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i may be out of hand ;; typhoonians - Printable Version

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i may be out of hand ;; typhoonians - Cobra - 02-14-2023

[glow=black,2,300]*✧˚₊‧✩ ALPHONSE ✩‧₊˚✧*[/glow]
tags — updated 02/2023

name. alphonse
means ready for battle; noble
nicknames. alph
biological gender. male
birth date. 01/01/2021
age. 2 years
clan. the typhoon

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
faceclaim. barbosa
voiceclaim. barbosa
☆ always ready for a fight

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
komodo dragon. — birth body 100% health
a large grey beast with black eyes.
injures. covered in scars

isfj && gryffindor && dauntless && chaotic neutral.
protective. he will protect anyone that is weaker than him. he hates bullies and will not let them get away with it. always getting into fights because of this fact. responsible. he is a very responsible and never shirks his duties. he handles his duties before he does anything else and he never breaks a promise. reliable. he can be relied on to do or handle anything. he has earned a lot of faith and trust in himself with his allies. hoarder. he hordes things as best her can. usually his horde consists of one thing. frogs. he wants one of each species and he will stop at nothing to collect them all.

morbid. he loves all things war and death related. studying the dead and often pulling apart things he shouldn't. masochist. he enjoys the feeling of pain. especially when he is fighting. he can take a lot of abuse. social. he is very social and enjoys company. he will go out of his way to have fun with others around. good listener. he will let someone talk to him for hours. not speaking unless they wanted him to offer advice. loyal. he is loyal to his friends and family.
main personality traits. protective. responsible. reliable. social. good listener. loyal. hoarder. morbid. masochist.
disorders. masochist

parents. npc x npc
siblings. none
sexuality. bisexual biromantic
relationship status. single
friends. none
enemies. none

physically && mentally. extreme && hard
will fight && may kill
self defense. well versed
prefers to use his bite, but will use his tail or claws
mention [member=23336]Cobra[/member]'s Typhoonians or [member=23336]Cobra[/member] when attacking
attacks in white
powers. none

Re: i may be out of hand ;; typhoonians ;; all 14 of them - Cobra - 02-15-2023

[glow=black,2,300]*✧˚₊‧✩ BOOTS ✩‧₊˚✧*[/glow]
tags — updated 02/2023

name. boots
named for his feet
nicknames. boo
biological gender. male
birth date. 01/01/2020
age. 3 years
clan. the typhoon

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
faceclaim. victor
voiceclaim. tvictor
☆ loves a good drink and a good party

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
domestic feline. — birth body 100% health
a black tom with pink hind feet and purple front feet. his eyes are dark blue.
injures. none
shaved ice domestic feline. — birth body 100% health
female shaved ice cat, white top half that fades into purple front legs and pink hind legs, with a small mane [shaped like a scarf] of rainbow sour candy.
injures. none

intj && ravenclaw && abnegation && chaotic neutral.
loyal. he is loyal to his family and friends. almost to a fault. his home has undying loyalty from him as well. he will die for them all and it shows in how he acts. traditional. he likes traditions and hates when they are not upheld. he will even try to uphold them himself. leader. he can often take the lead if he needs to. he makes a good leader and a strong one at that. willing to make the tough calls. honest. he will never lie to someone. no matter how badly the truth may hurt.

dignified. he has a lot of dignity and will not let himself lose that. he holds himself in high reguard. dedicated. he is always dedicated to his tasks or his lover. never straying from what he should be doing or cheating on a lover. wrathful. once crossed he loses all sense of kindness. he becomes wrathful and spiteful. not lettng slights go and seeking to get back. inflexible. he can not change his ways or opinions. he won't do so for anyone. its just not in him. overly friendly. he is always friendly to everyone. chatting or hanging out with anyone that asks him to do so.
main personality traits. loyal. traditional. leader. honest. dignified. dedicated. kind. wrathful. inflexible. overly friendly.
disorders. none

parents. npc x npc
siblings. none
sexuality. homosexual homoromantic
relationship status. taken
friends. sherbet
enemies. none

physically && mentally. hard && easy
will fight && won't kill
self defense. knows a lot more than it seems
no weapon preference
mention [member=23336]Cobra[/member]'s Typhoonians or [member=23336]Cobra[/member] when attacking
attacks in white
powers. shapeshifting

Re: i may be out of hand ;; typhoonians ;; all 14 of them - Cobra - 02-16-2023

[glow=black,2,300]*✧˚₊‧✩ CALYPSO COLADA ✩‧₊˚✧*[/glow]
tags — updated 02/2023

name. calypso colada
no name meaning
nicknames. caly
biological gender. female
birth date. 01/01/2018
age. 5 years
clan. the typhoon

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
faceclaim. medusa
voiceclaim. medusa
☆ talks to her snake mane and any other snake she sees

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
african lion. — birth body 100% health
a lion with snow white fur and pale blue eyes. she has a strange mutation that makes her grow a rather odd mane. one made of living snakes. these snakes are black in color and are actually cotton mouths. they seem to obey her and are rather harmless unless bothered.
injures. none

istj && ravenclaw && erudite && chaotic neutral.
many people do not know that she has two sides. she can be your best friend. kind, loyal, and caring. giving you her all and having your back. she can be everything you need in a lover or ally. on the other paw, you can meet the cold, ruthless monster. she can flip a switch and become pure evil without remorse. it all depends on you.
main personality traits. kind. friendly. loyal. hard working. cold. cruel. heartless.
disorders. none

parents. npc x npc
siblings. none
sexuality. bisexual biromantic
relationship status. single
friends. none
enemies. none

physically && mentally. hard && hard
will fight && can kill
self defense. knows enough
no weapon preference
mention [member=23336]Cobra[/member]'s Typhoonians or [member=23336]Cobra[/member] when attacking
attacks in white
powers. none

Re: i may be out of hand ;; typhoonians ;; all 14 of them - Cobra - 02-16-2023

[glow=black,2,300]*✧˚₊‧✩ DARKHEART ✩‧₊˚✧*[/glow]
tags — updated 02/2023

name. darkheart [formerly vikas]
took the name for his outlook on life
nicknames. dark
biological gender. male
birth date. 01/01/2017
age. 6 years
clan. the typhoon

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
faceclaim. gray
voiceclaim. gray
☆ he wants to change from who he was, but it is hard for him and he often struggles

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
tiger. — birth body 100% health
a dark grey tiger with black stripes. his eyes are amber-gold in color.
injures. none

istj && slytherin && dauntless && chaotic neutral.
he is cold in his actions and words. he cares little for feelings and will not sugarcoat anything. he is gruff and hard headed. he is not one to learn lessons from words alone. he never holds his tongue and will speak his mind pointedly.
main personality traits. brave. gruff. hard headed. cold. open mouthed.
disorders. none

parents. npc x npc
siblings. none
sexuality. bisexual biromantic
relationship status. single
friends. none
enemies. none

physically && mentally. hard && extreme
will fight && will kill
self defense. knows more than he should
no weapon preference
mention [member=23336]Cobra[/member]'s Typhoonians or [member=23336]Cobra[/member] when attacking
attacks in white
powers. none

Re: i may be out of hand ;; typhoonians ;; all 14 of them - Cobra - 02-16-2023

[glow=black,2,300]*✧˚₊‧✩ HJORDIS ✩‧₊˚✧*[/glow]
tags — updated 02/2023

name. hjordis
name means sword goddess
nicknames. hj
biological gender. female
birth date. 02/6/2022
age. 1 year
clan. the typhoon

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
faceclaim. momoka nishizawa
voiceclaim. momoka nishizawa
☆ she was normal once until the abuse made her break and form three personalities that took over each head.

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
icecream domestic feline. — birth body 100% health
a three headed feline with a long tricolored pelt. middle head is vanilla and a stripe down the middle is as well. her right head and side it chocolate. her left head is strawberry as is her side. she has hazel eyes.
injures. none

mbti changes && gryphindor && candor && chaotic neutral.
her vanilla head is rather kind in nature. she tends to always have nice things to say and is loyal to a fault. she is an airhead at all times. her strawberry head is rather snarky and has a sharp tongue. always having something to say about things. she is clever though. her chocolate head is calm and always thinking clearly. this head is cold and distant like its father before it.
main personality traits. vanilla head;; kind, loyal, airheaded at times
strawberry head;; snarky, sharp tongued, clever
chocolate head;; calm, cold, distant
disorders. unknown

parents. sorbet x vikas [darkheart]
siblings. raymond, dorothy
sexuality. bisexual biromantic
relationship status. single
friends. none
enemies. vikas

physically && mentally. easy && easy
may fight if cornered && won't kill
self defense. knows nothing
no weapon preference
mention [member=23336]Cobra[/member]'s Typhoonians or [member=23336]Cobra[/member] when attacking
attacks in white
powers. none

Re: i may be out of hand ;; typhoonians ;; all 14 of them - Cobra - 02-17-2023

[glow=black,2,300]*✧˚₊‧✩ LUNGHELL ✩‧₊˚✧*[/glow]
tags — updated 02/2023

name. lunghell
named for her screaming
nicknames. lung
biological gender. female
birth date. 00/00/0000
age. unborn
clan. the typhoon

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
faceclaim. yuuko aioi
voiceclaim. yuuko aioi
☆ will trumpet loudly to warn of danger

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
parasaurolophus. — birth body 100% health
a grey para with a black stripe down her back. her belly is blood red.
injures. none

esfj && hufflepuff && amity && chaotic good.
she is loyal to the heard and always follows them no matter what. she is nervous and always seems to look around her as she moves. she jumps easily and loud noises scare her. she is loud all the time and tends to bolt easily.
main personality traits. loyal. nervous. jumpy. loud. flighty.
disorders. none

parents. npc x npc
siblings. none
sexuality. heterosexual heteroromantic
relationship status. single
friends. none
enemies. none

physically && mentally. easy && easy
may not fight && will not kill
self defense. knows nothing
no weapon preference
mention [member=23336]Cobra[/member]'s Typhoonians or [member=23336]Cobra[/member] when attacking
attacks in white
powers. none

Re: i may be out of hand ;; typhoonians ;; all 14 of them - Cobra - 02-18-2023

[glow=black,2,300]*✧˚₊‧✩ MELPOMENE ✩‧₊˚✧*[/glow]
tags — updated 02/2023

name. melpomene
means the muse of tragedy
nicknames. mel
biological gender. female
birth date. 01/01/2015
age. 8 years
clan. the typhoon

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
faceclaim. irina shidou
voiceclaim. irina shidou
☆ is an angel and a muse
☆ is rather chill until pushed to far

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
liger. — birth body 100% health
a beautiful white liger with golden stripes. her wings are golden as well. she has lovely soft blue eyes.
injures. none

esfj && ravenclaw && candor && true neutral.
she is sweet and loyal to the bone. she will never say a mean thing, though she might think it. she will die for her home. she is supportive and comforting. always helping those around her and forgetting herself. she is smart and opinionated. she will say what is on her mind and voice her opinions, but she always thinks everything over first. she is always quiet otherwise and is usually nervous around strangers as she is untrusting. she will be clingy to her loved ones.
main personality traits. sweet. loyal. supportive. comforting. smart. opinionated. quiet. nervous. clingy. untrusting.
disorders. none

parents. npc x npc
siblings. none
sexuality. heterosexual heteroromantic
relationship status. single
friends. none
enemies. none

physically && mentally. extreme && extreme
might fight && won't kill
self defense. knows more than she lets on
no weapon preference
mention [member=23336]Cobra[/member]'s Typhoonians or [member=23336]Cobra[/member] when attacking
attacks in white
powers. none

Re: i may be out of hand ;; typhoonians ;; all 14 of them - Cobra - 02-18-2023

[glow=black,2,300]*✧˚₊‧✩ MINTHEW ✩‧₊˚✧*[/glow]
tags — updated 02/2023

name. minthew
no name meaning
nicknames. mint
biological gender. male
birth date. 11/11/2022
age. 4 months
clan. the typhoon

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
faceclaim. megumi fushiguro
voiceclaim. megumi fushiguro
☆ likes to follow his parents around and tends to be with at least one of the two

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
icecream domestic feline. — birth body 100% health
a mint green feline with dark brown flecks in his fur. his eyes are a honey golden brown in color. his toes are all chocolate brown.
injures. none

infj && gryffindor && dauntless && chaotic good.
he is courageous in nature and will not back down. he takes any challenge and runs with it. he is highly energetic and always on the move. he seems to hardly rest, so when he does most take the time to enjoy it. he is organized and never leaves anything out of place or dirty. he enjoys a good adventure and tends to try and drag his family along. he is generous and always gives up his share of food or whatever for others. he does meddle in others affairs. often putting his nose where it does not belong, but always with good intentions. he is gullible and will fall for or believe most things. this leads him to irrational fears, like monsters or being taken by aliens. he is vulnerable, always letting others see him for who he is and often getting hurt for it.
main personality traits. courageous. energetic. organized. adventurous. generous. meddlesome. gullible. irrational. vulnerable.
disorders. none

parents. sherbet x boots
siblings.  strawbee, calista, sergey, loki, keokie, cocoa, gb
sexuality. homosexual homoromantic
relationship status. single
friends. none
enemies. none

physically && mentally. easy && easy
may fight && won't kill
self defense. untrained currently
no weapon preference
mention [member=23336]Cobra[/member]'s Typhoonians or [member=23336]Cobra[/member] when attacking
attacks in white
powers. none

Re: i may be out of hand ;; typhoonians ;; all 14 of them - Cobra - 02-18-2023

[glow=black,2,300]*✧˚₊‧✩ NIMBUS ✩‧₊˚✧*[/glow]
tags — updated 02/2023

name. nimbus
named for ver fur
nicknames. nim
biological gender. male
birth date. 01/01/2018
age. 5 years
clan. the typhoon

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
faceclaim. ryuji ayukawa
voiceclaim. ryuji ayukawa
☆ tends to trip over verself on land

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
german shepherd/great pryenees fish hybrid. — birth body 100% health
a three way mix of beauty. ve has the body size and build of a great pyrenes as well as the fluffy coat. yet, ver coloring is that of a german shepherd. golden brown with black muzzle, ears, and around ver eyes like eye liner. ve has black tail tip. ve have white on ver legs and paws. ve has green eyes. ver tail is that of a fish, and ve has gills. ver belly has fish scales running along it.
injures. none

intp && hufflepuff && erudite && chaotic good.
ve is a smart beast that just wants to please those around him. vey are kind, loyal, and bold. vey tend to move along with grace and dignity in water, but are clumsy and goofy on land. ve loves to goof off and play games. ve can be a bold creature and do things others may not
main personality traits. smart. kind. bold. loyal. playful. goofy. clumsy.
disorders. none

parents. npc x npc
siblings. none
sexuality. pansexual panromantic
relationship status. single
friends. none
enemies. none

physically && mentally. moderate && moderate
might fight && won't kill
self defense. knows a bit
no weapon preference
mention [member=23336]Cobra[/member]'s Typhoonians or [member=23336]Cobra[/member] when attacking
attacks in white
powers. none

Re: i may be out of hand ;; typhoonians ;; all 14 of them - Cobra - 02-18-2023

[glow=black,2,300]*✧˚₊‧✩ OCTAVIO SHARP ✩‧₊˚✧*[/glow]
tags — updated 02/2023

name. octavio sharp
named for his tentacles and for his teeth
nicknames. tavio
biological gender. male
birth date. 01/01/2021
age. 2 years
clan. the typhoon

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
faceclaim. gilgamesh
voiceclaim. gilgamesh
☆ very protective of scy

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
tiger shark octopus hybris. — birth body 100% health
a grey beasty with pale pink tentacles and black stripes. his eyes are black in color. he has the head and fin of a tiger shark and the tentacles of an octopus.
injures. none

istp && slytherin && dauntless && chaotic neutral.
unpredictable. no one can tell what he is going to do next. no one knows how he will react in any situation. will her attack or will he remain peaceful? no one really knows. callous. he shows no sympathy for others and is indifferent to their suffering. the only time he notices it, is when he causes the pain himself. selfish. he only cares about himself. it is that simple, really. if it doesn't benefit him, then he could care less about it. only helping if it is for his own amusement. violent. he will fight and attacks without regard. he prefers fights and wars to peace and love any day. he will often seek out a fight if bored or just attack someone for sport.

brutal. he has no end to the things he will do to you. if he gets you, here is no stopping him from picking you apart bit by bit. heartless. he is referred to as heartless, and he is. he has no love for anyone or thing. he takes no pitty on anyone or thing that he finds. merciless. god help anyone he wants to hurt. he has no mercy and death is most likely. it will be slow and the male doesn't care if you beg or not. malicious. he has every intention of hurting others. he does everything with malicious intent. vengeful. he will seek vengeance on anyone that crosses him in any way. he seeks out those that hurt him or, in the rare chance he likes someone, hurts that liked person.
main personality traits. loyal. brave. kind. unpredictable. callous. selfish. violent. brutal. heartless. merciless. malicious. vengeful.
disorders. semi feral

parents. npc x npc
siblings. none
sexuality. heterosexual heteroromantic
relationship status. taken
friends. none
enemies. none

physically && mentally. extreme && extreme
will fight && will kill
self defense. knows a lot
can bite, grab with tentacles, and stab with blades
mention [member=23336]Cobra[/member]'s Typhoonians or [member=23336]Cobra[/member] when attacking
attacks in white
powers. none