Beasts of Beyond
THE FROSTGUARD ♜ GUIDE ♜ UPDATED 3/04 - Printable Version

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The Frostguard. A group isolated in the far North, protected by mountains and forests, guarded by mysterious figures appearing and disappearing like hallucinations of the weary mind. The weather of the far North is not kind, and often unpredictable aside from the ever eternal winter that grips the land in a frozen tomb. Few travelers dare venture to those lands for fear of never returning, and for the stories that have drifted south from their keep. The stories warn of man-eaters and the burning veins of hell, of frozen sentries and the lifeless land that they guard into eternity, and of the night that steals the sun away for most of the year. The hardy settlers that call this land home are not keen to disrupt the stories warning the smart away from their lands, they encourage the fearsome reputations spreading about their home.

The Frostguard has called this frozen hell home for the longest time, spanning back what has to be close to a few hundred years, nature having re-inherited what the humans left, and life following in its tracks. The occupation of the land stretches as far back as the humans in the ancient past, the bloodlines of those creatures kept in the human groupings slowly becoming more wild as time passed and the world forgot about them. Those who have been born and raised in the lands hold the stories of the Frostguard, accounts told by mouth than on paper, changing by each generation until few know if there is any truth left in the stories of old. Such stories include tales of a monstrous beast far in the north that is the reason for the chaos the group encounters almost daily, they also include stories about the veins of blue fire cutting through the territory and the wailing screams that accompany them. Among these stories lay few historical records kept by the original settlers and their descendants, records that the original humans were part of an ancient war and that their enemies must have perished before reaching them before their force was forgotten by the ruling class and they were left to fend for themselves. Following these records are records held now in the library, speaking of an ancient religion the settlers followed. The guardian God of the North, Thol, was the patron God of the settlers, said to protect them in battle and ensure seamless victory. The settlement of The Wall of Enit and Blackmont March are results of the faithful settling in a place they considered to be holy before war ravaged the lands. There are documents detailing that when the Eyes of Thol open, disaster will follow, in reference to the frozen twin lakes. The Wall of Enit is said to have gotten its name because of a Priestess who followed Thol in great devotion, before falling in battle against the invading force of the old land owners - written in the same document warning of the Eyes of Thol. It is rumored that Thol's eyes were closed against his will and his rage over his devoted follower's death will ravage the land when he opens them next.

The Legends and stories of The Frostguard are written below, followed by accounts of each Regent's reign over the group.

Legends & LORE for the curious:
Jerisdie's Reign
UPDATED 2/17/2022:
The traditions and culture of The Frostguard are the backbone of these Northern dwellers, oft keeping them close to one another and the communication between members strong. It's truly the glue of the group, keeping everyone united within the goal of survival.

The Oath Taker's Path
- an initiation for the newest of members to come upon The Frostguard, to indoctrinate them into the group's ranks and thus receive better benefits of living within its borders. The event entails that those wishing to join the group must take a pilgrimage through the Frostguard's land starting in The Lowlands by the foot of Yatir's Falls, and ultimately traveling north to The Wall of Enit where they will be welcomed into their new rank within the group. They must make the pilgrimage within two nights, without a guide, and only given few instructions by mouth by the overseers. The overseers will follow the group or individual from a far distance, observing and never interacting until they reach the Wall where they will share their opinions on the performances of those they watched.

The Oath Breaker's Covenant
- a trial of initiation for current members of The Frostguard holding senior ranks wishing to advance towards the ranks of leadership and healing, approved of or denied by the leader at the time of occurrence. The trial-taker must make a pilgrimage into The Wastes towards the second Eye of Thol, and return within three night's time with a piece of wood from the tree at the center of the Eye of Thol or rock from the lake. Once back at The Wall of Enit, they are accepted back by The Frostguard in their new rank and must give the item they brought home to the current leadership to be crafted into a symbol of their rank.

Enit's Guardfire
- when the sun falls below the horizon in early October, many fires are lit in homes across the territory, but The Wall of Enit lights a grand fire in its hall and upon pits along the Wall itself to see in the darkness. Many pathways of the territory are lit by lanterns and the village is aglow with fire and light, staving off the cold. Come early March when the sun rises, the group will hold a feast with a selection from their storage and from recent hunts, where they feast from sun rise to sunset on the first day of the sun's return. At the end of the feast, the grand fire in the mess hall is extinguished and let to die before the ashes are buried just inside the Wastes maw.

- when a member of The Frostguard receives a new rank, this ceremony is called a Painting, and it may be done by either those in the highest ranks, or it may be done by anyone close to the member who is receiving their new rank. This may occur during a meeting, or during a special ceremony where their rank change is announced, or done privately. In the case of higher ranks obtaining a new rank, the Regent would present to them their new symbol and Paint them.

The Regent: two V marks on back of ears, stripe down the muzzle and across the top of the nose with round dots and paint around the eye, leaning back in an arch. Three stripes run from behind each ear. First and longest is heading down to stop at the shoulder blade, where the second also stops from where it starts halfway up the neck. The third starts halfway but connects over the back of the neck.

The Hand of The Regent: one V mark on back of ears, two stripes across the nose bridge. Paint goes under the eye in a rounded stop. Two Vs on each cheek close to the eye. Claw-like Y shaped stripes run from the eyebrow to just behind the curve of the ear. Paint shaped like a collar of thorns circles the neck.

The Prophet: one oval and one round dot on each ear, one v mark per cheek and a simple loop of paint around the neck.

Apostle of The Prophet: simple loop of paint around the neck with a paw print on the shoulder.

Paladin: five blotches of paint tracing the front of the shoulder, two stripes from the back of the neck to the front.


Ranger: three blotches of paint tracing the front of the shoulder, stripe of paint down the back of the neck and just past the shoulder blades.

Apostle: paw print of paint on the shoulder. Mentored apprentices receive one blotch of paint on their shoulder.

Children: a single blot of paint in the middle of the shoulder.

The Oath Breakers are also known as the highest ranks of The Frostguard; the Regent, the Hand of The Regent, and the Prophet. Only those with these ranks are given symbols, significant of their ranks. Those who step down from their positions or are exiled are allowed to keep their Symbols.

The Regent
The Regent is given a carved Symbol in the shape of a Spearhead. The Spearhead represents the Regent's authority and honor as the leader of The Frostguard. It may only be destroyed if the Regent betrays The Frostguard and is exiled or killed.

The Hand of The Regent
The Hand of The Regent is given a carved Symbol of a Talon. The Talon represents The Hand's courage and loyalty to The Frostguard. It is only to be destroyed upon the betrayal of The Hand.

The Prophet
The Prophet is given a carved Symbol of a Leaf. The Leaf represents the Prophet's knowledge and prowess in medicines and poisons. It is only destroyed upon the betrayal of The Prophet.

The territory of The Frostguard is known to be inhospitable and brutally cruel to those who live there, and even worse for those who have yet to learn the territory by heart. For half the year, the vast expanse of land is covered in blackness and bitter unforgiving winter, while the other half of the year doesn't fare much better in sunlight and slightly warmer temperatures the further south one travels. The seasons scarcely visit The Frostguard, aptly named a frozen hell and wasteland as it is near impossible to grow foods of any worth that aren't as hardy as the folks who grow them. Measures have been taken to expand the territory south to allow for easier crop care, and although riddled in forests and frozen water, the land gives away far south to more agreeable land and soils.

Revised version of Map to come. Initial idea of Map. link

The Twin Eyes of Thol - twin frozen black sand lakes. Rumored to be the eyes of an ancient God. The second Eye of Thol hosts a great oak in the middle of it's waters upon a small ice-locked island. This is the target location of The Oath Breaker's Covenant's takers, where they must retrieve a rock or a piece of a branch to prove their worth to ascend to greater ranks.

Vaglir Forest - the frozen forest on the south flank of the mountains leading into the Wastes, split only by Vihar River, fed from the second Eye of Thol far in the Wastes, protecting the Blackmont March from wind and most snow gales.

Vihar River & Bridge - river fed by the second Eye of Thol, leads into the first Eye of Thol. Vihar Bridge spans the waters of the vast river, creating a passage to safety. Vihar River is the closest water source for the denizens of Blackmont March, the river too deep to completely freeze.

Yatir Forest & Cliffs - the mixed forest surrounding the southern, eastern and western sides of the first Eye of Thol far to the south of the Wastes. Resumes at the foot of the Yatir Cliffs, edging into The Lowlands in sparse density.

Thorso Falls & River - the river fed by the first Eye of Thol, cutting through Yatir Forest and falling from Yatir Cliffs to create a low-laying body of water close to The Lowlands, also the closest water source for denizens of The Lowlands.

The Lowlands - land in the south of the territory of The Frostguard that sees warmer seasons. Farmland is abundant here and many summer residences may be found, owned by those who do not wish to stay in the bitter north of The Frostguard. Said to be the agricultural and cultural hub of The Frostguard.

The Wastes - frozen wasteland in the far north of The Frostguard, takes a vast majority of the territory and is left unexplored for the time being. Known as the home of the greatest beasts and monsters of the North. New locations may be discovered.

Blackmont March - the abandoned human village at the foot of the mountains of The Wastes. A place of sanctuary for those who brave the cold North. A place of many buildings including the library, an inn and tavern cross, where a majority of the guardians of the Wall of Enit spend their days off if they don't travel back south.
Blackmont Athenaeum - a tall and delicate looking building nestled closest to the trees of Vaglir Forest, holding all written records of the Frostguard, the closest building towards the Wall of Enit, considered to be on the very outskirts of Blackmont March. Accessible to all, and additions to the records and artifacts are encouraged. On the top floor rests an old telescope, used to watch the night sky, alongside it are ancient and new star charts.
The Tipsy Skein Tavern & Inn - a grand building located in the heart of Blackmont March, home to the settlement's inn and tavern, also known as the kitchens of The Frostguard. Here weary travelers can rest and fill their bellies, where trades can be conducted by those with coin and ware, where brawls and many a fight can be picked. This is the rowdy home to the members of the North, almost always filled with music, food and some form of entertainment.

Wall of Enit - the castle fort guarding the mouth of The Wastes. Walls run from the fort to the mountains slopes, creating a strong bulwark against the dangers of The Wastes. Many celebrations and meetings are held in its great halls, and it is the final way point in one's initial pilgrimage to the ranks of The Frostguard.
Mess Hall - the main gathering place for The Frostguard. Meals and games are often held here, amongst tables and benches where all gather to dine and entertain. Public meetings are often held here, and can be made by any who wish to announce something. Can be formed into a hall for the injured come war, with many fireplaces throughout its length. Oft home to many celebrations of any kind.
Armory Hall - this is the training grounds for the Rangers and Apostles of The Frostguard, where there is both an external courtyard and an indoor ring for those to train in. Also held within this hall are the weapons of The Frostguard, and any armor that the group has scavenged for use in combat. At the very end of this hall, by the outdoor courtyard is a smithy for any skilled in the trade.
Superior's Hall - this hall is reserved for the highest ranking members of The Frostguard to convene within and discuss important matters before any public announcements are made. This place is normally closed off, but is still accessible to the public. Within this hall is the resting area for the Regent, Hand of The Regent and Prophet as well as a place of storage and work for the Prophet. The public are encouraged to seek out the highest ranks in this hall, it is only to be closed off if the highest ranks are not within residence or there is a meeting in progress.
Guardfire's Barracks - this hall has been turned into a barracks for all of those who reside within the Wall of Enit and is to be used as such. It is home to those who are posted upon the Wall to guard against the Wastes.
Enit's Belltower - the Belltower is the home of any religious followers of the Guardian God of the North, Thol. Within the towers floors are rooms for the devoted, and at the base is a converted cathedral where they can gather to pray or make offerings to Thol. The belltower itself has a purpose; the bell will ring in times of war and invasion. The bell hasn't been rung for many years, the old timers can no longer remember the last it was rung. It's sound carries across the territory like a death toll, warning of doom and the end for many who do not heed It's call.

Aeuvum's Blight - sulfur vents in the formation of several veins found throughout the territory and forests. Filled with toxic gases, blue fire is often seen in these cracks at night when it alights.

The High Positions:
Regent - the Regent is the leader of The Frostguard and is in charge of handling external and political affairs and is often at the head in battle. They are responsible for handling meetings and promotions, and are a common face to see around the territory.
Jeriside Lingré played by [member=3043]teef[/member]

The Hand of the Regent - The Hand of The Regent is the second in command and will step up into the Regent's position should they be killed, exiled or step down, they are often seen shadowing the Regent as a bodyguard. They handle internal affairs and have a hand in political affairs between the group and others. They are responsible for keeping the group in order, denizens satisfied and patrols up to date.
tba played by tba

The Prophet - the Prophet is the recognized and official healer and knowledge keeper of The Frostguard. They are responsible for handling the health and recovery of the injured and sick, with some dabbling in the political sphere of the higher ranks. They are directly responsible for training two Apostles, two Apostles are chosen to become the next Prophet in the event of disease, death, abdication, or exile. One Apostle may stay an Apostle until they die, abdicate or are exiled, or both may become Prophets.
tba played by tba

The Semi-High Positions
Apostles of the Prophet - the Apostles of the Prophet are selected from a young age, deigned by their interest in medicine and knowledge. The two Apostles are trained under the Prophet in medicine, toxins, and knowledge.
tba played by tba
tba played by tba

Paladins - the Paladins are senior and experienced Rangers who have proven their merit and skill through age, activity and combat. They have trained meticulously and are fiercely loyal to The Frostguard, and have the ambition to succeed and survive. (infinite amount)
tba played by tba

The Standard Ranks
Ranger - the main adult force of The Frostguard. Usually considered to be of this rank when 12 months and older, provided the individual has passed The Oath Taker's Path. (infinite amount)

Apostle the training Rangers. They are usually 6 months to 12 months of age, and are in training to become Rangers. They are assigned to Rangers or any available semi to high position rank. Two lucky Apostles are chosen to be Apostles of the Prophet, usually chosen for their interests in medicine and knowledge. (infinite amount)

Children - any denizen below the age of 6 months. When they are of 6 months age, the children are promoted to Apostles and are assigned a Ranger or higher rank to train them. (infinite amount)

The No Rankers
The Exiled - known as criminals, prominent enemy figures or lawbreakers of The Frostguard, these denizens have been stripped of rank, title and home, exiled from the territory of The Frostguard. They are to be killed or maimed on sight without questions asked.
tba played by tba

Newcomers - those who have arrived in the land of The Frostguard but have yet to complete The Oath Taker's Path and receive their ranks and titles.

ALLIES: open
ENEMIES: anyone not listed above


Re: THE FROSTGUARD ♜ GUIDE ♜ WIP - wifewoof - 02-15-2022

/track <3333

Re: THE FROSTGUARD ♜ GUIDE ♜ WIP - jerisidie - 02-16-2022

Regent track//

Re: THE FROSTGUARD ♜ GUIDE ♜ WIP - SirDio - 02-16-2022

sub track

Re: THE FROSTGUARD ♜ GUIDE ♜ WIP - jerisidie - 02-17-2022

sub track




guide has been updated!

plot + chat added to the front!

Re: THE FROSTGUARD ♜ GUIDE ♜ UPDATED 2/18 - Rattlebone - 02-18-2022

Track, making new character for this <3333

Re: THE FROSTGUARD ♜ GUIDE ♜ UPDATED 2/18 - deliah . - 02-18-2022


Re: THE FROSTGUARD ♜ GUIDE ♜ UPDATED 3/04 - Poofy The Dark Master - 03-28-2022

track on main