Beasts of Beyond
THE VALENTINE EMPIRE - a black market coming soon to you! apply now! - Printable Version

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THE VALENTINE EMPIRE - a black market coming soon to you! apply now! - Orion - 12-26-2022



Welcome to the Valentine Empire, a riveting network of the services that'll fulfill your sickeningly sweet desires. From weaponry to drugs to the darkest deeds, the empire covers a wide spectrum of needs for all dastardly needs. If you dare to proceed, so be it... but do it with caution.

Quiet for now...


THE VALENTINE — Do not ask. Do not wonder. Do not proceed. Do not approach. The leader of all is upon you and their identity remains one of the best kept secrets in the industry. Very few are blessed with the chance to be trusted or talk to the Valentine themselves.
Pyrrhus — roleplayed by Orion

MERCANARIES — Mercenaries are in charge of executing any violent tasks given by the Valentine. Executions, maiming, headhunting, and more are dealt out to mercenaries to take care of. This includes following and updating the 'Most Wanted' list.
Waylon — roleplayed by Orion
Solsken Nightshade — roleplayed by Finnick
Aegis Ridel — roleplayed by Quietly [woof][/color]

BODYGUARDS — Bodyguards watch all ranks from afar. If something goes wrong, they are in charge of the life at stake. They will defend their target at any cost, including their life.
N/A — roleplayed by

DEALERS — The distributors of the business. They deal our weaponry, drugs, and more to needy customers.
Atticus Roux — roleplayed by Orion
Clove Nightlock — roleplayed by Finnick
Red Alimanus — roleplayed by Dio
Sariel — roleplayed by BomBom

EMISSARIES — This rank is designated to members who wish to recruit other members and communicate with the Valentine to dish out orders to body guards, dealers, mercenaries, and more.
N/A — roleplayed by


ALLIES: Trusted associates of the Valentine Empire.
— Not applicable at the moment.

COMPETITORS: Other businesses in the competition to keep an eye on.
— Not applicable at the moment.

DO NOT INTERACT: Former customers or allies who have proven to be a nuisance. They will not be dealt with. If their actions interfere with business, they will be moved down to the wanted list.
— Not applicable at the moment.

MOST WANTED: Those who have done the worst to the Valentine Empire. They are to be captured, maimed, or killed on sight depending on the leader's desires.
— Not applicable at the moment.

— There is no leaving the Valentine Empire. This is non-negotiable.
— Any betrayal, wrongdoing, and side-playing will result in punishment. Most likely death.
— All acts of violence are permitted for mercenaries and bodyguards to preform, especially in self-defense. Other ranks only act with permission of the Valentine.
— Silence is key. If approached about the empire, say nothing.
— These are subject to change at the Valentine's will.
— All BoB rules apply OOCly and ICly.

If you wish to join the Valentine Empire, your character's reasoning must be solid and their choice is unable to be retracted. Any insignificant budding newcomers will be executed at the risk of exposure. If you are sure, apply below.

Here's how it works: After being watched by ranks within the empire, a written message soon appears somewhere your character frequents. Given a list of terms and duties, your character will then sign/stamp their paw to join the Valentine Empire. Afterwards, Pyrrhus or an emissary will retrieve the dead-dropped letter to confirm or deny their membership. From their, another message will be sent designating their first assignment... or we can assume your character has been apart of the Valentine Empire for awhile. Your choice!

Feel free to provide any further info, including future plots or desires for your character in the group.


——————— some signature text here ———————

Re: THE VALENTINE EMPIRE - a black market coming soon to you! apply now! - Casphian - 12-26-2022

CHARACTER NAME: Clove Nightlock
EMPIRE RANK DESIRED: Dealer || She would specially own a shop that sold poisons and medicinal herbs that can’t be found in most shops. She would occasionally sell drugs if she ever got her paws on a good supply. If you’re interested in the competition that was briefly mentioned we could plot something with that :eyes:

CHARACTER NAME: Solsken Nightshade
EMPIRE RANK DESIRED: Mercenary || He would happily take on the more gruesome tasks and would be the first to go on a hunt for people

Re: THE VALENTINE EMPIRE - a black market coming soon to you! apply now! - Atticus Roux - 12-26-2022

CHARACTER'S GROUP: Tanglewood, formerly of The Pitt though
EMPIRE RANK DESIRED: Dealer, dealing in weaponry

Re: THE VALENTINE EMPIRE - a black market coming soon to you! apply now! - Waylon. - 12-26-2022

Re: THE VALENTINE EMPIRE - a black market coming soon to you! apply now! - Orion - 12-26-2022

All above are accepted! Would anyone like a recruitment thread? If so, the idea goes like this... Basically, after being watched by other ranks within the system, a written message soon appears somewhere your character frequents. Given a list of terms and duties, your character will then sign/stamp their paw to join the Valentine Empire. Afterwards, Pyrrhus or an emissary will retrieve the dead-dropped letter to confirm or deny their membership. From their, another message will be sent designating their first assignment.

Or we can assume your character has been apart of the group for awhile.

If you're interested in roleplaying this out, let me know and I can create a thread!

Re: THE VALENTINE EMPIRE - a black market coming soon to you! apply now! - AEGIS - 12-26-2022

CHARACTER'S GROUP: The Band of Arrick

Re: THE VALENTINE EMPIRE - a black market coming soon to you! apply now! - Orion - 12-26-2022

Accepted! Let me know if you wish to roleplay things out. ^^

Re: THE VALENTINE EMPIRE - a black market coming soon to you! apply now! - SETHIRAM - 12-26-2022

EMPIRE RANK DESIRED: Dealer -- dealing mainly toxins and poisons, occasionally dabbling in whatever else any customer needs.

Re: THE VALENTINE EMPIRE - a black market coming soon to you! apply now! - Eon - 12-31-2022

EMPIRE RANK DESIRED: Dealer - is good with herbs and knows how to make potions, toxins, drugs, healing remedies,  etc.

Re: THE VALENTINE EMPIRE - a black market coming soon to you! apply now! - Orion - 01-02-2023

All accepted! Threw up your characters on the main post. If anyone would like to RP out a joining, do let me know.