Beasts of Beyond
may i stand unshaken amidst a crashing world }} rejoining + warning - Printable Version

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may i stand unshaken amidst a crashing world }} rejoining + warning - Atticus Roux - 06-04-2021

Loss. Disappointment. Rage. Indescribable hurt.

The emotions ran through Atticus as he walked into Tanglewood's territory, disregarding their border. Paws sunk into the marsh's water as he wandered on with yellow eyes set on the small town in the distance and a goal in mind. Priorities. He grazed through the flowers on the town's border. Petals fluttered to the floor. The wolf held no disregard for their likelihood, just as his former group did for Tanglewood and his family.

He came to a halt in the middle of the town. Eyes settled on Atticus. Many moved forward to acknowledge the scent of a Pittian in their home and tried to speak, only to be cut off. A deep breath and a call followed. "Where's Elsweyr?" he demanded. The canine was unaware of Tanglewood's change in ranking, but anyone would do. Any ears to listen to his plea would be a swell affair, especially since it regarded their home.

His shaky being awaited an answer, but none came. At least not yet.

Re: may i stand unshaken amidst a crashing world }} rejoining + warning - arrow - 06-04-2021

”Well, well, well, look who it is. Aint seen your face in a while, Atticus Roux.”

Arrow cracked her neck as she finally arrived, perhaps fitting for the matter at hand to meet the messenger head on. She was getting pretty used to this political, business end of this Luminary thing, but nothing as deliciously interesting as her new degree for the desert mafia had been dropped at her paws just yet. Yet. She hadn’t been sure if word got around, but she wouldn’t regret it if it did.

She spat off to the side, turning her head from Atticus of course, spitting on visitors was rude. ”Els ain’t in charge no more, bless her heart. News goes through me. Does it have anything to do with you smelling like the Pitt, Roux? Couldn’t even wait at the border like a good boy.” The feline’s head tilted to the side, pupils narrowed. Fascinating stuff. He really just arrived in camp like that? Must be important. Hopefully, or her time was being wasted, and Arrow didn’t like her time wasted.

Re: may i stand unshaken amidst a crashing world }} rejoining + warning - rhosmari - 06-04-2021

The woman came silently and quietly. She was no longer in charge and frankly she was okay with that. It held too much restriction, too many looking up to her for guidance, to be a role model. Here she stood at the bottom of the rung once more and she was grateful for this. In a way she could do as she pleased now and she was curious of why her name had been shouted across the swampland. She already knew about the declaration of war given by Arrow. She knew things were changing and she found herself marginally upset. Truth be told the sudden aggression made her worried about the safety and wellbeing of her children in the event that this war came to their lands troubled her. A soft sigh left her muzzle, smog like smoke drifting from her open lips before she rested her gaze on. "Atticus?" The woman began softly as she narrowed her eyes a bit. She remember he had left to permanently find his place back in the Pitt with his love. But now he was looking panicked. Moth was no longer here and she was curious as to what he had to say. "There has been a lot of change here and she feels outside as well. What's wrong?" Slowly the oriental settled herself, still getting used to being in a smaller size than she normally was. Her molten gaze was calm and almost cold.

Re: may i stand unshaken amidst a crashing world }} rejoining + warning - LUCINDER XIU - 06-05-2021


an oldcomer? he padded after his mother silently, chin raised slightly, sat down a small distance away from atticus and the rest to observe him. he was trespassing, right? he stank of the pitt and was so deep into the heart of their territory. but the lion cub didn't say anything. he'd merely be an observer this time.


lucinder x — tanglewood — 5 months

Re: may i stand unshaken amidst a crashing world }} rejoining + warning - ATBASH CIPHER. - 06-05-2021

light the night up ,
you're my dark star !
The fact that Atticus was back made the fur on Atbash's spine bristle; she didn't like the wolf for obvious reasons, but the way he defended The Pitt also rubbed her the wrong way. That being said, she was curious as to why he was here, especially considering how worried the canine looked. She said nothing for the time being however, and stood next to Arrow.
female f1 savannah | shadow reaper [hp, deputy] of tanglewood | former hailcaller [leader] of snowbound | "speaking" | thoughts | "telepathically speaking"
© madi

Re: may i stand unshaken amidst a crashing world }} rejoining + warning - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 06-05-2021

[glow=white,1,400]EVERY FEELING IN MY BONES IS TELLING ME TO LASH OUT -。+゚.[/glow]
The scent of The Pitt was enough to get anyone's fur ruffled, and Vigenere was certainly no different. As the savannah got closer, he could vaguely recognize Atticus; though, he wasn't sure if he had ever really interacted with the other male. Regardless, there was obviously something going on and the fact that a Pittian had gotten through to camp was rather concerning, actually, and Vigenere did not appreciate it.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: may i stand unshaken amidst a crashing world }} rejoining + warning - Atticus Roux - 06-05-2021

A sly greeting and a crack of bones cause his head to turn. Arrow. A small smirk crawled upon his maw. he wolf lowered his head, offering her a curt nod in greeting. Clearly his raspy throat, he began to speak. "Arrow," the canine greeted. "Been awhile, ain't it? Pleasure to see you roaming around." Her news was surprising though. Elsweyr? Not in charge? He was disappointed by her assumed leave, but to hear someone responsible stepped up in her spot was honorable. Needless to say, the Roux male just nodded along. Impressive.

The canine straightened out. An ink stained claw flicked backwards, gesturing wearily at the border far behind them. "Borders schmorders, what I have for you is more important than that," Atticus grumbled. "Gael has disappeared, leaving Dante in charge." Most present would know about Dante, considering Elsweyr publicly tortured him for his actions to Merlin. "The Pitt has made everyone an enemy, but we are 'enemy number fucking one.'" His tone was slightly mocking while he quoted the ardent. He remained serious otherwise. "They are preparing to go to war with us. We can do the same with this knowledge and perhaps strike earlier." 'We.' 'Us.' Important words to note. Atticus Roux had finally abandoned The Pitt. Tanglewood, as always, was his home and there was no denying his roots. He would protect them, especially with his mother present. Little did he know.

Atticus's gaze flicked off to the side, noticing other arrivals beginning to show their faces. By the time he looked over, several familiar faces had shown up. The first to speak was a stranger, but as they continued, he recognized that familiar dialect that Elsweyr always indulged in. "There you are," he firmly stated. "Next time don't switch positions without telling me, same goes with-" A paw loosely waved up and down at her new form. "That." As the rest of her concern was already addressed, he moved onto the rest.

Lucinder, someone he really didn't know. Atbash and Vigenere. Two Ciphers. Atticus merely offered them a dip of his head in greeting, only to refocus on Arrow. "I was also hoping I would be welcomed back in Tanglewood permanently," he addressed. All loyalty to The Pitt was thrown aside. Sweeney was dead and the man who tried to ruin his dual alliance, along with hurt his family, now lead his former group. Tanglewood was his only hope of getting away. "Family remains and I'd like to protect them." At least he thought so. Someone would have to break the news sooner or later, but at least this time he wasn't the fault of her dismissal.

Re: may i stand unshaken amidst a crashing world }} rejoining + warning - rhosmari - 06-05-2021

Quietly she listened to the words he had to day. Judging them solely on merit alone. Atticus while a Pitt member had did more for  Tanglewood than she had ever expected him too. Even going so far as to risk his own life in order to try and free them from tyranny only to become enslaved by that foul creature named Stryker. Her tail slipped around her body as she frowned and she almost wanted to sigh. So it would begin. "She felt like this day would come. Gael was a fool not to have gotten rid of Dante when he had the chance. And now we will all suffer for it. She is disappointed." Disappointed but not afraid. War was something she was used to and along with that she had grown comfortable with death as well. It was a friend upon the battlefield, holding no discrimination. So Dante was willing to put his own at risk and she knew that Tanglewood would defend itself. She would help to defend it as well. Her home was still her home after all. "Tanglewood has already declared the Pitt as number one enemies. So we are technically ahead of the game. But that doesn't mean his warning is unappreciated." Truthfully this broke code for Atticus with the Pitt. This was in a sense betrayal of them and the way in which he spoke about Tanglewood as if he was indeed betraying them spoke bounds.

Though she moved along as he addressed her and she smiled, amusement sparking in her molten hues. "If there is a next time, she will be sure to inform him." This body change was abrupt and less...chaotic. Silent and in the dark. She was growing fond of the form even though Atticus was much larger than herself. As she tilted her head she slowly felt her smile fading and it was only because of the family part. He needed to know. Moth was no longer here and they were without a medical bone to their group. "Atticus...he should know that Moth no longer stays in Tanglewood." What happened she didn't know but she was sure someone else would. Maybe Arrow? But it was also not up to her if he was allowed here. She felt he did. She would vouch for him with all of her heart.

Re: may i stand unshaken amidst a crashing world }} rejoining + warning - Atticus Roux - 06-05-2021

His disappointment couldn't have been expressed better. Elsweyr's words stood true. The two saw eye to eye. Gael was a valuable leader to The Pitt and Atticus never wanted to see the day he departed, but to see him and Aine leave was heartbreaking. To think that they were on a better path. The thought that maybe Sweeney and Atticus could have a fitting future, but that potential crumbled as soon as Dante returned to power. Ears pinning to his head, he speculated her leave. Had she left out of fear? Had Dante hurt her? The wolf could feel the anger beginning to bubble in his chest. Cowardess from all sides caused this disgraceful change, leaving Atticus just to shake his head as she finished. "If only he had," he echoed back. "Then maybe we wouldn't be here." 'And she would still be here.'

At the mention of Arrow's declaration, he simply nodded. "I see," came his simplistic reply. Perhaps he should have waited at the border then. Oh well. "If I may, I will offer my services on training Tanglewood on their common tactics." His gaze shifted to Lucinder momentarily. They seemed young. Learning the ways of war was bound to happen one way or another for them. It just happened to be now for the youngling. It reminded him of his own past truthfully, especially after his mother's death and Ivan's attacks towards him, but despite the trauma, he still learned how to fight for his own. Silver lining, supposedly.

Elsweyr's comment passed by quickly, but as he was about to reply, the next came mercilessly his way. His jaw hung open. He tried to form a proper reply, but all he could muster was: "What?" Ears slowly made their way back to press down onto his cranium as the male processed the former luminary's words. Moth was gone. His mother was gone... again. To where? Had she died again? Why now?

Atticus' heart raced and thumped against his chest as the realization set in. His lover and mother had vanished into the dark without a goodbye... and for what? A new life? To leave him in the dust? Confusion set in. He wanted to deny it. With his eyes narrowed, he sputtered out all he could. "Where is she?"

Not again.

Re: may i stand unshaken amidst a crashing world }} rejoining + warning - Ares - 06-05-2021

Don't say it... don't say it, Ares. Let mama Arrow sort this out. The lioness sighed deeply as she approached the group,  reminding herself not to say anything. Don't say anything, Ares. Let mama sort this out. Mom don't need to tell him shit. Moth left the group. But just don't say anything. Don't even look angry.

She bit her lip, her tongue and cheek tightly, sat down and simply looked past Atticus. Just don't say anything, don't provoke anything. But, god, it was extremely hard not to say anything.