying the painted constellations, landing lastly on Leo. She smiled a little brighter at her star sign.

"I know I never say it enough, but holy shit we've got some talent in this group," the white feline exclaimed, stepping closer to inspect everything while being careful not to tread over wet paint and stopping beside Luna. "This is absolutely brilliant, you guys. How long did this take?"


At the sound of Margaery knocking over the paint can, Hazel jumped, splattering paint across the floor. (Not that it was detrimental - most of the smaller stars not involved with the constellations were just splatter paint, anyway.) Willing the fur along her spine to lay flat, the girl peered down the hallway, expecting to see Arion and paint everywhere. With a harsh sigh, she felt the anger simmer low in her stomach - sparking against the flint that was her ever-thinning patience these days.

"Dixi vobis ut maneat extra -" Hazel started, at her wits end with the colt. Seriously, she was really going to have to get into training him if he kept disobeying her like this - and that was something she did not want to take on. Picking her way around the drying paint (which was a bit like hopscotch, if she was being honest), Hazel realized that Arion probably understood Latin even less than he understood English, which...that would be a negative number, actually. He seemed to comprehend tone, not words.

Nevertheless, as Hazel neared the mouth of the hall, it wasn't a colt in the opening, but... " - Margy?" Hazel stopped mid-step, her paw still lifted and searching for the next free spot of cement floor. She immediately noticed the utter exhaustion and fatigue that laced the feline's tone, and the lack of interest in their project. Hazel wasn't offended by any means, just...extremely worried. She wished Suite was here to give Margy comfort, because the gods knew Hazel could not. She had to suck in a breath to push down the anger that was quickly fanning into a fire, because she knew this wasn't just Margy's pregnancy. Something else had happened, and she was sure she could bet good money on what it was.

She could bring it up now - ask Margy what was going on, but decided to do it in private rather than public. "Thanks, Margy." The feline said, hopping the last few steps over the constellations on the floor to reach the chocolate point. She kept her voice quiet, picking up the (thankfully) nearly-empty paint jar and setting it aside. "Do you want some help getting to your room?" She asked. "The paint is still drying, but it won't be a problem if that's where you're looking to go."

At Pele's call, Hazel turned, watching with another lurch of concern as the young girl balanced precariously on the ladder. Don't fall, don't fall, don't fall - "That's great, Pele. I'm almost finished with this hall, so I'll help hang up the rest of the flags once I'm done." She told the young feline.

Hazel turned once more as Luna and Suite walked in, forcing away the nerves and anger to smile at them, too. "Thank you, Luna - some help would be great. We just have to finish hanging the flags over the doorways and painting the last three hall floors." Hazel said gratefully, breathing a sigh of relief. An added hand would go by much quicker than just the two of them.

At Suite's compliment, Hazel flushed, the praise sinking like sunlight into her skin. "Not very long," She admitted. "We started pretty early this morning, which is why we still have a lot to do." Three more halls and a few doorway flags. That was all that was left. Hazel stretched, claws clicking against the cement floor as she tried to get rid of some of the ache that had begun to pester her. "I would have started it several weeks ago," She said after sitting up, "when I asked Starry if I could do it, but...I never got around to it. I thought it might be a nice way to commemorate him."
★ — hazel — "speech" — seven months — the ascendants — tags — ★
[sup]c) miithers[/sup]


Bastille encountered the paintings first at the far end of a hall, coming to a slow stop as he realized that the basement floor was... glistening up ahead. It took him half a second to think Hazel, and the thought hit him hard as he tilted his head to the side to study the intricate lines. He remembered, seemingly ages ago, standing by and peering up at Maes' murals, thinking about the way that Hazel had stared at the blank walls and mentioned wanting to paint them. At the time, he'd commented in an off-hand way, as if it didn't really matter, that Maes should leave some free walls for Hazel -- he could still picture the guy nodding, as if he hadn't even questioned the suggestion, could feel the faint flicker of satisfaction in knowing that he'd saved space for the girl, done something that might make her aura light up just so.

Now Maes was dead and Hazel looked at him like she wished he was.

It doesn't matter, he reminded himself, forcing his thoughts back to the present, to the sprawling lines of paint before him. He knew they were constellations, and he followed them down the hallway slowly, cold stare tracing the fine details and the little stars connecting acting as joints. There was a part of him that felt almost guilty, like he shouldn't be here, studying Hazel's art so intently -- but he couldn't bring himself to care, not when he knew almost without thinking about it that this had been for Starry, somehow. He had always been trying to liven up the lower floor and find new ways to offer direction to newcomers; this was exactly the sort of thing he would have loved to see, and the stars were... perfect, really. Starry would have loved it.

He took his time, tracking the constellations through the halls that were already painted, so easily picturing Starry running through the corridors, sparks flying at his paws and casting light over the glimmering paint in his excitement. It almost made him smile at the thought, but he couldn't quite feel the brief flicker of light that such images prompted. There was something there, faintly, just beneath the surface, but he continued on in silence, his stare sliding over the art slowly.

Eventually, he heard their voices down the hall, but he didn't stop. By the time he ran into the group, he was coming to a slow stop at Hazel's side, studying the paint before her over her shoulder. He didn't seem to notice the proximity -- this was the closest he'd been to her in ages, heat radiating off of her and soaking into his bones -- as he continued to take in the details, commenting absent-mindly, "Starry would have loved them, Haze."

(He seemed off, distracted -- caught up in the gesture, in the memories of Starry, barely registering the others and offering little reaction to their presence; some of that had to do with the certain awe that Hazel and Pele's work inspired, but some of it had to do with the drugs in his system. He kept fixating on things, focusing on them single-mindedly, too absorbed in their existence to experience anything else. Now, he was fixated on the paintings.)

"You guys did a good job," he murmured as an after-thought, tilting his head slightly as his gaze continued to follow the trail of constellations towards the end of the hall.

Re: AND LAUGHING EYES AND SIMPLE WAYS ★ open - Pele N. F. I. - 06-10-2018

Her heart swelled with pride for Hazel as people came to admire the works in the halls. Pele was content in letting her take all the credit she wanted, she had been just the mapper and after all it was Hazel's idea to have done all the halls this way. One by one they came up and spoke their own words of praise, and she could feel her friend's eyes on her back though. Concern for the ladder probably, but she could break her fall with her wings splayed out like this. She was a tiny gal though, so the chances of her actually falling were slim.

She fastened the flag into place, Leo's with the lion roaring high, and climbed down the ladder to start moving it to the next place. There were still about five more flags to be hung, but Bast caught her eye, the way his eyes didn't really move how the others did. She couldn't put her finger on the actual cause of drugs however, because the most she'd been hyped up on was pain meds for her horns growing in not to long ago.

Maybe she'd talk to him about it later.

Re: AND LAUGHING EYES AND SIMPLE WAYS ★ open - Character Graveyard. - 06-10-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
At Hazel's answer, Luna would begin to pick up a few flags before she started to hang them over some doors. She would look over her shoulder, noticing Bastille had stopped at Hazel's side, which had gotten the Starstruck Guardian to smile. It was nice to see Bastille hanging around Hazel again, as he had pushed her away for some time.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯