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Coffee || Percy's Storage and Testing - kinglykingstone - 06-02-2018

smooches all ur faces

Re: Coffee || Percy's Storage and Testing - kinglykingstone - 06-02-2018

[glow=#643B0F,2,300]Black as midnight on a moonless night.[/glow]
traveler & The Ascendants & observer &@ kinglykingstone

Re: Coffee || Percy's Storage and Testing - kinglykingstone - 06-02-2018

It's a good idea to leave your troubles— Diane, it struck me again earlier this morning, there are two things that continue to trouble me. "And I'm speaking now not only as an agent of the Bureau but also as a human being." What really went on between Marilyn Monroe and the Kennedys and who really pulled the trigger on JFK? —at home when operating a vehicle.


Re: Coffee || Percy's Storage and Testing - kinglykingstone - 06-02-2018

[align=center]A R T
[Image: diane__7_30_am__february_twenty_fourth__...cd9wh8.png]
by Me

Re: Coffee || Percy's Storage and Testing - kinglykingstone - 06-11-2018


Re: Coffee || Percy's Storage and Testing - kinglykingstone - 06-11-2018

Diane, 7:30 am, February twenty-fourth.  Entering town of Twin Peaks. Five miles south of the Canadian border, twelve miles west of the state line. Never seen so many trees in my life. As W.C. Fields would say, I'd rather be here than Philadelphia. It's fifty-four degrees on a slightly overcast day. Weatherman said rain. If you could get paid that kind of money for being wrong sixty percent of the time it'd beat working. Mileage is 79,345, gauge is on reserve, I'm riding on fumes here, I've got to tank up when I get into town. Remind me to tell you how much that is. Lunch was $6.31 at the Lamplighter Inn. That's on Highway Two near Lewis Fork. That was a tuna fish sandwich on whole wheat, a slice of cherry pie and a cup of coffee. Damn good food. Diane, if you ever get up this way, that cherry pie is worth a stop.

"You know, this is — excuse me — a damn fine cup of coffee! … Now, I'd like two eggs, over hard. I know, don't tell me; it's hard on the arteries, but old habits die hard — just about as hard as I want those eggs. Bacon, super-crispy. Almost burned. Cremated. That's great. And, I'll have the grapefruit juice, just as long as those grapefruits… are freshly squeezed."

Following a dream I had three years ago, I have become deeply moved by the plight of the Tibetan people, and have been filled with a desire to help them. I also awoke from the same dream realizing that I had subconsciously gained knowledge of a deductive technique, involving mind-body coordination operating hand-in-hand with the deepest level of intuition.

[div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: center; font-size: 12pt; font-family: Song Myung; color: #B14A3D"]dale cooper traveler the ascendants observer tags

Re: Coffee || Percy's Storage and Testing - kinglykingstone - 06-11-2018


[b]Main Point[i] Info info info
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Main Point Info info info
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[i]  ⋆TOPIC
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Main Point Info info info
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[i]  ⋆TOPIC
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Main Point Info info info
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[color=#ED7E6C][b]Name[i] Info info info
    Name Meaning[i] Info info info
Age Info info info
Group Info info info
    Rank[i] Info info info
Gender Info info info
Sex Info info info

Current Apprentice Info info info
    Past Apprentice[i] Info info info
Mentor/Past Mentor Info info info

[div style="max-width: 500px; font-family: ropa sans; font-size: 26pt; color: #ED7E6C; text-align: Left; text-style italic; letter-spacing: 5px;"]  ⋆PERSONALITY
    [i]Trait[i] Description
    Trait[i] Description
    Trait[i] Description
    Trait[i] Description
    Trait[i] Description
    Trait[i] Description
    Trait[i] Description
    Trait[i] Description
    Trait[i] Description

[b]Maternal Grandparents[i] Mother's Side
    Grandmother[i] Info info info
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Paternal Grandparents Father's Side
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Mother Info info info
Father Info info info
Brother(s) Info info info
Sister(s) Info info info

Aunt(s) Info info info
Uncle(s) Info info info
Niece(s) Info info info
Nephew(s) Info info info

[div style="max-width: 500px; font-family: ropa sans; font-size: 26pt; color: #ED7E6C; text-align: Left; text-style italic; letter-spacing: 5px;"]  ⋆RELATIONSHIP
[b]Partner[i] Info info info
    Past Partners[i] Info info info
Sexual Orientation Info info info
    Romantic Orientation[i] Info info info
Looking For Info info info
    Preferable Traits[i] Info info info

[color=#ED7E6C]Friends[i] Info info info
Enemies Info info info

[b]Species[i] Info info info
Breed Info info info
Build Info info info
Fur Color Info info info
    Fur Length[i] Info info info
    [color=#FFB5A0]Fur Type[i] Info info info
    [color=#FFB5A0]Eye Color[i] Info info info
Info info info
    Accesories[i] Info info info

[i]  ⋆OTHER
[div style="max-width: 500px; font-family: ropa sans; font-size: 12pt; color: #4D4637; text-align: Left;"][color=#ED7E6C][b]Plot Ideas[i] Info info info
Trivia Info info info

Re: Coffee || Percy's Storage and Testing - kinglykingstone - 06-11-2018

Re: Coffee || Percy's Storage and Testing - kinglykingstone - 06-13-2018

Index for the hell hounds that ill code when the rest is coded

Re: Coffee || Percy's Storage and Testing - kinglykingstone - 06-13-2018


[i][b]⋆Tŷ'r Marwolaeth⋆

The world knows of Hellhounds, it always has. Some famous Hellhounds are considered to be Cerberus, Tiangou, Okuri-inu, the Barghest, Black Shuck, Cŵn Annwn, the list goes on. This is the Kingdom of Hounds, ruled by their King, and this is their story and home.

So what is "Tŷ'r Marwolaeth"? This is the House of Death, the home of all Hellhounds. This is what their "Brenin" made for them. This is where they are safest. But where is the House of Death and how does it work?

Tŷ'r Marwolaeth is found between layers of reality, between life, death, the in-between, and the nothingness. The House of Death can only be accessed by the Hellhounds and their charges or fellow demonic spirits. The House of Death is described as a forest barren and dead to the eye, but once within the forest it becomes a world of colours and life. The forest has no edges, and it's denizens have no end. In the middle-most (or what is believed to be the middle) of the forest, is a great palace made of the trees and every other living green thing in the forest. The palace was sung from the forest by the Brenin, and is maintained by his or her blood annually.

Time works different from the four layers of reality, specifically the most from the living reality. Every year in the living reality is a month in the House of Death. According to this time difference, the length of pregnancies among Hellhounds and other species are required to be spent in the House of Death, or else the bearer lives through however many months their pregnancy calls for that many years. (Say a pregnancy length in Hellhounds is 12 months, it becomes 12 years in the living reality.) The demonic spirits and all that live within House of Death are granted long lives, but are not immortal and can still be killed by mortal means.

The Brenin may be challenged for his or her position, but the battle must be either forfeited, or decided by the death of one of the participants, and the title of Brenin is given to the victor. Not many challenges are taken upon, leaving the current Brenin in control for a long, long time. There is no secondary position, for the very fact that the Brenin is the total controller of the House of Death and only requires input from advisers and counsellors. The power of the Brenin is quite significant and not handled lightly.

The first Brenin granted a place of safety to demonic spirits, mainly his people, the Hellhounds, and as he did so, granted them a physical body from that of their demon. The Brenin was a human at one time, and knew the longing of the demons for a human form they didn't need to possess and lose often. The denizens of House of Death are allowed to the other layers of reality, but have secret places throughout the layers, but the most frequented reality layer is the reality of the living. Such places as "Tipsy Spire", "600 Heights", and "Brimstone Works" are safe places and places of gates to the House of Death.