Beasts of Beyond
[Monthly News : April 22] Rise up to meet it, oh sleeper awake - Printable Version

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[Monthly News : April 22] Rise up to meet it, oh sleeper awake - Olalla - 04-02-2022

Olalla G. Semenov
Male— Ardent— The Pitt — Bio.— Plot
Olalla began to pad up to the Plaza's higher platform, where the Throne was given life by the fallen lives of previous Ardents. Jervis, Kydobi, Gael, Stryker, everyone had devoted their life to The Pitt in some way or another, and that made Olalla feel less of a leader than any of them.

As he sat down with Vale by his side, the beast shook his frame vigorously, brushing sand and grit from his grayish coat. He cleared his throat before rearing up on his hind legs like a bear and giving out a loud bugle, this time shorter than the one he had produced to call to Vale. "All those who have finished their Blooding Ceremony, come assemble underneath The Throne for the monthly news Vale and I seek to announce!" Olalla now lowered himself, slamming large paws down onto the elevated platform with a loud, resounding BOOM as his paws impacted the ground.

Re: [Monthly News : April 22] Rise up to meet it, oh sleeper awake - shinigami sakigami - 04-02-2022

[ tracking post bc arfur is too young but I’m curious ]

Re: [Monthly News : April 22] Rise up to meet it, oh sleeper awake - Kold - 04-02-2022

kold — female — Pitt — Newblood — Hard — Bio
Kold's wings twitched and moved as she walked awkwardly, hearing the sounding call of the meeting. Keeping to the far back of the gathered mass, the undead woman peered up at Vale and Olalla. What news did they bring? One of her front legs went weak and she favored the other in one in turn.

Re: [Monthly News : April 22] Rise up to meet it, oh sleeper awake - VALE - 04-02-2022

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ three-eyed crow
The three-eyed crow circled the plaza once before flying to the rostrum. Olalla’s bugle cut through the chatter and noise below; convenient, to have a trumpet built into a body. Vale might have to copy that skill.

Ve jumped up, wings beating madly, before Olalla’s paws slammed the ground. “You’ll want to attend this one, or you’ll be out of the loop! And I’ll torture  any ignoramus ruining our plans.”

Cawing for laughter, Vale attempted to land on Olalla’s shoulder.

Re: [Monthly News : April 22] Rise up to meet it, oh sleeper awake - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 04-03-2022

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
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IC TEXT | IC opinions only

he padded up with his son in tow. remembering the child's blooding was a slight frustrating thing, however he had been very brave to venture out at five months. he ran his tongue over his lips and sat down next to kold, turning his head to lap at a stray piece of fur on his shoulder blade that had gotten messy.

Re: [Monthly News : April 22] Rise up to meet it, oh sleeper awake - blackjack - 04-03-2022

// assumed post-blooding ceremony!!!

Blackjack appeared revitalized on the day of this meeting, the strength returning to his powerful form after his...interesting Blooding ceremony. He wasn't one to care about clan affairs, but the Ardent Vale had asserted that this meeting would be relatively important (then again, which ones weren't?). With that being said, the horned jaguar was in attendance by Kold and Jormungand, golden hues fixated not on Olalla nor Vale but rather the Throne. A glorious place for a glorious person. The thought rang in his mind, beat like a war drum, if only for a fleeting moment to swell his chest slightly before disappearing completely, snapping Blackjack back to reality. Right, a meeting, and his first one, at that.
[glow=#f4c430,2,300]how to rob men blind[/glow] —

Re: [Monthly News : April 22] Rise up to meet it, oh sleeper awake - Chernabog - 04-03-2022

Re: [Monthly News : April .22] Rise up to meet it, oh sleeper awake - Olalla - 04-14-2022

Olalla G. Semenov
Male— Ardent— The Pitt— Bio.— Plot
"Thank you all for coming," he remarked in a cool, collected tone, eyeing the crowd of creatures that gathered below Vale and him. "Today's first item of business.."

The beast cleared his throat as he stood up to pace the stage, stirring from his dormant state upon strong haunches. "I'd like you all to welcome, and welcome back, a great handful of members," Olalla added as he rolled his paw, ranting on the list of names. "Arthur, Bai Shi and his... Companion.. Malak, BlackJack and his companion Oscuro, Bonnie, Chernabog, Damion, Kathizisi, Leon, Livingdead, Mezrith, Mr. Snuggles, and Night of No Stars. Welcome to the Pitt, we are glad to have such fine specimen under our ranks."

With a smile, he now had a clean transition point. Swag. "Secondly, we will be introducing new ranks, approved by Vale as well. Uchitel, Soldat, Trava, as well as the return of Eruidite," the beast announced with a smile curling up his lips. It was hard not to. "Travas will be our lesser healers, under the command of the head healer Eruidites. Soldat, under the main command of Marauders, will be our base army, training as soldiers. Finally, Uchitels will be our life force for new members. Under the command of Bonecollectors, they will teach the laws, the traditions, the ways of the Pitt. All these roles are equal to Skalds. "

Damn, he was on a roll with these clean transitions. "Third item of business. Promotions. Promotions encourage the bettering of the mind, of the tongue, of the body. Today we have many promotions." The beast stopped in his pacing tracks to look at the crowd of creatures with a beaming smile. "Kold, Jormungand, Aegon, step forward. You have shown exceptional creativity and adaptive nature, doing with what you have to your best ability. You have shown great courage and confidence; always putting yourself in the face of danger for the sake of others even if it means your life," Although some of them started the danger, regardless- "Today i am happy to announce that you three will now be known as Marauders. Congratulations, the lot of you."

"Next," Olalla began, waving his thin tail and rolling his bottom jaw. "Leon, Bonnie, step forward. You two have shown extraordinary obedience and gallant nature; always knowing what is best for others, even if it means putting yourself second. I am glad to promote Leon to Eruidite, and Bonnie as a Skald Trava. Leon, Bonnie will be your responsibility as an apprentice. It is now your job to see to it that Bonnie is passed down all the knowledge of healing and medicine so that she too may, finish her blooding, and fill the Erudite role when you are unable to, do i make myself clear?"

Olalla nodded his head to himself, looking now at the dark lion. "Night of No Stars, step forward. With your blooding, you have shown remarkable balance and dutiful nature," the beast raised his brows as he wiggled his nose in thought. "For this, The Pitt thanks you. From the moment forward, you will be a full pittian. You may choose your rank training through Leon, a Marauder, or Yokai. Choose wisely. Or you may simply be a Pittian, there is nothing wrong with security." He cleared his throat lightly. "Blackjack, step forward," Olalla added as his eyes searched the crowd. "You have shown great efficiency and self-discipline. From this moment forward, you will be known among the Pittian ranks as a Skald. Learn well, Blackjack."

"Eventually, an aviary will be built to house birds from the jungle as well as from nearest territoies that will act as messengers to further regions instead of sending valuable members across the world. It wastes time and precious strength that can be used elsewhere." Olalla didn't like the choppy transition but hey, what the hell. "The jungle will be worked on, and we will restore it to its former glory, this you can count on. This would supply us with a range of benefits like better shade against the hot sun, raw materials for the construction of houses, and cleaner water to drink from, to nutritious filled soil for agricultural purposes, a barrier between the dangerous sand-filled winds that harass newborn skin, and native plants and animals for a more nourishing food source." the best said strongly, his ears pinning back a bit. "I'd like to gather up some cattle that I saw in the plains near that Birch forest east of here, Vale will be taking some swift members to round them up and bring them here. The rest of us will build pens before vey're return so they won't be shitting on our Plaza grounds. The cattle will be used commercially as well as for meat and milk, eventually providing us with a range of things. Anywhere from wax, hides, and paints, to cheeses, butter, and oil."

"I'd like to gather up some Pin-tailed Sandgrouse and Malay chickens for commercial and broiler use. These birds will supply us with a range of things as well, from fertilizer, natural pest control, and meat or marrow, to insulation, bonemeal, and string that's less likely to snap under immense pressure. Next, I'd like to start building water reservoirs and a system of aqueducts that lead from the river to the populated areas of The Pitt. A lot of creatures have been sighted on our borders recently, and all fortunately enough have been friendly and joined, but for safe measures I'd like to start building outposts on the borders. Marauders, accompanied by Skalds or Soldats, will watch the borders."

"Lastly, The Pitt will be working on our relations with Tanglewood, The Sakigami House, and the Frostguard. Raiding these groups will result in severe punishment, seen fit by Vale. Tanglewood and Sakigami House will be helping us in the regeneration process of the Jungle, and Frostguard with the aqueducts and reservoirs," Olalla said, a faint growl ripping at his throat and mouth, eager to escape. "Vale, do you have anything to add?"

Re: [Monthly News : April 22] Rise up to meet it, oh sleeper awake - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 04-15-2022

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
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IC TEXT | IC opinions only

oh, a promotion. how interesting. maurader, like kold once was. he glanced over to the female and checked whether she was alright before gently tapping her shoulder with a paw. "congrats, kold. you deserve it." he wanted to congratulate everyone else but olalla kept talking again, mentioning new ranks that made the now-maurader lift his head. "olalla, i'd like to help with the aviary and can i sign up for first shift on border patrol?" it might be nice to have a reason to get outside.

Re: [Monthly News : April 22] Rise up to meet it, oh sleeper awake - DAMION MAVERICK - 04-15-2022



he watched the whole situation plan out in silence. promotions to skald and maurader - jormungand must be proud. damion hadn't achieved full pittian status yet and he was jealous of the ones who held that title. what did vale say - some blooding needed to happen? he had overheard that the blooding just consisted of going out to hunt something then bringing it back to prove his 'worth'. he rose to his paws, turned, and marched away from the gathering point.