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hear the bells ringing? ;; jor - Printable Version

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hear the bells ringing? ;; jor - Night of No Stars - 02-09-2023

the woman of shadows and sorrows was laying out in the sun. pelt soaking in the heat despite the mild chill in the air. the little demonic vampiric hybrid was simply happy to be here. her sister was home. she felt closer to remembering. she felt safe for once. and, oddly enough, she felt as though she was changing. a feeling she liked and dreaded. as if something under her skin was clawing to get out.

she had not seen angel in some time. the female was busy with jor. she felt a twinge of jealousy. yet, she was happy for her sister. she understood why no one would like her. she was not the best looking and with only three legs.. she was hardly the best woman in the pitt. sighing silently, she shut those black blood misted orbs. taking in a deep breath of air and trying to forget it.

she was hardly in any position to complain about anything.

actions | "speech" | attacking
break down, only alone i will cry out loud

Re: hear the bells ringing? ;; jor - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 02-09-2023

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


IC TEXT | IC opinions only

alwaysdead. he faintly knew her, more of her than the person herself. he wanted to pay the woman a visit - it wasn't every day your thought-to-be-dead sibling showed up out of nowhere unconscious and dying. he didn't really know the location to her house so he wandered about aimlessly until he spotted her recognisable, three-legged figure in the distance. hurrying over and slowing his pawsteps as not to startle her he let out a small cough to announce his presence.

sitting down next to her and letting his gaze rest on her he offered a small smile. "how are you holding up? it can be a bit of a surprise when your long lost sister shows up out of the blue."

Re: hear the bells ringing? ;; jor - Night of No Stars - 02-11-2023

always dead heard the clearing of a throat and let her eyes flick open. head turning to look at the form of jor as he spoke. ears flicking forward as she took in his words. eyes clouding over as she looked down at her front paws. thinking over her answer with more thought than one would expect. most would be thrilled to have their sibling back and that would be that.

slowly sitting up, the woman would shift to pull her ink and paper from her satchel. i am happy she is back and that she will be okay. it's just.. how do i say this..? she paused a moment before sighing softly. then she would carry on writing.

before she came back i had no memory of my past. of who i was. of anything. now i do and i am not sure i want to remember. i was a leader. a queen. a mother of two. a wife. all of that is washed away, but i don't remember anything. the last memory i have was a river and then darkness. it is not something i want to remember.

she slide the paper over and looked up. eyes soft as she watched him.

actions | "speech" | attacking
break down, only alone i will cry out loud

Re: hear the bells ringing? ;; jor - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 02-11-2023

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


IC TEXT | IC opinions only

silence hung in the air before and after the scratching of pen-tip on parchment and the male seemed faraway in thought himself after processing her response. it must've been difficult, then, to all of a sudden have every memory come back to you accompanying your sister's return. his ear twitched and his gaze dimmed, saddened at the thought. "it must be overwhelming then, if you are  having to deal with all the memories too. still, i can tell you were a great queen, alwaysdead." he spoke softly, stretching out a paw to gently place on her back. "i am here if you ever want to talk about anything."
he wanted to ask if she knew of a way to reach out, but she then said it's not something she wanted to remember.

Re: hear the bells ringing? ;; jor - Night of No Stars - 02-12-2023

the woman felt a small smile tug at her lips before she looked back at the paper. part of her wondered if her was right. she had been a cruel and violent queen. one that faught for her people, but did not hesitate to squash those that disobeyed her. she was more confident and calculated. she spoke in a seductive honey type voice.

she was perfect back then. now she was just a shell of what once was. some shadow of a lost greatness. the woman let his paw rest on her back as she thought about the things that now haunted her sleep. things that kept her awake and tormented at night. did she need to talk about it? part of her didn't know if she should.

pulling the notenook back, she would change the page and write again. i was a different person back then. confident, loved, wanted. i was stronger. i was able to fight for or against my people. i was fair but cruel all the same. i don't know if i was a good queen, but i cared. i cared and i tried. i just don't think i could ever be her again. not without him here.

she stopped writing and then shook her head. carrying on a moment later. but lets not dwell on my sorrows. how are you, jor? she adds as she slides the paper over to the male and lets her eyes flick up to him.

actions | "speech" | attacking
break down, only alone i will cry out loud

Re: hear the bells ringing? ;; jor - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 02-13-2023

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


IC TEXT | IC opinions only

his optics were scanning the paper as she wrote and he shook his head even before she finished, not catching the question directed at him yet. her old voice was like his new one, one that let out a deep chuckle. "are you not confident anymore? are you not loved, are you not wanted? what makes you so different? just because you are not able fight like you once used to does not mean you cannot fight now." he was quiet a moment. "fair but cruel, all the same. good qualities that a queen should possess."

she mentioned a hint of a person, saying she wasn't sure she'd be able to do it without him, and he dipped his head in understanding. "i understand it might be difficult, but i am sure your glory did not rely on one person being there for you. the majority was, i am assuming, all your own work, alwaysdead."

removing his paw from her back and reading the new sentence that lingered on the paper he looked away with a sigh. he was not good with feelings, but he would try, at least. "i miss them, alwaysdead. i miss my children like the sea misses the pull of the moon. i am grateful that asmodeus chose to stay, but it is rather difficult as i see hydro and angel within the form of my only living boy." he looked down at her, offering a sad smile. "not a day goes pass that i miss that happy family that aphra and i have created, a family that somehow was torn to shreds almost as quickly as it was found." there were other worries, too. his adopted daughter and her relationship with olalla, what happened with boy, all the hassle that came with her extended family. "the only thing i really can do is live on and keep living my life, day after day, but it would be nice to just see them again."

Re: hear the bells ringing? ;; jor - Night of No Stars - 02-14-2023

his words made her pause and she looked up to him with curious eyes. was she still confident in who she was? not in the slightest. she was more scared of the unknown now than she ever was before. she had no idea if she was loved. angel loved her, but others? she doubted that. she was not wanted like she had been back then. dead or alive, everyone knew her name and wanted her head or her love.

then he asked what made her so different. the question made her pause and she looked at her paws. her tail curling about her paws as she thought a moment. perhaps he was right? perhaps she was the same woman she once was? she could be the same woman and make others see who she truly was.

then he spoke again and she looked up. ears flicking back as she gazed into his eyes. she looked to the paper and wrote once more. he made me confident. that confidence made me the queen they all needed. she looked up and sighed that silent sigh. she missed her husband, or was it x now? her paw moved up to touch her necklace silently.

a golden ring hidden under her paw near the snake on her necklace. and then he spoke and she let her ears perk slightly. a pain he felt and so did she. her ears drooped and she looked at her paws as his words washed over her. when he fell silent, her eyes lifted up and she felt a dull ache in her heart.

i understand all to well. all we can do is keep on living our life. but, if you see them in your son, then you see them everyday when you visit him. it may not be the same, but it is a gift you should cling to. my kids were so different i could have never seen my daughter in my son.

she paused and then a bitter look entered her eyes. my daughter was a healer. sweet and loving. loyal and kind. she was strong enough to stand up for the right thing and would never back down. she paused in her writing to take a ragged breath.

my son was a monster from the start. i loved him, but he did not love me. he was cold and cruel. he killed without care. no mercy. he was my child and i would never trade him. but i wish i could have seen my daughter in him after she passed. so, jor, you should love every minute of your son. take time to play and just relax together. but never let go of the memories of your other kids. that pain never leaves, but one day you will walk the stars with them again and everything will be worth it.

actions | "speech" | attacking
break down, only alone i will cry out loud

Re: hear the bells ringing? ;; jor - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 02-23-2023

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


IC TEXT | IC opinions only

"i am sure you can get that confidence even without somebody by your side." the words were firm and he looked up to think. time passed and he hadn't realised she had written before he heard her take a ragged breath, and he read the words that were now etched out. "your daughter seemed beautiful," he murmured, stepping closer to her and gently placing a paw on her shoulder. if she so wished she could rest her head against his form for however long she wished.
as she started writing about her son the panther narrowed his optics. her son reminded him of damion, in a way. he didn't know how many people the hellhound had opened up to, but he could see similarities between the two. letting the weight of her words sink in he nodded. he did have to visit asmodeus again sometime soon, check if he was okay after the gathering had occured. "i will. i have been long overdue to see my son, my children, again." he corrected himself with a deep chuckle before mind racing back to something she had said earlier. lifting his paw to direct her attention to what she said about confidence. "what was it about him that made you confident?"

Re: hear the bells ringing? ;; jor - Night of No Stars - 02-23-2023

His comment made a faint smile tug her lips. Jor seemed wise and she hoped he was right. She desperately needed him to be right. She wanted to be confident in herself. Yet, here she was, hiding behind telepathy for fear she might hurt someone. Afraid of herself and not willing to admit it. Was she smart or a coward? She was not even sure herself.

His comment about her daughter made her snap out of her own thoughts. Leaning on him a moment before sitting up and speaking again. Her telepathy was a little softer as if her voice changed.  "Thank you. She was my angel in dark times and deserved more than she ever had."

A smile curved her lips once again as he said he would see his kids again. Tail swishing out behind her before curling tightly about her paws. He then asked what it was about her long dead husband that made her confident. Her heartaches at this and she looked away before speaking.

"The way he treated me like i was never a monster. The way he looked at me when even others were disgusted in me. He gave me a voice. He stood by me and faught for me. Even when he knew the kids were tearing my heart with the way things were changing. He always had the words to keep me going." she replied softly.

actions | "telepathy" | attacking
break down, only alone i will cry out loud

Re: hear the bells ringing? ;; jor - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 02-26-2023

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


IC TEXT | IC opinions only

she smiled at what he said, which made a grin form o his maw. she rested against him briefly and then didn't pick up the pen again but spoke in his mind. her voice was soft, nothing like he had expected. it was rather a pleasant surprise and his facial features softened. he listened to her speak about her late husband, tilting his head slightly. "why would anyone be disgusted in you? i do not understand. you gave a beautiful voice, you are a beautiful soul. as you have told me, embrace your past, but live in the present, alwaysdead. you will be reunited with them some day, so look forward to that and live your current life to the fullest so you can tell them stories when you meet again. think about it like this." he offered with a nod.