Beasts of Beyond
[O, Ardent Introduction] Takes Strength to Laugh When you Start to Drown - Printable Version

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[O, Ardent Introduction] Takes Strength to Laugh When you Start to Drown - Olalla - 01-29-2022

The beast lumbered through the thick jungle; his eyes set upon not just the path ahead, but thrown at which sat comfortably with the cold walls of The Pitt. It would soon be his, all of this would soon be his; the leaves and the grass, even the paws that set foot upon it. All of it. And he'd never let it go, not unless that damned blood spilled from his throat; then and only then.

Perhaps the current leader would make things easy for themself, and step down peacefully, and in turn however would result in their inevitable banishment. The dunes would not be pleasantly dormant, no doubt. Perhaps death would be a kindness for the old bastard. Olalla slithered under rotting logs and over top slick rocks, a sidewinder underneath the rigid undergrowth; the air still as if all had been holding its breath; silencing all movement and peeling back it's hesitant branches away from the disgusting beast that loped down the slick riversides now, ever hungry for more.

The taste was so close, skin and bone on the tip of his tongue; Olalla slid down the sides of the riverbed with his claws dragging across the wet mud, now trotting slowly down to the river's edge. A dark tongue unfurled past long canines and into the swirling waters, lukewarm liquid coating his mouth and throat, except then without all the fur. He'd have to settle with water for taste, for now. At least until he made his way into the splintered temple of The Pitt.

He wouldn't stop, he couldn't. Not now, not while that thrown sat adorned like a rusty broach upon a dusted stage. And oh, how the actors yearned to perform, scratching relentlessly at the bone stage; like taking bricks out of the walls of your own house, eventually all would tumble down. That throne would be the death of him, he understood that already, but perhaps he would bring life momentarily while occupying it. Olalla looked up from the swirling waters and began his journey again, racing perpetually toward it. Only thinking of it. Only stopping when he reached it. Can't you help it, thinking of me? The throne yearning frivolously, oh how he yearned himself, if that was not already obvious.

Re: [O, Ardent Introduction] Takes Strength to Laugh When you Start to Drown - Renlys - 01-29-2022

The eternal watcher, the guardian, the shadow.  It stood still as stone most days, a copper pillar of scale and fire made manifest.  It was merely a feature of the Pitt at this point in time and anyone that inherited the throne of the the Black Temple also inherited the dragon of the Crimson Nile.  It had served under many, as loyal as a dog to its rider.  Now, it waited in silence for its companions to return.

It was no leader.  It had not taken up the title of Ardent in the absence of its commanders.  Its days of ruling were far beyond him, lost to the black waters of a bay that no one on this island had ever seen.  Though it sat dutifully at the base of the throne, it did not react with distaste or derision as it focused its fiery eyes on the unchallenged usurper.

It rumbled a greeting and lifted its mighty head for what was most likely the first time in weeks.  Perhaps a companion would give do it good.

Re: [O, Ardent Introduction] Takes Strength to Laugh When you Start to Drown - Olalla - 01-29-2022

Olalla broke from the thick jungle now, dirt ridden sand meeting his large paws as he stepped further into the clearing; now met with a large statue like figure. A beacon, if anything, of power. Of The Pitt. Perhaps reasoning with this chairman would prove better for his hide, the beast was at least 5 times bigger than himself. Olalla was large yes, but not dragon sized. An ally, or an enemy, he had yet to decide.

Golden eyes peered back at the rings of fire that bore cautiously down at him, understandably. The beast was here with purpose, both were. The dragon, to maintain order, the beast to overtake that order. To lift that burden from the dragon's claws. He stood there, lifelessly still, watching the dragon with sagacious eyes. Olalla did not feel the need to speak, not at this moment.

The reptile lifted its head, a grumbly greeting spilling from its thick lips; the beast dipped his head in a greeting. Olalla straightened his posture, appearing larger than he was now. Not out of fear, but perhaps respect.

"I am Olalla," he announced with a hint of pride... lathering each word until it was soggy with it. "I am here, respectfully, for the throne. What do they call you?" It was hard to ask serious questions when said question was "hI iM oLaLla, WhAtS yOuR nAmE!" Olalla gritted his teeth, flicking an ear to swat away the intrusive thoughts of idiocy.


Re: [O, Ardent Introduction] Takes Strength to Laugh When you Start to Drown - Renlys - 02-02-2022

Fire surveyed the thing with interest.  Respectfully.  It tipped its head in thought.  Respectfully.  It rolled the idea around in its mind for a moment - the idea of allowing Vale's throne to be overtaken by another creature was not particularly tempting.  And yet, it had switched masters before.  Before Vale and Brymstone, there had been his summer queen, and before his queen, there had been Jaehaerys, and before Jaehaerys...

It was easy to assume that Renlys was a turn-cloak, but he was only a follower, and he followed the rules of the crown - no matter the throne or crown that he served.  He had been drawn to the Pitt because of his bond to Brymstone but with his bonded lost to the winds, it was only right that he continue to serve the land that he had been accepted into.

"Stormbringer."  Was the dragon's answer.  It was not an incorrect answer, as it was his given title, but it was one that held little of the same intimacy that his birth name did.  "You come with no army, no title, and no banners.  Who are you to claim this land?"

To Renlys, this was but a neutral question., but to someone without the experience that he had, it could easily be construed as a challenge...

Re: [O, Ardent Introduction] Takes Strength to Laugh When you Start to Drown - AEGON - 02-02-2022

The day had come. Another challenger to the throne had risen. Left without a proper ardent, many had tried to rise to the task, but all had failed. Aegon watched as they scrambled for power each time with pleasure. With many, greed took ahold. Others fell by the hand of their counterparts. Two years of instability and chaos left the lion wondering who would take the throne victoriously, rather than dooming themselves. Vale had been the last, but would this stranger be the next? Only time would tell.

With an uptight, tall stature, the lion arrived and came to a halt at the base where the other stood. His jaw swiveled to the side. Vivid hues narrowed as his vision traced Olalla's silhouette and pondered the stranger's appearance. His eyes only returned to Renlys moments later. A calm gaze merely stared. Unlike Renlys, Aegon held no title within The Pitt. No rank either. His opinion held no authority, but it could slyly sway others, just like it always had in the underworld. For now, he wanted to watch. As he always had...

The larger feline merely clenched his jaw. His tailed swayed lightly as he awaited a response.

Re: [O, Ardent Introduction] Takes Strength to Laugh When you Start to Drown - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 02-04-2022

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
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it feels SO good to write again! I've taken so much time off aaa <3

IC TEXT | IC opinions only

the skald yawned, sauntered towards the darkening atmosphere. beautiful. chaos, madness, insanity. he's surprised, that someone for once decided to step up. he tilted his head to the side - aegon, the silent one, the one he wasn't sure about. yet nevertheless the beast halted next to him, a small grin playing on his rubbery lips, tail dripping with mist. "who do you think is going to get the throne?" the faintest of murmurs from the animal as he dropped onto his haunches, tilting his head, optics returning to fixate on the two.

Re: [O, Ardent Introduction] Takes Strength to Laugh When you Start to Drown - Olalla - 02-06-2022

"Stormbringer," Olalla repeated, testing the name upon his dark tongue. The creature was intelligent, that much he understood so far, he dipped his head once again though his eyes still remained upon the scaled beast.

The scattering paws of felidae and of felidae remnants drew his attention now, a quick glance toward Aegon and Jormungand doing him the justice of thought. Olalla cleared his throat, allowing his tail to gently sway behind him now. "I may not have come with an army, a title, or banner, that may be," he addressed as he took a small step forward; remaining a steady gaze upon the scaled beast. "But I come with promise. You've had many Ardents, many commanders, many leaders. All of which have either failed, fled, or executed fruitless plans; sinking the Pitt further into its restricted sands," Olalla's voice grew louder now, announcing his arrival. Arrival of a new dawn. A new day. A new Ardent.

" And in doing so they have failed you. Failed the Pitt. And while some more enthusiastic than others, the beast turned to face the slowly spilling Pittians, observing with cautious eyes. " Well, their absence proves just how true their enthusiasm really was." Turning back to the beast that stood before him, Olalla gave a small smile; though he could have turned down the dramatics. " I come with a promise of a better, brighter, stronger future for The Pitt. As a whole, as one. A unit of strength and dignity, not of mere thoughtless cronies."

Olalla felt pretty good about himself and wondered if anyone else could tell. Although he didn't mean any rudeness when speaking of the past Ardents, one could easily mistake it as so. " A new Pitt."

Re: [O, Ardent Introduction] Takes Strength to Laugh When you Start to Drown - AEGON - 02-07-2022

Jormungand's whisper crossed his ears, causing his browline to furrow. In truth, he had no clue. His experience said fortune favored the bold and this stranger had made a valiant effort to assume their desires. Ears pinning backwards, he offered a short glance over towards the other. "I assume that fate will show us soon," he softly remarked back. The lion made no effort towards pointing out his own opinions and instead continued to be an alluring presence, watching the show.

Disregarding Jormungand, he returned back to Olalla as they continued to speak. He noted that they had no experience or held no titles. Aegon's maw pulled up into a smirk. That was an audacious fact to state when attempting to sway an audience to give them power. Daring, indeed. The usually silent, hidden away lion stepped forward. His jaw unhinged, words smoothly out from within. "And what makes you think we will blindly bend the knee to a stranger with no experience other than hearsay?" came his own intrepid remarks.

He wanted examples. Things that they would do to improve The Pitt or bring it's to it's demise. Whatever the suitor desired, in truth. Aegon's own alliance and loyalty was of no concern. The horseman swayed as he pleased. With a narrowed gaze, he challenged the other to continue on with their long-winded speech in hopes of gratifying the rest and allowing for another ascension to the throne.

Re: [O, Ardent Introduction] Takes Strength to Laugh When you Start to Drown - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 02-07-2022

Leadership. What a weird thing. Something that people were always fighting over, always wanting to take and flaunt around. Beezle didn't get it in all honesty. Wouldn't being a leader just make someone a bigger target for wonderful, great assassins like themself? Laying low was better in their opinion. Easier to be forgotten so they didn't get swatted like the bug they looked to be.

Less intelligent people probably did need a leader, though. Someone to tell them what to do, someone to direct, someone to give orders. Even if Beezlebub didn't understand why someone would willingly want the position, if they squinted they could see the appeal. Having other people listen and not dare to speak against, having people under their command? It would be nice for a little while, but annoying in the long run. Which was why, looking at some new face that they'd never seen before on the throne, made them twitch their snout and flick their ears, fluttering on into the room beside their fellow Pittians.

"Maybe they have an invisible army," came the squeaky chatter of the smallest dragon as they looked for a place to stand (their comment already disproven by Olalla saying that no army was backing this claim, but the words had already left their mouth before they could silence it). Beezle mentally grumbled at the prospect of where they'd have to perch. The floor it would be; they hadn't quite gotten permission from their group members to stand on them, even if it meant having to squint down at the little dragon as they stood on the floor, head high like they were much taller than they really were. "That'd be really cool." Their muzzle twitched again, abdomen and stinger twitching. "Don't most groups have leaders, though? Blah blah power vacuums? A test run could work, and if it don't we can just crush skull like a melon!"

dragon + the pitt + they/them

Re: [O, Ardent Introduction] Takes Strength to Laugh When you Start to Drown - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 02-08-2022

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
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IC TEXT | IC opinions only

he merely tilted his head at aegon's reply. smart yet keeping it secure. "indeed she shall." he offered nothing more, not really wanting to consider too much. a new voice piped up, bee, jot. the male turned his head slightly to the side and offered and small dip. "i doubt he'd be strong enough to cast an invisibility spell for an entire army, bee."